[Hours left: 20
Merit points per day: 100
Merit points available: 0]
Varian checked the status window one more time before turning back to the thousands of floating screens in front.
He studied them with a scrutinizing gaze. Each screen represented an artificial world.
It had been three hours already but he still hadn't decided.
[Extra's POV: reincarnate into a classic novel where an author is reincarnated into his own novel.
A grade: 10,000
S grade: 100,000
SS grade: 1 Million
SSS grade: 10 Million]
Varian clicked his tongue.
The reward varied greatly across the grades. It meant the evaluation was going to be equally strict.
[You, A Legend: A classic movie of survival in the face of zombie hordes.
PS: No kingdom in Mors was harmed for this creation.]
"Who is he kidding?"
He had already seen people from Genesis here as well as folks from Genesis.