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15.9% [COMPLETED] TBATE | SHADOW MONARCH / Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Kapitel 14: Chapter 14

(3'rd POV)

It's already 2 days since Ashborn came back home from his "Journey". Soon Helstea's Auction House will have its 10th anniversary. Royal Family and many other noble houses will be visiting this place to purchase something valuable.

And today it is the day when Twin-Horns is visiting Helstea Manor. Ashborn and Arthur are currently waiting for them to arrive.

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocked few times on the door. Arthur approached the door opened it with a smile.

"Who's ther—OOF!" Arthur wanted to ask who was there but got squashed by Angela.

"Ash, I heard you ran away on a journey. How are you? are you okay?" Lady with a big chest started sniffling.

"Mhfph!" "Mhfph!" Arthur was trying to escape the hug from a woman.

"Actually, that's Arthur." Ash answered and pointed at half-dead Arthur.

"Oh, sorry!" Angela released Arthur.

"It's o-okay. " Half-dead Arthur managed to mutter.

"It's so good seeing you guys again!" Arthur regained his composure quickly with a charming smile exclaimed.

"You've gotten better-looking, Arthur." Charismatic Helen Shard complimented Arthur.

"Ash, you even look like a matured man." Added Helen when she finally noticed how Ash has grown. Ash just nodded at her, while Arthur was trying to hold his laughter.

"And where is your bond matured boy?" Finally, Adam showed up with his usual grin.

"Hawky is hunting."

"Good to see you again, brat!" Adam ruffled Ash's hair and the other stared at two with a 'What was that?' expression.

"I suppose." Ash answered nonchalantly.

"Be happy man, You haven't seen us for 4 years!" Adam yelled in frustration.

"I am." That couldn't be seen on Ash's face.

"Okay, calm down. " Comforting noise came from doors and soon Durden walked inside.

Sylvie, the bond of Arthur woke up from his slumber and trotted towards Arthur.

"Woah! What is that?" Adam exclaimed. Jasmine who only just now entered also looked surprised at mana-beast.

"She's my contracted beast, Sylvie." Arthur announced and Sylvie hopped on his head.

"Cute." Jasmine said and looked away from mana-beast.

"Good to see you again Jasmine!" Arthur called out for Jasmine, latter smiled at Arthur.

"Seems like everyone is already here." Reynolds's voice echoed through the hall. He was wearing his uniform.

"Everyone! It's so good seeing you guys again!" Exclaimed Alice. She hasn't seen them just as long as Arthur and Ashborn so she was also happy to see her old friends.

"Oh my goodness! Alice, look how Ellie has grown! she is so pretty!"

"Rey is going to have his hands full soon with potential candidates kukuku. Can you tell me how old you are?"


The girls were a jumble of excitement and estrogen as they ogled Ellie.

Vincent came down soon after with Tabitha and Lilia. The mother and father duo were matching in a black suit and dress while Lilia was sporting a flowery dress under a warm cloak. After everyone introduced each other, it was decided that the Twin Horns would come with us to the Helstea Auction House for the Tenth Anniversary event. Raynolds quickly explained the basics in his letter. They were quite shocked when they learned that Arthur was in Elenoir. (They didn't know where he was. Bc, it wasn't clarified that he was having treatment in Elenoir so yeah)

The ride to the auction house was short, because it was here in Xyrus.

Helstea Auction House was a big building with luxurious decorations, it could be said that it was breathtaking

'Just entrance is bigger than the Tank on his two...' Ash thought and imagined Tank opening the door and going through as a visitor.

The decoration inside the building was grand, unlike in Elenoir where everything was elegant. To say simply, it was just show off.

Ashborn and others arrived early, so only the workers and guards were present, preparing for the event.

They will be sitting in Vip's room with Royal Family. For someone, this may be a worrying matter, but Ashborn was calm. He wasn't afraid nor nervous. He just wanted to see if the king has a brain and some intellect.

Raynolds and Twin-Horns were first to separate from the ground. They had to prepare guards for any unwanted incident at auction.

Vincent soon after followed them and separated. He quickly gave orders to workers and readied hosts.

Tabitha meanwhile leads the group towards Vip's room, Which was clearly made for rich and influential figures. Such as Royal Family. There was a wine rack and a few reclining seats and tables with closer seats by the window.

The auction house was soon a panorama of cheerful and excited noise, as more and more people, who were no doubt people of some sort of influence, began filling the lower seats. There were some groups that seemed more distinguished than the rest who were personally escorted by the hosts to their booths. No doubt, they were some of the more affluent nobles in the Kingdom.

Time passed by rather slowly until Vincent came back, leading a group of unfamiliar people inside.

The first to come in behind Vincent was an elderly man with long, deep-red hair that was aged with streaks of grey. His back was ramrod straight with broad shoulders that took off years in his appearance. The man's eyes were stern with harsh, sword-shaped eyebrows, giving him an undeniably eye-catching presence. He was wearing a red robe lined with white fur around the collar and had a cane that shined.

'I'm sure this guy is a king.' Ashborn thought while observing the man who just entered the room.

The second who entered was a lady. She looked a few years older than Alice Leywin, and looked like noble. (I suck at describing people, I know. I copied most from the novel.)

Behind the lady of whom Ash assumed was the queen, were two younger kids that could only be their kin. The older child, a boy that looked to be about the age of thirteen or so took more after his father.

The second child was a young girl. Age is probably the same as Arthur and Ashborn. unlike Tess... who Ashborn calls Arthur's future girlfriend, this girl didn't have an approachable aura like her. No, this girl was the opposite.

And finally, after them, 3 guards followed them inside the room.

"I didn't know we would be in here with guests, Vincent." King said, he wasn't angry nor happy.

"I apologize, Your Majesty! I assumed you wouldn't mind having a few other people with you. You remember my wife, Tabitha, right? Well, these are our close family friends." Vincent introduced, waving his arm in their direction.

"If they are your friends, Vincent, then they are mine as well." Man's lips curved up into a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. At least we'll have some company besides these guards." the lady next to king giggled.

"Everyone, as you all may know, I'd like you all to meet the King and Queen of Sapin. Introduce yourselves to King Blaine Glayder and Queen Priscilla Glayder and their children, Curtis and Kathyln."

At this people in the room, dropped to knees. Alice, Arthur, Tabitha, and even Lilia kneeled down in front of the king. But certain someone was still standing while holding his precious sister in his hands.

Everyone turned to him.

"Kid, you better place thing that you have in hand on the floor and kneel down." One of the guards growled at Ashborn.

Ashborn ignored the guard. He remained standing while looking at his sister, who looked a little afraid of the current situation.

"Yo-!" Guard was ready to unsheath his sword but immediately halt.

"I'm holding, my sister. Refrain yourself from actions that can cost your life." Ash said this nonchalantly and everyone got intrigued by this.

The guard who tried to aim his weapon at Ash couldn't even move. He felt like he was frozen in the air.

He didn't know that Ashborn was using [Ruler's Authority] just to hold him in place.

"Hey, you peasant!" Another guard yelled and unsheathed his sword.

Arthur was sweating badly at this. Alice was also very worried, but for some reason couldn't stand up. If something was telling her not to.

"What a disappointment." Ash said loudly for everyone to hear.

Everyone's eyes in the room widened. King grew frustrated at this, but he also couldn't do a thing. Everyone's instinct was telling them just to stay still and wait for receiving their judgment.

"P-please don't sweat about it. I apologize for my guard's rudeness. Please everyone stand up." Even though he was king. Blaine swallowed his pride and apologized. Even he was surprised at what he said.

Nobody argued. Arthur was the first one to stand up.

"I'm sorry Ellie. Did I scare you?" Ash asked his little sister who shook her head.

"Let's go get something sweet. " Ashborn said and walked towards a stand with some sweets.

"V-vincent... h-how old is that person?" Blaine asked Vincent with a stuttering voice. He didn't dare to call Ashborn kid.

"Hard to believe, but... Ashborn is only eight years old..."Vincent answered nervously.

"It felt like I was standing in front of death..." King mumbled, but his wife clearly heard him.

"Kuu?" Sylvie, jumped on Arthur's shoulder earning the attention of others.

"Oh my! What a cute little mana beast!" Queen Priscilla's face brightened up at the sight as she made her way towards Arthur who had Sylvie on his shoulder.

If something triggered it, the situation in the room immediately shifted to a positive one.

The King and the two children's eyes looked towards Arthur's direction.

"She just hatched a few months ago. Her name is Sylvie. Come out and say hello." Arthur responded. he was clearly trying to maintain the current mood in the room.


"I assume this little mana beast is your bond, young man?" King got closer to Arthur and kneeled down to get a better view of Sylvie.

Arthur just gave a nod.

"How fortunate you are to have a mana beast. Even infant ones are not easy to tame, yet she looks to be very obedient."

"Well we're able to communicate mentally, so it's more like a mutual agreement rather than obedience." Arthur shrugged.

"What?! You mea-" Some guard with a red hood yelled but got shut immediately. He glanced at Ashborn who was in the different corner of the room and "Tsk" -ed

'My king, this was the person who we were talking about in the alleyway.' Ashborn was told by one of his new shadow servants.

'Does he have ill-intent towards Arthur?' Ashborn asked.

'I'm certain, my king.' Shadow quickly answered.

'Eleminate him later.' Ashborn commanded and the servant quickly made his way towards man's shadow.

Nobody noticed how shadows moved so it should be alright for Ash.

"Sebastian." King said only this and glared at the guard.

"My apologies..."

"Ashborn." King told him Ash's name, thinking that it will only provoke Ashborn.

"My apologies, Mr.Ashborn." He completed his sentence but...

"You are apologizing to the wrong person." Ashborn's voice could be heard from another side of the room.

'Ash/Brother! you are making the situation only worse!' Alice and Arthur thought same time.

"Arthur, Arthur Leywin." Arthur took action and bowed to them.

Arthur could feel Ashborn's gaze on his back. He felt cold sweat running down his back, he also realized that Ashborn wanted the guard to apologize properly but this wasn't time for this!


"Ladies and Gentlemen! May I say that it is of the highest honor for me to be here tonight? All of you are gathered here today for one reason and one reason only, I presume? It is to have the chance to obtain rare and valuable items in this auction!"

Applause thundered in enthusiasm at the old gentleman's ardent introduction.

"If everyone in the audience would now kindly turn to face the back room at the very top, we have a few exceedingly important figures that have decided to bless us with their presence. Please join me in welcoming the King and Queen of Sapin!" The auctioneer was the first to flick out the tail of his suit and genuflect. The audience immediately followed suit, lowering themselves respectfully in a bow since they couldn't kneel in their seats.

The King and Queen, in response, stepped out towards the window and waved their arms in a practiced motion.

"Next, the one that made this whole event possible. Please give a big round of applause for Vincent Helstea!"

The auctioneer's introduction was followed by another round of applause as Vincent stepped up next to the King and Queen, giving a deep bow in return.

Others in the room remained seated. Arthur was observing Royal Family. Ashborn was also doing the same, but quickly found out that he didn't even have to observe them learn that they were all nothing but weak.

King had a red-stage core.

'And they call him a king?' Ashborn thought and then glanced at the queen.

'His wife is even stronger than him. Truly a disappointment.' Ashborn thought that it was a waste of time to think about this matter.

An announcement of some sword came soon. Arthur got interested at this, Vincent was standing near him telling about how he got voice changing mask.

Ashborn knew that Arthur was planning to become Adventurer because his shadows told him.

Unfortunately for Arthur, the sword that was on the stand was a bad one. It shouldn't even cost it's 50 starting price.

"And now for the next item. Adventurer's Guild provided us with high-class beast-cores. They were evaluated as S-Class Beast-cores! There are exactly five of them. Starting price for 5 of them is 5000 golds!"

Auctioneer's announcement made an uproar in the hall. Everyone was ready to empty their banks and spend all their money to get one of those cores.

Arthur meanwhile narrowed his eyes at cores. They were looking exactly the same as the one that Ashborn gave to their father.

"Ash..." Arthur turned to Ashborn.

"Just don't tell mother and we are good." Ashborn said and Arthur nodded. Art clearly remembers how his mother can get angry if one of them is in danger.

"There are few of them..." King muttered and immediately placed a bid.

"But who?"

'Kaspian, you did a great job.' Ash praised Kaspian inside his mind.

For people in the hall, this was also a mystery who managed to get such beast-cores. But their desire of getting beast-cores was shattered because the king also wanted to get them.

"Sebastian, make a request in the guild. I want to know who managed to get those cores." King gave the order to Sebastian who glanced at Arthur.

"Yes, your majesty." He complied and went out.

'You can do it after he leaves the building.' Ash told his shadow. (Guys, Sebastian is dead.)

(Arthur's POV)

I was surprised at the announcement is only an understatement. I don't know how could someone get such beast-cores.

S-Class beast-core is rare. It could be said that S-Class mana beasts are some monsters from legends.

But there is not only an S-Class beast-core, but even a few of them. I was observing those cores from afar.

Now that I think about it, they look exactly like the beast-core that Ash gave to father. I looked at him.

"Ash..." I wanted to ask him if he has hands on this.

"Just don't tell mother and we are good." He answered quickly.

Now I understand. I always thought that my brother was reincarnated person like me, his expressionless face is something that no child would ever have.

When he looked at the king, it felt like he was looking at a bug. He probably also felt that the king had a red-stage mana core.

But getting S-Class beast-core at the age of 8? Just who is my brother? Or should I ask who was he?

(Ashborn's POV)

Kaspian certainly knows how to make advertisements. If I wasn't the one who tasked him to do that I would also be intrigued by this announcement.

Now, Kaspian what will you do? How will you earn attention from all other countries?

King of Sapin is already interested in a person who obtained those cores. I can already say that we got independence of guild.

When I was thinking about my next actions, someone burst into the room.

"Your majesty! We received a message from the guild." Man exclaimed.

"Calm down a little and then tell me what happened."

"There's... A New S-Class adventurer appeared! Your presence is required here in the Xyrus's branch." The man said and everyone present widened their eyes.

"S-Class A-adventurer?" King probably already connected dots and realized that the S-Class adventurer was the one who got those cores.

"Priscilla, I'm leaving. You can stay here, I will assign guards." As the king said that he runs out of the room.

'And of course, Kaspian is calling me.' I received a message from my soldier who was in Kaspian's shadow.


Yo, guys. my mini-vacation is now up.

Also, I didn't announce, but I'm planning on making a new arc. It will be related to Alarcya and Fragments of the Reincarnation Cup. (Spoiler Ik)

I plan on making Ash go to Alarcya YES. There will be battles and much more content that wasn't in any other fics that I have read till now. I plan to make something entirely new.

Remaining Time Till New Arc: ~1 Chapter


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