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9.56% Grand Foreigner / Chapter 20: 19

Kapitel 20: 19

As practice has shown - destroying thirty thousand zombies was possible for the Servants. Each Servant could destroy several thousand of the dead without the use of a Phantasm. However, the wyverns were still opponents of a higher class.

For Ainz, the wyvern will always remain an ordinary mob of the early levels - however, in the new world where he was now, the wyverns still remained one of the subspecies of dragons. Weak and unreasonable, but a real dragon. Any Servant could easily defeat one or two, but against ten, many Servants would be in a somewhat tough spot. If there were more than a hundred for each Servant, then even in their full-fledged strength few of them could destroy them all. Perhaps if Arthuria had successfully used her Excalibur, Medusa had used her main Phantasm and Cu Chulainn had used his second one, then any one of them could destroy a hundred wyverns. But none of them could destroy a whole thousand.

Apart from Ainz, of course, since he could not pay attention to all the attacks, and just dispose of them with his bare hands - but Ainz, even if he had the opportunity to destroy a thousand winged lizards, was clearly not happy.

"What a hassle ..." - the mage shook his head - "I need spells allowing me to cover an area of several kilometers... They are too high a rank for me to use it in the current body."

"Are you kidding me?" - Cu Chulainn swore while leaning on his staff. Ainz could have tried to restore his Servants' energy if he had opened access to his mana reserves, but even so it would not be enough to give them enough power to destroy a thousand wyverns, "We just got rid of all their problems - and here we are again!"

Ainz frowned - the situation did not look unequivocally bad, because none of the Servants were in immediate danger of death - but it still clearly did not look good. The previous long battle exhausted the Servants and the new battle clearly would not do them good.

In this case, Ainz had only one decision to make.

"We are retreating" he concluded, and, with a clear conscience, set off.

"Huh?" - having heard him, Jeanne turned to Ainz, - "What?"

"I said we will retreat," the lich shrugged calmly, "A battle with a thousand wyverns, no matter how weak they are, is not a necessity in the current conditions. So - we will retreat."

Jeanne blinked several times, as if not fully understanding what was said, as if the simple thought that someone could retreat from the battle was incredible to her.

"But..." the girl obviously wanted to argue with what was said, but she could not. What did she have to say? She did not like to fight. She did not want to fight. She had nothing to protect in this city that had already been destroyed by a horde of zombies. What could she say to a necromancer? That she could not retreat because she thought it was wrong? That she did think she should fight a horde of dragons?

"So, we are running away with our tails between our legs," - Cu Chulainn sighed, leaning on his staff, - "I can not say that I did not expect this or that I am glad about it, but there is no choice. A second battle is not something we can do right now."

"A retreat is as valid a military tactic as an attack," Arthuria shook her head at Cu Chulainn's words, "I don't see anything shameful about this."

"What a strange statement for the King of Knights," sighed Cu Chulainn, and then turned away, "Oh well. We saved a couple of people, checked the city, saw the cruelty of the resurrected Jeanne, and fought a little. I think this is a good result."

With this conclusion it was really difficult to argue, because of that, Jeanne took a step back, after which she looked down, - "Yes ... Apparently, yes."

"In that case, it's best to retreat now," Ainz nodded to himself and addressed the Assassins.

Jeanne, having observed Ainz, turned away from the mage and peered into the distant darkening sky as the night slowly approached, watching the points of the soaring lizards slowly growing larger in the distance.

She understood that it was right — she should not fight now. She did not want to fight at all - but to run without a battle, leaving behind her enemy seemed petty and shameful to her. As if she really took Archer's advice and allowed something bad in her life to happen. As if she simply resigned herself to the evil that had happened. It seemed like she had given up.

Turning her gaze to Archer, who was continuing to discuss something with Cu Chulainn standing next to him, Jeanne closed her eyes and turned away, glancing at the approaching hord of wyverns.

She refuses to recognize the enemy's victory. She will fight. She will fight - and she will win.

"Teleportation" Ainz's voice rang out and the girl instantly disappeared from the city.

It was not that Medusa was worried about the survival of the person who was thrown on the bed, but she was one of only two people who understood the magic of healing and therefore she had to watch over the exhausted body as it fluttered.

"Do you think he will survive?" - Cu Chulainn asked her, looking at how the exhausted man continued to twitch uneasily. Medusa possessed certain knowledge in terms of treatment - but not being called upon as Caster, her capabilities were significantly reduced in this regard, while the real Caster, Cu Chulainn, did not particularly understand healing, which is why the man they saved was in such a state at the moment. The Master, Ainz himself, stated that he was unable to help him, but Medusa suspected that he did not tell the whole truth. But why?

"Incomprehensible," she recalled the description she had given Ainz not so long ago and nodded to herself to confirm her thoughts, after which, recalling the question that Cu Chulainn had asked her, she answered, "I don't know."

"I hope so, or then the whole visit to Charité will be useless," Cu Chulainn sighed. The servants and Ainz managed to pull out three people from a square full of zombies, but two could not be rescued without the intervention of high-level treatment magic, which neither Cu Chulainn, Medusa, Jeanne, nor Ainz owned - or at least the latter said that he did not - they were doomed from the start. One was actually dead when Mashu managed to pull him out of his cage - and the second followed not long after. It seems that he was infected - but Medusa was not sure about that. If the object did not contain magic, then Medusa could not "see" it, and must rely on her other senses like touching it to feel it. This meant that she could not examine the man in front of her for mundane infections.

And If she removed the bandage...

'Anyone I would look at would be turned to stone' - the girl threw this thought away as quickly as it appeared in her head. She had never been bothered by the thought of her blindness for more than one hundred years - why did she think about it now?

The girl shook her head.

'Although, I confess, I wonder what my colleagues might look like...,' she nodded, then turned her eyes to Cu Chulainn. He looked at the girl and thought for a second.

"You know," he said eventually, "I never thought that you would be a master of healing. In the end, you are not a Caster and I do not remember the legendary Medusa ever doing this."

Cu Chulainn was not wrong - it was a little strange for Medusa to master healing, she was not even a mage after all. It was all about her sisters. Her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were the ones who taught her this knowledge.

And the way she paid them back...

However, Medusa would not discuss something so personal with someone she wasn't very familiar with, so she only nodded slightly, "But I still have these skills."

There was an awkward pause before Cu Chulainn sighed, - "All the women with whom I talk either do not want to talk with me at all- or they want to, but only to tell me how great the Master is. How miserable I am!"

Irritably, Cu Chulainn headed to the exit, and left the tent. Medusa, remaining inside, shook her head and turned to the wounded man. No, she did not find Cu Chulainn unpleasant — there simply were different types of people. Some liked to talk with people, some did not, and some combined the first with the second, depending on the conditions. Medusa was rather of the second type - but, to admit, she had never met with people with whom she really would like to talk - or have anything to talk about - therefore she could not express her opinion on this point unequivocally. Perhaps if she had found some person to whom she would really become attached...

The vibrating in the tent's walls highlighted the arrival of a new individual. Medusa could not see his form to appreciate his appearance, but the slight cold that spread around the tent, and the subtle smell of old bones allowed her to instantly identify the person who entered.

"Master," the girl nodded to Ainz. Frankly, she would also like to know how her Master and the one whom people were able to confuse with Hades actually looked like.

"How is he?" - although the girl did not have eyesight and was definitely not a bat, she could see thanks to her magic, so that an index nod in the direction of the body on the bed showed her its location. Although in the current situation, she would have been able to understand the question without the ability to see at all.

"I don't know," Rider concluded concisely, "Cu Chulainn did everything he could - now we just have to wait."

"I see" Ainz nodded, then, looking at the tired man, and then turned to Medusa, "Thank you."

"This is not the result of my labors" Medusa just waved away his thanks "All spells were created by Cu Chulainn."

"Perhaps," Ainz did not argue, "However, without your knowledge, Cu Chulainn would not have succeeded - so thank you."

Medusa looked from the lying guy to Ainz, as far as possible, and then fell silent.

"You could have done it yourself," she concluded.

"I'm not a healer," Ainz only scratched his head in embarrassment, "Healing spells are not available to me. In addition, Jeanne also does not own them - she can only remove debu... Curses. Without your help, we would not have done it."

On this, Medusa was silent for a second, - "But you resurrected Olga-Marie. It is unlikely that you were able to resurrect her without possessing the minimum ability to heal."

Ainz coughed in embarrassment at this "I thought that everyone agreed that I didn't really resurrect her?"

"Not all," Medusa said calmly.

Of course, resurrection was impossible in any way - even divine powers and true magic could not perform such a miracle. But if Ainz was really equal to the Divine Spirit, if he really possessed the magic from the Age of Gods, if he was a necromancer, then Medusa was ready to assume the possibility that he could find some workaround around this prohibition.

"Khm," Ainz scratched his head again with embarrassment. This was his strange trait - too often for the Divine Spirit and the magi from the Age of Gods, he made such completely human, completely ordinary gestures. Few of even the lowest-ranking Servants could boast of such phenomenal humanity - in a sense, it was even ironic that the spirit most similar to humans was a powerful semi-divine necromancer. It seemed as strange as ... As... As her own story.

"Khm," as a result, Ainz still could not find a suitable answer and awkwardly tried to change the subject. "As you see, I could not even set up a properfortress on my own. Even assuming that I could theoretically heal a person on my own, it is clearly not possible in current conditions. You think too much of me."

The small camp in which the Servants are currently stationed was organized with the aid of a spell Ainz had cast, and what he made was basically a heap of tents. That,at best, could get E rank if he were evaluated from the point of view of the Skills of the Servants. However, creating a base of operations was not usually done through magic. These is a Skill responsible for the general ability to create one's own base. Creating even the smallest Laboratory of C rank could take several weeks and a dozen rituals, it would require a lot of time, effort, and the purchase of very real reagents, the cost of which could easily exceed the cost of a middle-class car. When Ainz spoke about not only creating a shelter with a spell, but about creating a full-fledged fortress using magic. it didn't look like an attempt to belittle himself, but an attempt to boast. And one must admit - quite a successful one.

"Master, if I knew you a little less, then I would rather decide that you are bragging," Medusa smiled, "You cannot be modest."

"Khm," looking at how awkwardly Ainz completely blurred himself from Medusa's words, she could not help herself and broke into a smile.

"Master, you underestimate yourself too much," the girl glanced at Ainz, and then turned to the man lying next to her, who had stopped tossing around on the bed. However, as Medusa herself could determine, he was still alive, so this was a completely positive sign. Looking at the patient, just in case, she put her hand on his forehead and noted the slow decline of the heat. Judging by the current state - in a few hours his restless thrashing will go into a peaceful sleep and he will wake up - albeit weak, but alive, and almost healthy.

"You too, Medusa," looking at this scene, Ainz could not do anything except for smiling at the girl "You too."

For a second, the Witch of the Formless Island wanted to protest against Ainz's statement, but could not find the right words, and when the first argument appeared in her head against her, she her head, but did not find her Master where he was.

"Hm?" she slightly twisted her head - although in her condition it was useless - after which she returned to the wounded man a little embarrassed, "He is still wrong. I have done almost nothing for this entire campaign."

However, despite such sad thoughts, for some reason, the Medusa's soul became a bit calmer.

The torn-off tent floors revealed a new Servant to the light - and this time the suffocating sweet smell and the lack of sound from the steps suggested to Medusa that the Servant coming was none other than Serenity.

"Ah, Serenity," Medusa smiled at the girl who appeared, but something in the atmosphere circling around her allowed her to determine that Serenity was not happy with the Witch's words "Is something wrong?"

Sighing once, Serenity said clearly, "You are in last place in this line - and do believe me, I strongly advise you not to go ahead."

Leaving Medusa in an equally bewildered state, Assassin retreated and continued to observe her Master.

Looking at the hordes of wyverns swirling far above the city, Ainz sighed. Wyverns were not an overwhelming opponent for him or for the Servants - as soon as they could fully regenerate all their mana, of course. However, in the current conditions the battle was useless - even dangerous. Ainz was not used to doing dangerous things, at least those dangerous things where he did not have the opportunity to easily correct his mistake. Of course, even if the wyverns destroyed all the Servants - he could call them again a little later - at least if it worked the way Ainz himself understood it - and the wyverns couldn't even scratch him - but if Jeanne was killed during the battle - and Ainz would not wish to resurrect her - then Jeanne would die completely, so retreating from the battle was the most logical and correct decision in the current conditions. However, Jeanne clearly did not look as if she was in agreement with Ainz - the girl not far away continued to look at the abandoned city, leaning on the shaft of her spear, and changing her expression from irritation to frown, to reverie and back.

"Did I do something wrong?" - Ainz thought for a second, trying to recall all his actions during the last day, but could not find something that could provoke Jeanne to be in such a mood - "These Servants are too strange of creatures..."

"Lord Mage," Hassan, who appeared behind Ainz, was noticed by him much earlier, so his voice over Ainz ear did not come as a surprise to the mage, "I conducted reconnaissance and did not find a single possible enemy within a radius of two kilometers."

"Okay," Ainz nodded. "Thank you, Hassan. You can rest."

"Thank you, Lord Mage," Hassan just dismissed this, "There is no need for that. Servants do not need sleep and my supply of strength and mana is restored at the same speed regardless of the conditions of my wakefulness. Talking or walking spends too little mana to have any noticeable effect on my recovery to full power."

"Khm," Ainz fell silent for a moment, a little bewildered by all the information that Assassin had given him, after which he tried uncertainly to object to the only thing he really understood, "But will it not hurt you? Despite the fact that you may not need to sleep, you may accumulate moral and emotional fatigue, you may not need to sleep, but this is not a reason to force yourself too much."

With these words, Hassan just turned in the direction of the Master - and, since his face was replaced by a white mask, like a skull, it was impossible to evaluate the emotion with which he looked at Ainz. Although any Servant could easily guess the essence of the Assassin reaction.

"I thank you for your kindness and attention, Lord Mage," - if Hassan had a face, he would certainly try to smile politely to Ainz, as if explaining some obvious aspect of his work to his enterprising, but not quite enlightened boss - "However, this is not necessary. I was trained to become an Assassin, so that I can survive several days of waking without loss of concentration and attention."

"Well," Ainz finally gave up, but the thought "this is not at all what I meant!" still remained spinning in his head. He simply did not want to force his subordinates to work overtime - especially in the current conditions, when he could not even compensate them for their work. "But still - do not be overly zealous. If you need a rest, be sure to tell me about it."

Hassan was silent for a moment, bewildered by this proposal, and then looked at Ainz "Yes. Of course, Lord Mage."

"Okay," after saying this, Ainz returned to contemplating Jeanne's mood, who continued to look at the distant city at the moment. Of course, the distance to which Ainz teleported the Servant was small - but from such a distance even Archer could not see the details of what was happening at the moment in the far Charite, so Ainz could not understand why she was trying to see something in the distant city.

However, after observing a few dozen seconds behind the girl, Ainz discovered that Hassan, who had appeared nearby, had not moved away from him. Turning to Assassin, he asked him a question, "Yes, yes, Hassan, is something bothering you?"

"Nothing special, Lord Mage" - However, the Assassin, despite the obviousness of his concern, still tried to dismiss the Master's assumption at first, after which, perhaps realizing how silly it sounded in current conditions, he admitted, "Lord Mage, our goals as Servants is to execute your orders without question, but I could do nothing but be interested in your order to conduct reconnaissance, despite the fact that this action is the prerogative of Archer. Do you not trust him?" at this Hassan looked at Ainz interested. If Ainz would have ordered Hassan to eliminate Archer, then Hassan needed to be prepared. His encounter with Archer happened once upon a time, many worlds ago, so he could not vouch for a thorough knowledge of the Servant's abilities, however, if what he knew about him nevertheless was applicable in this world, then Hassan understood that if he missed the opportunity to finish everything with the first blow, then Archer could become an uncomfortable opponent.

"Hmm?" Ainz emerged from his thoughts and thought about what Hassan said. Of course, Archer clearly doubted his abilities as a boss, but Ainz did not think that a simple distrust of the leadership could have caused him to sabotage the whole project.. the entire work of the team. At least Ainz hoped not. "No, nothing like that. Just some mob... Creatures have strong abilities to hide, which cannot be easily detected by observation, but which are significantly weakened when you approach them."

"I have never heard of such creatures, Lord Mage," Hassan answered honestly. This was not surprising - there were not so many creatures with similar abilities in Yggdrasil, however they were very ugly opponents, since almost all were archers with the ability to accumulate power for their shots for a long time - because of which, a surprise attack from a distance could wipe out even a group of players.

"They are not very common" Ainz finally nodded, confirming Hassan's words, "However, we need to be prepared for different possibilities."

"You are certainly right Lord Mage," Hassan instantly agreed, but Ainz felt as if he had not done anything, "Under current conditions, we cannot neglect protection, but ... Isn't your efforts excessive?"

"Hmm?" - Ainz glanced at Hassan, and, thinking for a second, seriously said "Hassan, the strength of the enemy is unknown. In this world, there can easily exist opponents much stronger than you, me, both of us, or all of the Servants combined. Neglecting the chance of colliding with such an adversary may cost us too much that we cannot ignore this possibility."

Hassan was silent for a moment, after which he glanced at Ainz again. Although it was impossible to say that Hassan looked at Ainz differently - without the opportunity to see his expression, all his emotions could be guessed only by his voice - however, if not for this fact, then anyone who looked at this scene could have sworn that Hassan looked at Ainz with a completely new look.

"This is…" Hassan stopped for a second "This is extremely rational."

"Probably," awkwardly, Ainz patted his neck, feeling a little embarrassed. Of course, he did not tell a direct lie, he really sent Hassan to investigate because he thought that he could possibly detect some hidden enemy, but instead of a well-thought strategy, it was a random impulsive act, performed according to the principle "Why not?" So, Ainz didn't have a clear, well-thought-out plan for defending or finding a hidden enemy, this idea was just born by chance in his head and Ainz used it.

"Lord Mage," Hassan thought for a second, "But does it mean that you trust Archer?"

On this question, Ainz did not have a definite answer. Did he trust him? Well, in fact, he was his subordinate, so without a certain level of trust their interaction was impossible - but it would certainly be strange if he said that he trusts an unknown subordinate of him, with whom he did not even work for a week.

"To a certain extent," Ainz tried to answer as neutrally as possible, forcing Hassan to nod. If Ainz really was so careful, but at the same time he trusted Archer, it was possible that he, Hassan, did not need to continue the surveillance of the Servant.

"However," on these words, Ainz was embarrassed. Talking about the man behind his back felt a bit wrong to him, as if he were one of these people at work, gossipers, who did nothing but talk behind others' backs, spending time on their constant breaks, because of which the productivity of the entire department fell "I don't think that I can state unequivocally at the moment, most likely, it may take time for a final decision."

Hassan nodded, understandingly, to Ainz, "Well, I understand."

Ainz sighed from the fact that he was able to get rid of such a discussion of his subordinate behind his back. Hassan glanced at Archer, then narrowed his eyes. Judging by what Ainz was telling him, he nevertheless had to look carefully at Archer.

Finally getting rid of Hassan and his smothering professional attitude, Ainz sighed freely. Yet Hassan was unnerving him - almost as much as Arthuria. However, if looking at Arthuria Ainz simply became somewhat uncomfortable with her cold appreciative glance and the crushing silent aura, then with Hassan the situation was even more incomprehensible. Hassan had no face, so it was impossible to determine his facial expression - he always remained collected, but not detachedly, like Arthuria, but as if a professional, evaluating a person from the position of a real expert, watching his every step and action. In other words - Ainz felt insecure next to him, just as a young worker could feel insecure if he was assigned the most responsible and professional colleague as an observer. Ainz simply feared that watching him, Hassan could identify all his weaknesses and irregularities, as a true professional.

"However, he told me that Archer doesn't trust me..." Ainz thoughtfully recalled the fact, after which he shifted his eyes to Archer, who was currently talking to Cu Chulainn "Does this mean that Hassan is on my side?"

The thought about this was pleasant to Ainz, but he could not unequivocally vouch for its correctness.

"What if..." a cold sweat smashed the guy through "He did this with Archer to see how I would react to such information?"

Despite the fact that Ainz's body was an ordinary puppet, Ainz felt his hands grow cold at that moment. That explained everything! Of course, why should a professional like Hassan even obey Ainz or report information about his colleagues to the equivalent of a new boss who has not yet proven his skills? It would be more logical for Hassan, together with Archer and other Servants, to try to test Ainz's skills and his ability to lead, even his ability to see people's attitude towards him.

From this thought, Ainz felt sick for a second and he looked away from Archer, after which he tried to find Jeanne, but could not. The girl left her place during the small dialogue with Assassin and now Ainz could not find her.

"Even Jeanne left me..." Ainz sighed "Although, of course, this is my fault. How could I not understand for so long that Hassan and Archer were working together..."

Ainz shook his head, after which, when he raised it up again, he felt a slight pulling feeling in his head. This feeling was familiar to him, and so, touching it lightly, Ainz heard a familiar, cheerful voice that rang in his head.

"Team in touch!" Olga-Marie's voice was vigorous, but not to say that he was pleased. "Roman, I congratulate you, you made this thing work!"

"Chief, please…" the voice on that side of the connection was so exhausted that Ainz vividly imagined how one of the zombies in Charité snuck into Chaldea and took the doctor's place there "I really don't know what the reason is…"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it a million times already!" Olga-Marie dismissed Romani's words, after which she turned to Ainz "Romani cannot control this thing at all, he even couldn't contact you for all this time!"

"Yes..." Ainz unsurely supported the girl. On the one hand, he was the main reason why Chaldea could not communicate with the Singularity, because he suppressed all possibilities of observing him with his ring, but if the choice was between the anger of the chief and the sufferings of Roman, then there was no choice at all.

'Girls are terrifying…' Ainz said to himself under his breath.

"No difference!" finally the chief dismissed her own accusations, "So how are you, special operative?"

Ainz thought about these words. How should he answer this question?

"Not bad," Ainz replied after a couple seconds of thinking. In total, their affairs did not go badly. they did not suffer any defeats, and avoided serious battles that could result in any significant consequences, saved at least one person and at the moment avoided the forces of the Dragon Witch with all possible luck, so Ainz couldn't even complain about his own problem.

"That's good," concluded the chief, "What is the situation?"

Ainz glanced at the wyverns, which were circling in the distance, and then said neutrally, "The opponents are not so far, but they are not close to us."

"Did they not notice you?" On this the chief muttered thoughtfully "What kind of opponents?"

"Big group of wyverns," Ainz waved aside, and then looked into the distance, "But if you think about it, something still bothers me."

"Hmm?" Olga-Marie thoughtfully said "What is it?"

No, of course, the question was not about how many wyverns flying in medieval France would have been considered normal - it was definitely clear that a huge army of winged lizards was the result of the actions of the revived Jeanne d'Arc, but something in the actions of flying lizards did not let Ainz rest.

Looking at the huge horde of wyverns, Ainz thoughtfully observed how a restless swarm flowed from one side to the other - from their very appearance the wyverns never once descended to earth, continuing to fly over the city.

They didn't go down to the ground...

They didn't go down to the ground...

"Ainz?" Ainz, to his surprise, was surprised, not by the voice of Olga-Marie, but the voice of Roman "Are you all right?"

"Yes, fully" answered the magi, after which he thoughtfully said, "But do different monsters attack each other?"

In Yggdrasil, some monsters could attack other monsters, mostly those who had a bad relationship with each other. For example, mob angels always attacked mob demons, even if their initial encounter occurred on neutral territory. On this tactic, several raids were built, in which the players would aggro a large group of certain mobs, and then kite them, pulling them into a dungeon where other mobs they would attack lived, let the mobs clash and reap the rewards.

"Usually not," objected Roman "However, some special types can still fight each other. Undead, for example, never fights with other undead, but always fights with other types of monsters, non-undead."

"Hmm..." Ainz looked at the huge flying swarm of beasts. They should have attacked the undead living in the city for a long time, but still they only continued to fly over the city spiers. This could mean only one thing - someone forbade them to attack the undead living in the city. Someone controlled them.

But this did not mean anything. Since the appearance of the wyvern horde, it was absolutely logical and expected for them to be controlled by someone, be it the Dragon Witch or someone else.

However, it was not enough for Ainz himself to hear about this — he continued to observe the actions of the wyverns spinning in the air.

Even if the person controlling the wyvern waited to meet Ainz or someone else in the city and therefore sent a huge crowd of wyverns to fight him, then after the wyverns did not find their goal in the city the most logical solution would be to disperse the wyvern to search for their target. Of course, it is possible that the person controlling the wyvern could not give the order in the current conditions. For example, he could be too far away. But judging by the fact that the wyverns continued to circle above the city without attacking the undead, that was extremely unlikely.

Ainz frowned, he did not like this line of thought.

"What else happened? Is the information about the Holy Grail confirmed?" - Roman's voice distracted Ainz from reflection.

"There is no information about the Holy Grail yet, but we were able to meet another Servant" Ainz replied, "Jeanne d'Arc, in particular."

" Jeanne d'Arc? That Jeanne d'Arc?"- having heard this, Olga-Marie instantly caught fire and Ainz literally saw how the girl brazenly shoved Roman away from the microphone "Terrific!"

"Is that really so amazing?" On this note Ainz asked a question. Personally, she did not seem so incredible to him. No, of course, it was impossible to deny her charm, however, she did not show anything exceptional, neither as a Servant, nor as a personality.

"Of course!" Olga-Marie did not agree Ainz "She is a Ruler!"

Just in case, Ainz turned to his knowledge, but found nothing special in them.. about Rulers "And so what?"

For a moment, the chief was amazed at Ainz's misunderstanding, before she decided to explain to him "How do you not understand! Rulers are incredibly rare, this is the only class of Servants who do not want the Holy Grail! Rulers can be only the most ideal, bright and pure souls in which there can be no evil and no desire for anything worldly. In addition, the Rulers have many special abilities. They can act as arbitrators during any Holy Grail War and have great power over all Servants in the War. It is an incredible rarity to meet even one!"

"Rulers ... Power over the Servants ..." Ainz concentrated on this for a second before the metaphorical light bulb appeared above him "The revived Jeanne was called upon as a Ruler ,the same as the Jeanne with him, which means..."

"This is bait!" Ainz responded instantly and leaving only this phrase immediately disconnected from Chaldea. Revived Jeanne was called as Ruler and possessed the abilities of Ruler, which the real Jeanne lost, including finding other Servants as well!

Yes, Ainz was protected from any kind of observation, just like his Servants... But Jeanne herself was not!

The wyverns circling over the city should not have fought with Ainz, they served as a diversion of attention!

"Archer!" this sudden realization made Ainz cry out loud, but a moment later his condition was again forcibly normalized.

"Master" and quite on time, since Archer himself turned to Ainz at this moment "A huge and very fast wyvern moves in our direction. On its back, there are six people - six Servants."

However, what was important was what followed.

"Judging by the information that I have ..." Archer was silent for a second - "At the head of the Servants is the Dragon Witch."

Charisma: A ++ (C) (Case)

This skill is primarily responsible for two things. The first is the ability to inspire people, and the second is the ability to please people. This skill is not responsible for the ability to command or direct, but it makes it possible to smooth the corners of management difficulties in a certain way, people follow the instructions of a person when they like him more often, just as an unbending fighting spirit can be stronger than any well-thought tactic.

As an individual, Ainz himself, or rather, in this case, Satoru Suzuki, has rank C. He is inspiring, loyal, honest, kind and merciful enough that very large groups of people agree to recognize him as their leader, officially or not, he has no problems with establishing contact with the majority of people, and it can perfectly work as an official or seller. This skill at rank C is one of three skills born from the very soul of Satoru Suzuki, and is in no way connected with the Existence Outside the Domain, so no justification is required for this skill.

However, the incredibly high rank of A ++ is a reflection of Ainz Ooal Gown's Charisma. Ainz Ooal Gown is a Supreme Being that could unite forty other Supreme Beings standing above the gods, sometimes diametrically opposed to each other, such as Touch Me and Ulbert Alain Odle, force them to recognize him as their supreme ruler, and unite said forty scattered incredibly powerful monsters into a single solid battle core that could resist thousands of other enemies, superior to the gods, for some time; even subjugate one of the Nine Worlds, and eventually, become the sole and fully divine ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarik, a place so vast and legendary that it itself can be considered a separate world, full of the most powerful creatures comparable to the Evils of Humanity. In other words, Ainz Ooal Gown is a creature with Charisma so high that he was able to curb a huge pantheon of disparate deities, create a single army of them, force them to recognize him as their king, and then fought a war with thousands of other creatures that transcend divinity as a phenomenon, and then crush a whole world under his heel. Ainz in this section looks like, perhaps the most dangerous, legendary and charismatic ruler in the world. The only reason why the rank of Charisma is not EX is two facts.

The first is the fact that Ainz was not the original leader of the Forty-One, but seized power after Touch Me.

The second is the fact that the reign of the whole world for Ainz Ooal Gown was short-lived - and as a result, Ainz Ooal Gown was forced to retreat into the walls of Nazariсk, where he existed from then on.

However, even despite such mistakes, Ainz is perhaps the only Servant able to compete even with the EX rank charisma. That is if he does use his full capabilities as a Servant, and not just the personal ability of Satoru Suzuki, of course.

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