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65.88% A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars AU) / Chapter 56: Death Watch

Kapitel 56: Death Watch

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here means four more chapters over on the P atreon, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


In the end, her internal pleading overrides Tylo's good sense. He grunts and even as he reaches the edge and begins to tip over, he pushes out with the Force, using a Force Healing Technique on his genitals to boost his virility. With a growl, the young Jedi Knight thrusts into the Armorer one final time and fills her with his seed, creampieing her on the spot.


Needless to say, the cute, perverted Mandalorian woman loves it. Her groan of appreciation is matched by her internal mewl of satisfaction. Tylo just shakes his head in amusement, even as he finally pulls out of her, leaving her drooling his cum from her freshly fucked snatch. But not for long. She's quick to fix up her clothing, pulling the slit of her undersuit closed so that his seed, if it wants to escape, will have to soak through.

Shivering, the young woman straightens up and turns to look at him, trying to hide just how satisfied she really is.

"… Adequate. G-Give me a moment to recover and I will begin the Forging process now that I have… ALL of your measurements."

Mm, that was glorious. What I wouldn't give to go for another round… or dozen. But no. No, I need to focus. I have a job to do.

Tylo valiantly holds back the urge to snort in amusement at that, instead giving the Armorer as serious a nod as he can manage before tucking his cock away and taking a step back to let her focus. While her gaze does linger on him for a moment longer, her attention eventually turns towards the case of Beskar that Koska had brought for her.

To her credit, once she gets started, it's like he no longer exists anymore, save for as a client. It's actually fascinating watching her mind shift gears from sex to work over the next few minutes, until ultimately she's completely in the zone and doesn't even seem to register his presence. That's good, because Tylo has a lot to think about.

They're infiltrating Death Watch to find Rook Kast. That's the mission. But just how difficult is it going to be to get inside the terrorist organization? Surely they'll have some sort of Op-sec, right? Tylo assumes Koska and Bo-Katan will have plans for that, but he really isn't sure what to expect. He'll have to ask them when all is said and done here and they're ready to get started…


"I'm surprised, Koska. I thought the Nite Owls were female-only."

I'm not usually one to gloat… but I can't help myself. I'm enjoying this.

"… You know full well that the Nite Owls are defunct, Wren. These two are what I bring to the table now. You got a problem with that? Is Death Watch feeling particularly picky all of the sudden?"

This fucking bitch… if I could, I'd tear out her damn entrails…

Standing quietly, observing the exchange and listening in on the thoughts of the two women partaking in sniping at one another, Tylo raises a single brow underneath his newly made Beskar helmet. Dressed in full Beskar Armor crafted just a handful of days before by the Armorer, Tylo supposed he was as close to being a real Mandalorian as he was ever going to get now.

That said, he hadn't expected their infiltration of Death Watch to look like this. As it turned out, only Bo-Katan really needed to alter her armor at all. Koska was going in as herself, because she technically had a standing invitation to join Death Watch. Apparently, back when Bo-Katan left the Nite Owls in Koska's hands, the other Mandalorian had done her best to keep the group going after her predecessor's departure… while staying true to the True Mandalorians which Bo-Katan and Janga Fett represented.

When Death Watch had come knocking, Koska had turned them away quite vehemently. By all accounts, Death Watch had acted as if they respectfully understood the Nite Owls' position, and proceeded to leave the all-female Mandalorian Group alone. Except not really. To hear Koska say it, Death Watch had been poaching Nite Owls from her for months now, ever since the war started.

The amount of work and credits Death Watch were pulling in compared to the Nite Owls was apparently astronomical, and as much as it left a bad taste in her mouth, Koska had been forced to admit that those who had left her behind had good reason to do so.

Didn't mean she was happy about it though, nor that she would ever compromise her own principles and join the Death Watch. Until now. Until she had a reason for it. Of course, the reason wasn't something Koska could just tell this woman standing in front of them. This… Ursa Wren.

"Hm. What gives, Reeves? After all this time, you finally want to join up? I'm not sure I buy it."

Heh, actually it's quite easy to believe. I've seen the Nite Owls' internals and there lack of actual paying missions. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy making you sweat, Koska.

Of course, if Ursa Wren wanted Koska to sweat, she was bound for disappointment. Instead, the other Mandalorian woman just growls.

"We all need to put food on the table. Janga Fett is dead. Bo-Katan is out there playing lapdog to the Jetii. Between Death Watch and the New Mandalorians, who do you think I'm going to pick?"

That second tidbit of information gets Ursa's attention. It was meant to; they'd discussed this beforehand after all.

"Oh? So its confirmed then? There were rumors that Bo-Katan was working for the Jetii, but… we haven't managed to get confirmation yet."

Koska jerks her helmeted head up and down.

"Yes. Confirmed. The bitch contacted me. Wanted me to come work alongside her. I turned her down."

Ursa hums for a moment, considering that.

Well now. I suppose even someone like Koska Reeves has a patriotic bone in her body.

That sounded good. That sounded like-

"Welcome back to the right side, Koska."

Stepping forward, the Death Watch Mandalorian holds out an arm… one that Koska only hesitate half a second before stepping forward and clasping. As the two shake, Ursa nods her head resolutely.

"You've made the right decision. This is the best time to join. Death Watch is on the rise and it won't be long before our goals are realized. Another year at most, and we'll be back where belong… ruling Mandalore, with the pacifistic ways of that bitch Kryze stamped out for good."

Tylo doesn't fail to notice the way Bo-Katan tenses slightly at the threatening tone to Ursa Wren's words… but luckily, Ursa herself doesn't seem to notice. In fact, she barely pays either of them any mind. All of her attention is on Koska as the two clasp arms and shake hands. He keeps expecting her to turn her gaze towards one of them, to start questioning them… but it never happens.

As they're allowed to join Death Watch just like that, Tylo finds himself beginning to realize just what sort of organization they're dealing with here. He starts to understand the threat to Mandalore and the Mandalorians that Death Watch represents. They claim to be the traditionalists of Mandalorian Society. They claim to want a return to the old ways. But really, all they truly represent is violence.

Where is the tradition in what they're doing? Where is the honor? The Armorer had at least demanded Tylo recite the tenets of the Resol'nare after accepting the recording they'd made of his janky form of a verd'goten. But Ursa Wren hadn't brought up either. Maybe it was because he and Bo-Katan were both dressed in Mandalorian Armor and had the backing of Koska Reeves, but it still felt like she wasn't doing her due diligence. No… rather, it felt like she just didn't care.

This was Death Watch? The so-called saviors of Mandalore and Mandalorian Culture? After everything he'd learned so far, it made Tylo surprisingly angry. Pushing such emotion out into the Force is the work of moments, but even still… he's not sure he can settle for just finding Rook Kast and the information he seeks. This is going to be… difficult to say the least.


Two weeks later and Tylo feels like his thoughts that day might very well have been prophetic. But not quite for the reasons he had thought. Their time in Death Watch had been difficult, but it wasn't because they were asked to do anything objectionable that Tylo couldn't reconcile with his upbringing. Nor because they were constantly being interrogated at every turn.

In fact, they were mostly ignored… save for the work they were expected to do. Said work was the reason things had been difficult. Essentially, Ursa Wren had used her authority over Koska and the two recruits she'd brought to the table to put them on every shit duty imaginable. If it wasn't literally cleaning up refreshers, it would be standing on guard duty for ten hours a day doing absolutely nothing.

If it wasn't one of those two, then it was another task clearly designed to take up their time and ultimately wear down at their patience. If Tylo didn't know any better, he would think that Death Watch really was suspicious of the three of them, and was keeping them at arm's length because they were convinced they were spies.

But it wasn't like that. No, thanks to Tylo's mind-reading abilities, he knew for a fact that Ursa Wren was simply on a power trip. The woman didn't hate Koska necessarily, but she didn't like her either. For all that they'd shook on it back when she'd let them join up, that didn't mean Ursa wasn't above being rather… spiteful. The funny thing was, Ursa didn't consider herself a spiteful person. But there was no denying that was exactly what she was doing.

Tylo could at least meditate on the overly long guard duty shifts. And via that meditation, he could spread his mind out through the complex where they'd been staying and get an idea of just what was going on. However, he didn't manage to find any trace of Rook Kast in those meditative sweeps of his. He didn't find much of anything at all, save for a bunch of minds. Some of them felt strangely young. Some were in pain. Some were filled with aggression.

He didn't dare press too hard. His mutation that allowed him to read minds had been undetectable for the course of his entire life. However, his Force Abilities might be noticed if he was too obvious with them. He had to stay aware of his physical surroundings as well, which limited the meditation a fair bit compared to what he could manage back on Kamino.

All in all, it had been an entirely unproductive two weeks… and Koska and Bo-Katan both agreed with him on that. For the first time in days, the three of them found themselves able to have a moment alone in the quarters they'd been offered. But of course, they couldn't know they were truly alone, which was why Koska was tapping the side of her helmet and sending out a ping on an encrypted frequency for them to join.

As soon as he and Bo-Katan have switched their comms over to said frequency, Koska's voice comes through with a sigh.

"We need to switch things up. This isn't working."

That bitch Wren has it out for me.

Bo-Katan snorts derisively.

"I'll say. Wren clearly doesn't want you to succeed in any way. Probably afraid you'll end up taking over if she gives you a chance."

Koska tilts her head in acknowledgment, even as Tylo considers the situation. In the end, he doesn't really know what they can do, save for dropping all attempts at subtlety or infiltration and just going out there blasters and lightsaber blazing. His lightsaber IS still on him, hidden in a compartment on his lower leg armor. The Armorer thought it was for a vibroblade, but it worked just as well for a lightsaber handle, unbeknownst to her.

Even still, that seemed like a bad idea. Rook Kast wasn't even in this facility. They'd be blowing their cover for potentially nothing. More than likely nothing, in fact.

"I agree. Which is why we need to use that against her."

The bitch won't know what hit her if we turn her spite around on her.

Oh? Tylo refocuses on the conversation, his attention now on Koska as she nods her head to him.

"You're going to be our weak link. Ursa Wren wants to know she's beaten me completely and utterly. She definitely helped Death Watch poach all of my Nite Owls from me, so at this point, she's an old hand at that. After two weeks of shit duty, she'll believe it quite easily if you go to her and turn on me to get in close with her."

That was an idea, Tylo supposed. In fact, Bo-Katan was now looking at him appraisingly as well.

"Could work. Wren has been eyeing him like a piece of meat the few times she's been around. Me too, but he… well, Tylo is special. Aren't you, Tylo?"

If he put that big fat cock of his to work, he'd have Ursa wrapped around it in no time at all.

Ah. That's what they meant. Looking between the two Mandalorian women, Tylo suddenly understands what they're getting at.

"You want me to seduce Ursa Wren and turn her to our side?"

But Koska just shakes her head.

"No, I want you to let her seduce you and convince her she's turned you to her side. The woman isn't the type to ever side with a Jetii. If you let her know what you really are, she'll turn us over to her superiors in a heartbeat. However, if you can convince her that she's got her hooks into you… while blowing her mind with that fantastic dick of yours, then maybe we can finally get somewhere with this investigation."

It's not as though I want to share with Ursa Wren of all people… but it's probably our only path forward.

Tylo has to admit, hearing Koska thinking of it as though she's the one making a sacrifice here… it does boggle the mind a little bit. Ultimately, he supposes he could do what she's asking. He just has to make himself more available, and if they're right, Ursa will snap him right up. Even still… was that really the answer? More sex?

Perhaps it was. Perhaps that was just what Tylo's life had become.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out H entai-Foundry dot com and Questionable Questing dot com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon. com (slash) Cambrian

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