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69.91% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 315: Cantrip[#3]

Kapitel 315: Cantrip[#3]

"Lift your hand and chant the following words while focusing on the image of protection, of shields, of safety -" Ezhno was in the process of teaching little Gregory how to cast his first spell, and what better spell to teach than a protective one? He focused on the spell that was [Forcedisk] and spoke then out loud the first words that came to mind: "- make me a barrier, [Forcedisk]." And floating before him stood a barrier the size of a dinner plate, floating in space. It lasted for 10 seconds before vanishing! "See? Easy."

Due to the world being connected now to the multiverse, magic was pouring unto the earth, making everything magical. Ezhno had to fight this large bear with red fur that wanted his prey. This large elk with greenery growing from its horns, he managed to win, but the bear was really strong! Like, it could possibly reap through metal easily because of how it cut through his skin with some difficulty even though his skin now was harder than metal- He tested it, okay? He healed himself easily enough, but the bear managed to scare little Gregory, so Ezhno decided to try and teach him a spell to protect himself from enemies around, and the best way he could do it was to focus on the spell he wanted to teach and the chant for it would come to his mind, even if the spell itself didn't need a chant or ritual. This just made it easier for him to teach others, apparently?

"Uhm... Make me a barrier, Forcedisk?" The little boy opened the palm of his hand, his eyebrows scrunched in focus - Ezhno felt the hairs on his body stand up when he felt a large amount of magical energy try to gather on his little fist, only to fail as he was a child and his body wouldn't be able to handle so much power yet, so the magic automatically receded, only a smaller and safer amount emanated from his fist, making this small barrier of energy float above his open palm. "Wow..." Surprised, Gregory pulled his hand back, but the barrier did not follow, instead staying still - His control over the magic was a miserable thing, magic did not listen to him at all, instead opting to stay where it was called, frozen in space. "See! Easy, right?" Ahote grinned. His sharp fangs and white teeth were rather intimidating. If not for the fact that Gregory was not mentally a kid, he would've been crying like a little kid about now... "Let's go back..." Ezhno held the boy tightly while going what happened over on his head - magic was somewhat sentient or sapient in a way, being aware that if it tried to enter and be channeled by the boy's body like that was a death sentence for the small bean that was Gregory, so it pulled back a large amount of its power, making the kid use a the a watered down version, a Tier 0 of the Tier 0 of the spell [Forcedisk]!

Ezhno wanted to know more about this...

-Scene Cut-

Time flew by - I mean, it was like yesterday that he found Gregory when, in fact, a whole year had gone by. He found a really effective way to train his spells, making them grow in strength really quickly. He just had to force them until his body and mind could keep up with them, increasing his mastery of his spells like this was like a death sentence if he was human, but because he is a Wendigo and therefore not a human, his body can take more punishment than humans bodies.

After he found that Magic was sentient in a way, he managed to make Magic notice how his body could handle a lot more of it through pushing himself further and try to control magic itself inside him- It was painful, he couldn't cast any cantrip through gestures or speech, he had to force the magic to change, and that was very painful on his mind. He had to stop most of the time because blood would come out of his nose and eyes, but he persisted, and through meditation amd exercising his Willpower he managed to find a way to control magic that enteted his body and managed to draw more inside and that made his training even faster as he had more magic to use and his willpower was stronger to hold more than 3 cantrips being cast at the same time!

So, in 1 whole year, he managed to bring five of his cantrips to Grandmaster Proficiency over them - All his spells can now be casted without any gesture or words, thanks to the amazing control he has over them.


Name: Ahote Ezhno | Age: 25 | Race: Monster (Wendigo)


Call of the Wild (You must live out in the wild, supported by nothing but your skills and magic and what you grow or hunt yourself. You can live only in structures you make and can't spend 20% of your time close to civilizations.)

- Time: 3 Years

(+20 Points)

[World Quest]

The Resistance: Shortly after the portals opened, your world was invaded by enemy forces that have taken over Earth! You can not stop this, but you can train and grow stronger so you can one day take back your world, form a resistance against these invaders.

Time - 10 years

(Double All Points)


×[Attack Cantrips]×

[Bleed] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a simple thought] <Tier 3>

Target: [Harmful: The target must have tried to harm you in the last five minutes and be within 60 feet of you] <Tier 2>

Damage: [Old Wounds: Multiple cuts appear on the target, focusing mostly on old wounds they've taken previously, which bleeds freely for the duration of the cantrip] <Tier 1>

Duration: [6 Minutes: Wounds bleed for at least 3 minutes, strongly resisting healing and clotting during this time.] <Tier 2>

[Ray of Frost] -

Range: [40 feet: Increases range to 40 feet.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Jagged: Ice forms sharp spikes, piercing the target or otherwise restricting movement.] <Tier 2>

Intensity: [Moderately: Decreases speed by 30%] <Tier 1>

Duration: [10 Minuted: Ice and slow effects last for 10 minutes] <Tier 1>

[Fist] -

Style: [Combo: Energy influences both hands and is expanded after four hits. Energy grants basic knowledge on punching and blocking] <Tier 1>

Power: [Strong: The strength of the punch is increased 20 times] <Tier 2>

Effect: [Echoing: The impact of the hit vibrates through armor and thin barriers, hitting what is behind them.]

Type: [Counter: You can use an energy-infused body part to block an attack, killing the kinetic energy of the blow and using it to enchant your next attack.] <Tier 1>

□[Defense Cantrips]□

[Forcedisk] -

Size: [Huge: The size of a football field can be shaped into any geometric shape.] <Tier 3>

Type: [Spinning: Can be spun around at large speeds, can also be moved around at the speed of a bullet.] <Tier 3>

Power: [Pulsing: Can hold up to several tons of force, reflects half of the energy back] <Tier 3>

Duration: [30 Minutes: Lasts thirty minutes before vanishing] <Tier 3>

[Denumbra] -

Density: [Umbral: Perfectly dark, reflects no light, and even absorbs some forms of energy] <Tier 3>

Shape: [Beastial: Can create a beast of shadows with any features, automatically acts as a shield in case of direct attack] <Tier 3>

Substance: [Solid: Can have the solidity of stone, blicking easily physical attacks. Lasts for 10 minutes before needing to be recast.] <Tier 3>

Effect: [Absolutely: Focus slides off of you even in bright light. You're able to hide even when you're not trying to.] <Tier 3>

[Toughness] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Target: [Bone: Greatly increases your strength and power, gives extra effects depending on the essence] <Tier 3>

Essence: [Diamond: Grants 25× your base strength, speed, and defense] <Tier 3>

Duration: [6 Hours: Boosts for 6 hors before fading] <Tier 3>


Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Intensity: [Moderate: Small chance to nullify the spell (Depends on the difference of strength between casters), large chance of weakening the spell and its effects] <Tier 1>

Target: [Understood: Understanding the spell and what it does makes it easier to stop the spell, even if you can not cast the spell yourself] <Tier 1>

Range: [30 feet: Caster must be within 30 feet of you] <Tier 1>

♡[Healing Cantrips]♡

[Healing Hands] -

[Healing Hands]

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Shape: [Beam: Can shoot beams of healing magic that phases through solid objects, healing anyone it touches] <Tier 3>

Intensity: [Heavenly: Can increase healing speed by 200,000 times. Makes target able to heal from things it shouldn't be able to.] <Tier 3>

Duration: [1 Hour: The healing aura lasts for 1 hour before fading. Focus is no longer required.] <Tier 3>

[Vigor] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Target: [Cleansing: Provides energy of a long nap. The body is cleaned as if taken a shower, slows dirtying while the spell lasts] <Tier 1>

Type: [Another: You can cast this spell on someone else] <Tier 1>

Duration: [1 Minute: Effects of spell last 1 minute. Instantaneous effects do not vanish.] <Tier 0>


Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Intensity: [Lingering: The effects last a little after the spell ends] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Recuperating: Grants a large boost to the immunity system, granting resistance to diseases, toxins, poisons, and others. Greatly increases te speed of recovery.] <Tier 2>

Duration: [6 Hours: Spell effects lasted for 6 hours, and lingering effects last for another 3 and a half hours] <Tier 3>

°•°●[Summon Cantrips]●°•°

[Animal Friend] -

Size: [Small: Can confortably fit on your lap or a chair.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Intelligent: Has roughly human levels of intelligence, but a mentality that roughly translates to their instincts] <Tier 1>

Disposition: [Loyal: The animal summoned is loyal to you and will follow your orders.] <Tier 2>

Duration: [1 Hour: The creature stays for 1 hour before vanishing.] <Tier 1>

[Infestation] -

Density: [Thick: House-sized swarm of tiny insects, thick enough to hinder visibility] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Alarming: Large and induces a strong avatic fear response] <Tier 1>

Range: [50 feet: Can be summoned within 50 of you, and can move twice that range away from you.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [5 Minutes: Swarm last about t minutes before vanishing] <Tier 1>

[Seance] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Bond: [Communicate: You can call a spirit to communicate with you, only you will be able to see and speak to this spirit. It will also stay in the immediate area around you.] <Tier 0>

Range: [Local: You can draw spirits that match a given criteria within an area of 100 miles around you or another location connected to the spirit if you know its name.] <Tier 1>

Type: [Nature Spirits: You can call upon the spirits of nature, such as trees or rivers] <Tier 1>

~◇[Interaction Cantrips]◇~

[Mask] -

Depth: [Layered: Your mask has several layers. Each layer makes it harder and harder for others to see through you.] <Tier 3>

Nature: [Radiating: Your mask is so strong it can mask other's actions and magics.] <Tier 3>

Effect: [Falsify: Whatever is being hidden can have the most ridiculous information, and it'll be believed.] <Tier 3>

Duration: [1 Week: It lasts for 1 week before needing to be cast once again.] <Tier 3>

[Message] -

Range: [200 Feet: Target must be within 200 feet of you to establish the message bond, can not go twice that distance, or else the spell fails] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Translated: Your words are received and translated perfectly. Your intent too, in whatever language the target knows best.] <Tier 1>

Response: [Meaning: You can understand the meaning behind the words the target sends you back.] <Tier 1>

Duration: [5 Minutes: Lasts for 5 minutes before it ends] <Tier 1>

□[Manipulation Cantrips]□

[Fog] -

Density: [Solid: Can be condensed into the thickness of a thick mattress] <Tier 3>

Substance: [Toxic: Can cause several effects, such as causing allergic attacks, burning exposed skin, or being even poisonous] <Tier 3>

Effect: [Vanishing: You can deconstruct and reconstruct your body within your mist, teleporting within it instantly. You can not cast spells while in your "mist" form, but you can phase through objects.] <Tier 3>

Range: [1500 feet: Fog must be within 1500 feet of you and can not be more than 400 feet wide.] <Tier 3>

[Murk] -

Thickness: [Oppresive: So thick and dark that it seems to weight down on others, magical or any other type of light is instantly consumed.] <Tier 3>

Contents: [Gruesome: Cloud can condense into sharp claws and teeth to attack others] <Tier 3>

Effect: [Draining: The cloud of darkness can drain the energy of those inside it, making them fall comatose if they stay inside it for too long] <Tier 3>

Range: [500 feet: Can be cast within a 500-feet diameter within 500 feet of the caster.] <Tier 3>

[Hideaway] -

Entrance: [Movable: The entrance can be moved to any surface. It can even be opened mid air.] <Tier 3>

Size: [Huge: Can create a dozen several rooms. They all have the size of a large apartment building. Can have up to four entrances. They all must be within 1 mile of each other.] <Tier 3>

Contents: [Packed: Can store items inside the Hideaway, having them stay inside between Summonings. Cannot store living things inside] <Tier 3>

Duration: [1 Week: It can last for 1 week before vanishing. Can have up to 5 Hideaways] <Tier 3>

<~○[Effect Cantrips]○~>

[Blink] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought. It is activated automatically in case of mortal danger.] <Tier 3>

Type: [Blink: Can teleport faster than the blink of an eye, appearing and dissappearing smoothly and making it impossible for others to notice you teleporting.] <Tier 3>

Target: [Surroundings: Can teleport anything within 30 feet of you alongside you, or you can shift your places, switching with anything within 30 feet.] <Tier 3>

Range: [10 Miles: Can teleport to anywhere within 10 miles, even based off on vague ideas such as 'nearest pool' or 'largest tree'.] <Tier 3>

[Pocket] -

Size: [Huge: Portals are 30 feet across] <Tier 3>

Type: [Mobile: Can be moved around and placed mid-air, will collapse if the edge is pressed against a solid surface too strongly.] <Tier 3>

Range: [1 Mile: The portal must be opened within 1 mile of you, line of sight no longer needed, but you need to have an idea of where the portal is or will appear.] <Tier 3>

Volume: [Huge: 1 million cubic meters can be divided into 12 different dimensions. It will have anything needed to store things safely inside.] <Tier 3>

[Featherfall] -

Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Target: [Another: Can target someone else within 40 feet of you while also targeting yourself] <Tier 1>

Effect: [Float: Can floating up and down freely, defying gravity for the duration of the spell. If the target is an inanimate object, you control its movements] <Tier 1>

Duration: [10 Minutes: Lasts for 10 minutes. Once the spell ends, the target will receive the weakest form of this spell, drifting or 1 minute.] <Tier 1>


As you can see, Ezhno made a lot of progress on the [Healing Hands], [Hideaway], [Pocket], [Murk], [Fog], [Denumbra], [Forcedisk], and [Mask]. He is so powerful now when it comes to defense because he focused mainly on hiding and protecting, healing too because it was important! He hasn't trained his attack spells that much because he doesn't want to catch the attention of the [Agoths] who were very aggresively searching everywhere!

Thankfully Ezhno made another base on the other side of this large red portal, the portal took him to another world that was really just a long desert, he managed to find a way to come back and he has been having a lot of fun going through the portal, mostly because of his mastery over spatial spells such as [Blink], [Hideaway], and [Pocket] that gave him a really good understanding of space magic and how it works, being able to find a portal that will take him to his forest really easily, and if not, he can make a temporary portal to teleport him to his home. It's temporary because he has a hard time controlling it. Magic to teleport through dimensions is not easy to cast, okay!? The quest to keep Gregory safe vanished the day it made 1 year that he was under his care the moment it did. However, Ezhno was met with a surprise

The start of his [World] quest.

[Few hours ago]

[Quest <Defend the Helpless> has been completed.]

[All Defense Cantrips will be upgraded a tier-]

[All Defense Cantrips up to tier 3, a new reward will be given: 1 New Defense Cantrip]


Method: [Chantless: Can be cast with a single thought] <Tier 3>

Intensity: [Moderate: Small chance to nullify the spell (Depends on the difference of strength between casters), large chance of weakening the spell and its effects] <Tier 1>

Target: [Understood: Understanding the spell and what it does makes it easier to stop the spell, even if you can not cast the spell yourself] <Tier 1>

Range: [30 feet: Caster must be within 30 feet of you] <Tier 1>

"Huh..." Neat! Ezhno held onto the little boy as he rested, walking through the thick forest- The vegetation greatly increased this year that magic has been growing in power, making everything much greener than ever. He passed by a large ash grey tree with glowing red and blue mushrooms that blinked their eyes at him, flowes whose petals were as sharp as blades, and leaves that moved and danced like they were alive even without he wind.

The world was alive, alive, and blooming with energy.

"Greg -" There was a flash of red. He reacted faster than he would've if he was a human, his hand swatting away at the red projectile while he was casting [Toughness] on himself, it was not very obvious but his grey skin had this soft pale blue glow beneath all the vantablack hair that grew on his body. He easily blocked the bolt of flames that did nothing to him other than annoyed him.

A guttural deep growl escaped his lips as he crouched, achieving a more animalistic pose with his hands to the ground and no longer staying on his two feet, but instead staying on all fours as he looked towards where the flames came from: "Show yourselves, I can hear you, smell you, feel you." His voice was like that of a wolf, deep and thick in aggressiveness. He was ready to do what he had been doing for a year now! Walking towards him, having him surrounded, was a group of people, from what he could sense about 4 men and 3 women, and one leader.

A tall, broad shoulders, a black stubble beard on his sharp chin... Handsome, incredibly handsome, his hand glowing in red light as a small needle of flames floated above it. "Give me back my son, monster."

Oh... Ezhno heard a lot about him, and he must say, Gregory didn't tell him his dad was a daddy.

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