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11.72% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 52: Gaymer Wolf (#5)

Kapitel 52: Gaymer Wolf (#5)

"Alpha Hale." A stern looking woman with long dark hair and a pair of gorgeous black eyes smiled at Derek, who nodded back at her and returned her greeting by saying: "Alpha Venus." Peter just repeated the greeting and showed his respect to Alpha Venus' Left Hand, a short man with a shock of black hair, he was small, about probably 5'2? But don't underestimate him, Peter and Derek feared him because of his ruthless nature that was worse than Peter's own ruthlessness. "Left Hand Mars." Peter bowed his head a little, Mars, the Left Hand of Venus' pack nodded as well and greeted them: "Alpha Hale, Left Hand Hale." 

"I would like to know why you requested an audience with me, Alpha Hale." Alpha Venus did not hesitate to ask the question, she went directly to busyness and cut short through the pleasantries, she was used to having someone kiss her ass to try to get favour from her, so she was always a 'direct to business' woman- It was seen as rude by many other Alphas, but she did not care, and neither did Derek because he was here for one purpose: "I want- No, i need your help " Alpha Venus' eyebrows were through the roof with that, Derek had to hold a dry chuckle when a memory came to mind... Stiles, looking at him with that gorgeous smirk of his, saying: "Yeah, i speak eyebrows now. Thanks to Derek Hale." But that memory faded away as the woman curiously looked at him and fake coughed on her hand- She could probably smell his misery and sadness, Cora always says he smells like that when he thinks about Stiles. "And how exactly would you need my help?"

"I want your help in finding my Mate." 

Said Mate was lazily looking at the costumers that came into the shop, most of the supernatural costumers were the usual groups of Gargoyles with George asking for his usual [Void Coffee] with the usual amount of Overdrive Potion to give him that extra energy to finish his work today so he can start preparing dor hibernation. Apparently, Gargoyles go on this process where they go inactive for a whole month, where they transform into their true form and keep still like a statue- In fact, most of the Gargoyles in Notre Dame are real supernatural Gargoyles that went into hibernation and died, getting frozen there forever and being used as decoration for that building... Sad.

He could still see the other costumers he dealt with earlier... The trio Ergo went back to their pack after paying the debt they had, the two women that came with Amalithia left after they got their drinks, and the Nosferatus that came with Mortherio left soon after together with said man. 

Now everything's peaceful... Or so he thought, because the second he heard the shouting, he sighed tiredly. He approached the table as a tall, buff older man raised his fist and punched the table, he probably wanted to break it, but not even a crack could be seen on the table surface. "We pride ourselves on our sturdy tables... Sir, please calm down or else I'll have to kick you out." Stiles' voice seemed to scared the man out of his stupor because his angry eyes turn to him as he points at the girl in front of him: "This bitch is a fucking guy! You want me to get fucking calm!? I've been going out with this fucking guy wearing girl clothes and he says he's a woman!? Disgusting!" Stiles drags his eyes to look at the young woman who is looking rather ashamed, her eyes are filled with tears as the man keeps insulting her.

"All i see is a beautiful young girl crying because an asshole is shouting at her." Stiles voice took a colder tone, his eyes locked with the other man as he kept saying: "I'm going to give your transphobic ass two options. One, you leave peacefully and with your bones intact, or you leave with all of your bones broken." The man looks at him up and down before he raises his fist and brings it down in a quick right jab, highly underestimating Stiles due to his thin and small frame. The world around Stiles goes into a slow motion as his thoughts move way faster than his body, he sees his hand slowly moving and grabbing the man's wrist and pulling him down, twisting his arm around, putting his back as the man falls forward and flipping him over into the ground before knocking him out with a quick kick to the head. 

[Hand to Hand Combat leveled Up]

'Huh, nice.' Stiles thought as he heard the thumping sound the body of the big guy did as he hit the wood floor with all his weight, it was followed by the groaning before the impact of his feet connecting with the guy's head. He was out could in less than 10 seconds, that was his personal record! "I'm sorry you all had to witness this, we will now return to our normalcy. Thank you." Apologizing to his other costumers, Stiles grabbed the man by his feet and dragged him out before calling an ambulance to him, which in the United States is equal to bankruptcy. He returned to check up on the poor girl that was shouted at and found her on her table, still a little sad as she looked at the menu. 

"Are you okay miss...?" She turned to look at him with a weak smile in her quivering lips making Stiles remeber how he looked after his father died. "Oh. It's okay... Everything's fine now." He will do to her what he wished someone would have done to him after his dad died: Comfort her. Hug her, tell her everything's gonna be fine... "He won't be able to hurt you anymore." Stiles might've broken a few bones of the guy, like, just 5 of them... Or maybe one of them in five different pieces. Just maybe. "Come on, let's get you something nice to drink." He didn't wait for her answer as he took her by the hand behid the counter and into the kitchen... When she noticed she no longer was at the shop but on the kitchen, she stopped. "Wha- Where am i?"

"Oh, you're on ny kitchen." Stiles appeared from behind her again, scaring the shit out of her for a second, and before she could say anything he gave her a mug of hot chocolate with three white marshmallows just floating on the brown liquid, the white steam raising from the mug blinded her for a second as she flinched her head away from the steam as it rushed and hit her face. "Here you go." Stiles smiled at her as he took a seat on the suspiciously convenient chair behind him, she looked around and suddenly saw movement, her eyes widened when she looked at the little humanoid with wings behind the man in front of her- Was her hallucinations returning? They can't, can they? "Oh, you can see them? That's great." Stiles chuckled and turned to the fairy flying behind him, took the other mug the little creature was bringing to him and took a sip.

"See them? What you mean? You can see them?? They're not a product of my imagination!?" Stiles raised an eyebrow at her with a very questioning gaze, she must've seen his 'what you mean?' expression and paled. Whispering to herself: "They're not hallucinations... They're not hallucinations..." over and over while looking at the fairy that handed Stiles his mug, her eyes looked around as she began to see several other little fairies flying around, carrying a new tray of fresh cookies out of the oven to Stiles, he raised his hand and the tray began to float towards him and stopped just before them. "Cookies?" He asked, his hand glowing a pale blue while he touched the rather hot tray, she could swear she saw Stiles smile as the tray's temperature dropped to the room temperature.

"What's going on- How can you see them? I thought only i saw them-" Her breath started to turn into restless panting, she was starting to have a panic attack. Stiles placee his hands on her shoulders and said: "Come, breathe with me." Hus breathing was steady, soon he helped her out of a certain panick attack. "See? Everything's okay." Stiles chuckled dryly and used [Observe] on her:

[Bianca Marolo (Spark)- Lvl 5]

'What-' His thoughts were cut short by Bianca, who once again sighed as she looked at him with a clear curiousity and a need for answers burning deep on her soul. "I know what you're going to ask, so I'll tell you now... I did not know you could see these little buggers-" Stiles opened his hand and a little fairy landed on it, sitting on the palm of his hand before flying away. "I thought you were a pure human..." Bianca, shocked, asked: "What do you mean pure human? I am human!" Stiles only shaked his head in dismissal as he explained: "The supernatural world is vast and wide, there are many supernatural creatures you can think about... Nymphs, Dragons, Werewolves, Fairies, Ghosts, Demons, and not only creatures by also phenomena like Magic- This is what you are, magic, pure magic contained inside a human body- You are like me, Miss Bianca Marolo, you are a Spark."

"How do you know my name? And what the fuck is a Spark?" Her voice was sharp and her eyes focused on Stiles, he was the only source of information- Damn, he feels like Deaton now. "Well, you know your name, i just happen to get it from you while you were whispering to yourself while panicking. 'They're not hallucinations Bianca Marolo, they're real' was what you said." Not exactly a lie since she did say that once while whispering to herself. "And what a Spark is, I already said... Magic, pure magic contained inside a body, a Spark is potential, Spark is but the start of an Inferno, if the flames are kept ablaze." Bianca frowned deeply as Stiles now understood why Deaton never gave them straight answers when they were running around in Beacon Hills- Because it was way too fun to act mysterious! "And you're telling me magic is real...?"

"You're looking at it, aren't you Miss Bianca?" Stiles' left hand reached out a sphere of blue mist appeared in his hand, Bianca flinched at the sudden brightness before her eyes were caught by the amazing sight. "Magic is energy." The blue mist vanished, Stiles used his [Spark Magic] and suddenly there was a ball of water floating in his hands, his fingers brushed against the water sphere and it suddenly froze, turning into a sphere of ice... "Magic is concept." The ice sphere turned back into water, the water started to boil and suddenly turned into a ball of white steam. "Magic is everything, a feeling, a thought, a movement..." The sphere of steam simply faded away into nothingness, Bianca's widened eyes turned from where the sphere was back to Stiles' face, staring into his deep blue eyes. "Magic is what you want it to be."

"You said I'm a Spark...?" After a few seconds of silence, Bianca asked her question: "What are you then?" 

"Albeit it was a little rude, I'm also a Spark. But differently from you, I'm still developing... You? You haven't even started developing yet. You can see the supernatural because you are part of it, your magic unveils your eyes to the creatures that are normally unseen to the eyes of the mundane. A mundane that you don't even know everything about... And now a whole nee world to learn about- I sincerely am sad to say i know exactly what i feels like, being thrown into a whole different world, i mean."

"Can you help me...? Can you- Can you teach me?"

"Hum... Sure." Stiles smiled warmingly at her. "I sure can teach you what i know."

"Are you sure that's everything I need to do?" Bianca's nervous voice echoed in the endless grass field, her eyes landed on the little pile of ash on her hand. "I just need to believe that i can do it? I just need to imagine myself doing it and want it to happen like, really, really hard?" Stiles once again nodded, his face serious and collected, if anyone from Beacon Hills ever saw him like this they would be shocked! Stiles was acting almost like Alan Deaton! "Believe in yourself, if you can't do a Mountain Ash circle, the most basic thing a Spark can do, how am i supposed to teach you about harder things like... This?" Stiles pointed his finger to tje horizon and boom a bolt of purple like lightning hit the ground, going out of his finger like he was a certain Sith Lord that would shout 'Unlimited Powa!' or something like that.

"That's so cool." Stiles only nodded along to Bianca's remark, his eyes closing as he went back to his [Meditation] training. Right now they were inside Stiles' first try at creating a time dilated dungeon, and the max one he could make was a [10H: 1H] one, which means 10 hours inside this place is 1 hour outside of it, and they've been here for 2 hours already. "When you are ready to leave, tell me. Or when you can make a circle without taking a bath in Mountain Ash." He chuckled at her annoyed huffing, he's been teasing her a lot ever since she accidentally dropped ash on her feet, tripped when she tried to get a few handfuls from the pile on her feet, and ended up sending the whole container of the Mountain Ash flying and falling into her head, bathing her in a lot of Mountain Ash. Thankfully, he was experienced in dealing with Mountain Ash, so he just willed in back into the container and let her try again, but only after teasing her for a few seconds.

It's been a another whole week since she asked him to teach her, the first thing Stiles her was to kept her mouth shut. Not say to anyone she wasn't comfortable with or one hundred percent sure would talk about it out loud- And when asked why, he just told her what Hunters are and how they work, he told her about the Argents as an example and even though he knew many Hunters do follow The Code, some of them do not and you cannot distinguish between them until they come knocking on your door, so it's better to keep quiet about it and only talk about it with others that already know. He also lectured her on the subject of supernatural creatures, he hired her as a waitress as well and she met with other supernaturals, one of them being George the friendly Gargoyle.

She met Vampires, Werewolves, Werecats, Witches, Weredogs, and even a Banshee. 

"I'm trying okay?" Bianca huffed, she looked at what Stiles was doing... Floating 5 inches from the grass in a meditating pose, if she wasn't sure he was a Spark, she would've called him a Monk! "I am not a Monk, Bianca. Focus on your training." How does he do that!? How can he know what she's thinking about? Can he read her mind- "No i cannot." The fuck!? He totally can read her mind! Bianca gave him her best stink-eye while he stood there, floating. A few seconds passed by and she decided to follow his instructions once again, taking hold of the ash in her hands she closed her eyes and willed it to form a circle around Stiles, to keep him locked there, she opened her eyes to see another failed attempt- When she thought she had failed, the ash in her hands suddenly flew out, as if blown by an invisible wind, and formed a perfect circle around Stiles and although she couldn't see the ash, she felt the circle form around him- It was strange.

"Congratulations, you just created your first Mountain Ash circle." Stiles opened his eyes and smiled at Bianca approvingly, she blushed a little and looked away with a barely hidden smile in her lips, he then clapped his hands and the ash around him floated up and formed this circle around him before slithering in the air like a snake and entering the container they were using to store the ash. "Now try again. This time do it faster." Bianca only nodded and grabbed another handful of Mountain Ash and threw it in the air once again.

It's been a week since Alpha Venus agreed to help him search for his Mate, she spread the word out to every pack of Werewolf in New York, and till now there has been no news. He considered spreading his photo all around, maybe setting him up as a missing person but he doesn't want to upset Stiles if they end up finding him. "Derek?" Turning to face his sister, Cora, Derek winces and whines a little when he sees her and Erica holding their hands- He's happy for them of course, but he feels jealous that they have love, they found love on each other while he threw away the opportunity he had in his life for love 5 years ago... Well, he was never worthy it anyway, he wouldn't be surprised if Stiles has already forgotten him and moved on with his life, only he is this creepy guy that doesn't want to move on and is still clinging on the possibility of what it could have been.

"Yeah?" His voice was dry- hoarse, very sandy, when was the last time he drank water? "We got some news-" Derek got up faster than he thought he could, his head instantly hit the bunk bed above his, they have been staying at Alpha Venus' pack house she spared them some rooms, they wantes to stay close to hwr to get the news as soon as they arrived. Like now. "We got news!? Have they found him? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" Derek's voice grew heavier at each question he asked, his nails turned into claws and he clenched his hands, he only stopped when he smelled the scent of his blood flowing out of his hands. "Well... No. They haven't found him yet, i know you just can't stay here and wait till they find him, so we asked if we could narrow down where he would most likely be- And we got some good news, Alpha Venus' Left Hand was able to narrow down by percentage where he would most likely be, so now we have a 90% chance place to search through."

"How would they narrow down where he is?" Derek asked, sceptical about the veridicy of tjis information, he didn't doubt Mars' information gathering power, he was only below Stiles himself when it comes to information gathering, but he was curious and a little doubtful about this. "Well, we gave them all the information we had on Stiles, his scent, his preferences, his personality, and through some kind of computer program Mars was able to narrow down through probability and percentage the places or regions where Stiles would potentially be." Erica answers this time, her face holds a little bit of hope, her eyes shining like they never did before, making a little seed of hope sprout in Derek's heart. Cora gave him a list of places alongside a map with different marks and colors, different regions on the map with different letters and colors.

"We told them how he is a Spark too, they were kinda impressed because Sparks are rare but they also included the areas with high supernatural and magical activity." Cora added hopefully, making Derek nod as he turned the page and stared at a name that caught his eyes... "What is this [Void Caffee]? Is this something important?" There was a red circle around the name, so of course it must be important. "Well, it was opened a few days after Stiles left his last apartment, and it is also a high point of magic and supernatural activity, there are several different packs of Werewolves and even some Vampires and Nosferatus that go to this place, as if they are-"

"Drawn to it." Derek concluded. His hands helding the paper tightened as felt it, deep into his being, that this was where Stiles was! This place! This! Go there- He sighed. "He's there... I know it. Let's go. We're going to buy coffee."

Cora and Erica just looked at each other before they nodded, they were going with Derek, if Stiles is there he probably wouldn't be happy to see the friends that abandoned him. 

Stiles sent Bianca back to the shop after she tiredly begged him to let her go, they were there for only four hours so it wasn't even close to the time to open the shop. Right now he wanted to try something he saw on his [Wizard's Book of Spells] that was very interesting... A familiar, he saw a spell called [Find Familiar] and luckily for him, it was a [Lvl 1 Spell] so he could learn it if he really tried. Familiars are very useful, including to him since they can help him greatly with their natural ability to regulate magic and help who they are bonded with when there's magical or emotional turmoil, so when he has a very strong panick attack, he can have help with him. They can also use spells through them, spells that require touch or even ranged spells, you can also switch your senses with your familiar, seeing what it sees and hearong what it hears as well as smelling- the only thing you can't do through your familiar is speak, so spells that require speech will be said by your own body.

"Let's do this..." To get a Familiar, you need to cast the spell doing a ritual, this ritial requires focus from him as well as MP. When he closed his eyes, he felt his mind expand outwardly and reach out through space and time, through the thin veil that separated dimensions just to reach for the Familiar that resonated the best with him... Since the spell could only find the familiar, the bond needed to be done willingly by both parties to be a Familiar bond, if forced it becomes a master slash servant bond and that's not what Stiles wants... He wants a friend, after all, he has none right now. (Well, he has Taylon, he's kinda his friend right? Maybe Bianca, but she's more of an apprentice than a friend) 

His mind kept brushing against several entities through time and space, reaching out to things that wanted to form a bond with him, this spell sounded very risky but it was safer than it sounds due to the fact that Stiles was doing it as a ritual, which was used to hide away his mind from others and only be felt by the creature with the greatest affinity to him.

He kept going for about an hour, his mind brushed past little mermaid creatures, beings made out of pure energy, fey creatures, little fiends, creatures of the deepest pits of the multiverse only to find one creature. Once he found the creature, the creature found him as well, and it could sense their high affinity to each other- black scales, little wings, a chubby body- it was a baby dragon! A baby black dragon, it looked like it was recently hatched because it looked naive, not that Stiles have met dragons before, he can see the color and light in those eyes that he hasn't seen in someone's (or something's) eyes a long time now. "Hello there, little one." Stiles did his best to sound friendly, his eyes darted to the sides as he was there only in spirit, he had found the creature that had most affinity to him, now he must convince them now to form a Familiar bond with him. "Do you want to-"

[Baby Void Dragon (lvl 01) would like to form a Familiar Bond with you. Do you accept?]

[Yes]                                                         [No]

"Well, that was fast..." Stiles confirmed the [Yes] option before he read further: "Wait, Void-?"

[Contract Established.]

[Baby Void Dragon- Lvl 01 is now your Familiar]

[You can have multiple Familiars, but you can keep only one every 10 levels of the skill [Find Familiar] spell.]

[The bond with your new familiar has awaken a deep mark left behind in you by the Nogitsune. You've received the skills:

[Void Form lvl 1]

[Void Walker lvl 1]

[Void Control lvl 1]

You've also received the Unique Skill:

[Touched by the Void]


Stiles' breath came to a stop as he watched the notifications pass by, there was a little crack in space as the little black dragon appeared in front of him with its little wings spread out while squealing cutely, but Stiles didn't care- The Nogitsune left something behind him-!?

[Touched by the Void: You have been touched by the Void, a very vast and endlesd dimension full of chaos and darkness, not necessarily evil but not necessarily good, simply chaotic. As a being touched by the Void, you have a high affinity to it, being able to easily gwt through it, use its energy, and even enter it at will.

Increases damage done by [Void] spells by 500%]

Stiles couldn't breathe- Oh God, he couldn't breathe-

[Emotions suppressed by Gamer Mind]

[Gamer Mind failed to suppress emotions]

[Gamer Mind blocked by emotions]

Stiles was having a panick attack, after everything he went through, to think the Nogitsune left something in him after leaving was- Way too fitting for that damn fox! His emotions and thoughts were a complete mess as he tried to piece them all together, he felt broken and useless when-

[Baby Void Dragon (lvl 01) is Helping you with your Emotions]

Stiles felt better, not a lot better, but way better than before. Tears were still falling from his tired red eyes, but he could breathe now so that's a plus. He looked at the big-eyed little black dragon and they looked very soft, so he picked it and hugged it like a squishy teddy bear- It actually squeaked like a little ruber duck! So adorable.


[Name: None]

[Species: Void Dragon]

[Sex: Male]

[Lvl: 01]

[HP: 10/10]

[Age: 1 Week (Baby)]


Passive: [Void Born lvl Max], [Hard Dragon Scales lvl 1], [Hunger Resistance lvl 3], [Thirst Resistance lvl 3], [Sleep Resistance lvl 3]

Active: [Void Dragon Breath Weapon lvl 2], [Void Dragon Strike lvl 2]

Looking at the little thing's status made Stiles' heart sink, the poor thing was tired, hungry, and thirsty and here he was selfishly hugging it, he quickly got up as the world around him shattered into tiny pieces, he was back at his room and was ready to feed the poor thing- Wait, what does a Void Dragon even eats!? 

Stiles completely forgot he was having a panick attack seconds ago... Why is this such a Stiles thing? His emotions were stable again and he didn't even notice it, he kept holding the baby dragon like it was a cat, he thought a bit about it and probably meat was good... If not, the little thing would probably be grossed out, right?

Well, it turns out Void Dragons can eat anything you give them- and even the things you don't- like meat, vegetables, bones, metal, and plastic alike. They ate anything! He kept monitoring the little guy's vitals through his status to see if his little HP would get any lower, because if it did Stiles would have to force feed a potion to accelerate his digestive system together with some healing potions as well... But if one thing was sure was that it surprised the costumers when he talked to them with a (baby dragon) black kitty on his shoulder, after all, the little thing didn't want to leave him alone after his little episode... 

He even named it!

"Erebus dear, please stop eating the spoon!" Stiles tried to pull away the spoon the little rascal had in its mouth only to fail miserably when the little dragon swallowed the whole spoon, making Stiles sigh. He was standing at the kitchen with the little shit on his lap as he took a break to eat and relax a little before going back, which was ending right about... Now. "Let's go." He picked up the little shit and put him on his shoulder, the little dragon held tightly to him with its little tail and surprisingly sharp claws that pierced his skin but didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. He exited the kitchen area just in time to hear the door of the shop open and the bell ding happily, his eyes raised to meet the hauntingly familiar pair of green-blue gorgeous eyes that he dreamt and dreams about several times... 


It was Derek. Derek Hale on his shop.

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