His dreams grew darker, but he told himself it was undoubtedly a simple adaptation to his new gift.
Each night, by the light of a lamp, he filled notebook after notebook with notes of his new discoveries. It had been weeks since Viktor and Erich had last attended a class at the magic school.
They slept during the day, and when dusk cast its shadows over the city, they ventured outside to discreetly make their way to the warehouse.
Each night they followed a different route, sometimes retracing their own steps in order to make sure they did not follow them and to avoid detection. They worked non-stop until the first gleams of the pre-dawn light began to fade the velvety darkness of the sky.
And so they continued as the first month of autumn progressed. But life was on its way to the other side of the insular world of darkness they had created, and by the twelfth day of the month the plague had already established itself firmly in Genbofen.