The Matriarch smiled at the Ravens as she observed and appraised each and every one of them. And in her mind’s eye, through her DI, she re-reviewed their dossiers, and whatever other intelligence she had on them.
And what she saw was rather impressive. They had done their part in healing and protecting settlers. Plus they certainly had a hand in reducing some of the evils that plagued the colonies.
It was clear why Max wanted them to be sponsored to be a nation-state.
When Matriarch de Jardin spoke, Eva got that same sense of power in her voice, like with the councilors in the floors below. But the Matriarch’s was far more refined, far more practiced, far more stately. It struck her that the woman’s every word and every movement was completely deliberate.
Every bit of her was an exercise in fine erudition.
“Apologies it took so long to set an appointment,” said the Matriarch. “Brief as it is.”
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