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Previously, Sung Jin-Woo attained the item 'Ring Of Dimension' and traveled to the DXD world. His mission is to seal or kill the most violent being in that dimension, Trihexa (666). But multiple threats emerge in the form of Angels, Devils and Dragons. Jin-Woo colluded with Sirzechs Lucifer of the Gremory Clan, one of the Four Great Maou's to acquire help. How long will it take Jin-Woo to level up and return home ? Find out next >

'Shadow Exchange'

When Jin-Woo opens his eyes, he finds himself in an unusual landscape. Though the environment isn't as different from earth, the flora and fauna here differ from back home. Expanding his senses, he finds out there are literally no seas or oceans out there, only rivers, and this world is a huge landmass, slightly bigger than the earth. Right now, he's outside a giant mansion.

'Gremory Castle huh ?' Jin-Woo mutters the name carved on the side of the entrance gate. Of course, the property belongs to the Gremory Clan. He decides to get familiar with the world.

Jin-Woo spends a few hours in The Underworld. He acquires information through his shadows about the current situation. He also learns about the recent 'Rating Game' between Rias and some 'Riser' guy where Rias lost and is now forced to marry Riser. Other than that, he finds some phenomenal locations such as the Gremory Territory, Dragon Territory, Purgatory, Ice Hell, etc. It was the first time since he fought the Dragon Monarch, that he had sensed so many dragons. Jin-Woo visits a small confectionary and buys some cookies. 'Hmm...delicious !' he thought as was munching the cookie. Later, he plants a few shadows here and there and returns to Kuoh Town.

Next Day, Kuoh Academy ~

Jin-Woo finds Issei with Sona and Serafall. Both of the girls became aware about Jin-Woo through Sirzechs. Though Serafall believed that Sirzechs may have overestimated Jin-Woo, now she was frozen in place because of the aura of death leaking from him. She thought, 'What in the hell-? What kind of ominous power is that ?!'

He approaches the devil trio and learns that Issei is planning to bring Rias back.

'Partner, this guy is dangerous. I sense a faint dragon aura on him, to the point that he even overshadows my peak strength.' Ddraig communicated telepathically with Issei. He continued, 'Maybe, No...He's DEFINITELY on par with the Infinity Dragon. Truly, WHAT A MONSTER !'

Issei couldn't understand a thing but he deduced that Jin-Woo was a truly powerful being.

"H-Hey Korean guy, my Sacred Gear tells me that you're a really powerful individual. W-Will you please help me get Rias back ?" {Issei}

"Huh ? Why should I care ? Moreover, wasn't she the one who let you get killed." {Jin-Woo}

"That was necessary, Mr. Seong." Ddraig responded to Jin-Woo startling both Sona and Serafall.

He continued, "I am the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig. And I request you to help my partner. In return, I can grant you any knowledge that you wish for."

"Hmm...Interesting. Turns out I do need some information. Tell me everything about Trihexa." Jin-Woo skipped the pleasantaries and asked the important question.

"Trihexa ? What's that ?" {Issei}

Ddraig asked, "Can you tell me why you want to know about that vile being ?"

"No, You Can't. Now answer the question. It's not like I'm getting the good end of the deal." {Jin-Woo}

Ddraig sighed and began to explain what kind of existence Trihexa is. He has seven heads in its dragon form and a human with ten golden horns in its humanoid form. The being exudes pure evil and must be contained at all costs to avoid chaos. Its only purpose is the destruction of entire dimension. Ddraig gave much more information which got Jin-Woo surprised and others' head spinning.

"So he's sealed at the end of time-space huh. But how do I get there ?" {Jin-Woo}

"That... I don't know. Maybe Mister can really get rid of that ticking time-bomb." Ddraig said to Jin-woo.

Jin-Woo smirked & released about his full power for a mere second & said, "What do you think?"

For that mere second, Ddraig felt as if he stood before the Great Red itself. Only then he understood that Jin-Woo could go toe to toe against the Dragon of Dreams easily as he was hiding much more fierce power within him. Jin-Woo told Issei to get ready, they were going to the underworld. Issei was truly overjoyed.

At the same time, the entire Dimension felt the immense power of Jin-Woo. Chaos erupted among those who had the knowledge of such powerful beings. Panic was set in the entire underworld. Around the edge of the Space-Time, a beast the size of a planet was in chains, opened its eyes and growled while looking in the direction of the Human World. Meanwhile a loli in a gothic outfit was munching on a cookie. She dropped the cookie basket & looked in the direction of the human world and said, "It isn't Baka-Red. Trihexa maybe ? No not him...its if it's a dragon but not a dragon at the same time....Hmm...Interesting... What are you?" The loli said as she opened a portal to the Human World.

(A/N: Ophis will be a female due to popular demand. Also, she along with the Great Red will be Eastern (Chinese) Dragons because real dragons are not Pokémon or chickens on steroids. As for Ddraig & Albion, I said above. Peace Out.)

At the same time, Jin-Woo took Issei to the Underworld. Sona & Serafall decided to go and attend the ceremony and wait for Issei there.

Jin-Woo : "Tusk, come out. Protect him whenever necessary."

The giant orc emerged out of the shadows and bowed to Jin-Woo. Then it followed Issei

"Hey nice ability you got there. And thanks ! I'll take it from here on." {Issei}

Jin-Woo nodded and followed Issei from behind. As they were outside the marriage hall, Tusk blasted the door off. Issei declared that the dragon has come to the rescue of the princess. Unknowingly, a certain blonde girl from Phenex family had stars in her eyes as if the dramas she was fantasizing had come true.

'So this is how he gets more harem members huh ?' Jin-Woo thought.

"How dare you ants ruin this young master's wedding ?" Riser said and continued, "Guards kill'em all ! Tear their limbs apart."

The Phenex clan guards were High-Class Devils. They tried to aproach Issei and Jin-Woo but stopped midway as they sensed a massive energy surge from Jin-Woo. Beside Jin-Woo stood a knight clad in black armour. He wore black helmet with a long red mane coming out of it. It was Igris !

Even the Maou-Class beings felt a huge sense of danger from the shadow. Most were astonished at the unbelievable ability to summon such being. They all looked at Jin-Woo who was emitting ominous aura like a grim reaper - of Death !

"What are you idiots waiting for ? Kill the intruders !" {Riser}

The guards surrounded to attack Igris. Igris stood motionless and as they approached a little closer, he swung his sword which blasted the guards away. Though Riser couldn't believe what he saw, the High-Class guards get manhandled by a mere summon, he couldn't help but complain out of frustation.

"Idiots. Useless." {Riser}

"Riser Phenex. I challenge you to a duel. I will beat you and take Rias away." {Issei}

"Hahahaha... You ? A duel with me ? Are you even qualified ?" {Riser}

"If you're scared you can let Rias go and I might think about forgiving you." {Issei}

This enraged Riser to the point that he spat fire in the direction of Issei without even warning.

'Hymn Of Protection'. Tusk's barrier protected both Issei and Jin-Woo.

Some of Phenex family guards were incinerated as a collateral damage. It was Phoenix fire, so obviously it was a fatal attack.

'Since you wanna play dirty don't blame me !' Jin-Woo ordered Igris to finish off Riser. And the next moment, Igris was in front of Riser. This had Riser have a mini heart attack. Just as Igris was about to decapitate him with his sword, Sirzechs appeared and stopped the knight. All Phenex family members also appeared beside Sirzechs.

"I apologize but I can't allow this." {Sirzechs}

"But..." {Issei}

Jin-Woo was about to go off but Sirzechs' next words made him stop.

"But I think Issei must be given a chance to duel."

"We, The Leviathan Clan also feel that the boy be given a chance. What do you think, Phenex clan ?" {Serafall}

"....We agree..." The Phenex Clan had no choice but to reluctantly oblige to the 2 of the 4 Great Maous.

The duel was set. Issei did his thing and beat Riser. Then he escaped with Rias. Jin-Woo also left after all the crowd had left. Before leaving the underworld, he decided to buy the cookies from the Confectionary Shop. The shop was jam-packed with kids. 'Kids will be kids, no matter the race huh ?'

He bought the sweets and turned to leave. Just as he was about to leave, he bumped into a small kid carrying cookie basket & the basket fell. The little girl looked at the basket, then looked at Jin-Woo, then looked at basket again with a kuudere poker face. Jin-Woo thought the expression-less gothic loli might burst into tears anytime.

"Hey little miss, I'm sorry. Here, take these cookies, they are much better than those." Jin-Woo panicked as anyone would if they made a kawaii loli cry.

"Mwu..." The little girl shook her head sideways signalling 'No.'

"This... Come, I will buy anything you want from this store. Go ahead and choose." {Jin-Woo}

"Mwu...𝘈𝘺ā𝘴𝘩𝘪 (Suspicious)" The little girl shook her head in 'No' again and gave a fatal retort. So much so that it made Jin-Woo puke a little blood and his HP fell by 1.

"Cookies...Don't want. Fight me." She said as dark aura started emanating from her.

Jin-Woo was taken aback. In a blink of an eye, she was in front of Jin-Woo. She kicked him in the gut and blasted him away. Now Jin-Woo was in the rubble trying to analyze want went wrong.

The kuudere loli appeared before him and said, "Full Power. Use."

Jin-Woo smiled and nodded, then asked, "What's your name Young Miss ?"

"Ophis." She said.

'Ophis ? The Infinity Dragon ? She's THAT Ophis ?!' Jin-Woo Mumbled.

Now he was raring to go for a fight and so was Ophis. Jin-Woo asked her to take the fight to a secluded place. She nodded and caused a crack in the space. Both entered. Upon arrival, they could see barren lands as far as their eyes could see. Jin-Woo could sense there were no beings except them two on this planet and summoned his daggers >Kamish's Wrath<

"That. Powerful. Like the two heavenly dragons." Ophis pointed at the daggers and said.

"Here I come !" Jin-Woo closed in towards Ophis and swung his dagger. Ophis had transformed into a dragonewt with dragon scales covering her hands and two large horns coming out of her head. She tried to block the dagger with her hand but her scales were damaged.

She pounced at Jin-Woo and slashed her claw at him. Jin-Woo barely managed to block them with his dagger.

'Even Kamish's daggers are being forced back.' Jin-Woo thought as he was blasted off into a rubble. Ophis appeared in front of him and patted his cheeks while smirking. Just when he thought he was spared, Jin-Woo was slapped so hard that his head was planted in the ground creating a massive crater. Even the dimension shook through sheer strength of Ophis. The loli grabbed his hair and round-kicked him almost knocking him out unconscious.

"Still plan to underestimate me ?" Ophis said while having eyes void of any emotion. But she flinched with a sudden surge of death aura coming from Jin-Woo.

'What is that ? How can a human give off such an ominous aura ?! It's much more fierce than that skeleton guy !' (A/N : Skeleton Guy : Lord Hades)

Her interest turned into hesitation and hesitation turned into fear !

Then he appeared ! A man clad in Ash-Black armour with a violent purple aura emanating from him !

Jin-Woo now had activated his »Reinforcement« skill. Infact, now he didn't distinguish between himself and Ashborn. He was now 'THE SHADOW MONARCH'

"Round 2 begins NOW !" Jin-Woo said as he disappeared from his position and appeared before Ophis.


Side story ~

Gremory Palace, Underworld.

Two of the Four Great Maou's sat face to face, discussing the situation of Jin-Woo.

"He's a threat, that Korean exchange student." {Sirzechs}

"Mou~ I think you're exaggerating a bit. How could a teenager be as strong as a Maou-Class ? A human at that ! Hmph!" {Serafall}

"He's a human alright. And he certainly isn't some old man who is disguised as a kid. I am sure of that." {Sirzechs} (A/N : So close !)

There was silence for a moment. Then Sirzechs continued, "He is interested in Trihexa and that worries me. Though I feel he can defeat Trihexa, one can only imagine the terror if he decides to join forces with him."

Serafall shuddered at that thought. The dimension already had the Red Dragon and Ouroboros Dragon, who could wipe out entire worlds in an instant. Now there was one more individual with the same power and he intended to possibly unseal one more being with such unimaginable strength. It was an 'Apocalypse Bargain Sale'. And this gave both of them headache. In the end they could only sigh and prepare for the worse.

Somewhere in the human world ~

"Sir Kokabiel, we've found out the info on this Seong Jin-Woo guy. Studies in Kuoh Academy. No friends or family. But apparently he's in contact with the Gremory's right now."

"*thud* He dares to threaten me ?! Kokabiel ?! Even Azazel shudders from my existence and this no name human dare stand up to me ?!"

"B-but sir, we heard from one of our people that he beat Rias Gremory and her peerage effortlessly."

"Hoh.... so you're telling me take children's fight seriously ?! Idiots !"

Kokabiel kicked the guy in front of him and ordered, "I want that guy dead or alive in front of me, ASAP. He might have some sacred gear that helped him beat Sirzechs' sister. Ask the church guys to help out. That way it would be less suspicious."

On his orders, several individuals with black wings scattered throughout the city.

"Hehe...A human able to beat devils ? Interesting. What secrets do you hold, brat !" Kokabiel laughed as if he'd hit a jackpot.

Chapter End ~


Name : Sung Jin-Woo

Level : 200

Job : Shadow Monarch

Titles : Successor to Monarch Ashborn +3

HP : 250,000 (200,000+50,000)

{Iron Body Monarch's Chain-Mail Equipped}

MP : 350,000 (300,000+50,000)

{Monarch Yogumunt's Cloak Equipped}

Fatigue : 0

Strength : 1000

Vitality : 1000

Agility : 1000

Intelligence : 800

Sense : 1000

Physical Damage Reduction : 46%

Remaining Points : 90

Passive Skills : Perseverance, Will to Rehabilitate, Longevity, Master of Shortsword.

Active Skills : Quicksilver, Bloodlust, Stealth, Violent Slash, Dagger Rush, Ruler's Authority.

XP : 0/2,000,000


EasternDragon EasternDragon

Hi folks, I hope you're enjoying Jin-Woo's adventures. Do consider supporting my work on PAT.REON > patre0n/EasternDragon

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