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63.63% 2nd life in The 100 / Chapter 7: Chapter 6 Saving Octavia

Kapitel 7: Chapter 6 Saving Octavia

We had spent the last three hours practising archery; night had fallen based on the food supply. We will need to go hunting in 2 days, or we will run out of food. Charlotte had not stopped stroking the necklace in the last few hours. It was nice to see her being more like a child again. I will have to make more things for her, maybe clothing.

Looking around the camp, the wall had finally been built, and while it wouldn't stop an actual attack, it was better than nothing. Looking in the trees, I couldn't see or hear Lincoln, which was odd. Every night, he has been here for the last two days, but the dropship could have scared him away, or he was told to come back by Anya. It doesn't really matter either way.

Everyone else had gone to bed. I could see Clarke was still up. No doubt what happened with Finn was on her mind. We had also not managed to get the radio connected to the dropship yet as Raven and Monty wanted to have video and audio, something I thought we could add later, but whatever, I guess.

I heard Bellamy going from tent to tent looking for someone before going to the tent that Clarke was sitting in. He seemed surprised that Clarke was still awake. I got up and walked over to them, making sure that Charlotte was still covered by the blanket I had magicked out of thin air to keep her warm the nights was getting much colder.

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"She's probably chasing butterflies," Clarke replied.

"Or with a boy", I added. "Not like she can go to a night club is it."

"Violet, Clarke, I have checked the camp. She is not here." Bellamy said, worried about his sister.

"Okay, okay, look, Clarke, and I will check the tents. You recheck the drop ship she may be with Jasper," I told him as Clarke and I started to look in the tents.

"Thank you both of you," Bellamy said and walked off to the dropship.

"He is lucky I like his sister," I told Clarke as we checked the tents.

After checking all of the tents, there was still no sign of Octavia, and it seemed Bellamy hadn't managed to find her either I was sure there was something that I was forgetting. I wish I had made one of my wishes to see the future, as I didn't remember all of the 100 I know parts that stood out to me. Take season 2, for example, I know we attack the mountain, something to do with a mutant ape, Finn is killed, Missle on TonDC, Clarke and Anya escape from the mountain that is all I could remember some more may come back to me as the events come closer to happening.

Bellamy walked into the centre of the camp carrying a load of weapons. Oh great, he is about to do something stupid, I thought.

"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon," Bellamy called out.

"My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." Bellamy said, riling everyone up.

Walking into the centre. "I would like to point out that she could have just got lost in the woods or fallen and got hurt. Let's not try and escalate this into a war," I tried to tell everyone, but I could see most were thinking it was the grounders. I saw Jasper picking up a weapon and thought that was a bad idea, not I could really do anything to stop him. I am sure Clarke will try. 


"Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back." Clarke tried to persuade him.

"Clarke, I need to do this." He told her, trying to make her see that he really needed to do this. I didn't think it would help him, but who knows, maybe it will.

"We need all the people we can get." I heard someone call out. I decided that I was going to go with them. It will help them survive at the very least, walking back over to where Charlotte was, and I used transfiguration to turn a large stick into a sword before waking her up.

"Charlotte, someone has gone missing, so we are going to look for them. Can you stay with Clarke today for me, please" I asked her.

"Okay, but can we go hunting again in a few days, please," She asked me, still sleepy, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, we will. I'm sure Clarke will even join us," I told her and picked her up and carried her over to Clarke.

"Can Charlotte spend the day with you?" I asked her, smiling at her. She nodded and took Charlotte's hand.

"We need a tracker," Bellamy said to us.

"Finn. Get out here.!!" Bellamy called louder as everyone started to walk to the main gate.

"Finn, we're leaving," Bellamy called out, and I heard him leave the tent and try and talk to Clarke, who brushed him off. He seemed to think that he could have both Raven and Clarke, but he had betrayed Clarke's trust, and she wouldn't forgive him for that.

We set off into the dark with Finn and me at the front in the hopes of tracking down where Octavia went. I had a feeling this was just going to get more people killed.

"Well, where was the last place you saw her," I asked Bellamy. At least then we will have somewhere to start looking, I thought to myself.

"This way", he said, taking the lead, as we followed behind. 

"Look over here", Someone shouted out, and Bellamy ran off to where the shout came from.

Running out of the trees, we saw a steep and rocky hill, and I could smell blood. I guess I was right that she had fallen and got hurt.

"Right there. You see it?" the boy asked Bellamy, pointing at something in the tree that was just a seatbelt. "Is that Octavia's?"

"Rope," Bellamy said, no doubt wanting to go down the hill to check. He tied it to a tree and tossed the rest of the rope down the kill, and started to walk down the rope to the tree.

"What are you doing?" Finn asked, confused.

"We need the rope to get back up," Bellamy told him. Wait, what, we need the rope? Why do we need it? Shouldn't it be you?

"It's hers... " he said, looking at what was in the bush. "I'm going all the way down." as he carried on to the bottom.

I looked around at everyone. Well, I guess we are all going down then before jumping down the hill and running to the bottom. I saw Jasper grab the rope and use it to walk down, with everyone else following suit after him. Getting to the bottom, Bellamy was looking at a rock that had blood on it, which smelled like Octavia. 

"Guess she fell down and got hurt. She must have stumbled off somewhere. It can't be far, I would imagine." I told him.

"Someone else was here," Bellamy said to us, pointing at a footprint far too big to be from Octavia.

"The prints are deeper going that way. He was carrying her." Finn said, pointing in the direction of the footprints.

"If they took her, she's alive," Bellamy said.

"Like when they took me," Jasper added. Not the best time to say that, Jasper.

We started to follow the tracks with everyone feeling tense and looking around for any grounders. I had not seen any yet, and with all the people around me, I would never be able to pick out a heartbeat as they all sound the same for humans. Getting to the bottom of the path, I saw everyone had stopped walking up to the front. There was a wall of skeletons.

"I don't speak Grounder... But I'm pretty sure this means keep out." Finn said.

"Ya, I agree with you. This is 100% a keep out or die message" I said I'm sure Bellamy will still want to go after her regardless. "Are you sure they came this way, Finn?" I asked.

"Yep, the tracks go into that area", He whispered back.

"Let's get out of here. It's crazy." One person said before running away.

"I'm outta here." "Yeah, me, to" "I'm out", and three more left as well.

"Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility. I'd walk into hell to find her." Bellamy said, walking ahead.

"Not sure if this is hell, but it's not going to be friendly. Everyone stays together. This is hostile territory, and they will try and kill us," I said, following Bellamy.

Some people followed us in while trying to keep away from the skeletons due to fear or disgust. I know the smell was horrible. We had spent the last few hours following Finn, who was looking more and more lost as time went on. At this point, I was sure he had lost the trail. I know the grounders use the trees to hide their trail.

Finn let out a sigh. "I got nothing. We lost the trail. I could hear the heartbeats above us. There was three of them. I held onto my sword and was stood less than a foot from the black teen at the very back of the line when I hear the heartbeat get closer to us.

Turning around, I swung my sword, missing the grounder by less than a few inches, which was then pulled back up into the tree.

"Grounder's", I called out.

"You saved my life, thank you", The boy they were going to take said, grabbing onto my arm.

"Get your weapon handy, for god sake," I told him, shaking him off my arm.

"They use the trees," Finn said, causing everyone to look up into the trees. I could hear that they have already moved away from us and had dropped to the ground.

"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary." One of the boys said

"Now, can we go back?" Monroe asked, scared.

"I did say they would try and kill us. Keep quiet," I told them.

"There." Jasper pointed to a grounder about 15 feet away.

"Another one." the boy whose life I saved said, pointing to our right.

"We should run," Finn said before I could say to stay together. They all bolted, causing me to run after them. I decided to stick with the girl who was the slowest and most likely to get caught. I could hear the grounders running after us, who were much quicker than any of the 100 here. They seemed to be herding us in one direction, no doubt to a trap.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Some of them were shouting, wanting to get the hell away from here. This is the group of people that five days ago were saying the grounders should be afraid of them. How stupid are they?  

"What are we going to do? They keep heading us off." One of the guys asked Bellamy as if he had a plan.

"Just keep running," Bellamy shouted back.

"I can't run much longer!" Jasper coughed out. He was hit in the chest with a spear about seven days ago. I am not sure he should be running at all.

"I'm not stopping for him!" Diggs shouted out and carried on running away.

"I'm sick of running away," Bellamy said, stopping and looking around.

"Hey, what are you doing," Finn asked him, grabbing his arm trying to make him run again.

"They know where she is." Bellamy turned and said at him angrily.

"Oh, and you're going to ask them nicely, and they will just give her back. Will you stop being stupid, and you can't even beat me in a fight, so those fully grown men will beat the shit out of you now come on." I snapped at him.

Looking around, the Grounders were still chasing us. "Diggs, where are you?" Roma asked, running off. I ran after her immediately, knowing her being alone will be a prime target. I could hear 13 heartbeats, excluding ours. They clearly want to send a message.

"Roma!" We heard Diggs shout out.

Roma was looking behind her for grounders, so she didn't see Diggs dead on the trap in front of her.


"Aah!" Roma screamed before running off with me right next to her.

"Wait! Roma." I heard Bellamy shout while I was looking around. I heard Octavia scream, and someone grab her and drags her away. Before hearing a swooshing of a spear being thrown at us.

Looking to my left, I see the spear coming towards Roma. I grab the spear before it could hit her and span it back around and throw it at the grounder, which was too stunned to react. I saw it hit him in the shoulder before grabbing Roma and pulling her against the tree, and covered her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, or I will kill you myself", I hissed in her ear, and she goes limp in my arms. I hear the rest of the group running up to us.

"There they are. Roma, Violet." Fin whisper shouted out to us.

I dragged Roma back over to them.

"I managed to catch up to her just before she could get a spear in the chest like Jasper. I think she has passed out. If she runs off again, I am leaving her to die, stupid fucking bitch." I ranted to them.

"They're playing with us." Fin said.

"Oh no shit, they are what gave it away. The fact they have been chasing us and not using the bows and arrows or that they lead us into traps," I hissed at him.

"They can kill us whenever they want." Finn and I said at the same time.

"Then they should get it over with! COME ON!!!" Jasper started to shout out before I walked over to him and punched him in the face knocking him down to the floor,

"Shut the fuck up, or I will slit your throat my self I am not letting more people die because you can't handle it", I warned him. It was a bad idea to bring him.

Jasper stood back up. "We know you're out there!  You want to kill us…." He started shouting again. I turned around and lifted my sword, which made him shut up and look at me with fear.

"Violet, no", Finn said, standing in front of Jasper. Trying to protect him, the grounders came out and started to run at us.

"Bellamy! They are coming," Monroe shouted, huddling together with everyone.

[Horn blowing]

The grounders stopped hearing the horn being blown, looked around, and started to run away.

"They're leaving," Bellamy said the obvious as if we couldn't tell they were leaving.

"That horn. What does it mean?" Jasper asked, looking around, scared.

"Acid fog," Finn said, pulling out some parachute to make a tent with.

"We have to run," Monroe said.

"Ya, we can't outrun it get under the parachute," I told her.

"How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper asked while under the parachute.

"Will this even work?" Roma asked.

"We'll find out," I said to her. "Can't be any worse than being in the actual acid fog."

"Speaking of which, shouldn't it be here by now?" I asked them.

Bellamy pulled the parachute back and looked outside. "No, we won't. There's no fog," he said.

"Maybe it was a false alarm," Finn asked.

"They're coming back," Bellamy said with some fear in his voice as we saw a grounder run off in front of us. Looking around, he was the only one that we could see.

"I think he's alone," Jasper whispered.

"Now, can we run?" Monroe asked, not wanting to be here any longer than she needed to be.

"He doesn't see us. I'm going after him." Bellamy said.

"And then what? What makes you think he knows where your sister is? She is no doubt in a village. He won't lead you to it if he even knows where she is, and they outnumber us and are better fighters," I snapped at him. Following him deeper into grounder territory is a stupid idea.

"No. Catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him." Bellamy said to me.

"Did you not hear what I asked before?" I looked at him, confused.

"How do we know he's not leading us to another trap?" Jasper asked, following Bellamy anyway.

We followed the grounder for maybe ten minutes making sure to keep quiet and hidden so he wouldn't know that we were following him. We saw him head into some form of cave and waited a minute before following him in; with Bellamy demanding to go first, we walked into the cave to see Octavia chained up to the wall and the grounder out cold on the floor.

I don't remember this in the TV show was this something I forgot it didn't seem like I would forget something like this.

"Bellamy", Octavia called out as Bellamy ran over to her to make sure she was okay. "Get the key", Octavia asked as Bellamy tried to unlock the lock.

"Monroe, watch the entrance," Bellamy said, and the girl walked back to the entrance.

Finn went to check on the grounder.

"It's ok. You're ok." Bellamy said, hugging his sister, now no longer chained up.

Octavia looked around and saw Jasper and limped over to him. "How did you find me?" she asked im.

"Followed him," Jasper said, pointing to the grounder who I now recognised as Lincoln.

"We should go. Now. Before he wakes up." Octavia said.

"He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy said, walking over and picking up a spear.

"Bellamy, stop." Both Octavia and I shouted at him.

"If you kill him, they will come after us for blood, and even more people will die," I told him.

"He didn't hurt me. Let's just go." Octavia tried to reason with Bellamy.

"They started this. Finn. Move." Bellamy said, raising the spear.

"They didn't start anything. I told you when we crossed the marker; they would try and kill us," I shouted at Bellamy moving closer to him. "Don't make me hurt you again", I warned him and saw a flicker of fear in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Foghorn," Finn said, showing it to us. He must have blown it to help us for Octavia.

Lincoln took this chance to stab Finn with something and start to fight with Bellamy for the spear, which he was losing, and Lincoln had him on the ground with the spear tip slowly moving to his neck.

"Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia called out.

I ran up to him and punched him hard in the face and must have used some vampire strength as I heard his jaw either break or fracture.

Looking at Finn, I saw that he had a dagger in his lower chest.

I looked at Bellamy. "Good job, you fucking idiot, had we left when your sister and I said, then Finn wouldn't have been stabbed." Looking at Finn, I could see that it must have punctured the lung with how deep it was. I ripped the bottom of my shirt and wrapped it as close as to the wound as I could get to try to stop the bleeding.

"We need to get back to Clarke right now. I don't know how to deal with something like this. Jasper, get one side. I will get the other." I told him as I picked Finn up. And Jasper got the other side.

I saw Bellamy grab the grounder, pull him up, and tell Monroe to get his other side as they tied his hands together. And started to drag him back to camp. I had other things to worry about, like Finn bleeding to death. It took us a total of thirty minutes to get back to camp, running as fast as we could.

"Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Jasper shouted out as we got to the gate. "Get Clarke now."

"Hey. I'm here. What's up?" Clarke asked, looking at us.

"Octavia," she asked, confused. Before seeing Finn as Bellamy and I brought him in as he was too heavy for Jasper to support.

"Finn... FIIN!! " Clarke ran up to us, panicked, and tried taking his pulse. 

"Oh, my God. Oh, oh, my God." I hear Raven say in the background seeing her boyfriend.

"He's alive," Clarke reassured her.

"Violet would let me take the knife out," Jasper told Clarke.

"No, that was a good call. Get him in the dropship now." Clarke ordered.

"Clarke, can you save him?" I heard Raven ask.

"No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her." Clarke told her, feeling out of her depth and panicking a little.

"They are not in range yet. We can only leave it on and wait for them to pick it up," Raven said disparagingly.

I ran up to her after making sure that Finn was placed down on a table.

"Clarke, we can still clean the wound and check how bad it is. Come on," I said, pulling her to the dropship. I could hear the storm building and hoped we can still talk to the ark even with it going on, or Finn would die...

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