Once I was done showering, a bit of sizzling sound and the smell of fried fat nourished and evoked my love of meat.
I never really had any fascination for meat. Of course, I did like steak dinners but, I was more a fan of milk than meat. Milk with chocolate to be more specific.
I quickly put on some pants and started sniffing the air.
The wonderful sound and smell drew me towards the kitchen: ah, what sweet aroma! I almost flew there like a certain fictional cat whose name rhymed with Bomb.
Now, this was a new house but- even so, I couldn't help but be guided to the second floor and-
'The hell?'
The trance broke as I saw the Bunny girl slicing the meat with a machete and a smile. She had blood splattered on her hands.
There was a massive chunk of meat by the counter. It was square in shape and the marbling was just amazing. The meat was mostly red in color but had streaks of fat going through it like crazy.
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