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96.25% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 77: Lost in the Echo

Kapitel 77: Lost in the Echo

-McDonalds; Later that Evening-

The group had decided to take a break from there findings as they decided to get an early dinner/late lunch. Luckily they had found a McDonalds nearby the office so they didn't have to drive very far.

Despite this they decided to eat like kings as a cause for celebration; they all sat within one of the booths as they ate Reina looked at the journal in her hands.

"This whole time…" She spoke softly, "... I actually have a family. A real family. I still can't believe it."

"Well, they're your memories aren't they?" Katsuki said, "You have no reason to doubt them."

She couldn't help but laugh as she smiled, "Yeah, you're right. Still a brother and a sister… I wonder what they look like…"

Floyd suggested with his mouth full of fries, "Hopefully the opposite of you."

"Bossman!" Michiko shouted with her mouth full "That's rude. I bet they look stunning as the Miss."


Michiko shouted back at her, just after she swallowed, "BITE ME FLASHER!"

"Seriously, and you say we're rude…" Koichi said awkwardly.

"I bet they're similar to you Reina-chan, in their own way!" Izuku soon said with a smile and his eyes in awe, "Maybe they have the same Quirk as you!"

"You really think so?" Reina asked, intrigued a little.

Floyd said with a laugh, "Yeah! Maybe a branch of Telekinesis like Magneto or Professor X or maybe like in Mob Physco!"






"YOU'RE ENCOURAGING THIS!?" Izuku, Reina, Kazuho, Koichi Violet and Victor exclaimed.

"I can see why you like these guys Ki-chan." Futsuno said with a smile, "They seem to get along so well."

"I could almost swear you two were brothers in real life." Akane added.

"WE'RE NOT BROTHERS!!" Katsuki and Floyd shouted, earning looks from the other customers.

"I blame you." Katsuki scolded as soon as he ate the french fries.

"Right back at ya." Floyd added with a sneer.

"Yup, brothers!" Futsuno and Akane said in unison earning a glare from the two boys.

Reina couldn't help but laugh softly before she opened the journal again, flipping through the pages as she had found several more entries. "Wow…" Reina said, before telling the group, "... Seems like Alcina had been everywhere around the world. She even attended a college in America."

"Just like All Might." Izuku said, amazed.

"And she was really good at photography." Reina said before showing a page to Floyd, "Look Floyd-san. She got one of your mom and Penny-san."

Floyd looked onto the page that Reina showed him, as he saw they were both wearing UA uniforms in the ink drawing; though Penny looked to be making a goofy face in the said picture; behind them looked to be a camp site, and on the bottom had read "Summer Vacation". Floyd couldn't help but snicker as he said, "That's my aunt alright."

"She's a really good photographer." Violet commented, "The lightning in this photo is phenomenal!"

"I'll say!" Victor said, "If we ever find out what this Alcina person looks like, I gotta get a few tips!"

"Right, you couldn't even take a selfie!" Futsuno teased, making Victor growl.

"You take that back Futsuno!" Victor growled at her.

Reina couldn't help but laugh a little, before she felt Katsuki take the book from her, before he started to look through the book himself. She soon noticed the look on his face as he looked to the cover, before flipping through the pages himself.

"Katsuki-kun?" She said, concerned, "What's wrong?"

"It's where you found the book…" Katsuki replied, "... It's still bugging me, and it's annoying the hell out of me…. It just seemed too easy."

"Easy?" Reina asked, "What do you mean?"

"Those bastards… The Dolls…" Katsuki said, "You saw how sophisticated they were with their set up, and even how they fought us. Even someone as crazy as the Thinner Bitch isn't stupid enough to leave something as vaulable as this out in the open."

"What are you guys talking about?" Violet asked curiously.

"The journal I found." Reina said, "It was in a room in a display case at the Wonderland Agency."

Floyd exclaimed out of confusion and shock before giving Reina a smack on the head, "AND YOU'RE TELLING US NOW?!"


"Why are you concerned about it?" Akane asked curiously, "Nouki-san found what she was looking for after all."

"That maybe so, but…" Katsuki said, "... It's how she found it that's been bugging me. It's almost like someone wanted her to find it."

At this the group looked concerned, Reina especially as she tensed up. Michiko couldn't help but express her thoughts, "He might be right, Miss. It did seem rather suspicious that guy chose you to pick the number for that raffle. Albeit a coincidence."

"Yeah… In fact the whole situation seemed a bit off." Koichi said, "And it was strange given the fact that we weren't able to call anyone from the outside because of the Virus."

Reina couldn't help but give it some thought. What they were saying was true, it all seemed to be suspicious… She figured she would find the journal in a place she didn't expect to look, and yet she wouldn't see it at first glance. For that matter there was that man… Sterling was his name; the one who approached her and Katsuki before the raffle began.

She didn't notice at first because of the way he approached her and how he eyed her; though looking back on the memory, she realized he had tipped the bowl of paper numbers towards her, right in the section where the quote on quote lucky number had been.

She was put into shock by this as she had come to her own conclusion.

"... Don't tell me…" Reina said aloud, "... Did they know… We were coming?"

"Wait, than--If that's the case someone must've told them about you wanting to go there!" Izuku said, "You didn't tell anyone else about the Wonderland Agency did you?"

"No." Reina replied, "The only people I told are at this very table. They must've had some other way."

Floyd suggested, "Like a mole or something?"

"Hey." Katsuki said looking at Violet, Victor, Futsuno and Akane, "You guys didn't say anything about this to anyone, did you?"

"Nope!" Violet and Victor said.

"Not a soul." Futsuno replied.

"We kept our lips sealed." Akane reassured, "We swear on our lives."

"Then…" Kazuho soon said, "... Was someone listening in when Michiko called them?"

"You don't think the Virus had anything to do with this, do you?" Kazuho said.

"Could be…" Koichi said, "He did manage to bug Michiko's phone."

"Yeah… He's gonna pay for that!" Michiko said, "It was the new generation phone too…"

"That must mean that they must've been leading you into a trap from the beginning." Izuku said, "Do you remember if that person… Um… Pitch I think her name was, said anything to you?"

Reina nodded in reply as she looked a little uneasy, "She wanted to bring me and Katsuki-kun to Shigaraki."

Izuku and Floyd looked surprised at this. "She wanted to bring Kaa-chan too?" Izuku said surprised, "Reina-chan I can understand, but… Why would they want to bring Kaa-chan?"

"The hell if I know shitty nerd!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd said, "Calm down bro! No need to get angry over spilled milk!"

"WHO EVER SAID I WAS HALF-BREED!?" Katsuki shouted.

Floyd yelled back at him, "You're showing it right now, crybaby!"




Michiko and Izuku went to break them up before they could go at it, as Reina possessed a worried look in her eyes. Futsuno seemed to have noticed this. "Something the matter Ki-chan?" Futsuno asked.

"... I… I don't know." Reina replied, "When I think about it, now, they made a really good point about it being easy. Those Villains… The ones at USJ, the Dolls, that girl Vivazo all knew who I was. They all want me for some reason and I don't know why."

Futsuno shrugged before she suggested, "Maybe it has to do with something to do with your past… Do you know about your parents or anything like that?"

"Parents?" Reina said, "I don't even know what they look like, or if I had them to begin with!"

"But you remember you have a brother and a sister?"

"That's different. I only remembered I have them because of that photo."

Futsuno raised an eyebrow at this, "You mean… That hasn't happened before?"

"Well no..." Reina explained, "I'm not sure when it started, but I sometimes get these flashes in my head. That shrine was in Nakagata, and… I remember seeing it in one of my previous visions."

"Hmm, intriguing." Futsuno commented, "And this didn't happen till now?"

"As far as I know…" Reina replied with a shrug, "... I guess this is why Shota decided to give me bodyguards, seeing as how every worst Villain I can think of is after me."


"He's a pro hero and is my appointed Guardian. I bet he's super pissed at me right now."

"Ah, so he's the protective parent."

"Well, he does tend to go overboard when it comes to my safety."

"I can understand that. My dad was like that too when he was around."

Futsuno couldn't help but give a curious look, "... Ki-chan, if it's alright to ask… Why didn't you tell him about this? You could've avoided the trouble."

At this she saw Reina's expression softened, "... I know that there's an easy route, but… I have a nasty habit of others worrying about me. Shota has had to constantly worry about me since I was a kid. Even back when I was growing up I always managed to get myself into trouble and he always had to be the one to pull me out of it. USJ… Was a wake up call that I needed. He nearly died trying to protect us, and… When I tried to help, I ended up making it worse… And that time he wasn't there to save me like before. Now after what's happened… He can't use his Quirk like he used to… And if something like that happens again… I'd never see him again."

Futsuno's look changed at this; she possessed a small unsettling smile for a moment before she rid herself of that look before Reina or the others took notice.

"By the sound of it, you really look up to him, don't you?" Futsuno said.

Reina laughed softly, "... While I don't remember having a mom or a dad… It's safe to say that I look up to him like a parent figure."

Futsuno gave a smile as she laughed, "You really are the sweetest person in the world, huh Ki-chan? Though there is something I am curious about, if you don't mind."

"Sure, what is it?" Reina asked.

"Well I have been wondering for quite some time now…" Futsuno said, "... But what's it like living under a Pro Hero's roof?"

Reina had been taken back by this sort of question, though didn't notice that Michiko and Katsuki had taken notice of this. Before she could answer, michiko had been quick to change the subject as she said suddenly, "So Midoriya how's your internship so far before all of this started to happen?"

Everyone had been taken back by this and Michiko noticed she started to get awkward looks from them. Michiko soon said to divert the awkwardness, "Just wanted to lighten the mood."

"Uh…" Koichi said, "... Are you okay Michiko?"

"Yeah that kind of question came out of nowhere." Kazuho said.

Michiko immediately told them she gave them a slap, "Shut up!"

Reina couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this, while she didn't notice that Futsuno looked a bit annoyed at Michiko's interruption. Katsuki couldn't help but look skeptical at Futsuno just from the question she had asked her, while Izuku and Floyd looked to Michiko wondering where the question came from.

Soon enough they were startled when Reina's phone started to ring. She removed it from her pocket and noticed the caller ID.

"Chou-chan?" She said surprised.

"Chicken Wings?" Katsuki said, "What does she want?"

Reina only shrugged before she took the call. "Hello?" Reina said.

"Reina-chan!" Chouko exclaimed, "Where have you been?! I've been trying to reach you!"

"So--Sorry." Reina said, noticing the tone in her voice, "I had my ringer turned off. Is everything okay?"

"Reina-chan, you know how you and Midoriya-kun were worried about Iida-san?" Chouko said, "Turns out both of your worries were right! He knows who hurt his brother, and I think he plans to go after him!"

Reina's eyes widened at this, before she had a thought come over her, "That look he gave from before…! I was right, he plans to avenge his brother for what happened to him…"

"Did you figure it out?" Reina asked her, "Do you know who he's going to go after?"

"The last person you would think…" Chouko said, "... It's the Hero Killer Stain! He's the one who did it!"

At this Reina looked horrified; She had heard tell of the famed Hero Killer. If she had to describe the man in one word… It would be a monster. No one knew what his Quirk was, or what his method had been in doing so, or even if he had a Quirk to begin with. All she knew was the very thought of what he could do, and the thought of him taking out a pro-hero just terrified her.

She couldn't understand how a person could do such a horrible thing; why would someone perform such a heinous act.

"That's--" Reina said, "--That's not possible, he left the city years ago! Why would he be back?!"

"Reina-chan, what's going on?" Izuku asked, noticing her distress.

Floyd said, "Yeah, what's up?"

"Chou-chan says Iida-san is planning on doing something stupid!" Reina told them.

"What!?" Izuku and Floyd exclaimed.

Michiko said, "Seriously?!"

"Chou-chan, I need you to stay with Iida-san, until we get there! Do NOT let him out of your sight no matter what!" Reina said, "Did you tell the others!?"

"Other than you, I told Todoroki and Fubuki-chan!" Chouko replied, "I haven't told Uraraka-chan, or Gio-san yet!"

"We're nearby!" She said, "Tell me where you are so we can meet you!"

"Okay, okay! We're going to be patrolling near the area where--!"

Suddenly Reina had been taken back by a loud ring coming from her phone causing her to pull back. Though she noticed it wasn't just from her phone, it was from everyones in the fast food, their groups included.

"What the hell!?" Kazuho exclaimed.

"Our phones!?" Koichi said.

Floyd took his phone out of his pocket as he yelled, "That's why y'all need an Android!"


"I ain't joking! It's the cold hard truth! See!" Floyd said as he showed his phone.

"HOW MUCH OF AN IDIOT ARE YOU!?" Katsuki yelled before he showed his phone, "IT'S HAPPENING ON MY PHONE TOO!"

Floyd looked surprised at this, "FOR REAL?!"

"It's on my phone too!" Izuku said as he saw his phone start to glitch out.

"It's happening to everyone else!" Violet said, looking around.

"The outside too!" Victor said, pointing to the pedestrians outside as they just stopped to check their phones.

"What the hell is going on?" Reina wondered aloud.

Then she saw her phone screen turn white; the keyboard appeared on her phone screen and started to type itself.

"Hello again Little Alice." The message read, "Enjoy playing the next game."

An image appeared on the screen which had been an old news article which had been the very image of Stain.

"Catch the Killer. "

Another image pulled up, as it showed Tenya making her look terrified.

"Or he dies."

"What…?" Reina said fearfully.

Katsuki soon noticed something out the window as he saw people start to run just as the sun set over the horizon. He saw what had terrified the people, as his eyes widened at what had been outside.

"GET DOWN!" Katsuki yelled, before he pushed Reina to the ground; the others did the same as something came crashing through the window. Reina's eyes widened out of shock and horror when she saw before her eyes.

Many people within the restaurant started to flee in terror as the Nomu stood tall, letting out a roar, though she noticed that it's appearance had been different from the one in USJ.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Koichi shouted.

"Oh God, his brain is sticking out and everything!" Kazuho said in disgust.

Michiko looked at its appearance as she said "Ew, why the hell are his eyes like that?"

"That's like something out of Bloodborne!" Victor yelled.

"Or Resident Evil 7!" Violet shouted.

"No!" Reina exclaimed, "You mean to tell me, there's more of these things!?"

"But that can't be!" Izuku said, "What on Earth is it doing here!?"

At that moment Floyd just stood there, wide-eyed and shocked at the situation presented in front of them. His lips quivered in fear as he couldn't move his feet, though the others didn't seem to notice this at first as they were busy surveying everything happening before them.

"Wait a minute, you know what those things are!?" Violet exclaimed.

"That guy Shigaraki called it a Nomu!" Izuku said, "But why are there more of them here!?"

Reina's eyes widened in realization as she stood up, "If Nomu are here… Than Shigaraki must be nearby..." She said softly.

She soon turned to the group, "Crawler, Pop-Step! Evacuate the premise, and take care of that Nomu!"

"Right!" Koichi said as he geared himself up.

"We're on it!" Kazuho said, throwing off her coat revealing her costume.

The two of them soon charged at the Nomu letting out a fierce war cry as they did as they activated their Quirks.

"Genno-san! Suzuki-san!" Reina said, turning to them, "See if you two can find a place to get a signal and call Tsunagu-san and any other Pro-Hero nearby! We're going to need their help!"

"You can count on me Ki-chan!" Futsuno said, "Akane-chan, let's go!"

Akane nodded, "I got your back Futsu-chan!"

The two soon ran out of the restaurant, avoiding the flying debris before disappearing from their sight.

"What about us?" Violet said.

"Your call Lollipop Head!" Katsuki said, "What do you want to do?"

"We're going to help as many people as we can! But keep your eyes open for Shigaraki!" She told him, "If Nomu are here, then that must mean he's here too!!"

Katsuki cracked a smile at this, "Alright than!"

"You got it Miss!" Michiko said as she geared herself up.

"What about Iida-kun?" Izuku asked her.

"Don't worry, we're going to help him too!" Reina said, "For now, we're going to take care of the Nomu's until Pro Heroes arrive!" She soon turned to the door as she drew her sword, "Let's get it done team!"

"Right!" They all said.

As they ran outside, Michiko noticed that Floyd stood their frozen in place as he looked to have a horrified expression on his face.

"Bossman!" She said, snapping him out of the trance, "What are you doing!? We gotta move!"

Floyd replied as his voice quivered a little, "y-yeah right."

The group ran through the streets; as they did they took down the Nomus that stood in their path; with Reina tossing a car into a Nomu, Floyd binding one with his Quirk, Katsuki blowing a Nomu away, and Izuku using his own Quirk, and Michiko using her own Quirk to take them out.

Though unbeknownst to them, a couple of familiar faces had been watching above the building, with a couple of Nomus behind them. Crock and Vivazo looked over to them; despite them being bandaged up, they had wicked smiles on their faces.

"There they are." Crock said with a smile.

"Hehehe, time for me to collect Floydie's love nectar!" Vivazo said as her face was flushed red.

"Remember the plan Viv?" Crock said to her, patting her shoulder, "Let's scatter the rats, and you can get your man."

Vivazo giggled as she armed her gun, "of course! And anyone that gets in our way~"

"Well let's just say well be the last ones they see"…" Crock said.

Down below, Reina and the group managed to take out only some of the Nomu though they saw more coming from above the sky and the ground; in only a few moments they saw the streets and cars lit up in flames as many citizens ran from the direction.

"Jesus, how many of these things are there!?" Michiko shouted.

"Where are they even coming from!?" Victor exclaimed before he ducked from a Nomu heading towards him, "Jesus!"

"Hey Twin Nerds!" Katsuki yelled as he blew a Nomu out of the sky, "Can you get rid of the jam signal on our phones!?"

"Well, yeah, but it's not exactly gonna be done in five minutes!" Violet said.

"That's gonna take some time bro!" Victor said, "At least 15 minutes give or take!"

"Just shut up and do it damn it!" Katsuki said, "If we can get a signal through, then it'll be worse for them right!?"

Floyd said, "Hey! They're doing their best they can ya know?!"

"Piss off, Aihara! Who asked you!?"

"Oh suck on my-"


"Can we focus!?" Michiko yelled.

Reina kicked a Nomu back before it punched her; she quickly used her Quirk to wrap metal beams around its body, trapping it making him fall to the floor, before she trapped another using the same method.

"Violet, Victor!" Reina said, "Do what Katsuki-kun says! We might need to contact the others if it comes down to it!"

Violet and Victor looked at one another before they both nodded. "Okay!" Violet said, "Hey! Midoriya! Give us your phone!"

Izuku quickly rummaged through his pocket before he tossed his phone to Violet. "Here!" He said as he did this.

Victor got out his computer as he got to a safe spot with Violet bringing the phone to him. He plugged Izuku's phone into his computer, as Violet got out her own laptop.

"Keep them off us for the next 15 minutes!" Violet shouted as she assisted her brother.

"We'll do our best!" Izuku said.

Reina immediately avoided a Nomu attacking her from behind; using her sword, she stabbed it in it's head before kicking him over to Floyd so that he could trap him with his Quirk. For a moment, she went to catch her breath, though moved out from another attack, as she activated her Quirk again as it went to kick her, stopping it's leg.

She slid underneath him before she sent him flying in the air as she sent him in Michiko's direction.

As another Nomu came charging at her, she felt a sudden ring go off in her head before she felt a fist go across her face making her cry out in agony before she was sent rolling across the floor. She felt blood drip down her mouth as she recovered.

"Damn it…"

She took her sword from her side, as she found her vision a bit blurry before she stood up. Her eyes widened at what surrounded her.

"What the…?"

Instead of finding a burning city in front of her… She found herself standing in the middle of the town; the color of the world was just gone. The only colors that remained were the flames around her. She heard the sound of people screaming, and something else unnatural.

She jumped at the sound of something breaking as she saw a familiar creature had run through the weakened walls of a house covered in flames. The creature turned to her, as it growled and snarled menacingly.

"giVE Me MEaT!!!"

The monster came charging at her, as Reina stood frozen in fear unsure of what to do.


She looked towards the sound as the creature ran towards her, and saw a telephone pole falling in her direction. She tried to tell her legs to move, but she couldn't bring herself to do it, as her eyes changed to gold.


She soon found herself getting tackled as she soon rolled on the floor again just as the telephone pole came crashing down sending sparks of electricity. As her eyes changed back she found Katsuki underneath her, as his arms had been around her; she noticed the wounds on his arm and shoulder had opened up.

"Katsuki-kun!?" She exclaimed with worry as she scrambled off of him, "Are you okay!?"

Katsuki flicked her head in response as he picked himself up, "You idiot, that's my line damn it!"

"Reina-chan!" She soon heard Floyd and Izuku shout.

Reina looked in the direction of the voices as she saw the power line down and water spraying out of a fire hydrant it had fallen over.

"Guys!" She shouted as she was about to run towards the wreckage; she stopped herself when she saw the electricity spark in the water coming from the now broken hydrant.

"Crap!" She cursed as she practically jumped back.

"Are you and Kaa-chan okay!?" Izuku yelled.

Michiko yelled, "you're not hurt are you?!"

"We're okay!" Reina shouted back, "How about you?!"

Floyd replied, "We've seen better days!"

"What knocked that over!?" Violet shouted.

Floyd examined the downed powerline as he noticed the smell coming off of it. Though when he saw where it had been snapped off, he saw what appeared to be liquid dripping off of it.

"Wait a minute..." Floyd's eyes widened as he said "Oh shit! Michiko! Izu! We gotta go!"

"Floyd-san, what--" Izuku said before he shouted to him, "--WATCH OUT!!"

Floyd looked above him and screamed when he saw a Nomu coming from above; Michiko blocked the attack with her blades as she pushed it back, cutting its fingers.

The Nomu hollered as it jumped back. The three saw it was dripping with the same substance as what Floyd saw and the smell was strong too.

"Bossman! This is-" Michiko said.

"Paint Thinner..yeah." Floyd added "And we know one crazy girl has that kind of quirk."

As if they spoke of the devil, two more Nomu came flying down to the area; Crock and Vivazo had been riding on their shoulders.

"Hello ladies and gents~." Crock said with a wave, "Fancy meeting you lot here."

Vivazo said as she waved, "Hey Floydie! I see you met our adopted love child! Don't worry, Crock's the aunt!"

Floyd shuddered at this as he gagged a little, "Seriously? Not even Maury or Jerry Springer is gonna explain this."

Reina could see the two Villains from the otherside, as she looked horrified. "Floyd-kun!" Reina exclaimed, "Get out of there!"

Floyd yelled back at her, "Well duh!" He and the others were about to make their escape, when Vivazo fired a couple of rounds in their path, making them freeze.

Vivazo only wagged her finger, "Nah, uh, uh, Floydie! Your mistress will have to wait~"


"THAT'S YOUR CONCERN!?" Violet and Victor shouted mostly out of confusion.

"Just hang on!" Reina shouted, "Katsuki-kun and I will find a way to--"

"Reina-chan!" Izuku soon yelled, cutting her off, "You and Kaa-chan go on ahead! Find Iida-kun and save him!"

"But I can't just leave you two here!" Reina said, "That's not happening!"

"You're gonna have to!" Floyd told her, "We'll catch up as soon as we deal with this psycho bitch and her lizard pet!"

Crock's eyebrow twitch, "I really wanna dice this bastard up right now…"

Reina only looked more worried at this, which Izuku and Floyd noticed the look she had. "We'll be okay Reina-chan!" Izuku told her with a smile, "After all--We said we would see that exhibit together didn't we!?"

Reina flinched at this as she looked at them surprised.

Floyd added with a smirk as he winked, "yeah and when this is over let's go for ramen burgers! My treat!"

At this she couldn't help but laugh softly before she gave a smile back to them, "Of course we will dork! We'll go together! All of us!" She said to Izuku, "You can count on it!"

Izuku smiled as he nodded.

She soon turned over to Floyd, "You better keep your word Floyd-kun! No backsies got it?"

Floyd laughed as he gave a thumbs up, "Yeah!" He turned to Katsuki as he shouted "Hey! Since you're her boyfriend now, you better keep her safe, Pisshead or I'm shoving this fist up your ass!"

"And you better not get your ass killed!" Katsuki told him with a smirk, "You still owe me a fight after all! If you go and die by this bitch, I'll make you regret it in the next life!"

Floyd said flipping him off, "Same to you, Trigger Happy Bomb Boy!"

She soon turned to Katsuki as she held her hand to him, "Let's go… Katsuki-kun!"

"Lead the way Reina!" He said with a smile.

Thus the two of them ran off in a certain direction, battling Nomus and helping citizens along the way.

"Chou-chan, Iida-san!" Reina thought, "Wait for us! We'll definitely save you!"

Floyd, Izuku, and Michiko looked to what had been in front of them as Crock and Vivazo jumped from the shoulders of the Nomus. Crock smelled the air, "There's nothing that gets my blood pumping than the sounds of screams and the flames of war… Wouldn't you agree with me Viv?"

Vivazo said with a chuckle as she pumped her gun, "Oh Yeah! Just like Shishio Makoto would say!"

Floyd shuddered again as he yelled, "Seriously? Even RuroKen?"

"Evans-san…" Izuku said, "... Vivazo seems like the more dangerous Villain… Any ideas on how to take her out?"

Michiko nodded as she replied keeping her voice low, "Yeah just a few, like Bossman She's flammable but back what we saw at the club she's also weak to carbon fiber."

Floyd smiled as he said, "Should be easy enough."

"Oi!" Crock said, firing her gun in the air, making them jump, "No side chit chat now! Who's first up to the plate?"

Vivazo said gleefully, "Dibs on Floydie! You two better not interrupt our love making!"

Floyd said while flipping her off, "PISS OFF! I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!"

Floyd soon charged at Vivazo as he drew up a weapon. "Oh? I better hope that someone is me… BECAUSE I'LL KILL A BITCH IF IT ISN'T!"

Floyd had gotten a sword ready as he yelled with a fierce war cry while Vivazo charged at him while her nails extended with the help of her thinners. Crock soon charged at Izuku and Michiko as she activated her Quirk.

Both had dodged their blades, as Crock said with a laugh, "This is going to be fun~!"

Vivazo giggled and laughed as she charged at Floyd again and again; his ink blade crashed with one another.

Vivazo said to him gleefully, "This is so nice, don't you agree Floyd! To finally be together again! To have this little moment all to ourselves!"

Floyd said as he pushed her back, "Seriously! The hell's wrong with you?! Have you been hit on the head?"

"Mmmhhh, more than once!" Vivazo said before charging at him again.

Floyd let out a small scream as he quickly moved out of the way. It wasn't long till he stopped for a second as he saw himself back in a familiar street with cars passing and kids coming out from a familiar school.

Floyd possed a fearful look as he said, "wait what's going-"

"Talk about Flashback Friday am I right?" Vivazo said, playing with the hem of her skirt as her face turned red, "I remember Bell Blvd like it was yesterday! You and I were about to go on that play date.."

Floyd's eyes widened at this as he soon said with rage in his voice, "What did you say?"

"Well I mean, the reason why you didn't recognize me was because I had pigtails back then and less scars than now. I mean how was I supposed to know Mom was doing her job at that gas station before your aunt came in? I like to think of it as fate." Vivazo said with a creepy smile before she lost it, "Oh! There was that girl you were talking to at the time. I thought she was your girlfriend so I snitched to her on mommy! Taught her a lesson!"

Floyd gripped his weapon tighter as he said, "You… That was you?!"

Vivazo let out a delightful giggle, "Well now you remember me! Funny thing is that girl...well--" She soon pointed to one of her eyes as her smile grew wider, "--Let's just say she didn't see it coming!"

The next second Vivazo saw Floyd's sword impaling her shoulder making her cough blood.

"D-darling?" Vivazo asked as she turned she saw that Floyd was angry as the ink began to consume his hands and form led like claw guard.

"You hurt all those people years're gonna pay for that!" Floyd shouted.

Vivazo soon let out a laugh as she exclaimed, "Ooh I love this side of you my darling! I want to see more of it! MORE AND MORE!!"


Reina and Katsuki looked around through the city streets, helping as many people as they could along the way while taking out the Nomu's that had been in front of them. Reina was just lifting a car off of a man's leg as some good Samaritans helped the man to his feet before moving to a safe location, while Katsuki just finished taking out the Nomu before them, knocking him out.

He saw Reina nearly fell to the ground, as she dropped the car.

"Hey!" He called out running over to her, putting his arms around her.

She caught her breath as she soon looked at him with a reassuring smile.

"I'll be okay…" Reina said, as she stood, "... I still have time left."

"Don't push yourself." Katsuki told her, "Save that energy for when you need it."

"I know, don't worry." She reassured him as he helped her to stand up, "We have to find out where Chou-chan, and Iida-san are."

"How the hell are we going to do that!?" Katsuki said, "It could take us all night to find her and the four eyes!"

"I don't know, but we'll find a way!" Reina said, "We just need to--"

The two of them soon heard a shriek, which sounded agonizing. Despite them being startled they recognized who the voice belonged to.

"That's--" Katsuki started to say.

"Chou-chan!" Reina exclaimed, before she ran to the direction of the voice.

Katsuki ran close behind her as they entered an alleyway nearby as the screams came again. Finally they reached the source, and before their very eyes they saw Chouko against the wall clutching her shoulder while Tenya had been on the floor; A man stood in front of Chouko with his blade in hand, as it appeared to be drenched in blood.

Reina's eyes widened when she saw a Pro Hero on the ground, as he looked to be in just as much pain as Chouko and Tenya had been.

"Native-san!?" Reina exclaimed.

The man known as Native noticed her, as his eyes widened in shock, "Reina-chan! Run! Now!"

The man dressed in red, licked his blade as he turned to Reina; just from his gaze, she could've sworn her heart stopped for a moment before she readied her sword again as Katsuki readied himself as well.

The man… Known as Stain smiled towards the young teen which Reina couldn't help but flinch at.

"... I was wondering when I would meet you… Reina Nouki."

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