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90% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 72: The Witch Returns

Kapitel 72: The Witch Returns

-Late that Night; Aizawa Residence-

Shota sat at his computer filling out paperwork for UA that Nezu had given him up; he couldn't say that he enjoyed it though he had to get it done much to his dismay. Though he supposed it was the best thing he can do to take his mind off of things. One being that of a certain teen girl.

He will admit it to himself.

He was worried about her; after all that's happened how could he not be?

Despite her age, she was still a child after all. She could be killed if she wasn't careful.

He's known her his whole life, she's always been a magnet of trouble.

He knows she didn't ask to be, but that's how she's been.

He just wondered how it all began.

Wait… That was a trick question.

For a moment he removed himself from his desk, as he looked at the photographs that hung on the wall just down the hall. Most of the photos had been those from his high school days. The other photos had Reina in them.

Each one had her at a different age. Each of them had a picture of a smile on her face. Each one had a different event; one had her wearing a cat yukata, at a ring toss, holding a Cheshire cat plush. Another had been of her as a thirteen year old girl. She had been in the Wild Wild Pussycats headquarters; with her had been a little boy of three, wearing a hat that looked to have a pair of golden horns; he looked to be embarrassed as he sat on the girl's lap.

The final picture he stopped at was of one, of her in her UA uniform, with himself and the other teachers in the photo, looking like they were all having a good time. It had been sometime after the Entrance Exams, as they had gone to celebrate with the other teachers on her success; he even had a real genuine smile in the photo.

He couldn't help but stifle a laugh at this.

DING, DONG!--Went the doorbell suddenly.

Shota couldn't help but look confused by this as he couldn't help but look confused; he hadn't been expecting any guests, nor did he remember to invite any over.

It was probably Hizashi; he wouldn't be surprised if it was.

He went to the door, and answered it, and… He was in for quite a shock. Shimizu, Aaron and Lena had stood at his door.

"Hi there Shota-chan!" Shimizu greeted with a smile,

Lena had added, as she held up a bottle of wine, "Mind if we celebrated here?""

Shota looked unamused at this, "... You gotta be kidding me."

Aaron said with a smile, "Come on! Don't be such a stick in the mud! Lighten up!"

"Look I don't have time for--" Shota said before they entered the house, "--And your letting yourselves in, great."

"Oh come Shota-chan, we're all friends here!" Shimizu said with a smile as she removed her shoes, "Besides Hizashi-kun comes to this place all the time doesn't he?"

"Can't I have one quiet night?" Shota asked.

Lena replied with a smile, "Nope."

Shota groaned as he rolled his eyes, before they proceeded into the dining area. Shimizu noticed all the paper scattered about. "I can see why you always had Reina-chan do the chores around here." She said jokingly, "Compared to her, you're not the tidiest person in the world."

"Shut up." He said.

Aaron laughed as he added, "You're a funny one, you!"

Shota's eyebrow twitched a little at this as he couldn't help but growl.

"Though to be serious for a moment…" Shimizu said as she got herself ready to cook, "... I know you miss Reina-chan in all, but that doesn't mean you should sleep all day than work all night."

"How did you know--"

"Please, I've known you and half the people working in UA since high school. It'd be an insult at this point if I didn't know your pattern. After all you were like that when it came to her wellbeing, right?"

At this Shota turned red with embarrassment, as he looked away; at this Aaron and Lena perked up as they knew at that point, Shimizu wasn't talking about Reina.

"Oh my God…" Lena said, "... Boss? Did you have a girlfriend in your HS days!?"

"Shut up." Shota said as his eyebrows twitched a little.

"Nope! This is something I'm going to use against you from now on!" Lena said with a chuckle.

"Do that and I'll make sure Aaron replaces you full time." Shota said in a threatening tone, though Lena only laughed. She said with a smile as she poked his cheek, "Oh Shota, you and your ominous jokes!"

"So tell me..." Aaron asked. "What's she look like? Is she prettier than my monster of a sister?"

"SAY THAT AGAIN!" Lena shouted "I'LL F***IN MURDER YOU!"

"Language." Aaron told her.

"Like I'm gonna tell you that!" Shota said.

"Well as a matter of fact…" Shimizu started to say as she began to cook, "... You could say she was like a siren from the sea. She caught the attention of almost every man she came across. Shota-kun included. As a matter of fact, she got a part time job working as a model for magazines and fashion shows. Even got a part in a movie if you can believe it."

"SHIMIZU, WHAT THE HELL!?" Shota shouted, earning only an innocent look from Shimizu as she shrugged.

Aaron and Lena couldn't help but squeal at this. Lena said as she nudged Shota and moved her eyebrows in a funny way, "Well, did you get the princess in the end?"

"Lena, I swear to God--" Shota started to say before getting cut off by Aaron. "You guys did get together, right?"

"Sadly no." Shimizu soon replied, "Let's just say she became a forbidden fruit after graduation."

Lena snapped her fingers at this as she grumbled in defeat, "Damn it! Foiled again!"



Aaron gave her a smack on the back of her head as he said, "Lena, what did we say about blackmail?"

Lena groaned as she rolled her eyes, before she replied, "Yeah, yeah, it's illegal."

"Good, now go help the good doctor in the kitchen!" Aaron said with a smile.

Lena only grumbled and went to do just that. As Shimizu started to prepare a dish, she looked over to Shota.

"So then…" Shimizu started to say, "... Are we going to acknowledge this?"

"Acknowledge what exactly?" He asked.

"What else? The elephant." Shimizu replied, "That being the bodyguards you assigned to protect Reina-chan."

Shota only rolled his eyes at this as he went to get a drink from the fridge. "Look I know she means a lot to you, considering, about you know what… But don't you think you're going overboard with this? I mean… Keeping her under a twenty-four hour watch is one thing, but Vigilantes lead by Oguro-san of all people. I'm not saying that his heart isn't in the right place or anything, but, you know how he can be. Especially since he's a father himself."

"That's exactly why I told him to take his team to protect Reina." He told her, "Who knows what kind of rumors Villains are telling about her. Who even knows if the ringleader of the League of Villains is planning on taking her during the internship."

"She took an internship with Tsunagu-kun, who was in charge with her after what she involved herself in, in middle school." Shimizu said, "I'm sure she'll be alright."

Lena added, "Yeah the kid's a firecracker! Just like a certain shrimp I know."

"You shouldn't be worried about her, she'll be just fine." Aaron said.

"Like you two are one to talk." Shota said, before looking at Lena, "Who thought it was a bright idea to put Aihara in a hazmat suit?"

Lena shouted, flipping him off, "IT WAS FOR HIS OWN SAFETY!"

"Shota-kun…" Shimizu said with a sigh, "... You of all people have to realize sooner or later that Reina-chan's not a little girl anymore. Granted I want to keep her safe too, but this isn't the right way to go about it."

Aaron added, "Yeah man, it's kinda overboard even by your standards, At this point your just turning into Lena."

"WHY YOU-" Before Lena could use her pens Shota gave her a dead stare as his quirk was active making her stand down.

Shota let out a sigh, "... I know she's not a kid, but that doesn't change what I promised. She's my responsibility, and always has been."

"Even so, it doesn't make it right." Shimizu said, "Just give Reina-chan a chance, and I guarantee she'll be just fine. Besides this IS Reina-chan we're talking about. She's the most responsible girl I know, not to mention she's with her trusted friend Bakugou-san. What could go wrong?"

As this was said , Shota's phone began to vibrate on the table. He picked up his cellphone from his desk and noticed the caller ID.

"Knuckleduster, what is it?" Shota said.

Just as Aizawa was on the phone with Knuckleduster, Aaron's phone began to ring as he picked it up, he saw that it's his father, Joji. "Hey dad, what's up?" Aaron asked. In the next second his eyes widened in shock.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Aaron shouted, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE!?"

Lena immediately knew what her brother had been talking about, as she soon shouted, "WAIT, FLOYD'S NOT WITH UNCLE?!"

Shota's eyes widened at what Knuckleduster told him. He's eyes shined a red color, "Reina and Bakugou are… WHAT!?"


Katsuki couldn't believe his eyes, at the person who stood before him. It was really her. The Phantom Witch, as her eyes were that of white for the moment, and her weapon in hand. He was just shocked, practically speechless even at the woman before him.

The Phantom Witch soon held her hand out to him, "Well… Are you just gonna sit there, or are you going to come out?"

Katsuki took her hand, and held Reina with his free hand; she helped him out of the van, minding the wounds he had.

"How…?" Katsuki started to say, "... How the hell did you--"

"Kaa-chan! Reina-chan!"

Katsuki looked really shocked at who ran over to him. It was Izuku and Floyd, both of them equally worried.

"Deku? Inkhead?" Katsuki said surprised.

"Thank God, you two are okay!" Floyd said with a smile. "And seriously lose the nicknames damn it! That ain't mature of you ya know?"

"What the hell…" Katsuki started to say, before he shouted, making the two of them jump, "... ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE!?"

"What's it look like? Preparing for your bar mitzvah?" Floyd replied before yelling. "WE'RE SAVING YOUR DUMBASS!"



"HA! AS IF I'LL DIE!" Katsuki boasted.

"There goes the narcissism again!" Floyd said with a groan.


"Wh--whoa Kaa-chan, Floyd-san!" Izuku said nervously, "Maybe keep your voices do--"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO SHITTY NERD!!" He shouted, making Izuku shrink again.

Floyd gave him a smack, making him accidentally drop a sleeping Reina, though Izuku was quick to catch her. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY, EXPLOSION FOOL!"

"You shouldn't be so harsh with them." The Phantom Witch told him, "They were really worried about the both of you."

"Don't you start you old witch!" Katsuki yelled, "More importantly, were you following us!?"

"Not at first." The Phantom Witch replied, "I was there at the Agency to retrieve something of mine. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find it, but I saw you in the crowd. I placed a tracker on you before I left, just in case you got yourself into a pickle. And it seems I was right in doing so."

"Tracker!?" Katsuki exclaimed before he started to feel around his body and checking his pockets, "What!? When!?"

Izuku soon noticed something on his elbow. He took it off, making Katsuki freeze up; there he saw Izuku holding a small yet silver device the size like that of a ladybug, but in the shape of a small butterfly.

"I think she means this." Izuku said holding it to him.

Floyd said intrigued, "Huh, interesting.."

Katsuki's jaw dropped as he looked back at the Phantom Witch, as she only shrugged. He thought of when she had the time to do such a thing.

Then it hit him like a train. Back at the agency, when that person accidentally bumped into him.

Or was it really an accident?

"From earlier—?!" He exclaimed looking at the Phantom Witch, "—That WAS you!"

"At least your perceptive." The Phantom With commented.

Katsuki couldn't help but growl, "So you were following us weren't you!?"

"I already told you, I was—"


"You're angry about that? I did say I was sorry, didn't I?"


Seeing as how it was about to get hostile, Floyd quickly got in between them as he said, "Woah, woah woah, rewind for a sec--" He pointed to the Phantom Witch, "--Who dis?"

"She's the old lady we saw at the Sports Festival, Half-Breed!" Katsuki told him aggressively.

Floyd's jaw dropped as he soon realized she had a scar on her face, similar to the one he had seen before, he exclaimed, "Wait, that was you?!"

"Um…" Izuku soon spoke up, getting the Phantom Witch's attention, "... Thank you for helping us, but…" He soon gulped and asked, "... Are you by any chance, the Phantom Witch?" Floyd's eyes practically sparkled when Izuku stated this.

"Of course you'd know her, you damn nerd!" Katsuki said before he had gotten another smack from Floyd.

"It's been an honor to meet you, Miss Witch!" Floyd said with a bow before he whispered. "Again, sorry about my friend. He's still not okay in the head.."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, YOU INKHEADED LOSER?!" Katsuki shouted as he held his fist to him; he would use his Quirk, though the collar was still on his neck.

Floyd noticed this as he commented, "Say I didn't know collars were in this fashion sea--." He soon stopped mid-sentence as he realized the design of the collar, "Hold the phone… That's that mask guys collar?!"

"YOU JUST NOTICED THIS NOW!?" Katsuki shouted.


"... You know who I am?" The Phantom Witch asked curiously as her eyes changed to a pale yellow.

Izuku nodded in reply, "I've seen you on TV before--The TV modeling company you worked for would always pay tribute to you, and play old footage of you fighting a Villain… All Might was always fighting by your side too. I wanted to meet you or at least have an idea on how you were, but everyone kept telling me different stories. They said you went missing, and some even said you were dead! How are you even here!?"

Floyd gave a skeptical look as he said, "Yeah, how are you here?"

The Phantom Witch let out a sigh as her eyes changed to that of a jade. "Let's just say it's a bit complicated." The Phantom Witch merely replied, as she stepped over to Katsuki. She tilted his head back slightly before she put both of her hands on the collar, and activated her Quirk.

Much to their surprise, the collar started to smoke a bit before it detached itself, allowing her to remove it from his neck making him flinch. The light vanished as the smoke started to arise. Katsuki rubbed his neck a little as he let out a relieved sigh.

"You should be able to use your Quirk properly after a while." The Phantom Witch told him, "Just give the drug a chance to work out of your system, before you think about using it."

She soon examined the wounds he had on his arm and shoulder making him flinch, when he felt her hand on his arm, "As for these, you'll have to get a doctor to patch you up. Preferably a doctor who has a type of healing Quirk. Until than--"

To their surprise, she ripped off a part of her cloak, before she tied the strands around his arm and shoulder, "--You'll have to make do with these." She finished, making sure it was tied tight on him.

"You've done this kind of thing before?" Katsuki asked as he stretched, and rubbed where he felt the burns.

"Only when I didn't have a medical kit on me." She said.

Floyd soon started to poke Reina's cheek as the Phantom Witch got the collar off of her. Though little did they know, Pitch had activated her devices and the ash began to move on it's own.

Floyd started to yell at Reina, shaking her a little as the Phantom Witch tossed the collar to the side, "Hey sleepyhead! Wakey wakey

"Floyd-san stop it!" Izuku said, "That's only going to make things worse!"

"You can't wake her, I'm afraid." The Phantom Witch told them, "I put her into a trance earlier. She's alright, but as long as I'm here she won't wake up."

"It's true." Katsuki said, "The Lollipop Head won't come to till she leaves."

"A trance?" Izuku said, before he asked the Witch, "Wait! That doesn't make any sense, why would you put Reina-chan to--?"

All of sudden, Izuku fell to the floor, as he felt a sudden pull. A rope of ash grabbed Reina by the waist, tying her arms in the process; Katsuki let out a surprise scream when he felt himself get yanked, before the ash wrapped around him again. This time it trapped his arms, while some of it went over his mouth, to block out his voice.

"KAA-CHAN! REINA-CHAN!" Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd shouted, "GUYS!!"

"Damn it!" The Witch said as her eyes changed to red before she armed herself; her Quirk activated as a curve-like blade was seen at the end of the staff.

Pitch stood up from the ground cracking her neck as she held Reina and Katsuki above the ground thanks to the rope of ash she produced from the machines attached to her arms. Crock and Vivazo got up from the ground as they cracked a couple of bones too.

"The Phantom Witch." Pitch said, "It seems as though the rumors about you were greatly exaggerated."

"That was pretty sneaky of your love!" Crock said, impressed, "No wonder Viv here would go on about you, after she fought you little Miss Witchy!"

Vivazo let out a giggle, "Yeah it was a rush!"

"Oh God--!" Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd growled as he said, "Damn you.."

The Phantom Witch stepped in front of Floyd and Izuku, taking them back. "You're the new Pitch Black?" She said, "Why am I not surprised?"

"I could say the same." Pitch said as she tilted her head; she dodged a swift kick from Katsuki as he thrashed in his restraints. They could almost swear they heard him cursing, "It's no wonder people are interested in Miss Reina." She added.

"Let them go…" The Witch said, in an aggressive cold tone; her eyes changed to the color black, "... And I'll let you and your puppets leave here with your lives."

Pitch only chuckled, "Tempting offer… But you should know how the Dolls work. When a client of ours wants something… We deliver without fail." She turned to her comrades as she had gotten Reina's sword from the car seat, "I'll take them to Shigaraki… Take out the brats and the Witch."

"Consider it done ma'am!" Crock said as she drew her blades, "I've always wanted to take down the woman who tied with All Might on the Heroes list!"

Vivazo armed her gun as she said with a smile, "Mom always said the Phantom Witch was a bitch when she faced her… No matter…" She turned to Floyd as she started to drool again, "Now Floydie..where were we?"

Floyd flinched at Vivazo's tone, though stood his ground as he drew up another weapon. He said to her, "I guess, it's round 2 huh?"

"Guess so." Izuku said as he readied himself.

"You two shouldn't get involved." The Phantom Witch said, "I can take these two myself and take the boss."

"No way!" Izuku said, "Reina-chan and Kaa-chan are our friends! We're not leaving them behind!"

``Yeah and the last thing we want is to surrender them to these freaks!" Floyd shouted, "Especially the perv and the Killer Croc here!"

"It's Miss. Killer Crock to you, bloody swine!" Crock said with a sneer.

"Bite me!" Floyd barked back as he flipped her off.

" Viv, I think I'm gonna take a limb from your future husband!" Crock said as she had a very pissed off smile.

Vivazo said to her partner, "I don't know...on the one hand, I want my Floydie whole and it would resort to me killing you...But He has to be punished somehow.."

"Fine!" Crock said, "How about I take an ear and you can have a finger!"

Vivazo said with a smile, "Sure! But I rather go for his-"

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Floyd shouted as he covered his Johnnies.

"Alright then we're in an agreement!" Crock said, "I take an ear and kill the rest!

"OKAY~!" Vivazo shouted with a cheer.

Just as the two villains here were about to target Floyd, the Phantom Witch and Izuku readied themselves to fight. That was until--


Izuku and Floyd jumped at a familiar voice. From out of the shadows, Michiko came jumping over the three of them, kicking Vivazo right in the chest making her fall back.

"What the-!?" Vivazo exclaimed

"REFRACTED PINS!" Michicko shouted as the light blades suddenly turned to pins as she stabbed sides of her clothing along with her skin to the ground.

"A Vigilante?" The Phantom Witch said, before she took a closer look at Michiko, "Wait… That girl looks like--"

"Evans-san!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Michiko!" Floyd shouted with relief, making Michiko turn to him.

Michiko ran up to Floyd as she gave him a hug. "Oh Bossman! I'm glad you're okay!" She then began to examine him "Did my sister touch you inappropriately?! Did she leave her mark on you?! I have to make sure!"

"Hey I'm fi--" Floyd started to say before he shouted, "--WAIT, SHE'S YOUR WHAT!?"

Michiko laughed nervously as she gave a wave; she said to him, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that part as kids huh?

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Floyd shouted, as he gave her a punch to the shoulder., "WHAT KIND OF BODYGUARD DOESN'T TELL HER BOSS THAT DETAIL?!"

"Wait, you said she wasn't your bodyguard at the train station." Izuku pointed out.

Floyd turned red with embarrassment as he said, "Shut up."

"Oh you're gonna pay for that one you bloody little bi--" Crock started to say before she had been cut off abruptly.


As said, Excelsior prior to his name delivered a punch to Crock's face, making her hit the ground hard forming a small crater. She was immediately knocked out, as all could be heard from her was that of a groan.

Excelsior stood up as he said with a smile, "Are you kids alright?"

"Excelsior-san!" Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd replied with a smile, "Just in the nick of time too!"

Excelsior took notice of the Phantom Witch as he soon greeted with a smile, "Hey there 3000! Long time no see!"

"Excelsior, old friend." The Phantom Witch said with a smile, "Your timing is as impeccable as ever."

Izuku and Floyd's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait! You two know each other!?" Floyd exclaimed.

Before either of them could answer, The Phantom Witch and Excelsior were both quick to dodge a whip made of ash. It had been from that of Pitch herself, as she looked to be more angry than before, even with the mask on, they could tell.

"I'd appreciate it… If you don't break my dolls so carelessly…" Pitch said in a threatening tone as she tilted her head, "...I'm going to have to punish you now…"

"Uh oh..the boss reached her second phase.." Floyd said nervously.

Excelsior said still with a smile, "That's okay! We can take her down!"

Pitch threw Reina and Katsuki to the wall; unsheathing the sword, she thrusted the blade into the cloth of both of their shirts to the wall, though she still kept Katsuki's hands bound to him, and the ash had been wrapped around his arms; the binding on his mouth however left as it wrapped around his ankles, making him thrash even harder.

"You stay there little boy." Pitch said, "This won't take long."

"Bite me you sandman ripoff!" Katsuki yelled, only earning a punch from her; she nearly knocked out a tooth, but caused his mouth to bleed a little.

Pitch stepped forward as she activated her Quirk; the blades made of ash manifested.

"You two stay back." The Phantom Witch told Izuku and Floyd, "We'll handle her."

"But--" Izuku started to say.

"Don't argue." Excelsior said as he got into fighting position, "Just stay there where it's safe!"

The wind rustled as the two heroes face off against Pitch. Both parties were standing by before they could even make a move. Just as the oil dripped from the car, the Phantom Witch, Excelsior and Pitch began to charge at each other and clashed with their attacks. Armed with her scythe, she attempted to trap her with the invisible blade, though Pitch was quick to make a shield from the ashes, before she went to the counter.

The moment she did, the Phantom Witch dispersed into a set of butterflies, before Excelsior made his move by carrying what appeared to be a circular saucer as he tossed it at Pitch.

It hit her dead center in the face, breaking the ash shield she had created. She flew back a little as the Phantom Witch kicked her in the stomach.

The Phantom Witch attacked again with her weapon, though Pitch had got her by surprise as she kicked her in the face, before she made her trip.

Excelsior charged at her, tackling her, pushing her back further into the alley. Pitch quickly kneed Excelsior in the stomach, before she elbowed him in the back. He groaned in agony, though was quick to retaliate with an uppercut, nearly knocking off her mask.

Excelsior said with a smile, "How's that for a Face off?!"

Pitch adjusted herself as she took a deep breath; with only a simple movement of her hands she stuck the ash to the walls, before they started to hit up.

"GET DOWN!" The Phantom Witch exclaimed as she shoved him to the ground. Flames erupted from the now walls of ash, as it took Izuku, Katsuki and Floyd back as they shielded their eyes.

"This is insane!" Izuku said, "Seeing the Phantom Witch, and Excelsior fight is incredible!"

"Now's a real good time not to be impressed!" Michiko said.

Floyd soon added, "yeah Besides we got other things to worry about!"

Vivazo laughed as she watched her Miss fight, despite her vision being upside down at the moment. She said with a laugh, "Oh ,this is amazing! Two Legends fighting with Miss Pitch..this is" the moment she got out of Michiko's pins new wounds opened as she screamed "EXCITING~!"

Izuku, Floyd and Michiko's eyes widen at the horror they saw before them. Despite being slashed, briused, and bloodied with a black eye, Vivazo Evans is still up and running, ready for another round. What is it that drives her? Lust? Adrenaline? Or the need to battle like a wild animal?

"Now then.." Vivazo said with a chuckle. "Before we fight I have to ask, Floydie...Why choose that girl Reina over me? I mean sure she's cute and all, but I got the looks that make guys turn why? Why her?"

Despite her appearance, Floyd.was still shaking but at the moment he calmed down as he replied, "You see.'s not just about looks that makes a person attractive… It's their personality too! The amount of time you spend with a person, that's what truly matters when it comes to liking someone! Someone who loves her friends and family is the type of person I rather date than a Harley Quinn-like psycho like you!"

Floyd expected Vivazo to feel insulted by this, and even Michiko for that matter; but much to their surprise she only started to laugh even louder as she practically kicked her legs.

"What's so funny?" Michiko asked her.

"Oh Floydie! You are Funny just as you were when you were a kid! I mean seriously, did you get that cheesy line from a crappy rom com made in the 90s or some crap?!" Vivazo shouted. Her nails leaked thinner before they hardened. Michko could only gasp when she felt her blades pierce her side.

Izuku and Floyd could only look in horror as they saw the thinner blades, now coated with red. Michiko fell on her side as she removed the blades from her body.

"As for you dear did..From here on..this argument will be between me and Floydie… SO STAY OUT OF THE WAY!" She kicked her to the wall with her wounds leaking out, "Don't worry… Maybe if I feel like it… I'll share him with you.."

"EVANS-SAN!" Izuku shouted as he rushed to her, immediately he placed his hands on her abdomen where she had been hit, "Evan-sans stay with me please!"

Michiko groaned, "Mi--Midoriya-kun…?"

"MICHIKO!!" Floyd shouted.

His fist started to shake as his heartbeat began to rapidly Ink began to come out of Floyd's hands only they weren't just dripping on the floor, they began to form around his hands as Floyd's expression, turned from fear into pure anger. He turned to Vivazo as he said "You shouldn't have done that, Viv.."

Izuku noticed this as his eyes widened in horror, "Flo… Floyd-san…?"

Michiko noticed this too, as she found the sensation to be familiar, "... Bo… Bossman…?"

(Music: Black Clover OST 1-Daha)

The Ink that formed around his hands began to form into giant claws this time with jagged Pencil lead-like guards around it. At the same time, lead claw guards began to form on top of the ink claws as well.

Vivazo saw this as she whistled, "Ooooo so this is the thing that blondie bitch was talking about? Interesting..This actually turns me on!" She let out a giggle as her nails extended with her legs squirming and face flushed red, "Oh Floydie! I want you to crush me with those big hands of yours! But I ain't gonna let you do all the fun..LET'S WRESTLE SHALL WE?!"

Katsuki saw from where he sat as Floyd gave that same look to kill he did to him when their match had occurred. He was soon drawn to Reina as she let out a groan. He started to nudger her with his foot desperately.

"Reina, come on!" He exclaimed in his thoughts, "I don't care if your in a trance! I don't care if she's still here! You have to wake up! Wake up damn it!"

The two clawed fighters began to go at each other at high speed, as they practically disappeared from Izuku and Michiko's point of view. Floyd let out a roar of anger as slowly, his eyes began to change, at least from what Vivazo could tell.

"Interesting! Your eyes change as well!" Vivazo said with a chuckle. "That's why I love you so much, Floyd Aihara-"

Before she could even say anything, Floyd got the first lick as he scratched her face, sending her crashing into the set of garbage cans nearby, making Izuku and Michiko jump.


Floyd began to scratch her rentlessy as her old wounds began to reopen, however Viviazo countered back by clawing Floyd on the shoulder and the leg causing him to stagger before the two fighters pushed away from each other.

"Now Floydie..Remember what I said about you not hogging all the fun?" Viviazo chuckled as she licked her wound. "Sometimes, a lady has to lead on the action too ya know?"

"Tch! Damn it!" Floyd said in a grumble as he got back up. He let out a scream before charging again, this time he delivered a punch to Vivazo's face, only giving her a scratch. Vivazo gave another attack by hitting Floyd on his right cheek before Floyd delivered a direct hit to her knee, the two where relentless with their attacks, not letting one another fall so easily, Izuku and Michiko are horrified at what they are witnessing right now. The Floyd Norman Aihara wouldn't be this cold-hearted relentless killer that they see in front of them.

"Floyd-san..." Izuku said with worry before shouting, "This isn't like you! Stop, please!

Just as Izuku was about to charge at him, Michiko stopped him as she shouted. "No Midoriya-kun!"

Izuku looked at Michiko who had her head down before she added. "I wouldn't do that if I were you… A friend of the bossman's did the same thing… Let's just say it didn't end well for her. Please… Let me handle this… I know him longer than you, the miss and the dog… It's the only way… If I don't do something… The Bossman will—"

Izuku thought about it for a moment as he looked back at Floyd. After a while, he took a deep breath and nodded as he helped her to stand on her feet.

Meanwhile with the fight, Both fighters are seriously hurt with lots of slash wounds and bloody noses. Floyd shouted, to Vivazo again, "IT'S OVER VIVAZO! GIVE IT UP!"

"hehe...Oh Floydie..I'm still feeling alot of ecstasy right now from this match...It ain't done...TILL I'M DONE!!" Vivazo shouted as the two resume their deathmatch.

Katsuki tried in desperate attempts to get Reina to stir, though no matter what he did she just wouldn't come too.

"Reina! Come on!" He shouted in his head, "You have to wake up! Right now!"

To his surprise, she started to talk in her sleep, as it caused him to stop what he was doing.

"It's dark…" She started to say softly, "... It's… so dark… It's scary… I… Don't like it here… It's so cold… Someone… Save me…"

His eyes widened as she sounded as though she had been frightened. He didn't know what sort of horrors she went through before she had been in the Promise Clinic, but just from the way she spoke, it couldn't help but tug at his heart. He did the only thing he could and lent his head against hers.

"... I don't know if you can hear me right now…" He started to say, his voice shaking a little, "... But if you can… We need you right now… No…" He looked over to Floyd and Izuku, as Floyd continued to attack Vivazo violently, while Izuku and Michiko, "They need you right now… I don't know what's happening to him… I don't know if Deku or Yakuza Girl can stop it… But… Maybe you can do something… I know you're scared… I know you're terrified… Please… Just open your eyes…"

To his surprise, he felt a hand on his cheek, making him pick up his head. Even though the Phantom Witch had been nearby… Her eyes had opened, revealing a familiar color to him as she picked up her head and smiled.

"... Hi there… Kaa-chan."

Izuku and Michiko finally got close range into Floyd's fight. It seems like Floyd is about to gain the victory as he pinned down Vivazo's arm while he had his claws on her neck.

"It's over, Vivazo Evans.." Floyd said with a growl.

Vivazo gave a shuckle as she coughed up blood, "Wow..who knew this is how I die? In the arms of my love? My fairy tale is coming to an end huh? A shame..if we have lived longer..maybe I could bear your child and start a famil-"

"SHUT UP!" Floyd yelled, making Vivazo jump and flinch. "I don't wanna hear another word from your damn mouth..Better yet...I won't ever hear a thing from you again...Cause this is the part where--YOU DIE!"

"FLOYD STOP!" Michiko shouted.

(music ends)

Floyd went to a complete halt as he was about to dig his claws to Vivazo's neck. He turned to see Michiko; despite her wound, she had been standing up, as Izuku had been supporting her.

"Floyd...Please..This is not you..The Bossman i know is not a killer..The Bossman I a Hero! The Bossman I remember, is the one who looked to his parents, and wanted to become a Pro, just like them!" Michiko said tearfully, "Heroes don't kill for Vengeance! That's what you said right? Didn't say you wanted to form a Superhero team? What happened to forming the Rising Crusaders?!"

Floyd's eyes widened at that word, it's a name he has not heard in a long time… Ever since he was a boy.

"That was your dream when we were kids right?" Michiko shouted. "I wanted to join that team too...before..before what happened to Ami-chan! I know...It hurts to remember the past..What happened before still..Killing my sister..won't make this any better! So please Bossman..No..Floyd Norman Aihara....Please come back to us.."

Floyd's heart began to beat faster and faster. After hearing Michiko's plea. His brain started to go crazy with memories flashing before his eyes, all around, his head started to hurt, Floyd took his claw of Vivazo and raised it up, he let out a scream before hitting it close to her face. Floyd's Eyes reverted to Normal but he still had his claws out, He turned to Michiko and Izuku as he saw their looks.

"Izuku? Michiko?"

"Floyd-san!" Izuku said with a smile.

The two ran up to him but before that could happen, Floyd noticed Vivazo's hand Twitch and on instinct, he pushed them out of the way before he was attacked by Vivazo again as she gave a laugh. Floyd felt his arm slashed by the villain underneath as she freed herself.

"Should have dodged that one Floydie.." Vivazo said with a chuckle.

"Tch! Oh no!" Floyd said with a thought as his mind started to be blurry, "How much damage did I take? No wait..a better question would be how much thinner is in my bloodstream right now?!"

"Well, well Floyd,Looks like I'm gonna have to punish you for real then...Since this Friendship crap is done...Come to mama!" Vivazo shouted as she was ready to pounce but just as she was about to strike on Floyd.


Vivazo flew towards the street when she felt something blunt hit her across the face, sending her flying.

Floyd, Izuku and Michiko looked shocked as they saw it had been a familiar girl, holding her sword in hand; she had been holding onto the blade as she smacked her with the handle.

Reina stood before them, though her eyes appearing to be that of silver at the moment.

"Geez…" Reina said, after spitting to the side, "... Never send a man to a woman's job." She looked over to Izuku, "This is the second time I had to save your sorry asses. Stop giving me a reason to go and do it."

"Reina-chan!" Izuku exclaimed, noting the color of her eyes, "Or, wait--Should I still call you that right now?"

"Eh, I don't mind it." She told him, "But maybe for now just to make it less confusing, how about you call me Hatter?"

"Hatter?" Michiko asked "As in Lewis Carrol?"

Floyd ended up shouting out of shock, "HOLD ON! JUST A SEC!"

Reina--Or rather Hatter, looked over to Floyd, "Oh… I kind of forgot you were here."

"Oh Gee, Thanks! Nice to be appreciated! Furthermore--WHY THE HELL DID YOU AWOKE JUST NOW?! WE ALMOST DIED YOU KNOW?!" Floyd shouted as he pointed finger at her.

"Do you really have to shout?" Hatter said as she picked her ears a little, "I'm right here you know Floyd-kun?"

Floyd only shouted, "Yeah I know! Why do you think I'm giving you this lecture?!"

"Bossman…" Michiko said, "... Her eyes… They're a different color."

Floyd had been taken back at this, though noticed her eyes had been completely different than the ones he was used to seeing. He said surprised, "Wait… Those eyes… They're the same as the Sports Festival."

The group jumped slightly when Vivazo jumped from out of the debris with brand new injury, as she looked to be utterly pissed off. She glared over at Reina and shouted, "You… You bitch! Find another man to hog! This one is mine!"

Hatter let out a sigh as she flipped her sword, catching it by the handle, "... Right. I gotta take care of you." Hatter said, "Even though I can't use my Quirk at the moment…" Hatter suddenly had a sadistic smile on her face, "...That doesn't mean I won't go down without a fight."

Vivzao growled before she shouted. "DON'T MOCK ME!"

Floyd got back into a fighting stance as he said "Aw Shit, Here we go again.."

Vivazo charged at Hatter, attempting to stab her through the head, though she proved to be quick as she ducked, and managed to give her a new wound on her uniform, as blood dripped from her blade. "Oh look at that~" Hatter said in a sing song fashion, "I got a first cut~"

Vivazo growled as she charged again while she screamed "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Vivazo attacked her head on, as Hatter dodged her attacks with ease, not even phasing that Vivazo was coming at her with full force.

"What? Why are you upset?" Hatter said as she continued, "I thought you liked this sort of thing."

Vivazo screamed "JUST SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Her Claws began to grow big as she tried to hit her again, only for Hatter to cut the nails clean off, with only a swing of her sword; it reverted to liquid just as it hit the ground.

"Like I'm gonna let you do that." Hatter said, waving her blade.

Vivazo's eyebrow twitched as she soon shouted while she charged again, "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?! I was planning on leaving you alone so I can make love to Floydie..But if you're gonna be another obstacle like that blonde loser, then I'll just have to kill you too! Along with my sis and broccoli boy!"

"I can't tell whether your a high functioning sociopath, or just plain stupid." Hatter said, "Aren't I more valuable alive to you than I am dead? I don't know why, but that's kind of been going around lately." She raised her eyebrows as she shrugged as her smile grew wider, "You wouldn't want to do that to your client, or to your darling Pitch… Now would you fangirl?"

Vivazo twitched as she had been taken back by this as she said. "Don't you dare..Talk about my darling Miss Pitch that way..Got it you c***. I don't know what my hubby sees in you..But I'll sew that mouth of yours shut!"

"And again with this obsession man…" Hatter said as she rolled her eyes, "Is that what you meant before on how I'm not your focal view of interest back in the sports festival?"

"Reina-chan seems more sadistic than before..." Izuku said astonished, "... I know I've seen it before but it's still shocking.".

"I'm not sure, but for some reason I find this ho--" Floyd said before he was smacked by Michiko.


"Sorry! I can't help it!" Floyd replied as he rubbed his face.

(Music Changes to Jet Set Run-My Hero Academia OST 2)

"HEY! The hell are you extras standing here for?!"

Just as Vivazo went to attack again, she suddenly had been taken back when Katsuki jumped in front of her before he blocked her kick.

Vivazo's eyes widened as she shouted "W-What? How the hell are you free!?!"



Izuku, Floyd and Michiko snapped back to reality before shouting "Right!"

Floyd got back up again as he thought "Oh man, I might not have enough power for this..time to end it one go!"

Michiko lit up her blades again as she got in position "Despite this wound hindering me..Me, Midoriya-kun and the Bossman gotta finish this!"

Izuku clenched his fist and readied himself, "... I don't know if I can still control this yet, but… I'll do my best!"

"Good to hear it, you dork!" Hatter said with a smile.

Just as Vivazo kicked Katsuki away, she noticed Hatter on her left, "You think that same trick will work on me again?!"

"Nah!" Hatter said, "Maybe coming at you all at once will get ya though."


Unknown to the villain, she suddenly felt herself go flying when Izuku managed to get a hit on her. "SMASH!!" He shouted as he did this.

Vivazo cried out as she flew; as she did, Michiko's blades slashed her other side of her rib causing an old wound to open.

Vivazo screamed, "WHY YOU-"

"DON'T FORGET ME YOU DAMN BITCH!" Katsuki shouted before he kicked right in the back, making her rocket towards Floyd due to the sheer force.

"Now, here comes the new move I just came up with just now--JACKPOT SHOT!" Floyd shouted. With his claw formed fist, Floyd unleashed his new move with full force at Vivazo as he let out a battle cry.

Just as Vivazo was about to hit the floor, Hatter grabbed a hold of her neck as she smirked.

"Gotcha." She said before she kneed her in the stomach, causing her to throw up; she fell to the ground hard when Hatter used her foot to hit her right in the back making her cry out.

Hatter kneeled down as she tilted her head. "... Next time, you might wanna think twice before you go ahead and underestimate someone like me…" She said, "... Because compared to your darling Pitch--"

Vivazo froze up a little when Hatters look changed to something more sinister; something she wasn't really used to seeing from someone like her.

"--I'M your worst nightmare…" She told her with a whisper as she flipped her off.

Vivazo said with a smile despite her voice shaking a little, ' I-if i'm scared of c--"

Hatter slammed her head into the ground knocking her out instantly; the sound echoed throughout the street, making the group jump slightly at the sound. Hatter soon gave a laugh out of amusement as she looked to the sky.

The Phantom Witch heard the sound echoed, within the alleyway, though had been put into shock when she saw Reina standing over Vivazo, as she gave a laugh.

"What!?" The Phantom Witch exclaimed in her head, "That's impossible! The trance--! She's supposed to stay asleep the whole time I'm here, unless--"

"3000! WATCH OUT!" Excelsior soon shouted.

The Phantom Witch had little time to react when she felt the ashes bind her and tossed her to the wall, making her cough and fall on her side. Pitch stepped on her neck before she prevented Excelsior from doing anything when she created an ash wall between her and him.

She looked over to where Reina had been as she saw Vivazo on the ground.

"This is certainly a rare sight…" Pitch said, "... To think a child could take out one of my most prized dolls…" She chuckled softly, "... Than again I shouldn't be surprised, considering how that girl's Quirk is."

"You--" The Phantom Witch gagged, "--What does--Your client want with her?"

"Even if I did know, I wouldn't be at liberty to say, unless you give me something in return." Pitch replied as she put more force on her boot, "Though because it's you… I'll tell you this much… Like you and I, my client doesn't wish for her head… Rather he would like to see her still breathing. Though his reasoning may be different from mine, it was clear that he wanted such a thing. I wonder why he wants her so badly… Maybe it's because of her Quirk… Or rather her potential…?"

The Phantom Witch's eyes widened at this, before her eyes returned to red as she gave a look that could kill. Pitch only gave a disappointing sigh, "What a shame… Someone as powerful as you decided on a path of being a Hero so very long ago… What a waste…"

An ash type blade manifested from her devices, though the Phantom Witch didn't look intimidated by it.

"Don't worry little kit, I won't kill you…" Pitch said, "... I'll just take your arm away…"

Excelsior suddenly blasted through the wall with the same shield he used on her earlier, though Pitch moved off the Phantom Witch, before he engaged her in hand to hand combat.

Excelsior said as he went at her with full force, "Don't forget, villain. I'm your opponent too'

"Sorry, she caught me by surprise." The Phantom Witch said as she stood up while rubbing her neck, "Guess I am more rusty at this than I thought."

"That's alright!" Excelsior said with a smile. "At least we know that the kids beat one of her minions!" Pitch managed to push him back as she kicked him in the stomach making him grunt.

"Let's end this quick." The Phantom Witch told him, "I don't have a lot of time left… And you know our deal."

Excelsior only nodded as he replied, "Yeah, Last thing We want is for more pro heroes and Reina-chan to see you..."

She readied herself before telling her comrade, "... Let's end this."

"Right!" Excelsior repiled.

Pitch readied herself to attack again, as the blades manifested once more. Pitch charged at them with full speed, as the blades began to heat up.

Excelsior with his shield prepared his stance as his fists glowed Red, White and blue with stars following around it. He tossed the shield in front and gave it a punch as he used "STARS AND STRIPES: PATRIOTIC PUNCH!"

The hit landed on Pitch's stomach, making her cough out blood; though despite this, she managed to keep herself on her feet even when she was pushed back. Though just before she could counter, the Phantom Witch beat her to it.

"... Gotcha." Was all she said before she swung her scythe.

Finally Pitch flew back as gashes had been seen simultaneously appearing on her body, making her shriek. She eventually reached the near end of the alleyway as her mask had been partly broken as she caught her breath.

"So… This is the strength of the Phantom Witch…" She thought to herself, "...It's no wonder she was the most feared… I can see why Miss Reina is among the powerful now." She soon looked to Reina as she was now being choked by Floyd as he was shouting to her. "And yet…" She thought, "She still hasn't--"

The Phantom Witch stepped forward as she held her weapon to her neck, "Now then… I'll give you one last chance. Tell me your client's name, and what they want with the girl."

Excelsior added, "we can do this the easy way or the hard way!"

Pitch started to give a laugh which took Excelsior and the Witch back. "I want to thank you Witch…" Pitch soon said, "... I can see why you were given such a beautiful gift… Just like her... Though from what I see, she has yet to show her full potential…"

The Phantom Witch looked to her confused by this, though her eyes switched to the color of carmine red when Pitch told her--

"I wonder… How is Miss Reina handling those episodes of hers?" Pitch asked.

Her eyes and Excelsiors widened in shock at this.

"You--" The Witch said, "--How do you--?"

"How do you know Reina's name?" Excelsior asked.

Pitch chuckled again, "... All it takes is one bad day… And that day is coming for her… Probably sooner than you realize..."

Pitch removed a couple of smoke pellets from her pockets; the two of them as well as the teens had been taken back when a couple of bangs had gone off, and a large cloud had been covering the area, causing most of them to cough.

"I look forward to that day… When she falls into the abyss like us…"

And just like that, as the smoke cleared, Pitch had vanished; They noticed that Crock and Vivazo had been gone too.

"Ah… They escaped." Hatter said casually as she got Floyd to let go of her.

Floyd shouted at her, "HEY! IS THAT REALLY ALL YOU GOTTA SAY!?"

"What do you expect me to shapeshift into a bloodhound and go and track them?" Hatter said, "I know I have a mental type Quirk, but they're limits to what I can do, ya know?"

Floyd said to her, "YEAH BUT STILL--!"

"Floyd-san, just stay calm!" Izuku told him, "There's a perfect explanation for this!"

Michiko said, "Yeah Bossman! I'm sure Miss has a reason."

"Even when I'm like this, you still call me Miss?" Hatter said as she rolled her eyes.

Katsuki soon approached Hatter, placing his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

Hatter placed her hands on him and gave a reassuring smile, "I'm fine Kaa-chan. You don't have to keep worrying about me, you know. I said it before, didn't I? It's out of character for you."

Floyd, Michiko and Izuku couldn't help but be wide eyed at this.

"Wait a minute…" Izuku said, as he approached Hatter, "... Reina-chan… You never called him Kaa-chan before..."

"That's a twist.." Michiko added. "Are you sure you're okay Miss? DO you have a fever?"

"Are you possessed by a Stand?" Floyd asked..

The Hatter laughed, "You and your references, even when something serious is happening. I would tell you, but given my time limit, I can't really get into detail. By the way, Floydie…" She soon pointed underneath her own nose to show him, "You got something on your there."

"DON'T CALL ME FLOY-" Before Floyd could shout at her he noticed a little blood dripped on his nose before he knew it started to drip more, "What the?"

Michiko immediately started to panic, as she started to go through her pockets and shouted, "DON'T WORRY BOSSMAN! I'LL STOP THE BLEEDING!"

"How do you have a bottle of water in your pocket!?" Izuku shouted.

Floyd soon shouted at Michiko, "More importantly, don't worry about it! It's just a nosebleed! It's not like I'm going to die!"

"How is that more important!?" Izuku exclaimed again.


Hatter only chuckled as she watched the three of them argue with one another. It hadn't been long before Katsuki got her attention again.

"I know there's no way for me to get the memories from before to stay…" Katsuki spoke softly, ",,, But just so you know… I'm seeing through to that promise you asked me that day. I'm not giving up on you."

The Hatter looked at him surprised before she gave him that familiar warm smile. "... I knew you wouldn't… Kaa-chan."

Before anyone knew it, the Phantom Witch suddenly appeared behind Reina and placed her hand on her head, before she had a chance to turn around causing Katsuki to jump as well as Izuku, Floyd and Michiko.

"Sleep." The Witch said softly, before Reina collapsed onto the floor.

"Reina-chan!" Izuku exclaimed as he ran to her.

"Miss!" Michiko yelled.

Floyd shouted, "REINA!"

"Why the hell would you do that!?" Katsuki shouted to the Phantom Witch as he glared.

"Trust me boy…" The Phantom Witch said as she wiped some blood away from her nose, "... It was for her own good."

"Her own good!?" Katsuki shouted, as he stepped towards her "What the hell are you--"

Excelsior had been quick to hold him back as Katsuki attempted to use his Quirk.

"Now now! Trust us! We're doing the right thing!"

"LET ME GO, OLD TIMER!" Katsuki shouted as he thrashed

"Wow, you were right, Floyd..." Excelsior said with a chuckle "He's a feisty one.."

Soon enough they heard the sound of sirens in the distance; the Phantom Witch placed her weapon on her back. "Old friend, I'll leave them in your care." She told him, as she handed him a med-kit from her belt compartment, "Get them somewhere safe."

"Luckily I know a hotel not too far from here." Excelsior said with a smile, "You can leave them to me 3000. You better go, before I get emotional."

"Right." The Witch said as she nodded her head, though not before she gave a laugh.


They were taken back when the Phantom Witch gave Katsuki a smile, before she patted him on the head, making him freeze.

"I'll be in touch… Katsuki Bakugou." The Phantom Witch said to him, as her eyes changed to that of blue.

Katsuki was speechless, as he never recalled mentioning his name to her. Though before he could even ask, the group had been taken back when she vanished, into a set of black butterflies, leaving everyone, excluding Excelsior speechless.

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