/ LGBT+ / 2020 Top Ten Gay Romance

2020 Top Ten Gay Romance Original

2020 Top Ten Gay Romance

LGBT+ 130 Kapitel 43.1K Ansichten
Autor: J.M. Snyder

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On his way home from a meeting of the North American werewolf council, Armand La Marche is stopped in his limousine by a boy who is hurt by an unknown assailant who murdered his friend. After decades of searching, Armand has found his mate. There is one problem, someone is trying to kill Sean.<br><br>Sean Quinn's friend Leroy was gutted trying to protect him. He runs for help and stops the first car he sees.<br><br>Armand La Marche is head Alpha of the North American werewolf council and was in his limousine on his way home to his Manhattan brownstone. When the wounded boy stops his car, Armand recognizes two things:the boy is part wolf, an Omega with a great gift, and he's Armand's mate. Now all Armand has to do is claim his mate and keep him safe from the murderer.

  1. kanta_chatterjee
    kanta_chatterjee Beigetragen 993
  2. Andrew_Brenner
    Andrew_Brenner Beigetragen 993
  3. Sheryl_Francis
    Sheryl_Francis Beigetragen 970


Geschenk -- Geschenk erhalten

    Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

    Rank -- Power- Rangliste
    Stone -- Power- Stein

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    Autor J.M. Snyder