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26.41% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Chatting it Up

Kapitel 28: Chapter 28 - Chatting it Up

"You've got to be kidding me," Frida said with a mix of shock, amusement, and excitement. The two girls were sitting on the ground.

"No fooling!" Micro said still in her female for. She had the Pokemon out as they were resting. Litten was snuggling in her chest like normal as Treecko was relaxing on a tree branch, Froakie was hopping around a bit exploring while Chimchar looked at Litten with a little jealousy. "I can transform and when I'm in my female form I have a different personality."

"Which is more openly perverted and bubbly?" Micro nodded as she stroked Litten's head. "That's sweet! So, have you abused this power? Have the sexiest girls in your school put on a show for you?"

Micro opened her mouth to speak...then shut it. Open...shut.

"You didn't think of it did you?" Frida laughed. Micro pouted.

"I didn't think of changing into others until our spar!" Frida looked at the pout.

"You...are so...CUTE!" Frida gushed over the adorable pout. "Oh I could just eat you up!"

She pulls Micro into a hug, holding the teen girl to her chest. Micro smile as she felt the soft pillows surround her head and enjoyed the feeling since Frida apparently didn't realize what she was doing.

'Now I know why Litten loves this feeling so much. They are so soft to snuggle against…' That was when she noticed she hadn't heard from Chara in a bit. 'You there Chara?'

Chimchar is upset.

'I'm cuddling Litten right now.'

I don't like seeing Chimchar upset.

With a roll of the eyes, Micro looked up to Frida.

"As much as I love being buried in your bosom, do you think you could give Chimchar there some love?" Frida smiled down at her and let her go before turning to the small monkey.

"Come here little guy," Frida said, arms spread. Chimchar turned to her and saw the two glorious funbags in front of him. With a wide grin and a flare of its tail, the pokemon shot off the ground and practically tackled Frida, burying itself in the woman's chest. It rubbed its face between them as its hand gripped the breasts themselves. "Oh my!"

Micro looked on in surprise as Frida began panting a bit. She saw the pokemon squeezing the breasts and got a slight nosebleed.


I...I will just have to train it out of him

'You got a perverted monkey.'

"Not that spot!" Frida squealed as the monkey squeezed a specific area of her one breast. Micro grinned watching and pulled out her phone, recording the incident for laughs later. "No! Don't record! Call it back!"

I think you should save her

'Oh but I don't like seeing Chimchar upset.'

Dammit! Don't throw my words back at me idiot!

Before the argument could continue, a sound was heard.


The green gecko appeared and spun, slamming its tail into Chimchar's head, sending it flying off of Frida and into a tree trunk. The busty ninja panted before speaking.

"Thanks...little guy." She scratched Treecko's head and it just nodded before returning to its branch. Micro sighed and held up a pokeball, Chimchar being sucked back in. "Micro…"

With a gulp, the teen looked up at Frida whose eye was twitching.

"Um...yes?" She asked nervously.

"You are not to show that video to anyone else. Got it?"

"Aw but you look so cute embarrassed like that," Micro stuck out her tongue a bit, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm not the one who's supposed to be embarrassed! I'm the dominant one here!"

"And what exactly are you yelling about?" Frida froze and turned to see Zecora standing their, looking at the two. "What has this pantless girl done to make you shout?"

"Oh Zecora!" Micro said standing up. "You don't know this form yet, but itsa me, Micro!"

The two adult raised an eyebrow as she said that last part with an Italian accent. Zecora looked over at her wife with a question in her eyes.

"Believe it or not, the kid speaks the truth. Actually can close to fooling me to if not for your phone call. Show her kid."

Micro smiles and in a moment Zecora was staring at a half naked version of herself, butt being flossed by a way too tiny pair of panties.

"Like the other boys, I've studied you a lot in class," she started in a perfect copy of Zecora's accent, swaying her hips as she spoke. Frida was even entranced by the shaking of her rear. "From your accent, to your breasts, to your fat chocolate ass."

Zecora blushed before deciding to try and change the subject.

"What about those panties then? I doubt you continue to wear them when you are male again."

"Actually she does," Frida said in monotone, hypnotized by the bouncing buns. "I pantsed him this morning and he had them on."

"Oh!" Female Micro gasped, changing back to her normal female form. She quickly grabbed her pants from where she left them and ducked behind a tree. In a few moments, male Micro stepped out, buttoning them up. "I actually wanted to tell you about that. I don't but I was in a rush this morning to get to school and forgot to change back before leaving. Obviously, I forgot to change my underwear."

The teacher and her wife chuckled a bit at that as he blushed.

"Well if you went shopping for panties, why didn't you pick up other clothes to fit your female form?" Frida asked. "You have the money and I know you don't have a bra on."

"I actually didn't go shopping," Micro said before he could stop himself.

"Then where did you get those panties?" Frida asked. "Don't tell me they're your mom's."

Micro gagged, disgusted at the thought of raising his mom's panty drawer.

"God no!" Micro yelled.

"Then who did you get that underwear from?" Frida leaned in. "You couldn't have mastered my technique that quickly."

Micro tries to drag up anything he could tell them besides the truth, especially since Zecora was a teacher. Too bad for him, Zecora seemed to make the connection.

"Spitfire said the prime suspect in a panty theft was a girl with hair of black and blue," she said softly. "The one who she saw in the locker room...that was you?!"

Micro turned crimson as he realized he was trapped.

Smooth move man.

"Micro," Frida said walked up to him, hands on hips. "Do you mean to tell me you abused your power to sneak into the girls locker room, the most sacred of female locations besides their own bedrooms, and steal panties."

Micro panicked at her expression for a moment...then realized who the hell he was talking to. Smirking up at her, he spoke.


She looked at him for a moment before a smirk broke out on her face. She grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, burying his face in her chest.

"You've come so far in such a short time!" Tears of pride went down her cheeks as Zecora shook her head at her wife's antics.

"I know you want to praise him and interrupting that is not fair, but he won't go any farther, if you don't let him up for air."

Frida stuck out her tongue and let Micro go. He was grinning like a madman.

"Well my dear sweet protege," Frida said. "You now have made your first step toward being a stealthy pervert like yours truly. Though I have to ask, what made you decide to do it? I know you have a perverted side but I didn't expect you to jump to raiding locker rooms this early in training."

" see…" Not really having much other choice, Micro explained his Panty Power skill. Needless to say, Frida was intrigued.

"So let me see if I understand this correctly. You not only have a bunch of skills that can help you get panties, not only do you have the ability to get more of said skills, but you can also benefit from it more so than the obvious and can use them to increase your own abilities?"

Micro nodded. Frida just stared at him for a moment before standing up.

"Then we better increase your dexterity training! If you can pickpocket panties off girls, your abilities can increase even more! You have a great boost already with Rainbow's panties since they boost your DEX stat. How high is it anyway?" Micro consulted his screens and saw that the boost was added on seperate from the normal stat.

Micro Chip

Lv 26

HP (1150/1150)

MP (875/875)

STR 47

VIT 28

DEX 36 (Rainbow's Panties Boost 50%: +18) 54

INT 48

WIS 49

LUK 48

CHA 24

Bonus Stat Points: 72

"54 currently," he said. "Not that I know exactly how high that is compared to most since I can't Observe other people's stats yet."

"Hmmm…." Frida wondered. "Invite Zecora and I to your party."

"May I ask why?" Micro asked. Zecora looked to her wife with the same question.

"Well, when you first explained your ability you said that anyone in your party could add bonus points to their stats," Frida began. "If that's the case, they can see their stats to do so right? We can compare your DEX to mine and Z's to figure out a possible benchmark."

Micro facepalmed.

You know for a genius, you really don't think of things.

Ignoring her, Micro sent the invites. After telling Frida and Zecora how to work the screens, they pulled up their stats.

"I am all the way up in the 200's," Frida said. At seeing Micro's crestfallen face, she added "But I've done training for that for years. You could get there in time."

"I am closer to your own level Micro you see," Zecora spoke. "I am only at DEX 73."

"So...I may be able to swipe more panties with just pickpocket?" Micro started excitedly.

"Well don't get too ahead of yourself kid," Frida cautioned. "Some may have their own hidden abilities or other stat boosts that could cause you trouble. Take that Rarity girl for example, or Applejack. Rarity runs a fashion boutique and makes clothes, requiring a lot of dexterity to work the fabrics and needle correctly. She may have a hidden "perk" as you called them that boosts her DEX due to that. Applejack I've heard competes in rodeo's, which require dexterity, so she could have a high DEX stat from that."

"True," Micro sighed. "Well I will have to try and level up Observe more to get a better read on them. Until then…" He shifted between multiple forms. One was a sleazy looking man, then a little kid who appeared to be a street urchin, and then a girl who wouldn't be out of place in a biker gang. "I can try while in disguise."

"You're lucky kid," Frida said. "When my teacher was showing me how to pickpocket I had to do it with no cover to hide behind, let alone disguises. In any case, let's get to work."

With a smile she pulled out a remote and hit a button. Suddenly, a series of targets rose from the ground. She handed him a small hand full of shuriken.

"I want you to train until you can hit all the targets successfully, bullseye, from standstill and moving."

"But that could take forever!" Micro said. "I've never done this before!"

"That's the point. By doing something you've never attempted before, it might help boost your stats more. Even if you don't hit them right away, the continued practice will help. In the meantime…"

She ran over to Zecora and picked her up over her shoulder. Zecora screamed as Frida smacked her ass a bit.

"Your attack made me hungry for my chocolate cake. See ya!"

With that she bolted, leaving Micro standing there blushing.

Well, you better get started.

The Gamer sighed and turned, facing the targets. Taking a deep breath he took aim and threw… missing each shot.

...this could take a while…

'No, really?!'

Micro walked over to retrieve the shuriken and began again.


"451...452….453…." Frida said as she was doing pull ups. While she was hungry for her wife, she did still have her own workout to do. Besides…

Zecora liked watching her workout. They could hear the sounds of shuriken sinking into targets as Micro finally managed to hit the things.

"So what do you think of what Micro can do?" She asked. "With his ability, one day he may surpass even you."

"Haha haha!" Frida laughed. "Surpass me? Sure. The day he can do that is the day I invite him up here for a threesome."

"That doesn't answer my question my sweet. Whether or not you believe he can surpass you, it's one that can't be beat."

Frida switches position, hanging from the pull up bar with her knees and doing sit up.

"470….471…. I admit, he's already growing stronger and more skilled than I predicted in such a short time, but I'm still training and improving as well. Each time we speak, I find something else to improve on."

"But what about all those skills he has and can obtain? Transforming, teleportation, cloning. Keeping track of them all is a pain."

"It doesn't concern me too much that he has those abilities. Despite how he does use them for perverted antics, he overall is a good guy. I'm worried about what might happen if someone less honorable gets powers like his. 493...494… gah!"

She growls as her breasts fall down and hit her in the face. That's the problem with big boobs. They can get in the way when working out. Zecora might've laughed at that, if not for the haunting thought.

"What if they come after Micro my dear? I know we just met, but losing him is something I fear."

"500…" with a kick and a dip, Frida landed on her feet. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Even if it were to happen, the kid is a genius. I have no doubt he could handle himself."

She did a bit of a pose and smirked.

"Not that he would be alone. He's my first student and if anyone messes with him they have to deal with me. I've dealt with people who used supernatural abilities in the past, and they weren't nearly as skill as Micro already is." Walking into the adjoining bathroom, she started the shower so it could warm up. She began pulling off her top revealing her lacey pink lingerie. "We don't need to worry about him."

She kicked off the sweatpants she had slipped on for the workout, her tanned rear encased in a matching pair of panties.

"You're right of course my sexy ninja girl," Zecora said licking her lips at the sight. "Considering he has the best trainer in the world."

"To this day I still don't know what I did to deserve someone as sweet as you." In a few quick motions, Frida removed her bra and panties, standing as naked as the day she was born. With a toss the lingerie landed beside her wife on the bed. "If you need me, I'll be in here...naked...alone the shower…all by myself…"

Zecora smiles up at her wife and stood, hands deftly unbuttoning her top and unzipping her skirt.

"What do you think of the way he looks at you and me?" She said as she removed bra and panties. "The way we fuel his wild fantasies."

"I thinks it's adorable!" Frida smiles, happy her wife was joining her. "And he knows he is lucky to be around women like us. What boy doesn't fantasize about a hot teacher?"

"He is such a good kid to," she steps into the bathroom with Frida. "I almost feel bad for teasing him, don't you?"

"Not at all," the ninja pulls her love into the shower, the water running down the And making their bare bodies glisten. "It's super fun to tease him. You look delicious as ever my sweet."

Zecora giggles and begins kissing her wife. As the make out session deepens, their wet bodies pressed together. Breasts mashed against each other. Hands explored every nook and cranny as moans escaped their kissing. It was a page out of a wet dream.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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