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84.84% Kamen Rider Kabuto Within The Arrowverse / Chapter 28: Time to Eat!

Kapitel 28: Time to Eat!

After a couple of hours, Kara woke up, and once she realized what had happened, she let out a deep sigh. "Looks like he did a number on you," Hank said while still reading his book. Kara just let out a laugh before sitting up.

"What time is it?" Kara asked while looking around before Alex came walking in.

"You should be asking what day it is," Alex stated while handing over a bottle of water, and Kara accepted the water bottle.

"You shouldn't joke around like that, Alex. Saying stuff like that might create misunderstandings and stress," Johnathan stated before grabbing the sides of Alex and pinching them. Alex jumped from the sudden pain and quickly turned around to hit Johnathan, but he was already gone. Kara had a shocked expression because she didn't know why Johnathan was here in the headquarters of the DEO.

"Don't worry, Kara, I had that same expression when I saw him here too. Now I can't ever get away from this person, even at work." Alex said with a sigh. Hank let out a chuckle before getting up from his chair and walking towards the door.

"I'll let you guys be because, unlike you guys, I'm the leader of this division and have important paperwork to attend to," Hank stated before leaving the trio. Johnathan went over to the corner of the room where a metal closet sat. He opened it up to grab some clothing and tossed them to Kara,

"Here, put these on. We have a dinner appointment to go to and if we are all late then we may not live to see tomorrow," Johnathan stated as he went to another closet to grab a set of clothing for himself and Alex.

"Oh my god, that's right. I invited Win as well. He must be there with Mom right now," Kara said and quickly got up to put on the clothing.

"For heaven's sake, get the hell out of here, Johnathan. Don't you know if you have any sense of privacy!" Alex shouted before kicking him out of the room while Kara was standing there with her shirt off blushing. Soon, the trio was dressed and ready for dinner, so they quickly got into one of the DEO undercover vehicles and drove to Kara's apartment. Once they got there and opened the door, there sat Eliza along with Kara's friend Win. Both of them were currently drinking red wine and chatting.

"Well, look at who all decided to show up," Eliza stated with a glare, and Win, who was sitting behind her, mouthed,

"What happened?" but the trio just gave an awkward smile and made their way toward the table to sit down.

"So..... Kara, are you gonna introduce us to your friend here?" Johnathan asked before pouring himself a glass of red wine.

"Oh.... uh, yeah. This is Win, my friend who I made while working at CatCo, and this is my family. My mother Eliza, who I'm sure you've gotten to know while waiting on us. You remember my sister Alex, and this is my childhood friend, Johnathan," Kara explained while everyone around gave their greetings afterward. Dinner went pretty smoothly, and Kara used her heat vision to heat the turkey,

"She comes in handy most of the time," Win said with a smile.

"You know the first time Kara did that, we all were worried about getting radioactive poisoning," Eliza said while chuckling,

"Well, it's no worse than the microwave. I'm sure we will all live." Alex commented while drinking some more of the wine, but then Johnathan leaned over and grabbed the wine bottle away from her side of the table.

"I think we should slow down on this for a bit," Johnathan said,

"I agree with Johnathan, Alex it seems like you are having just a tad bit too much fun," Eliza added, and the table had an awkward pause. The dinner went exactly how it did in the show and Johnathan didn't have a chance to interject in any of the conversations due to not wanting to expose how much he knows already but was able to comment on some childhood memories that were brought up. But then someone's phone went off, disrupting the dinner flow,

"Sorry, I have to take this. I will be quick, " Kara said before getting up and moving to her room. Win, who was in the middle of his speech, just sat back down with a dejected look on his face, and Eliza just patted his shoulder with a consoling look. Johnathan leaned over to Alex,

"Who is so important that she needs to take their call and leave?" Johnathan asked in a whisper.

"That person is your love rival, and if you don't mark your territory, then you might just lose your chance," Alex replied in a whisper. Johnathan just nodded for a moment before getting up himself as well.

"Excuse me for a moment while I go fetch our host," Johnathan stated as he began walking toward the room. He could hear the conversation that was going on in the room, and it was exactly how he watched it years ago. He shook his head and walked in with a different type of determination. Once he got close enough, Johnathan snatched the phone away from Kara and spoke into the phone.

"I apologize for the inconvenience but Ms. Danvers has a pressing matter to get to. She wishes you a happy Thanksgiving and hopes everything goes well for you," Johnathan stated before hanging up the call.

"What the hell, Johnathan!" Kara let out before snatching the phone back.

"I believe that it is quite rude to leave your guests hanging while you take a phone call from someone who isn't here to celebrate with us."

"I'm sorry that I wanted to talk with someone else. I am a grown woman and can talk to whoever I want to," Kara retorted, and Johnathan closed the distance between them. The sudden change of distance caught Kara off guard, and she fell backward onto her bed, and Johnathan didn't miss the chance to get on top of her.

"I agree that you are a grown woman, but I just want to let you know that you are my woman. I didn't get a chance to do this properly, but you talking with another guy with that type of affection. I guess I have to properly mark my territory this time," Johnathan stated before moving in for a kiss on Kara's lips, and she closed her eyes for a moment. After a few seconds, Johnathan removed himself from her but just a tad bit.

"If you say that you don't like me or any of this. I will not be offended or upset, but if you don't say anything now. I will assume you that it is okay to continue, and this will become official," Johnathan said and waited for Kara's response. Another few seconds went by with them staring at each other,

"I take it you agree?" Johnathan asked with a smirk, and Kara just nodded while blushing tremendously. Johnathan just let out a chuckle because the way Kara is acting and image reminds him of a kitten, so he moved in for another kiss. A brief moment later, the two could hear a chair screech,

"Are you out of your mind?" Eliza shouted, The duo quickly got up and entered the dining room.

"I am still looking out for Kara, even if I have to monitor other aliens as well," Alex responded, but Eliza wasn't having none of it.

"How could you do this, Alexandra?" Eliza asked in disbelief, and the other three couldn't chime in at all.

"Do what? Look after Kara, like I have been doing ever since I was 14 years old." Alex retorted.

"You have lied to me for years," Eliza stated,

"Oh my god, is that what you got from everything I just said?" Alex asked in disbelief and looked over to the duo who just shrugged their shoulders.

"So, Kara can go out there and risk her life to protect everyone, but once you find out I am doing the same. All hell breaks loose." Alex retorted.

"Would your father be proud of what you are doing?" Eliza asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I can't win with you. No matter what I do, it will never be enough." Alex said with a sigh and grabbed her jacket, and left. Win could feel the whole atmosphere change, so he decided that it would be best to leave as well. He said his goodbyes to the rest of the group and made his way out the door as well. Kara went to see Win out and came back to confront Eliza,

"How can you be so hard on Alex, even now when she has done everything you have asked her to do?" Kara asked.

"You wouldn't understand, Kara," Eliza responded before turning around to look out the window. Before Kara could answer, her phone went off, and it was a message about an emergency at CatCo.

"I have to go. There is an emergency at CatCo. Just leave everything here, and I'll clean up after I come back." Kara said before leaving Johnathan and Eliza by themselves.

"Eliza, would you like to sit down and talk about this?" Johnathan offered as he grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle. Eliza let out a sigh before taking up Johnathan's offer and sitting down across from him.

"You know if you keep going down this road, Alex isn't the only one you are going to lose," Johnathan said before taking a sip of the wine.

"I know what I am doing. It is hard for you kids to understand what we adults are thinking about and what we must do to protect you." Eliza responded, and Johnathan just let out a chuckle.

"I don't think you want to realize it, but both of your daughters are way beyond being a kid anymore. They are both living their lives to the degree of helping people in multiple ways, and they are still looking out for one another due to their love for family." Johnathan retorted, and Eliza just stayed silent while swirling her wine.

"You don't need to put a front for me. My mother has already told me everything that has been burdening you quite for some time now." Johnathan said as he continued to drink more wine.

"What are you talking about?" Eliza responded with a small fluster, and a smile formed on Johnathan's face.

"I know how hard it has been on you, and so do your daughters. That's why they wanted to keep most of the stuff that would stress you out between themselves. It took a lot of time and trust for them to talk to you about this type of stuff. Who wouldn't be worried about their child doing dangerous things and fighting aliens? You need to trust who they are and how you raised them." Johnathan stated, and Eliza just began laughing.

"You know, sometimes I think that you were too mature for your age, and I always thought you were just as old as us," Eliza said before she reached over to grab Johnathan's hand and hold it between hers.

"I am and will always be grateful that you became friends with Alex and Kara," Eliza said before Johnathan got up to hug her, and just then, the lights went out throughout the whole city.

"What happened?" Eliza asked in shock,

"Seems like the whole city went under," Johnathan said before walking over to the window so he could get a clear view of what was happening. After surveying the area, Johnathan noticed bright flashes going off in the distance, and after deducing the area around there. He realized that CatCo was in that direction, and Leslie must be going after Cat at the moment along with Kara. Johnathan rushed to grab his things and quickly made his way out.

"Something came up that I just remembered that I have to do. It was nice to have dinner with you once again, Eliza. I hope that you sit on what I have said and think about it." Johnathan said before hugging her and heading out the door. Eliza just watched him leave before cleaning up the dinner table and everything else. Once Johnathan made it to CatCo, everything was already wrapped up, and the DEO officers were taking care of things. Kara and Hank were currently conversing about what had transpired in the building. Johnathan noticed that Cat was scurrying around to clean up and moved things around the office the way it was.

"What happened here? It looks like a tornado came through?" Johnathan asked as he grabbed a couple of things to help Cat clean up the area.

"Yeah, well, more like a lightning storm," Cat replied before setting up the couch in her office to be more comfortable.

"Why are you here, by the way?" Cat asked with a questionable look, and Johnathan just smiled back at her.

"I heard you calling for help, so I ran as fast as I could to come to help you." Johnathan retorted, which earned him a pillow to the face.

"Fine, if you must know. My associates told me something had happened here at CatCo, and I worried about you." Johnathan stated while he put the pillow on the other couch. A sly smile formed on Cat's face once she noticed that Johnathan was switching from looking at her and Kara.

"Oh, yeah. You are worried about little ole me. No, Johnathan dear, you are more worried about your lover." Cat stated with her sly smile, and Johnathan just laughed while shaking his head. Johnathan let the two women talk while he went to go gather information from Hank. As Johnathan and Hank were in the middle of a conversation, Johnathan's phone went off, cutting their conversation short. Johnathan looked at the ID caller and saw that it was Drake calling, so he picked up the call.

"What do you have?" Johnathan asked,

"We found another facility under Lexcorps that's creating more worms, but this facility is being guarded by meta-humans as well," Drake responded.

"I will be there shortly, get the team ready," Johnathan responded before telling Hank goodbye and leaving the building. Soon he arrived at the base with the Zect team standing near the entrance suited up with the four main leaders. Once Johnathan got off his motorcycle and walked toward the entrance the rest of the team saluted him.

"This is going to be a quick and fast operation, so it will just be the five of us. I will make the plan on the way. Everyone is dismissed for tonight, let's get this over quickly and figure out how much more they know." Johnathan ordered and everyone began to move after his command. The four leaders waited for Johnathan to get suited up and afterward, they entered the black armored SUV that was heading toward the facility.

"This plan requires stealth this time so that the scientist and workers don't delete everything before we get to it. Give me every detail that you guys have on this facility." Johnathan commanded.

"It seems that they are also creating meta-humans artificially due to the rise of current meta-humans in Metropolis. The facility has supersonic motion detectors, so it seems that Lexcorps know that we are the culprits that have been attacking most of their facilities. Most of their walls are made of lead and reinforced with titanium beams. There is also a minefield surrounding the area and everyone is either flown into the facility or transported via zip-line when notifying the officers in charge." Gattack informed.

"How does the zip-line work?" Johnathan asked,

"It seems that once the officers in charge are notified, they set up a retractable harpoon and shoot it toward the location of the said worker. Once the worker makes it across safely and soundly, they retract it with a built-in magnet that has a range of roughly 800 ft." Gattack responded and Johnathan was quietly thinking of a plan based on the knowledge that was obtained.

"Eta is about 45 minutes out," Drake told the team.

"Alright, the first step is to get through the minefield. I can create a tunnel that we can use to get past, after that, we have to make sure we don't trip the alarms so this is where these pieces of equipment come in handy." Johnathan said before pressing a button on the side of the door and the back of the front seats opened up revealing high-tech cloaking devices. The devices were silver bracelets and Johnathan put one up to show the team how they worked. Once the bracelet was put on, Johnathan's figure slowly disappeared,

"Woah, how does that work?" TheBee asked in amazement.

"It reflects any type of light even in the dark and it will also duplicate it through the other side. So if a laser is pointing at you, the device will duplicate it, making it come out the other side, creating a light tunnel of some sort." Johnathan explained then he grabbed a small black cube device,

"This is will help us get into the building from underneath without having to destroy anything. The device will open up a small window that will allow us to phase through the lead floor with little to no effort." Johnathan added. Soon the team arrived just outside the minefield and began to exit the vehicle while grabbing the equipment as well. After the team was suited up with the equipment, Johnathan circulate his Ki and extended his arms out then multiple stone tiles were created that were pushing apart the ground while keeping a 6ft ground level so that the land mines wouldn't go off. The rest of the crew was quite amazed by the powers of Johnathan due to not seeing him use them at all besides the regular stuff that they are used to.

"Damn, so the boss could've wiped the floor with us quite fast and brutally if he used these powers against us before," TheBee said with a shiver while the others nodded their head in agreement.

"Well, it's a good thing he is our boss and we decided to follow him," Drake replied before following Johnathan, and after a second the rest followed as well.

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