Carl and I just sat, doing nothing other than waiting for the other participants to come. Our wait was not that long as Cesar came after an hour of our wait.
"Gee Cabron, Why are you waiting here? Didn't I messaged you the time of the race. then Why are you here so early?" Cesar asked Carl as he got off his car.
"I know but we were already here when you messaged me the time."
"We?" Cesar was confused then he looked at me.
"He is a friend of mine, he will be the one driving the car in the race on my behalf." Carl said to Cesar while pointing towards me.
"You mad ese. We need to win the race and you are putting it all on the shoulders of your Ori-Orie-..." Cesar stuttered in saying a word to describe me.
"Oriental." I helped him.
"Yes, Oriental Friend of yours. Are you even taking this race seriously Carl?" Cesar reprimanded Carl for not participating in the race himself.
Cesar knew Carl's driving skills as he himself lost to Carl in a race which was organized in Los Santos. They can win this race if Carl show his skills. The only problem is complicated track of this off-road race but if Carl concentrates enough then nothing is going to stop them from winning.
But now Carl is saying he will let this unknown stranger to drive for him in the race. This was not acceptable by Cesar. They need the money the most at this moment as they living like a refugee in this countryside and here Carl is putting that money on an unknown person and they don't know if the person can even win this race.
"I know you want the money from the race. You don't have to worry about the money as I have $50K with me. We are here just to make a good acquaintances with the Organizer of this race." Carl explained out true intentions to participate in this race.
"Wait? How did you got all this money? Even if you robbed a few places with my cousin. You cannot amass this much. Carl tell me what is happening." Cesar demanded an explanation after listening to the amount of money Carl have. ($50K in 1992 is a lot, equivalent to nearly $100K and these guys are living in poverty in the countryside)
Carl explained Cesar, how I helped in curbing the ambush of Ballas on GSF; how did he got the money from me after I helped him 'settle' in the countryside and finally about my 'identity'. He obviously excluded the part of me and him meeting again at Catalina's house and how Catalina ended.
Cesar quickly came to me after Carl completed his explanation. I know he is a man with a good head on his shoulders so he must be doubting the Jackie Chan part. I readied myself to properly explain my real identity to someone in this world.
'Finally.. Someone who is smart enough to distinguish between me and Jackie Chan.'
Cesar stood in front of me. He extended his hand for a handshake,
"Nice to meet you sir. Me and my girlfriend are huge fan of yours. I never thought a big person like you will help small-time gangsters like us. But still thanks for helping Carl...
I wish...
We will definitely win this race." Cesar started spouting things that I didn't wanted to listen. So I started ignoring whatever he was saying after he believed in that bullshit. Cesar is now in the list of fools with the names of Sweet and Carl already on the list.
'I thought he will be different from these two brothers but he is the same. All these gang-bangers are pure idiots.'
"Yeah. We will definitely win." I said with no enthusiasm on my face. I just repeated the last line Cesar said, to not look rude by not replying to him.
After that, Cesar maintained his distance from me as he really thinks I am a celebrity and I should be given some private space. He and Carl went on the discussion about their respective gangs and how is the situation Los Santos.
After 45 minutes of waiting, people started appearing at the starting point of the race. There was huge crowd to watch the race. There are limited sources of entertainment in the countryside so they may have taken this race as one of the sources for their enjoyment.
All these people were dressed in typical countryside clothing like denim jeans, plaid shirts, cowboy hats and some were even shirtless but one thing was common in all of them, they were cheering for the drivers with a great enthusiasm. They just wanted a nice and entertaining race. But the way of cheering was a bit different.
"I WILL GIVE YA MY PIG IF YA WIN..YES YOU MR. WANKERFACE... Yeah the one with cap.. YEAH, I am talkin' to you..." The man pointed to a driver who wore a cap. I was glad he didn't addressed me with that name.
The audience cheered the participating drivers in their own ways by promising some rewards but nobody cheered for us and the reason for this was our car. All the participants had a muscle car or a car specifically for speed on the off-road but here I and Carl are standing near to our Rancher. Even if the speed is less, it is by the best car for off-road travel.
"I am telling you Mr. Chan. Do your magic thing and bring out a fast car. This Rancher is not it. Even the audience don't like us now after they saw our car." Carl came close to me and whispered into my ears.
What he said is right. Rancher is not going to fit in a race when competing against these muscle cars. It's not like I don't have a cheat for Spawning Racing Car but the grip of the tires with the ground will be very low as this is not a race with dedicated track for racing. That's why I only need a car with a good balanced car which performs well on off-roads.
And about the speed, There is something I have which will help us during the race.
"Don't worry about the cheering and jeering of the audience. It is never constant.... they swing towards the one who performs well. So just focus on doing well and the audience will cheer for you automatically ... Or are you interested in the offer of getting the daughter that man is going to give to the winner." I teased Carl.
"Nah man. I had enough of this relationship game. I need a break from all of this." Carl made a cross with his fingers. It seems Catalina left a serious scar on Carl's mind.
"Why don't you seek a long term relationship like marriage or something?" I asked him. I was really curious about this. In game, Carl had around 6 girlfriends (excluding Catalina) in the entire state of San Andreas, but he was never close to any one of them. Just date and fuck. That's it.
'Maybe I can change this.'
While I was thinking who will be the best 'waifu' material for Carl from the 6 candidates (to-be-girlfriends from the game), several people in black coats approached me and Carl.
"We have never seen you in our previous meetings. Where are you from friends?" An Asian Man in black suit with black shades asked. He seemed to be the main person of this group, as two girls were holding him from either side and other people were acting like his guards.
"Grove Street Families, Los Santos." Carl was the one who replied.
"Tough Place, Tough People. Well you don't have to worry about me questioning you, I was just asking to check whether you work with the police or not. Wu Zi Mu but people call me Woozie." Woozie extended his hand for a handshake but it was not in the direction of Carl neither in mine but it was directed towards somewhere between us.
Carl looked at me and I looked at him, as he didn't knew how to respond to this. He was looking at Woozie with a weird gaze but I am pretty much okay with this because I know his secret and the truth.
Woozie is a blind person with extraordinary senses which only works when he is driving or shooting but it is completely ineffective when it comes to walking without a stick or communicating with people as it is currently happening in front of us. He tries to hide his blindness and acts like a normal person but fails sometimes which blows his cover. Woozie is also talented in Video Games despite his blindness.
"Shido Kanzaki." I said and shook Woozie's extended hand.
"Carl Johnson, CJ for short."
"Well you should know the rewards by now. Cash or Pink Slip, Racer's Choice. So Gentlemen get your car started. The race is about to start. And I wish you two the best of luck." Woozie said and then left with his entourage.
"That man was weird." Carl said to me after Woozie left.
"Maybe he is weird but he is the organizer of the race, so be careful what you say of him. We don't want to lose our backer before we even make acquaintance with him." I warned him as I don't want Carl to ruin this opportunity just by saying something stupid.
"Let's go. The Race is about to start." I said and entered the car.
The cars were lined in the usual race configuration of two rows and various cars in each row. Our car was at the end of the row.
Everyone was revving up their engines, making those loud sounds from those American-made Muscle Cars. These sounds were like a pleasant music to the audience as they cheered more and more as the revving noises increased.
I was sitting on the Driver's seat with Carl on the passenger seat besides me. He was nervous looking at all these muscle cars which we are competing against. He again tried to convince me to change cars before we lined up but it was futile as I have already made my mind on this.
A girl with a flag in her hand, wearing a very skimpy dress, came and stood in front of the lined cars. She took a seductive pose and started the countdown.
"3....2.....1 GO!!!!" She shouted and then threw the flag in her hands.
The cars which were 'roaring' now, gave a last roar and rushed from their lined up positions, marking the start of the race. The cars passed by the girl's left and right, while she stood in the middle of all these 'roaring' muscle cars. Some drivers even slapped her butt when they were passing by her.
All the cars have already left the starting position with the exception of one. A Rancher can be seen standing alone on the starting point. The audience started jeering the Rancher.
"What are you doing Mr. Chan? The race has already started. Drive the car." Carl shook me by grabbing my shoulder.
"I know Carl. But we have to wait for some time."
"The race has already begun. We were already in the disadvantage with this trash car, now we haven't even started while the others may have crossed quarter of the track." He whined but I didn't listened to it.
Some time passed. I think now is a good time.
[BGM: Immigrant Song // By Led Zeppelin]
{NATURALTALENT} - Maximum Driving Skill
[Cheat Activated]
After the cheat activated, the effect started taking place. I felt like this car is an extra limb of mine which I can perfectly control. I started revving up the engine for some time and after that, the car started moving forward.
The Rancher's speed is not too much alone so I activated the assistance I had planned before the race started.
{SPEEDFREAK} - Cars have Nitro
[Cheat Activated]
I activated the nitro and the speed of the car increased dramatically, capable to compete or outclass the muscle cars participating in the race. Our car was moving too fast for an off-road car but I had the Perfect Handling with the help of the cheat.
Carl was having a difficult time adjusting himself because of the sudden increase in speed. But he somehow adjusted himself,
"If you were going to do this, then you should've done in the start of the race."
To reply to him, I just made a 'look forward' gesture with my head. He complied and he looked through the windshield.
He saw two cars crashed into each other on the side of the track and completely totaled (Totally beyond repair or entirely wrecked).
I ignored that and continued driving, We reached a bridge that connects two cliffs and in between the cliffs goes a river. When we were crossing the bridge, I pointed in downward direction. Carl followed where my finger pointed and he saw a car in the water. And two people floating near the drowning car.
"What are you trying to say? I cannot understand." He asked as he was confused even after I gave him two hints. I then started explaining while driving.
"The race course can be divided into 3 parts: Narrow River, Town, Hill Climbing.
In the Narrow River part, the path is very narrow and it runs along the river. The main problem is the uneven road. If the car gets hit by any other car or it simply loses its balance, then you will get thrown into the river. That is the reason for our late start, I didn't wanted to get hit any other car. The road is narrow and the cars hitting each other is bound to happen as it is inevitable to stop."
I concentrated on the driving again and now we are on the main road to the second part, The Town. The main problem here is the vehicles of normal citizens which are already on the road. Going in the wrong lane with fast speed is really a good obstacle. Woozie really put some good consideration in choosing the course.
My Rancher was doing fine. Everything looked good until there was a civilian car coming towards us on the road. I quickly turned the steering wheel to avoid the incoming car as I just passed by it. Controlling the Rancher to do tricky stuff with the Nitro on, is not a easy thing. We passed through many participants who have crashed into other vehicles of citizens.
But the problem has just started as more and more vehicles came into my way as we got closer to the town. I spun the steering wheel very hard, to avoid a truck which made a turn in front of my car without giving any signal.
'These Countryside Drivers are really reckless as in the game.'
The heavy turn to avoid the truck made the car lose balance and tilt towards one side to which I just needed to spin the steering in opposite side and the heavy weight of the Rancher facilitated in regaining the lost balance.
We entered the town and were now cruising through the roads of the town without any problem. But then came the trickiest section of the Town part, The Farms.
I coursed through the farms but the uneven and short walls and fence made it harder for me handle the car, as performing tricky cuts is not a thing for a normal Rancher, so I slowed down a bit to make the turns easier.
Alone in the farm, I could see most of the participants' either stuck in the fence or Cars crashed into the walls, wrecking the car.
The Farms is the eliminator part of the race. The Farms gives an illusion of open fields, where you can speed up to gain an advantage on others but these low-laying fences and walls acts as the grim reaper for all the cars which try to speed up without any thinking.
"Mr. Chan, Now we have to pass through two barns. Three Ways Possible: Through the barns, Around the barns and the middle of the barns" Carl said as he looked into the race course description given to the racers to know the course a bit better. Obviously the traps of fence and walls of Farms are not mentioned in that. It is my knowledge from my own experience when I played the game.
'Going Around the barn will take a long time, Middle of the barn needs handling as it is very narrow, I would have to slow down to pass through that, then that means.'
I saw the barns' gate closed in front of me. I didn't cared and rushed into the barn, crashing through the wooden gate and now we were inside the barn but Carl saw in front of the car, shocked him.
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Indeed. What Carl saw was true. There was a ramp in front of us instead of a wooden gate which he expected but I already knew about the ramp from the game, so without any hesitation I speeded more for the ramp.
'Nitro 4x'
I again activated Nitro and the Rancher's speed increased dramatically. The car climbed the ramp with a great speed.
The Rancher quickly climbed the ramp and left the ramp with great velocity. The Rancher was set 'flying' when the ramp ended.
"AAAAAA!!!!" Carl screamed like it was the end of the world.
"STOP SCREAMING LIKE A PIG TO BE SLAUGHTERED, CARL!!!!" I shouted at him as I don't want to hear him scream for the entire jump. After me scolding him, he calmed down.
A Rancher could be seen 'flying' in the sky and we passed two more participants above them. They took the 'around the barns' route which was safer and time consuming. If they went for the middle of the barn route, they would've already reached the hill climbing part. We, the late ones had to make an extra effort and take risk to quickly cope up with others.
"SUCK IT UP LOSERS!!!" Carl shouted to the participants on the ground while we were in the sky in the Rancher.
The vertical component of velocity of the car started decreasing and when it reached zero, the Rancher started falling under the effect of the gravity. The Rancher landed heavily on the ground. Even if the Rancher had a good suspension, Carl and I faced a heavy shake inside the car when the car landed. But everything was fine.
"Mr. Chan. We are currently 2nd in the race. Cesar lost early in the race and now he is telling me the positions of the racers."
"Who is first?"
"It's that weird dude, That Organizer, Susie."
'Carl and his pronunciation of Asian Names.' I sighed and continued driving.
We reached the Hill Climbing Part. This part is filled with tricky twists and turns which you have to perform with high speed as you want your car to climb the hill as well. Not the hardest part but the most dangerous. One mistake and you are down the hill. We continued the climb without any stopping as I can easily course through these turns with Perfect Handling.
When we were in the middle of the hill climbing part, I heard a feminine scream. I looked towards the direction where the scream came from and I found it was coming from a car which was way ahead of us.
I recognized the car, it was Woozie's car and the one screaming must be her secretary. She screamed their brakes have failed. If everything goes like this, It is most probably that Woozie will die by falling the hill with high speed.
I have to help him or the story will lose a major character of the San Fierro part, which will affect the plot in god knows which direction and I don't want that to happen. I have already my hands full with the MHA world, I don't want to take 2 worlds' problem on my shoulders.
'I already have messed so much with the MHA world's plot. I don't want to ruin this world's plot so I lose the advantage of knowing the plot here.' I thought and acted on it.
'Nitro 8x'
I activated the last nitro. The speed increased to the point where even I am finding it hard to control the car. With his speed, I caught up to Woozie's car and drove the car to the side of Woozie's Car and maintained the speed so that our cars were now moving parallely.
"Did you forgot the reason to participate in the race? We need to make connections with him. If he dies, then you can go and suck mafia leaders' dick to make connections with them to release your brother.
Woozie is a good ally to have and it will be foolish of us to let him die if we can save him. So stop complaining and handle the steering." I said and opened the door of the car while handling the steering with one hand.
"HOW CAN YOU SAVE HIM?!! HIS CAR IS RUNNING AT 100 MPH... Well.. who am I talking to? You can save them. You are Jackie Chan." Carl said and grabbed the steering from my hands.
I didn't paid much attention to what he said. I thought of a idea to save Woozie.
{AIYPWZQP} - Spawn Parachute [Cheat Activated]
A Parachute was now on my back. I jumped on Woozie's car and grabbed the roof for grip. I was now hanging on a car running at 100 MPH (160 KMPH). At speed, I was facing a huge amount of drag which tried to pull me in the opposite direction the movement of car. But I grabbed the roof with a huge force which was generated by my grip. With this I was able to hang on the car.
Carl pretty much handled our Rancher as his driving skills are nothing to scoff at.
I then pulled myself up and stood on the roof of his car. The car is now running at 100 MPH, so it was hard for me to stand up properly so I crouched and down and used Overhaul to create a hole and a handle on the roof of his car to make a holding place for me.
After finding myself able to properly balance myself on the roof, I shouted through the hole I made.
Woozie who was panicked, calmed down a bit, quickly did what I told him to do. The Car slowed down a bit but it wasn't enough to stop the car and a new problem was in front of them, as I and Woozie's secretary can now see a sharp turn.
If they fail to make the turn, they will fall from the hill. And with the height of the fall, I don't think Woozie will be able to survive. Woozie who had calmed a little, now panicked more, as he sensed the sharp turn. The secretary who was screaming earlier was now praying to her gods with Woozie's hand in hers.
"DON'T PANIC!!!! BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!!" I said All Might's famous phrase loudly to calm down the people down the roof. He is the Symbol of Peace, his phrases would definitely work in this situation.
I pulled the chord of the parachute and the parachute partially opened up. I grabbed the handle on the roof tightly as I felt a jerk and a huge force as the parachute pulled me back because of the tremendous drag the parachute was under. I put more strength into my grips to maintain the position.
After some time of maintaining my position, the parachute completely opened up and started slowing down the car.
The Car started slowing down. Parachutes are used in Drag Races to slow down the car as for the fact that it can pretty much eat up to 90% of the terminal velocity of the car. Woozie's car started slowing down slowly and the speed decreased drastically from 100 MPH to 70 MPH and it still continued to decrease.
A huge pressure was on my shoulders as they are supporting the fully opened parachute and I had to grab the roof of the car. This pressure was enough to break the shoulder bones of a normal person easily.
But I am not a normal person. I trained my body to the peak and I have a Yandere Girlfriend. I am anything but a normal person, both Physically and Mentally.
But cracks started appearing on the sides of the handle where I was holding the roof. It seems the newly made handle is not that strong to support the force. The car was now at around 40 MPH.
I made a new handle to hold on to the roof. I quickly grabbed the handle from there.
I just crouched down and held the handle; the parachute did it's work. All I had to do was to support the parachute on my shoulders. The speed of car slowed down continuously.
After some more time, the car finally came to a halt. The parachute limped down and we avoided falling down the hill.
I jumped off the roof and stored the parachute in the Inventory.
Carl stopped the car near me and opened the door. I took the driver seat and drove the car to finish point. I have to finish this race myself or I won't complete the mission.
I coursed through the twists and turns of the hill without much problem and drove the car through the finish line. I then stopped the car and Carl also got off the car and excitedly jumped onto me for hug.
"WE WON MR. CHAN!!! WE WON." He looked very happy to win this race for some reason. I don't think money is one of the reasons then what is it?
'Oh the Pink Slip. Yeah, now he can get a car from Woozie.'
After some time, Woozie arrived in a different car. Woozie and the same secretary came out of the car and they walked towards us. I saw them holding hands with fingers intertwined with each other, which made me smile a little.
'Going through a near-death experience together really makes people come closer. I thought it was just a saying but now I can see it happen in front of me.'
Maybe Woozie also found his 'someone' like me. They both stood in front of me and then they bowed a perfect 90 degree.
"Thank you for saving our lives." x 2 (Secretary and Woozie)
"No problem. It was not that much..." I wanted to continue but I had a system Notification.
[Mission- Wu Zi Mu
Objective: Win the Race against Wu Zi Mu]
[Mission Passed!]
[Rewards: {Radio} function Unlocked, Driving Skills++]
'Hmm, a new system function. I will check it out later and the second reward is just worthless as I can just use the Perfect Handling cheat to increase the driving skills to max.' I was having thoughts about the rewards but then new notifications started popping up.
[Mission Available
Mission: Farewell my love...]
{Auto-Accept in: 10..9..8..7..}
'And why is there a Auto-Accept this time?'
I then remembered that this is the return race where you have to race back to the starting point of the race we just won. It's basically reverse of this race. So it will happen few hours later.
'That's the reason behind this Auto-Accept. If I don't accept the mission then I won't be able to participate in the race and the race is just few hours later, so I need to make the choice in these 10 seconds.'
'I have spent 12 hours here that means 1.2 hours in the MHA world. 12 hours with less sleep last night because of the sex left me completely exhausted mentally.
I think I should leave now as I am mentally exhausted and I need sleep or I will be sleep-deprived during the Valentine's dinner with Fuyumi, which is not a good thing.'
So I chose Decline.
A very bright light covered me and I disappeared from the place. And when the bright light died down I saw myself back in my room.
I took a shower and went to sleep to restore the mental fatigue I was feeling. I went to sleep like a log, not caring about whatever is happening in GTA World after my disappearance.
[In GTA World, After Shido 'Disappeared']
The Secretary present was watching the scene with wide eyes and mouth, but Woozie and Carl were unaffected. Shock and Surprise, these are the only thing that can seen on the Secretary's face and others were just stood there without any surprise or shock on their face.
Woozie is blind so he didn't see anything, and Carl is familiar with this 'mode of transportation' of the 'great actor' friend of his.
"Where... Where is he?.. He was just standing here a moment ago.. and then.. he." The secretary was stuttering as she couldn't gather words as she saw their savior just vanish in thin air.
"Don't worry, It's just his usual way of transport. He always use this 'bright light' to come and meet me." Carl said in his usual tone as it was an everyday thing.
"Then.. what is he? I don't think a normal person can do what he did to save us and definitely not the thing he used to .. just .. vanish...from here." The secretary asked.
Woozie was able to form a general idea of what happened from what he could listen.
"Yeah.. He is not a normal person..." Carl said in a dramatic way, Increasing the suspense of the scene.
"Then.. What is he?" Woozie asked.
"He is Jackie Chan...."
"But he had a Japanese name didn't he? and Jackie Chan is a Chinese person." Woozie said.
"That's what he also told me. But have you wondered, other than Jackie Chan, tell me any Asian who can do all these things. Jumping on a car and stopping it with parachute while holding the car with bare hands and vanishing in thin air with a bright light." Carl made a 'undisputable' point. The secretary and Woozie nodded their heads listening to Carl's point.
"But I don't think even Jackie Chan can vanish in thin air." Woozie raised a point.
"It's Ancient Martial Arts of the Orientals. You are Chinese right?, you should have watched that film with people doing incredible stuff with Martial Arts." Carl said and then he continued with his previous point,
"I think he misleads the whole industry with a fake name and only gives his real name to people close to him, like me and you."
"Me?" Woozie pointed to himself.
"Yeah, I think he wants you to be our friend. He told me to have a good connection with you and I am his friend; so in a way, you will be his friend." Carl told Shido's 'intentions' to Woozie.
"Really? But why would he like to be friends with a Triad boss like me who is involved in crime. I think he already has a lot friends with a big names in the industry." Woozie made a point which was logical but it didn't worked here as the topic on which they are talking is completely illogical itself.
"I also thought the same at first, but he came 3 times to help me. 3 times. Do you believe a great actor like him would come to help a notorious gangster like me. No right?. Unless I am his friend.
And he always denies that he is Jackie Chan when I called him Jackie Chan, that means he wants us to be his friends for who he is, not for his money, fame and name." Carl again made a logical 'illogical' point.
Woozie was about to say something but,
Their conversation was interrupted by a man with a big belly which was tightly packed inside a white tank top and he was wearing denim jeans. He was bald and he smelled of alcohol. There was a boy who also followed him from behind.
"Tell me who is tha winner of tha race?" The fat man in tank tops asked.
"Why? What business do you have with him?" Carl asked as he is the only one close to 'Jackie Chan' here, so he took it upon himself to deal with this.
"I promised that whoeva won tha race will get mah daughter at tha start of tha race. So I am askin' who is tha winner of the race." The man said and he proudly, pulled his slipping jeans as he declared giving his daughter to someone he knew nothing about them.
"Give your Daughter?" Carl was confused because he never heard of anything of this promise.
"Yeah mah daughter...MARIE...MARIE.. COME HERE.. QUICK... " The man turned and shouted towards the car in which he came.
From the car, a girl came out and she walked towards the group. Carl's mind got numb when he saw her. The girl had a pale white skin which was adorned by a pinkish tone. She had light blonde hair which was tucked behind her ears added a charming part to her Pretty looks.
Her small nose and thin lips which were arched in a smile was the thing which attracted Carl the most. He was just watching her like she will disappear if he just blinked his eyes.
Pretty and Cute, these were the only two words that came in Carl's head. He saw the girl, who was wearing a one piece dress with a brown sleeveless blouse over the one piece. She was the most pretty girl Carl has ever seen. When she was walking towards them, a gentle breeze blew, which made her hair wave with the air, increasing the girl's charm more and more.
She came to the place where the group gathered and she stood behind her father.
"Meet mah daughter Marie.. 20 years old, Well-verse in Household chores and can take care of kids. An ideal wife. Now tell me who is tha winner of you all?"
"Me.. I am the winner." Carl quickly moved forward towards the fat belly man. The man looked towards Woozie who is the organizer of this race. The secretary nodded in behalf of Woozie. Carl is the winner of this race.. technically. The man then turned to Carl,
"Congratulations, You got an ideal wife for ya...." The man said and pointed to Marie. Marie looked down because she was shy to face her 'future husband'.
After listening to this, Carl was about to move towards Marie to talk to her but the man stopped Carl in his tracks,
"Before all of this, ya would have to pay a dowry of $5K to her family before ya take yar ideal wife from us." The man raised his hand and showed five fingers. (Basically $10K in 2021)
Carl quickly ran towards the Rancher as inside the car, there is a briefcase filled with money which was given by 'Jackie Chan' himself. He quickly took out $5k and handed it over to the fat belly man.
"Nice to meet ya Son-in-Law. I wish ya happy marriage and good life with her.
I wish I could come to yar wedding, but I have some work to do, so I will leave now. Marie go to your husband." The man said and quickly left the place with his son.
Woozie also left with his secretary as this 'transaction' was done outside of the race and has nothing to do with the race that means it was none of his business.
Now only Carl and Marie were the only one left in the place all alone.
"My name is Carl Johnson. You can call me CJ if you want." Carl introduced himself to Marie.
"I.. am ... Marie. I will try to fulfill my duties as your wife ... Please take care of me.." Marie said while she still looked down as she too shy to look at her husband.
Looking at this scene, Carl had nothing but praise in his mind, for the man responsible for all of these, from the money he just used to winning this race, everything was possible just because of that man.
'Thank You Jackie Chan. It may be selfish of me but I will be eating the fruits of your labor and hard work. You are truly a great person, Mr. Chan, to let undeserving people like me to have such great benefits.' Carl praised 'Jackie Chan' for everything he got today.
'Thanks to you, I got a pretty girl and Now I can enjoy my life to the fullest.'
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