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92.75% My New Life in TBATE / Chapter 64: Examples

Kapitel 64: Examples

Me, Tessia and Clive made our way out of the auditorium, passing by new students who seemed to gawk at us. The stares swapped between fear, admiration, adoration and envy. A certain part of me enjoyed the range of emotions just our passing caused the new students, another could only scoff at their idolization of people they barely knew. I suppose that's just how humans are in any society, always looking for someone stronger for them to follow.

The students quickly parted with hushed whispers, my companions seemingly as unfazed as me. Though Clive's emotions did tend to fluctuated someone from the crowd stared or spoke about Tessia. It was honestly quite comical to see the boy fawn over a girl who had no interest in the intense looking boy. Tessia no doubt used to this sensation, looked wholly unbothered until we heard a commotion ahead of us.

Her eyes narrowed and a faint smile spread across my lips as the faint memory resurfaced. Right, Nicolas Dreyl instigates a fight against a dwarf, I'm reminded as I see waves of rocks being formed around small statutes males axe. Only a black core, but his innate affinity with earth proved him to be a close match for the red core Nicolas.

Though he was not quite strong enough as Nicolas showed a fair bit of competence in his fighting tactics and eventually knocked the dwarf down and broke the shield that signifies the duel is over. We continued our approach, but this time everyone was too preoccupied with the fight to notice us. That's when I saw Nicolas begin to fuel mana into his swords once again to try and strike his downed opponent, and Arthur noticed it too.

"Is that the student council president I see coming over?" However before Nicolas could stop his blades under his own power, my strings coiled around his body. Moments later Tessia, having not seen my strings, wrapped her own vines around the boy as she hoisted him into the air. I shrugged inwardly as I dispersed my strings and made my way to the dwarf.

"Are you alright?" I say as I reach out a hand towards him and he looks at me skeptically before realizing who I was and cautiously accepted it.

"Ya, 'm fine." He responded and once up he began dusting off his clothes. I just nodded at him with a smile before turning towards the perpetrator of this years first targeted discrimination.

"Nicolas Dreyl…" My tone came out stern and caused him to shiver slightly as the others looked on at the scene in rapt attention of what would occur.

"It seems I didn't have to wait long for our first incident to take place, better sooner than later I suppose." Shrugging I walk toward him and see him begin to grow more nervous with each step, struggling against his binds. He began frantically spouting excuses, but I just used sound mana to silence it.

Finally standing in front of the boy, i gesture for Tessia to raise me. A platform made of coiled vines sprouted from the ground and raised me eye level to him and I pulled out a tie from my storage ring. Nicolas' eyes widened once he saw the tie and looked at me pleadingly.

"As the current King I strip your 2 striped ranking back to a 1. As the student council president, I'll leave this as a warning and example. Anyone caught trying to strike an opponent after their shield has broken will be demoted. Since it's the first day their will not be any further repercussions, but I promise you will not like the punishments that come from any future instances."

As I finished speaking I had already swapped the tie that Nicolas had been wearing for the new single striped one. Tessia lowered me down gently, as well as Nicolas until he was about 2 foot off the ground before letting him fall the rest of the way. Ignoring the groaning boy, I look out over the crowd.

"Let this serve as an example. Nicolas Dreyl got off easy since he wasn't allowed to complete that strike, but if he had the punishment would have been much more severe. Any duels started through provocation by the higher ranked fighter will be immediately voided and if it continues anyway the instigator will drop a rank and will receive further punishment from the council. Lets try to have a civil year, everyone."

Me, Tessia and Clive filed back out of the circle leaving everyone contemplating what was said. Soon a couple of other boys came and helped Nicolas up off the ground and they scurried away. The rest of the students soon began splitting off to their dorms and to explore the rest of the campus.

"Shouldn't you have done more than just strip him of one rank?" Tessia said from my right and I thought about it briefly.

"We can't seem tyrannical to the student populous. None of them besides us and Arthur noticed that Nicolas was about to strike again. To severe of a punishment could of backfired. Plus now they know that the King position is more than just a title. If they think I may reprimand them directly through a duel, maybe they will think twice before doing something stupid." She seemed to mull it over before eventually nodding.

"Yes I guess you're right. I just can't believe it's not even the first official day and we had to stop something like that." I just smirk at this as we continue to the council room.

"Come now Tessia. You know how people are, if anything I'm surprised there has only been one incident." The frown that situated on her face, showed that while she agreed with my words, she still didn't like it.

"Forget about that for now, we have what we need to do. You and Clive help the others finish preparing for the tournament after classes tomorrow. I will meet up with Claire to finish preparing the disciplinary committee announcement." They both nodded and took the next door on our right that was the council room, where the rest were already seated waiting. Spotting Claire, I wave my hand and she quickly gets up to follow as we head to the designated disciplinary committee room.

"So Red, is everyone else ready?" She pouted at the nickname, but knew better than to protest it so she just huffed and nodded.

"Yes the rest of them are just awaiting the new recruits, though I must ask. Why is this Arthur getting a free ride into the committee regardless of the tournament tomorrow?" I smirked knowingly at her before speaking.

"You don't have to worry Claire. The guy is personally vetted by me." She looks to me surprised.

"And here I thought you only trained girls." I saw her mischievous smile and I copied it before shooting back.

"Only the pretty ones." Her jaw dropped and she hit my shoulder.

"Then why won't you train me?" She almost yelled in annoyance, but I just let the question hang in the air. When she finally understood my silence and I saw her expression change multiple different I finally couldn't hold it anymore and laughed.

"Hahaha, sorry Red. I hadn't offered to train because I didn't thunk you would want too." I heard her mumble quietly to herself

"Of course I do…" However I pretended not to hear it.

"What was that, Red?" She seemed flustered now and shook her head rapidly.

"Nothing! I didn't say anything." Giving her a confused look, I shrugged and just before entering the committee room I stopped her.

"We meet every night in the private training rooms. It's going to be me, Kathyln, Arthur and Tessia. I'll see you there, Red." I pretended to miss the slight grimace she had when I said Kathyln. I know Claire has feelings for me, and even though I don't return them she still pursues. If I didn't feel an obligation to keeping her safe it would make everything much easier, but I do feel an obligation to her. So I'll do at least this much for her, in favor to Kaspian.

She nods and we enter into the room to be met by Grawder standing preparing to roar, only to pause as soon as he sees me standing in the doorway. Immediately mewling like a kitten with its tail between its legs running to Curtis through an open doorway.

"Man! I didn't know Jaron was with Claire, I was sure Grawder would be able to scare her." Curtis grumbled only to freeze moments after as Claire appeared behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You have guts Glayder, let's see how much you have." She began dragging him off towards the practice field and he had begging expression as he looked to me. I turned my head away ignoring his plight as I made my way to Kathyln, only to be blocked by Doradrea.

"Hold on there, lover boy. It's about time for our match that you've been putting off." I smile warmly though on the inside I groaned in annoyance, it seems this pushy dwarf just won't leave it alone.

"When you become a Grand Duchess, I'll accept your challenge." He face grew annoyed.

"You know I've lost to Kathyln and Claire every time! Come on it's not an official battle, just a spar between friends." I quirk an eyebrow at her.

"We're friends now, are we?" She nods her head rapidly with a hopeful expression. I sigh in exasperation.

"Fine, as soon as Curtis finishes receiving whatever beating Claire is giving him." She fist pumped into the air and ran to go watch the "fight" with a gleeful battle hungry smile on her face. Shaking my head I continue to Kathyln who has been patiently waiting in a chair, observing the room. I smile inwardly at the sight as it's something I could see myself doing, people watching has always been a fun past time.

Her eyes meet mine and we smile simultaneously at each other.

"It's good to see you, Princess." She pouts softly, but replies quickly.

"I was beginning to worry." With a grin I slide into the seat next to her, our knees touching. Her eyes focusing intently at our knees.

"You worry too much and you'll get wrinkles." I say lightly flicking her head. It surely didn't hurt but she still held both her hands across her forehead with a frown. This just causes me to smile at her again, her cheeks warm as my smile widens.


Our moment was ruined with the crash of Curtis being sent flying through the room. Kathyln immediately began to glare at him, and ice started slowly consuming his body starting at the feet.

"Wait! Kathyln, please stop! It's not my fault! Claire hit me after we exited the ring, please!" Kathyln had a rare smile on her face, but this one was not as loving as it seemed. It was almost as cold as her ice, poor Curtis. I peek over to the side to see Claire staring only to quickly look away when I caught her gaze. Sigh, women. Placing a hand on Kathyln's shoulder she turns to face me.

"Don't be too hard on him Princess. Besides, you don't want to miss my spar with Doradrea do you?" The encroaching ice stopped just before Curtis' upper thigh and he shot me a thankful look. Only to begin squirming when the ice didn't disperse. I could only chuckle inwardly at Kathyln's pettyness sometimes as she left Curtis frozen on the ground.

"Let's go, Jaron." She said as she stood and walked toward the training ground. I gave Curtis one last sympathetic glance before following after, Doradrea was already waiting for me.

"Bout time, President." She stood across the field, and as I approached I took off the cloak that is part of my uniform as a student council member, floating it in mana strings to Kathyln. Draping it across her shoulders, for safe keeping during the match.

"You seem rather impatient to lose Doradrea, please make this worthwhile." Typical of Dwarves I could see Earth mana funneling to her limbs, but I could also see Fire mana waiting to be called upon. She's a duel elemental mage of Fire and Earth, it made me wonder if she would be able to use lava like Olfred. Though that might be a bit difficult as she is an augmenter rather than a conjurer, but it's not impossible.

"I'll be wiping that cocky smirk off your face after this match." That "cocky smirk" as she called it remained as I remained unfazed by her taunt. I have no clue where that endless amount of confidence comes from, maybe it's a dwarf thing? Either way, it won't make much of a difference. I entirely outmatch her, if serious she wouldn't even be able to move but I'll appease her.

"Princess, if you would." I look at Kathyln out of the corner of my eye, she nods and holds up a hand into the air.

"The match will begin when my hand falls. Fighters ready." Doradrea settles into a lower stance and the earth mana concentrates to her feet.

"Begin!" Kathyln yells as her hand falls and Doradrea wastes no time in charging toward me.

Gauntlets of rock form around her fists, cracks appear in the floor from each step she takes. With speed quicker than one might expect, she pivoted on one foot and spun into a chest high kick. Seeing it blocked by my forearm, she snarled and quickly brought her foot down and began a barrage of punches and kicks.

With another kick incoming, I dodged it and sent a kick straight into her gut. She went flying before rolling on the ground before eventually slowing her momentum by digging her hands and feet into the ground. With a cough she stood and faced me with a nervous expression, something that I honestly hadn't seen from the girl before.

"You're improving Doradrea, but I'm just not a good matchup for you. I look forward to your progress." I begin to walk off the field only to be stopped.

"Wait! We ain't done yet!" She growled and looking over my shoulder I sighed.

"Haaaa, fine. Come." I face back to her and gesture with my arms for her to attack me. Her battle thirsty smile showed once more and she ran towards me, much faster than she did the first time. Her earth coated fists had bits of flame extending off of them and I nodded in appreciation.

I deflected her first fist into the ground and brought up my knee, just slow enough that she could dodge it. She tried to sweep my feet out from under me, but I just kicked her in the chest first. Instead of watching her skip across I followed close and grabbed her by the foot. Pulling her up and then slamming her back down, once again she coughs out the air in her lungs. She goes to stand again, but I was personally done with this spar.

"Stay down Doradrea. It's time for the meeting. Join us when you cool down." Her face contorts into anger, before eventually sighing loudly and then slamming her fist on the ground in frustration.

"How are you all so strong, dammit!" I turn toward her and smirk.

"Training of course. Now quit pouting and hurry up." She huffs again before standing shakily. Kathyln approaches me with my cloak and hands it to me, now folded neatly.

"Did you have to be so brutal with her." I look at her with an incredulous look and she has the sense to look embarrassed.

"Ya maybe don't forget about your own match with her before questioning mine, Princess ." He cheeks gain a dusting of pink as she walks side by side with me back to the meeting room.

"That was… That was a special circumstance." I chuckle lightly before replying.

"Haha, so I heard. I was told it took Claire, Kai, and Theodore to finally calm you down." Her cheeks redden further as she shakes her head.

"Let's not reminisce on the past, after all it's in the past." I chuckle again, but I don't push any further. We take our seats next to each other as everyone else begin to file into their usual spots.

"Alright, let's begin the first meeting of the Disciplinary Committee."


Author's Note

Had a little motivation today to pop out a chapter on a work day, so here you go. Enjoy. Should hopefully still get out 2 more chapters. One on Tuesday and one Thursday.

Slowly getting to the good bits of the story, can't wait for widows crypt and beyond. I hope you all enjoy what I have planned.

Thanks for reading.


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