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96.42% The System of Evil / Chapter 108: Chapter 107 - The Wizard

Kapitel 108: Chapter 107 - The Wizard

The alley was quiet and dark, despite the noon.

There was an equally quiet courtyard ahead. About ten meters away.

It's rather uncomfortable to walk in silence with two maniac children.

A drop of sweat trickled down Jack's temple before falling onto the crookedly laid paving stones.

In general, it was strange that some children were capable of killing adult men.

This confused him until he activated Belial's Eyes and looked at the girl in front... that she turned out to be a boy.

Looking back a little, he ran his gaze over the boy... that he turned out to be, of course, a girl.

Wincing at this fact, Jack ran his eyes over the information received and learned a lot from it.

These children felt no pain.

More precisely, they felt it, but ignored it.

Their bodies were no longer burdened with protective functions.

When necessary, limiters flew off the muscles, giving them the power of at least an adult man.

The same applies to endurance.

Their bodies were in the most permanent stress that a living being can experience.

It's like every minute, every second, they walk on the edge, between life and death.

It is not for nothing that they talk about the insanely huge power of insane psycho patients.

Muscle strength and endurance were perfectly combined with the flexibility of a young body, and small height and weight gave extraordinary agility.

And do not forget about the moment of unpredictability.

What kind of head-friendly adult would think that a couple of cute, perhaps a little creepy, children are extremely cruel insane maniacs without any brakes?

Even in Ruanapur, it is very unlikely that there are such shots.

Well, the last point is that... who is ready to shoot children in return?..

At least, many will hesitate for a second, which is enough to lose their lives.

Jack, by the way, found out their real names.

Names that they themselves already seem to have forgotten.

The boy's name was Lucian, and the girl's name was Lenuta.

The last and most thought-provoking question comes... and why?

They seem to be free, so why are they doing this?

Well... they get high.

No, really, they liked to torture and kill.

They are too attached to this case and now they do it with pleasure, but not on camera.

They had their own ideology, which they came to themselves while they were being bullied.

As long as they kill, they live.

Take the life of another to prolong your own.

The more cruelly you take life, the more you prolong your own existence.

They were afraid of death.

They didn't want to die.

And at the same time, during all these shootings and murders, they did not feel the fear of death.

After all, death will come only when they stop killing.

That's why they were so confident in firefights, freely maneuvering between bullets without blinking an eye.

Meanwhile, Jack had already entered the yard and found a large tree with the children, but no cat, which was painfully predictable.

Boy... more precisely, the disguised girl, behind him, reached for the axe hidden under her clothes, but her hand froze when Jack turned to the disguised boy — Lucian, there is no kitten here.

The children froze, and the guy himself, too.

He was so lost in thought that he blurted out the boy's name by accident.

His hand was already reaching for the gun, expecting a fight to begin, but everything turned out differently.

Lucian's body stiffened, and his lips trembled — From where?.. My name... me... is that your name?..

— Oh... Jack pursed his lips, holding his hand next to the holster

The girl behind also froze — Lucian?.. Lucian... this... that's your name...

"How do you know my name?"

— Yes, how do you know his name?

Jack was taken aback when two pairs of eyes began to stare intensely at him—I... this... wizard...


Mr. Mirror's hand met his face.

The children's eyes lit up with interest, hope and a kind of insane obsession.

— ...kind. Jack added, slightly clenching his teeth with shame and irritation caused by Gunther

- "A wizard? Really? Where's your wand, "Good Wizard"?"— grinned O'Dim — "Can you launch fireballs already?"

- "Fill up the basement." — Jack quickly replied, who already did not know what he was carrying at all

— And mine! — shouted a girl disguised as a boy — My name! Tell me it! I want to know! I want to remember!

— Hmm ... — he frowned at the inconvenience, but still answered — Lenuta?

Again the children froze like wax statues, but their eyes were more alive than all the living.

- yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! That's my name! Definitely mine!

— He's a wizard!

— Yes, yes, yes! Good Wizard!

Both children said a little seriously — A kind Wizard, if you are really kind, help us remove the evil curse from us.

"What curse?" — Jack lowered his eyelids a little

— Evil! An evil curse! We can only live when we kill!

- yes! Only when warm wet blood pours from the wounds!

— And then!.. — they squinted at the same time, looking at each other and putting creepy grins on their faces — We won't kill you.

Pursing his lips, Jack frowned.

- "And what are you going to do?" — Gunther lifted the corner of his mouth — "Will you lift the curse?"And then? Will you let me go? Or will you kill me? Do you have the guts to put a bullet in their forehead if you spend a little more time with him?"

Jack's jaw tightened.

— "They are maniacs and it's not about some far-fetched curse." — Mr. Mirror spread his hands — "It's obvious. I don't really care what you do. Kill the children or let the young maniacs go free, dissect and continue random victims. I will only say that you will get evil points in both cases."

— So what?

— Will you remove the curse from us, Good Wizard?

— "Oh, yes, I almost forgot to say. They are also living dead." — O'Dim spread his hands — "Of course they don't have a week left, like that girl with a drug addict dad, but still, a year is a pretty short time if you have thoughts about re-educating them. The body cannot constantly work at such a furious pace, their internal organs will also fail."

Pursing his lips for a second, Jack forced a smile — Of course I'll take it off, but it takes time to prepare. Your curse is strong, isn't it?..

— Strong!

— Very strong!

— Well, that's it... — Jack closed his eyes for a second — ...and in exchange you will tell me who ordered you. Ok?

Lenuta and Lucian exchanged glances at the same time— Good. We didn't like them anyway.

Suddenly there was a shout—Jack! They're murderers!

The guy turned around sharply to see... a whole battalion.

On the other side of the courtyard, more open, there was a large group of people.

Balalaika, Revi, Eda, Shenhua, Coco, Valmet and Chiquita, plus a dozen of Sophie's people dressed in military uniforms and armed to the teeth.

— Wait! Jack shouted sharply, and then he saw a dot from the LCU appear on Lenuta's head

Without thinking, he abruptly stood in front of the girl, and the point of the designator moved to his chest — Wait and I'll explain everything!

A hundred meters away, sitting on the roof, Lam, looking through the optics of a sniper rifle, raised an eyebrow — What is he doing?

Surprisingly, the children were calm.

Whether it was confidence in their own safety because of the murders or faith in the "Good Wizard", but they stood quietly and looked, now at a group of creepy-looking women, then at Jack.

But the women were not calm.

"Touch him, you little bastards, and I'll tear you to shreds!" Revie shouted with frighteningly dilated pupils, raising both pistols at the ready


Coco was relatively calm, if you don't take into account the unkind squint.


Sophie's face radiated indifference, and her eyes, her fingers tightly gripping the cigar coldly, spoke of the feelings inside.


Eda, Shenhua and Valmet were standing with an unkind squint when Chiquita, bowing her head, bared her teeth like a hellhound.

"Jack, don't defend them. — Sophie said calmly — They came for your life.

— I know. — Jack spoke slowly, as if trying to project calmness and peace on the girls — But listen to me first.

— Hmm~m. — Coco mumbled with some interest — If you only knew who you were protecting with your own breasts.

— I know who I'm protecting. Jack shook his head

— I don't think so.

— How did you find me? — the guy raised his eyebrows in perplexity

The girls glanced at Coco, and she lifted the corner of her mouth — When you disappeared without waiting for Valmet, I immediately realized what was what and took advantage of some privileges... daughters of the creator of HCLI. Consider it a professional secret. Better tell me why Valmet didn't wait. Although no, tell me better, how did you find out the motive of the escort?

— Professional secret. Jack smiled a little, and then began to explain to the girls what was what


"Do you think they'll really tell you everything?" Sophie raised an eyebrow, crossing her legs

Sitting in her office, Balalaika looked at Jack and the other ladies who followed.

— I'm sure.

— And what's next, "The Good Wizard"? — Sophie squinted — I won't let them go alive. They killed my people.

Revie curled her lips— And anyway, they are finished maniacs. It is impossible to leave alive.

Coco sighed, and Valmet hugged her when Chiquita added a couple of words — Let the children, but they must answer for what they did. They can't be fixed. Letting them go in peace is a monstrous mistake.

Jack looked at their faces, realizing one important thing.

They are strongly against a peaceful solution, but one thing was clear - if he decides to let them go, then so be it.

This was certainly tempting, but also frightening, because such an opportunity weighed down with responsibility.

Fortunately, although it depends on how you look at it... shared their views.

Jack sighed, slightly closing his eyes, as the eyelids seemed very heavy — I'm not stupid and I understand everything perfectly. Simply... I want them to leave this world quietly... calmly... and painlessly.

Sophie nodded—It's the right decision, Jack.

Revie nodded lightly—That's life. We can't mess with them in the hope that they will become normal. We are not their parents. We're not babysitters. We are criminals. We are the ones who go over their heads in order to achieve what we want in the easiest and most vicious way, and God knows, the easiest way is to kill them. Here and now.

Everyone looked at her with surprise and a kind of disbelief in their eyes — What?

— Yes, so ... — grinned Eda — It's hard to believe that your lousy mouth spewed such a thing.

— You bitch! Come on, let's go out!

Eda, grinning, leaned back against the wall and showed the middle finger.

In response, she immediately showed the same middle finger.

— By the way... — Jack added a little embarrassedly, looking at Shenhua and Eda — What are you doing here?..

The women were standing at the door to the office, their backs against the wall.

"You sent me to Revie yourself. — the Chinese woman grinned — For the first time I go to a girl to ask permission to fuck with her boyfriend, but what can I do. The loot is worth it.

Eda began to press her forehead when all the ladies looked at the guy's crooked, embarrassed smile — A long story. And actually, I was joking.

— It's too late to rush, I almost agreed. Shenhua quickly added, "You can't take the words back and don't you dare give the back one, you got it?

Jack looked at Revie and she shrugged — Let's look at her behavior and so far, she didn't deserve anything.

— Hey!

Coco clapped her hands — It's all interesting, but what's the plan for children?

Jack, closing his eyes, turned to the door — I'll do everything. Self.

The girls exchanged glances, and Chiquita asked first — Are you sure? Maybe you'd better trust us?

- no. — a guy stopped at the door — I made a mess, I'll sort it out.

With these words, he left the office, leaving the women alone.

Revie raised an eyebrow—What?.. Porridge? What did he mean by that?

Sophie sighed—There is such an expression, but it sounds strange in English.

— Oh... exactly. — I scratched Revi's chin — He speaks English so well that I forget that you are compatriots.


Walking down the corridor, Jack met Lamb — Did you get it?

- yes. — the veteran nodded, passing a small package — Wil not only gave drugs, but also pohimichil a little. In general, put the powder in warm water, stir a little and that's it.

— Great. — Jack nodded, taking the package — Tell him thanks from me.

— Yes, I already guessed what you need it for, so Wil knows what's what. — Lam breathed out — Death will come in a dream.

Jack nodded and continued down the hall.


"Oh, Good Wizard!

"Brother, have you come to lift the curse?"

- yes... Jack smiled, carrying two plastic cups

Lenuta and Lucian were sitting on the bed, kicking their legs with impatience.

— Here. — he put the cups on the bedside table — Here are two strong with strong potions that will remove curses from you.

They were already reaching for the cups, as Jack quickly added — But first tell us who hired you.

— Pasta. Lucian replied, grinning — Cowardly. They are afraid of blood.

— They are afraid of us. — Lenuta smiled — We already wanted to kill and dismember them ourselves, but so be it, you can do it.

— We won't be offended. — the boy was saying with a creepy smile

— Pasta... Italians?

— Yeah. — they answered at the same time, nodding — We should have killed you today.

— They said it would make Balalaika extremely angry.

— And she will lose her vigilance.

"That's when we should have killed her.

— I see... — Jack frowned with a dangerous glint in his eyes — Do you know where they are now?

— We were supposed to meet not far from here.

"In the abandoned Havanna Hotel."

— "Triad territory..." — Jack squinted — "Are they trying to play off?.. Or are they just confusing the tracks?.."

— We've told you everything.

— Yes. That's it.

— Can I drink the potion already?

— And? .. yes. — Jack forced a smile, squinting kindly — You can. Just look, the potion makes you want to sleep, because it only works in a dream. You'll wake up and... the curse will be gone.

— Cool!

— You don't have to kill every day!

The boy corrected his sister with a creepy grin — Only when he wanted to.

- yes. — Lenuta smiled kindly, simultaneously grabbing a glass with her brother and drinking the contents — Oh, what a tasteless...

— Nasty.

"Potions don't have to be delicious. — Jack answered gloomily, not finding a place for his lips — Well... that's it. Go to bed.

After looking around, Jack took a simple pen from the bedside table and tore off a piece of paper bag, began to write.

He wrote down all the information he received when the children suddenly poked him in the shoulder.

- what?.. Jack turned and froze

Lenuta and Lucian, to the shock of the guy, repeated what he had read in the past.

The children bared their lower body and at the same time, with a really kind and grateful smile, said - Thank you very much, Kind Wizard!

The guy's pupils narrowed as his gaze fell on their genitals.

The boy was castrated.

Multiple stitch scars.

Old bruises.

Girl... it was sewn up.

The thread was a thin elastic metal rope.

And while Jack's insides were turning over, they kept looking at him.

He could say now that this is wrong.

That it's terrible.

That normal people don't do that.

That the bastards who like this should be put in jail for many years.

He could have said it, but he didn't.

They don't have much time left.

There was no point in explanations.

He will only upset them before he dies by saying that... he didn't like the "gratitude".

Therefore, Jack looked up, clenched his jaw and smiled as tightly as possible, closing his eyes, because he could not hide a look full of anger — Thank you. I'm glad I could help you.

— You're kind, little brother.

— Very kind.

— The kindest man we've seen.

— I don't want to chop you into small halves.

"You don't smell of blood and decay.

— But your wives smell. — the children squinted — Be careful with them. We don't want to chop you up, but they might want to. They are the same as us.

— ...thanks for the advice. Jack pursed his lips, and then smiled—Now... go to bed.

— Thank you, brother.

— Good night.

Jack clutched the paper in his hand and waved them back, leaving and closing the door behind him.

— Jack?

— Lam... what are you doing here. Jack asked with a sigh, looking at the veteran

He was standing at the door and smoking — I told them your plan, and they asked me to stay close.

— I see...

— Is it done?

— Yes... yes, give it to them. — Jack handed him a piece of paper... I'm going to unwind.

Lam looked at him, nodded and patted the guy on the shoulder - Go. You did something that not everyone is capable of, even if it needs to be done. Go have a drink of whatever.

— Maybe I'll have a drink. — Jack closed his eyes — But then. Now... I want to take a walk.

— As you know. — Lam sighed — Take care only of yourself.

Jack nodded and went to the elevator.

Soon he will leave the hotel and move to where he will be helped to calm anger, anger and hatred.

He goes to a place where they will help relieve stress.

Most likely, the Italians would be against being used in such a manner, but no one was going to ask them.

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