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51.11% My fav fanfics (SI/OC) / Chapter 46: #46 Fairytail FF/ Shattered Mark by I Stand in Fire for the Buffs

Kapitel 46: #46 Fairytail FF/ Shattered Mark by I Stand in Fire for the Buffs

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WC : 42k+ ( Dropped )

Plot : His name is Kazro Fhlosten. He had spent the last two years in the closest one can get to a bloodlust without losing full focus of who and what he is. He avoids as many questions about his past as he can, but when you hang around one of Fiore's strongest guilds then there isn't much you can do to avoid your past. All you can do is look to the future.

~ A good one, pity its dropped.OC with devil slayer magic. Very OP MC ~

Chapter 1

Dawn broke over the snow covered mountaintops, the sun trying to cast its warmth into the basin holding the sleeping village known as Clover. The light reached a window in one of the few inns in town, sifting through the curtains and landing on the face of a scarlet haired mage still lost to the realm of the waking. She furrowed her brow in an attempt to fight off the increasing brightness, hoping for just a few more minutes of slumber. Begrudgingly, she sat up and let her feet rest on the cold wooden floor, inhaling sharply as she made contact. This had been enough to wake her to the point where she could finally stand up and gain her balance. As soon as she had risen to her feet, she stretched and popped her neck, while making her way over to the window. She pressed her hand up against the pane and furrowed her brow. Today was going to be frigid, even without a cloud in the sky and no wind.

She looked over to the mirror and fixed her hair, brushing it out of her eyes and letting it frame the pale skin of her face and cascade down her back. She inhaled as a golden glow surrounded her body. When the light subsided, she was no longer wearing a pair of pink pajamas, but instead a silver breastplate bearing a golden variation of a cross, the intersection lying where her heart would be, a pair of gauntlets matching the breastplate in color and shine, a flowing blue skirt ending halfway down her thighs and a pair of black boots that stopped just below her knees with the tops folded down. Peeking out from under her left pauldron was the bottom of her guild's emblem. The mark of the guild known as Fairy Tail.

"God. Why did it have to be cold today?" She muttered to herself, noticing the frost that clung to the grass outside her room's window. She looked over at the door and noticed that someone had slipped a note into her room over the course of the night. She approached the letter with a small expression of curiosity playing across her face as she unfolded it.

"Erza. The bandits are holed up in an outpost abandoned by the Rune Knights five years ago. The outpost is to the west of the city and is seven hours away by foot. Follow the main road out of town to the southwest and turn right after five miles. The path will take you straight to it. Good luck."

Erza chuckled inwardly. She knew that the man running the front desk the previous night dealt in information but she had no idea he could get that kind of information so quickly, let alone overnight. He must have had some dealings with the criminal world at some point and tried to keep his contacts just in case. She surveyed the room one last time before stepping out, making sure that she didn't leave anything behind as her brown eyes darted from the end table by the bed, to the handful of shelves scattered across the walls. Satisfied, she stepped out and closed the door behind her.

As Erza made her way along the road leading her to the abandoned outpost, she couldn't help but feel something gnawing at the back of her mind. She couldn't quite place this feeling. It wasn't quite dread; she knew anything and everything that could happen on this job would be handled. Everything that was hers in the room in Clover had been packed so she know that it wasn't an issue of forgetting something, not even a brush or hair ties. She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. Whatever this feeling was, it could wait until she got back to the guildhall in Magnolia and out of the snow covered hills. Suppressing a shiver, Erza could almost feel the warmth of the place she had been calling home for so many years.

The scarlet haired mage stopped walking upon seeing what looked walls for a fortress a couple hundred yards away. Squinting, she could make out what looked like two guards standing watch at the gate, keeping close to a fire and passing a canteen back and forth. This must have been it. Erza quickly hid in the brush on the side of the path and started to silently make her way towards the parapets. Upon getting closer, she was able to make out specific details about the watchmen. Their clothing styles and colors matched the description from the job posting. Simple and functional, more than capable of staving off the cold that permeated the air. Both men were also wearing purple cloaks with some white embroidery in the center of the back. When one of them turned his back to Erza, she could see the design in its entirety. A starburst pattern partially hidden by a mountain. That mark had to belong to some form of guild or organization but it didn't even look remotely familiar to Erza. To what group the mark belonged wasn't important. She had a job to do and the sooner it was done, the better. Short swords materialized in each of her gauntleted hands, both of which were polished into a mirror like sheen, the guards shaped like wings spreading outward from the hilt.

Erza leapt out of cover at the two men, hair blowing behind her, hardly making a sound as she dispatched the two guards. Pausing for a moment to make sure they were still breathing, she moved on inside the fortress walls to continue the apprehension of the group of bandits that brought her there.

'They may be criminals but they at least deserve a trial.' She thought to herself. It was true. Erza absolutely hated killing for any reason and would do anything and everything she could to avoid it.

Her internal monologue was interrupted when she saw a flare rocket up to the sky, exploding in a shower of phosphorescent purple and green. A grimace worked its way across her face. Had they found her? Erza had not wanted to give up the element of surprise but this time it looked like she had no say in the matter. She hurried to the center of the star-shaped fortress, swords at the ready and hoping to draw out any and all enemies. The plan worked as Erza was quickly surrounded by over fifty of the bandits, all of them with their faces covered with balaclavas to fight off the weather.

'Shit. I should have spent more time scouting the area.' She cursed to herself. Planning was never really one of her strong suits, usually preferring a more direct approach to whatever task was before her.

The armor clad female felt something pierce her neck and flow from it into her veins. Her eyes widened rapidly in realization of what was happening. She felt her body go limp as her vision darkened. This definitely was not part of her plan. As her consciousness floated away she heard a gruff voice pierce the oncoming silence.

"Throw the chains on and put her in a cell. We can't afford an escape right now"


Erza awoke and forced her eyes open, pulling herself into a sitting position. She noticed that she was in something resembling a cell, surrounded by three bars with a handful of torches providing light on the far wall of the room. Moonlight filtered through a small barred window on the wall behind her. The last words she heard before passing out resonated in her head. The mage tried to stretch her arms out but was stopped by the sound of cuffs and chains leading from her wrists to a single point below the window in her cell. Attempts to call forth a sword were met with empty hands. They had used magic sealing cuffs.

"Dammit. I can not believe they were able to sneak up on me like that. How? I should have heard it or at least felt someone behind me." She said aloud.

Erza's ears twitched and she turned her eyes to the shadows on the far side of the room. She heard someone coming. A door opened and she steeled her resolve. No emotion. No begging. She might be captured but pride is not something that she would relinquish easily. A figure made its way through the shadows towards her, the silhouette highlighted by what little light the torches emanated. The figure held a hand out towards one of the light sources; it came off the wall and floated to the waiting hand and was brought between the figure and the red haired woman. Erza could make out the face of a man, weather beaten and bearing a short gray beard and a scar running vertically down his right eye with long scraggly hair of the same color with a shock of white running down the left side of his face. The air around the man meant one thing: he was the leader of this group. He stared her down, his black beady eyes felt as if they were trying to bore a hole through her.

"The famous Titania, I presume?" It was the same voice she had heard before blacking out. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable. No one will find you here. Not for a really long time. Honestly, I thought you would have been harder to bring down but it seems even giants can fall. Now, tell me. Why did you waste your time coming all the way out here?"

"Let me go. Now." Erza demanded, her eyes narrowing at her captor. Her response came in the form of a chortle.

"My dear, you are in no position to be making demands. You have no leverage. You have nothing of value to me. The ones who follow my orders, however, might find something to their liking." He said as he flashed her a lecherous grin.

He had broken through some of her resolve as the prisoner withdrew, placing her back against the wall. He was about to continue the mental torture when the sound of an explosion rocked the prison. Erza could see a pulsing green glow in the dust that was starting to scatter through the cell. Screams of pain could be heard, piercing the air and sending a shiver down the requip mage's spine. She looked back at the man and saw his eyes widen in terror and his face almost contorting into an expression of disbelief. Another figure burst through the door. This one's face clearly illuminated by the torch and it only showed one thing. Fear.

"Boss, it's him! That demon is here!" He shouted, terror making his voice shaky.

"Shit. I thought you and two others put him down in Waas Forest two months ago." He regained some of his composure. "No matter. We'll end it here and n-"

Before the leader could finish his sentence, a booming voice echoed across the compound.

"Ansil! Show yourself, you fucking coward!"

"Come on, Lim. We're going to deal with this persistent bastard for the last time." Ansil stated. Erza could have sworn she heard some level of fear in the man's voice but only just. Her best guess was that the one known as Ansil and this newer voice must have some kind of history with each other. After what felt like an eternity, she heard the same voice roar an incantation that sounded forboding and harsh, as if it were more demonic than human and the tone of the voice changing to match the harshness.

"Molag vol tor shiin!" The speech was followed by a series of explosions, then more screams of pain. More dust was kicked up and started to settle in Erza's cell, each blast accompanied by that same unearthly green glow that came with the first bone jarring blast.

The shocks subsided and the dust began to settle, collecting in the armored mage's hair. She got to her feet and looked out the window and was met with a shocking image. The vast majority of the buildings in the fortress were broken and splintered, covered with blood mangled bodies littering the grounds. Several of the buildings were on fire, but instead of the warm glow of reds, oranges and yellows, her eyes were met by many shades of green. The "flames" were definitely magic induced, but she had never even heard of green flames, let alone had an idea as to how some one could even make them. Her eyes drifted to what looked to be the center of the compound. Where they had managed to subdue her several hours earlier. She saw Ansil turned away from her, torch still in hand, facing a newcomer in a black hooded cloak ten yards away from him. Erza could barely see any clear features, but there was one thing that burned into her mind. His eyes. Silver, almost glowing under a brow that screamed with murderous intent. She could tell the two men were talking but she couldn't hear well enough to glean anything from it. All she could do was watch helplessly and hope the man with silver eyes would spring her from the cell and chains confining her.

In a flash the silver eyed man had his hands around Ansil's throat as the torch fell to the ground, still burning on the blood stained snow. The gray haired leader didn't even have time to send a spell at the attacker. Erza noticed those eyes, still burning with hatred. They had shifted from that dazzling silver to a menacing green glow, the same shade as the flames still burning across the shattered buildings and walls.

"Mercy!" Ansil shouted between throttles, his body struggling for air.

"Mercy? Mercy!? You have the nerve to beg for mercy after what you did!? No. You will burn! Ruulag nja gabor!"

There it was again. Those painful sounding incantations. Erza noticed a magic circle appear between Ansil and the other man's free hand. Before the redhead knew what was going on, Ansil's body was consumed in flames. She could see him writhing and heard screams coming from him that made her skin crawl. Nothing was left of him. His body and crumbled into ash. All she could do was stare in shock. The last man standing picked up the torch and looked up towards the only building left undamaged and made eye contact with Erza, the glow ebbing from the stranger's. She recoiled slightly as he waved and made his way to the lone building. Erza started to hear footsteps making their way acroos the creaking floorboards leading to her cell. A figure appeared in the threshold, holding the same torch that Ansil had dropped not three minutes earlier.

The man lowered his hood and Erza could see his features clearly now. He was easily a head and then some taller than her. Black hair. Wavy, windswept, and almost untamed fell from the top of his head, framing his face and ending at his shoulders. A cross shaped scar under his right eye. His jaw square and pronounced with a tuft of hair on his chin. All seemingly normal features except for one thing. Those piercing silver eyes. They had softened now, no longer harboring homicidal intent but instead holding something akin to contempt meeting concern. This almost could not have been the same person. Silence filled the room, neither of the two breaking eye contact. The man cleared his throat.

"Hmm. I thought I saw someone in here. Now, tell me. Who are you?" He asked, his voice now smooth, almost calming.

"My name is Erza Scarlet. A Fairy Tail mage." She replied, unsure of what to make of the situation.

The man raised an eyebrow. He had heard of the woman before him. A memory of the Grand Magic Games final event flashed across his mind. A slight smile appeared on his face as he ran a hand through his hair, stopping at the back of his head to scratch it. The last thread holding the cloak together broke and it fell to the ground revealing the rest of his body. Fairly muscular with a scar running along the width of his left forearm. Olive green pants tucked into a pair of boots that ended halfway up his calf. The white shirt that was under the cloak had rips and tears in it from the fighting earlier. Erza's eyes drifted to something that was just visible on his rib cage. An emerald green skull with what looked like a fracture running from the jaw up to the top of it. A guild mark. A look of confusion took over the redhead's face.

"Who are you and what is the name of your guild?" Erza asked while trying to hide the apprehension in her voice. She hadn't been gone long enough for her master to send out a search party had she? No. Even if Fairy Tail's master did, he would not have asked another guild for help.

"I'm Kazro Fhlosten. The last surviving member of Shattered Grin." He answered. Erza could see a flash of anger in his expression as he finished the last sentence. He must have had a grudge against whoever these people in the fortress were.

Erza opened her mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by Kazro.

"Whatever is on your mind right now can wait. Let me get you out of here and back to an inn. If that shifty eyed son of a bitch was able to capture you, then he probably used some kind of toxin that saps all the energy out of you." He was now speaking with something resembling a sense of urgency, but without the hints of fearfulness that tend to come with it.

Green flames appeared on his hand as he melted away the bars to the woman's cell, then melting away the cuffs that were around her wrist. She couldn't help but marvel at how much control he had over the flames. The same ones that had obliterated most of the compound and turned several people to ash didn't feel hot or uncomfortable. They seemed warm, almost like they were meant for healing instead of destruction. She didn't have time to continue the thought as Kazro picked her up and hoisted her onto his shoulder in a variation of a fireman's carry. He carried her outside and stopped as he inhaled the cool air. The flames had finally stopped and all that remained were a few smoldering heaps of wreckage. Heavy snowfall had already covered the bodies that weren't piles of ash.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked with a touch of indignation creeping into her voice.

"Relax, Scarlet. With whatever is still running through your system, you won't be able to walk till morning at the earliest. We're going back to Clover. It's the nearest town that has a roof you can sleep under without worrying about your neck being slit."

Erza gulped and was unable to tell if he was exaggerating, but given her stretch of luck since leaving Magnolia she decided not to argue. She heard Kazro mutter an incantation. This one wasn't filled with anger or pain. It almost sounded normal but it still wasn't in a language she understood. Something caught her eye as she looked down. Hints of green flames were dancing across Kazro's legs and boot clad feet. A movement spell. It had to have been. Her answer came shortly afterward. Kazro started running at a breakneck pace, careful not to drive his shoulder up into the gut of the scarlet haired woman he was carrying. Erza began to feel sleep grab at her. Despite being carried by a stranger and her mind still racing from what she had just seen, it couldn't be fought off and everything went dark.

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