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21.21% A Loners Creations / Chapter 4: The walking anomaly

Kapitel 4: The walking anomaly

"Sigh I hate Mondays Aarick. Said in his head.

After waking up this morning Aarick wakes up extremely miserable he felt like he was being squeezed by a bear and been licked by a dog and the worst thing was he was aware that he been toyed with but could move or get up if any case it was either the worst case of sleep paralysis he has ever had or the pastor who sold it to him was a scammer trying to make a quick buck.

And now he has to walk to one of his mother's many estates for a stupid field trip like this he thought this whole thing was pointless.

Aarick began walking as he took out his phone and look at the time it was 8:30 a.m half an hour before the bus reach.

As Aarick began walking he notices a small army of 12 full black Suv past him and parks in front of the Dawn family great museum and from it came a total of 50 Guardian but he didn't pay them much thought but it was when the first SUV at the front stop and from it came Anima Ballari a rouge awakener who awaken at the young age of 8 as magus awakener one capable of using the energy of the world which is mana and Kerisha assistant.

When she came out she looks at me and I give her a stare as cold as ice and continue to walk then from the back seat came the last person I want to see Kerisha Dawn.

She wears black skin-tight office pants and with long sleeve bottom-up shirt, she wears black high-heels and also a cape that was white and had yellow sun on it with a hood she had snow-white skin like Aarick she turns around and saw him pass her she went in front of him trying to force a smile as she attempts to say something.

But when she was about to say something Aarick walk past her like she didn't exist as he looks at the Reddit forum about when no game no life will get a season 2 will.

Kerisha almost strained smile went back down to a look of an emotionless queen but if you look deep down you can see she was troubled with something maybe it regretted or maybe it was doubts but only she knew the answer to that.

Alima saw this and she got piss as she walks up to Aarick and said in a demanding voice.

"Boy can't you see Ms. Dawn is trying to talk to you it rude to ignore someone older than you especially when they came to you in respect".

Aarick just put in his earphone while listing to Sephiroth one wing angel theme witch was one of his favorite anime osts and he walks past Anima.

Anima got piss at his action was going to fire a Lighting ball spell in him in anger but right as she about to do it she hears Kerisha's voice.

"Leave him be".

"But miss Kerisha we worked so hard on this you even went over your lines and words you were going to say didn't you do this a hundred times in front of the mirror Anima said to Kerisha".

Kerish just said.

"Miss Anima let's get going inside we still need to get things ready for the student today".

"Sigh fine".

From there Aarick went across the street and sit on a random bench while listing to his music if anything he would prefer to go back home and draw and watch some anime he hated people, he hated interaction, all he wants is silence a world with no interaction a world with no one in it.

In a world where he is free to do as he wants Aarick doesn't covet world domination, nor eternal riches, nor does he covet trivial things like immortality, if anything his greatest wish would be similar to that of Ophis Silents if anything Aarick is extremely slothful, lazy, in sense, he does not wish to bother or it more he is afraid of everyone around him.

"This world is just too cruel danger is practically everywhere no humans even rouge awaken are safe not only do we share a planet with the mystic we also share a planet of the worst species of them all ourself human nature is bothersome, but Some also seek riches, while other seek power and fame honestly I hate it what more I hate is goddam hypocrites like that women". Aarick said in his head.

"Humans always think that everything can be fixed with money well it's sad in sense it true in this day and age even a non-awakener could become awaken if they had enough money they could always go through body modification surgery, or they could purchase a really powerful artifact a perfect example would be the student warden, Adella Windsor, she is a tier 4-awaken but she thinks the world depend too much on these powers so she created her own original artifact called the interdict chain".

"A chain capable of restraining even the strongest awaken at that school in a sense she is the law of that school but then and again I despised the bitch why because she is the biggest hypocrite he can think off she says she hates violence but she is the most violent person in the school she says she will protect the weak but she walk pass me every time Hu-Chan fuck me up, to be honest, she is a bitch always wearing revealing clothes perfect fucking example of misleading".

"Sighs". Aarick mentally sighs in his head as he was lost in thought complaining about his life so far and the cruelty and unjust of humanity.

Sometimes passes and Aarick was still enjoying the one-winged angel theme on his phone just relaxing while having it on repeat till he felt a tugging on his shoulder and when he looked he saw someone he didn't wish to see but he didn't show it if anything Aarick has mastered the ability to always look depress and emotionless if anything he is the perfect definition of gloomy.

The girl who was tugging his shoulder then said.

"Excused me if I am bothering you but as one of today's guide, I have to kindly ask you to join your class speaking of class your from Tokyo international school haa. Isn't that your class coming right now".

Aarick then looks at where the blue hair beauty was pointing and saw 4 sets of the floating bus coming towards the museum and never in his life was he so happy to see his classmates he hurriedly take out a notebook and began writing so quickly you couldn't even see his hand as he points the notebook to the mysterious girl as the note said.

"Aww thank you ms Valentine I shall join my class now BYE".

After that Aarick then walks quickly to his classmate the blue-haired beauty looks like she wanted to ask Aarick something but it appears because of her presence she scared the poor thing away.

Aarick was sweating like crazy he knew today was a big day as the Musem of the Dawn household hold so much valuable treasure so much so the museum in itself is a national treasure so he kind of expected a lot of powerful awakeners would be here today but he never would have thought that a certain blue eye, blue hair, an all-knowing, all-seeing monster would be here much less even interact with him this girl name was Matilda Valentine.

The art not mine but she look like this:

She is a student from Deity Academy one of the world's best military schools only the strongest, most influential, smartest, most talented people no awakens could go there but what makes her stand out the most is not only is she the daughter, of Fisago Valentine the CEO of Nano core the world biggest weapon developer even surpassing the Dawn family weapon units by almost 5,000 years ahead prior today's technology she is the world 19th Omega level awaken Matilda Valentine or also known as the glass eyes.

Not much is know about her ability as it have so many uses but she didn't receive that nickname for anything as her most popular attack is called the [The window of truth] if anything she is a walking flex you see she has the ability to see the truth of everything she know all your secrets past present and future but this isn't the scary part apparently as long as she knows your truth she can rewrite it and completely deleted it.

Meaning she can change the outcome of the past say if you were a boy and she sees you and rewrites your truth and bamm you suddenly turn into a girl or you just fade out of existence it means she rewrite the truth of the past so your parent never meet.

But let's say you were destined to die of incurable diseased all she has to do is simply rewrite the truth of that disease and you are cured there was one time when she turns a disease call Corona that had killed so many, people into a diseased that kills other diseases within it host so if you have multiple diseases and you had Corona then that one specific altered diseased will kill all other diseased within you.

"Very scary and I heard the [Window of truth] isn't even the tip of the iceberg of what she is capable of doing". Thought Aarick in his head as he swore to himself to never get involved with a monster like her Aarick is a simple man anything that smells or spell trouble to his lone lifestyle he will burn that route with fire as soon as it presents itself to him but little did he know that the string of fate had other plans for him.

Change POV

"Milady Valentine Ms. Kerisha has finally arrived". Said a small little boy with grey hair and brown eyes dress in only what can be described as a full set of dark armor and a huge sword floating behind him.

"Oh, Shiro can you do me favor".

"Anything for Milady Valentine so tells me what do you want milady". Said the happy cheerful little boy clad in scary-looking dark armor that doesn't suit his personality nor appearance at all but don't let the appearance fool you. This little boy doesn't go by the nick-named the happy devil for nothing.

How Shiro looks:

"Ok, you see...

"Here there beautiful why don't you come and play with us handsome brothers". Said A random street tug.

Matilda looks at the street tugs who clearly can't see or nor their place so in annoyance she said.

"Move on before you regret it, hoodlums".

"Cocky bitch I wasn't asking".



The sound of a grown man's arm been brake was heard through the entire alley across the street was heard as Shiro grab the tug arm and twisted it so bad the arm was practically useless as he said with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh me oh my it seems we have a couple of untrained rats I will only say this once and this goes for the other two rats over there leave before I forcefully make all of you play a game gun, sulphuric acid, chainsaw".

The tug looks into the eyes of the cheerful boy but his eyes look like it lost all will to live and is just living because he is forced to live but he the ask.

"What the hell even kind of game is gun, sulphuric, chainsaw". Said the tug in great pain and fear.

The cheerful-looking boy just said with a bright smile on his face.

"My version of rock, paper, scissors, oh I know, I know, why don't we play pin the nuclear warhead on the donkey you make a perfect donkey".

At these words, the man forgot he was in pain and grab the 2 tugs behind him who already piss there selfs and ran far away from this devil in the form of a child.

"You are as scary as ever Shiro it even scarier when you smile like that".

"Ehh but weren't you the one who told me to smile even if I am in horrible pain and horrendous torcher".

"What the hell are you even talking about we had no such conversation".

"Oh sorry, I mistook you for my mother again oopsie". Said, Shiro making a silly face while sticking out his tongue.

"Sigh you never change anyways you see that fat kid with black hair and orange eyes and a red scarf around his neck with his eyes glued on his phone.

"Yea yea I see him, I see him do you want me to perform a live execution on him, or do you want me to pull out his tongue through his ass as he slowly bleeds out while I call an ambulance filling his heart with hope then blowing it upright in front of him destroying every hope he has of survival and left him there to die oh I know I know he make good shark food its been a while since I fed my precious babies human meat".

"You are aware your precious babies are literally several giants man-eating, whale killing, dragon-slaying Megalodon right how in the bloody hell you can say such a scary thing with a smile on your face to be honest you are probably this era most twisted hilarity I have ever seen".

"Ehhh but he looks healthy and nutritious I don't see any other use but been a good bait to capture even more cute shark babies or literally just plane shark food he won't be miss right it not like the world would end if he dies right, right, right, right, right".

"Sigh my image on cute 10-year-olds children have been shattered from ever since I met you 8 months ago".

"Well if it isn't brutal torcher or shark food what do you want to do with him he looks pretty normal to me".

"You are the last person I want to hear that from".

"EHHHHHH but I am hilarity". Said Shiro with a smile on his face.

"The most twisted fucking hilarity I have ever heard about".

"Hmmm to think milady think so little of me ok then what do you want with him".

THen next words that Came on of Matilda's mouth shock Shiro to the point he screams out.

"I cant see his truth".


"Yes, that why I find him interesting so be a good bodyguard and get all the information on him as much as possible".

"My god are you serious it could be a mistake right if he doesn't have a truth how is he even alive".

"I don't know that why I find him interesting normally everything around us has a truth within itself in the truest sense the truth is the shadow of the soul evident to this, for example, my watch has a tiny soul fragment like all other inanimate objects around us but if you treat an object with enough love they can eventually turn into living weapons called tsukumogami or living object with souls"

"Even undead have soul fragments as the soul is absolute it proofs of one existence as my eyes are the window to the souls and he doesn't have a soul no it more like it was replaced with something else but I don't know what if anything he is almost non-existent it almost like he doesn't want to be seen or bothered at all in simple terms he is a walking anomaly".

"Oh wow, he sounds amazing let's make friends, let's make friends". Said the 10-years old boy as was running toward Aarick but was grab with one hand as Matilda said to him.

"No don't approach him not yet let's just watch for now who knows he might show us something interesting sooner or later.

"Ehh but he seems fun why can't I talk to him".

"Anyone can tell he doesn't want to be bothered look how lonely and emotionless he looks it not the time".

"Ehh no fair, no fair that all the more reason to make friends he just needs a good laugh and he will be smiling in no time just leave it up to me the king of Hilarity Shiro I got the perfect trick to show him".

"And what might that be it isn't going to be your last trick on how to kill an orc with a pencil sharpener isn't it remember you traumatized those poor orphans".

"Ehh no way, no way that was December and that was just me trying to get them into the Christmas spirit after all who is going to comfort them their parent hmm good luck with that I am simply giving them Christmas happiness".

"Do you even hear yourself sigh whatever what are you going to show him"?

Shiro smiled and laugh happily as he said.

"How to juggle 20 superpowered chainsaws without been cut".

"Why do I even ask you can talk to him after the triplets go were going to be late Ms. Kerisha already inside".

"YAAAAAAAAY I always wanted a fat friend". Said Shiro in delight

"Weren't you trying to feed him to your sharks 2 minutes ago"?

"That was then this is now he didn't die in the end right, right so it all good".

Matilda just sight at young boys psychopathic nature,

From their Shiro and Matilda went inside as the field trip of impending death begins now.

Change of POV.

"#55 I believe the preparation is set".

"Of course #16 the undead lord is already inside the museum".

"Great today is the day we finally get our hands Gedeon cube haha the Messiah shall be pleased".

"Please he shall #16". Said a Beautiful middle-aged woman with red hair and green eyes wearing nothing but bandages from the neck down to a man wearing a full white robe and skeleton mask covering his entire head these people are from the world's most dangerous terrorist group Hades.

#55 then said.

"Not only that the army of the undead has already been stored within Kyros pocket dimension so 30 minutes after the Kerisha guiding the students begins we shall destroy half of the city in one go blood shall spill, but organs shall also fly, children and women shall scream a like everyone will have there fear share of suffering and despair hahahahaha".

"Good good well then I shall see you 40 minutes from now". From there #16 then put his hand into a fist and said for the messiah.

#55 then did the same thing.

"For the messiah". From there #55 vanish as #16 laugh maniacally as he said.

"HAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHA AAAAAHH let's get this bloodbath started well then Kerisha and Matilda let's see how you deal with the special customized gift that the messiah personally made for you. The only problem will be that god damn Hilarity psychopath but I have something special for him as well.

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