Irene watched Victor, who was now lie down on the bed. After the incident that befell them, an ambulance came and took them to the hospital.
But as soon as she answered the call from Victor's cell phone that was in his shirt pocket, someone named Ken, who introduced himself as Victor's good friend came and removed Victor from the hospital after learning that the man's condition was not dangerous or need to be concerned about.
Well, to say the truth, Irene's injury was much more serious than the man's but, it was the man who fainted since earlier and still unconscious.
Now, she returns to the villa to take care of Victor, after Ken, keep on asking her for help. Plus, with Victor is already firing all his employees at the house, then no one can attend to him now. And here is Irene, who have to take back her own oath, which before, she swore to herself that she will never ever set foot there again.
Sigh, Irene sunk herself on the sofa in the room. Although today, her day was very tiring mentally and physically, she could not sleep at that time. She tried to close her eyes several times now, but she woke up again. In the end, she just gives up on that and goes back to watching the man.
When she thinks back, she doesn't really know anything about the man. He, never once talk about himself. Their conversation always revolves about and around her. Suddenly, Irene becomes curious. Who is the man actually? In personal side that is.
Today, is the first time she meets his best friend as Ken introduces himself as one. But, she never once came across or met the man's family. In fact, the big house was only occupied by the man alone. Sometime she could feel that the man is lonely. Did he really not have any family at all?
Irene shook her head to eliminate any questions that began to arise. She then got up and wanted to take a shower. She is no longer comfortable with her sweaty body . Probably that's the big why she cannot asleep yet.
But as she doesn't have any spare clothes she remain in the Victor closet to find something suitable that she can wear/borrow, while she washes and dries her clothes.
"This should be fine for a time being."
Irene holds a simple, big T-shirt that she can wear and also take one of the man shorts. Well, she cannot choose as this is an urgent situation. The important thing is that, all the clothes are in the clean condition. And she can confidently borrow that, as Victor is a neat person anyway.
After Irene finished showering, she got out of the bathroom and walked in that room. Supervising. She decided to tidy up a bit as there was something that not arrange properly caught in her eyes. As she is already working, as a maid, she develops a 'job sickness' even she just working not that long. But as it's not a weird habit, it's fine then.
Even Victor has a mini office and library, in the room also has various files and cabinet. Makes Irene doesn't understand, why it is too much? That man seriously needs to take a break. Well, he is now even it not intentionally.
After that, Irene sat cross-legged him on the floor while arranging the scattered files. She didn't mean to do that, but one of the files suddenly fell out of her hand and opened wide, allowing herself to read what was written there.
There is a man's face on it and below it is written, Black Mafia Organization Target - Name: Lionel, Age: 32, Citizenship: Spain, Occupation: Illegal human trafficking, Status: Deceased. And got a red stamp saying 'MISSION ACCOMPLISH' at the man's picture across the face.
"Black organization?" Irene murmurs the name. She seems to dimly remind about the name, but she cannot really catch it.
As she was getting curious, she opened the other file and read the contents in it. All of the files are details about the target that is already being killed and all of them is a deceased. Why on earth Victor had this kind of information?
As she being confused, Irene suddenly remembered Victor's company, which Victor had brought her there when she was hurt before, to get treatment. She remembered the same picture of the logo that was there in the file. Half black mask logo. The company has a lot of that picture.
Finally, Irene gasps a little. Realizing something.
"Oh my God! Is he..." Irene shouted in a whisper as she finally realized who Victor is. It turned out that what she had heard all this time about the rumors involving the man's dark life was true all along. But, weirdly, her feeling is just that. Shocked. She didn't even feel afraid of the man at all. And she also don't know why?
Irene heard something from behind her. She knew, that wasn't the usual sound. She tried to find out where the cause was. It looks like the room window is trying to open from the outside. This is the third floor of the house! How can someone trying to try to get in?
Irene was a little surprised. She crawled a little to hide herself behind the cabinet that was there. Silently she noticed what was happening. She can't act as she pleases because she's worried if her life and Victor's will just drift away.
So she needs to observe first. Now, the person that Irene felt was a man, of medium stature now entered the room through a window that was now wide open. Somehow Irene seemed to have seen the man through his body language even though she had not yet seen his face.
Slowly the man approached Victor and took out something from his side.
'A knife? A large one too! ' Irene now freak out inside her mind.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Victor. But, this is it." The man is talking.
Looking at that, Irene knows that she can't procrastinate anymore or Victor's life will be in danger. Her eyes widened, looking for something in the area she was in. She saw a small fruit knife on a plate that was in the cabinet where she hid herself.
With that, she proceeded to take the knife and with all her might, threw it towards the uninvited guest. Confidently.
The sound of the man now groaning in pain signaled her target hits. Irene didn't have time to see the situation, as in quickly she rushed towards the man and threw a glass plate over his head. She knows she will be in disadvantage situation if she wait.
Don't get her wrong. She is not suddenly become strong or anything. In her mind she just hypnosis herself to attack first, scared later. Otherwise who can save them then? Wanting to shout at the guards, they also will take time to get there.
Luckily for her, as she lived on her own now, Irene started her own self defense training. Well, even she just trains using YouTube to save money, all that matter is she has the basic knowledge. And everyday she learn on how to throwing dart properly, it surely comes in handy now.
But, that win is not for that long as the man recovers quickly and now rush to attack her.
The man choked her tight in her neck, while banging her on the wall now. Not getting herself to feel afraid, Irene with all her might try to escape herself. She kneels the man in the stomach, making him loosing his grab on her.
Then, she's using her weight now pushed the man to the floor. Trying to hold him in place.
Irene is now shouting her lung out. Hoping that the man could hear her and wake up.
Creation is hard, cheer me up! Hopefully you enjoy this new chapter ^_^