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92.3% The New Moons - [GL] / Chapter 48: Chapter 47

Kapitel 48: Chapter 47


Annabelle POV-

"We have to get up" I whispered, gently brushing my hand through Florences soft brown hair..

"Five more minutes.." Florence mumbled, her head still laid on my chest and her arm tightly secured around my waist..

The way she said that all child like reminded me of... never mind. I shook my head slightly to get rid of the unwelcome thought.

"Come on love.. I'm sure they're wondering where we got too.." I tried reasoning.. it seemed to work for a second, Florence lifted her head long enough for me to stand up, then she just rolled onto her back lazily, like we have all the time in the world.

"The only time you call me that is when your not happy with me." she mumbled again still not wanting to move..

"I'm always happy with you" I winked with a smile.. If she weren't so cute I'd throw her clothes at her. I picked up Florences clothes and laid them on the bed nexto her.. "Now get dressed.." I ordered before turning back and putting my own clothes on, trying not to shed a tear at the memory of another lost family member as I tug my trousers onto my hips. It's been so many years since I thought about her.. sometimes I feel like I made her up.. like she had only been a figment of my imagination. How easily it could have been the other way around...

"Hey.." Florence called softly..

"Yeah?" I answered not looking, more focused on doing up the buttons of my shirt.

"Anna" She called again, but this time with more conviction. I looked over to see her laying forward, resting on her elbows to look up at me with a concerned expression, the blanket was draped over her back.

"It's fine".. I faked smile in an attempt to reassure her.

"Okay.. you don't have to tell me right now.." She really sounded okay with that. She rolled over again to the edge of the bed, throwing her legs over the side to stand up, almost completely naked. "-But..." Great there's a 'but'.. she grabbed her underwear and put them on.. " -You can't tell me 'it's fine'. I feel this aching in my chest and I know it doesn't belong to me"..

"You feel it?.. I'm sorry" I sighed rubbing my face in my hands in frustration.. I can't stop myself from feeling, and now I feel bad that she's feeling it too. I hadn't noticed her approaching me.. I only realised when she grabbed my hands pulling them away from my face, keeping them in hers. I looked up, calmly taking a deep breath before I opened my eyes to meet hers..

"Don't be.." she smiled and shook her head.

"I want to know how you feel Anna." she spoke with a genuine tone in her voice..

"How long have you been able to?" I asked.

She released my hands to walk back over to the bed, without looking at me she simply said.."It's only been this strong.. today".. she reached out for her clothing and began redressing herself.

I couldn't help but laugh.. "Ah okay.. I understand". As soon as my sentence was finished, she stopped and looked dead in my eyes with furrowed brows. I raised my eyebrows in surprise of her sudden seriousness.

"Don't laugh at me.." she spoke in an agitated tone whilst still peering into my soul.

"If only you could be this confident around me all the time." I smirked playfully. Her expression seemed to soften as she smiled at what I'd said, after a few more seconds she looked away from me to slide her top back over her head.. "Can you feel it now?" I asked curiously.

"No.." she replied as she sat down on the bed, reaching for her dark brown boots to put on.

I waited ten seconds watching her lace her boots up, for her to finally elaborate.. "I was just calm.. and I was concentrating on you"..

"Hm".. I hummed having an idea.. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. When I opened my eyes about to focus on Florence, she was already looking at me with a confused expression.

"What are you doing?" she asked sounding a little worried. I ignored her question, I was already committed to this.. and why should it matter anyway.

"Annabelle?.." she spoke again trying to gain my attention.. but it was already done.. After the many things I have endured, this has become second nature to me, being able to calm my mind.

"It's okay to be scared Florence.. I think we all are.." I can feel that she's happy, but the most intense thing I feel from her is fear.. I try to reassure her the only way I can think how.. "It's a normal thing to feel in a situation like this.. don't you think?"..

"I guess so.." She sighed nodding.. at least she agrees.

She stood up from the bed to walk over to me.

"I just feel like there's always something terrible waiting around the corner for you" she whispered, a sad expression etched across her face..her words made my heart sink, her gloomy response matched the tone of her voice.. she held onto my shoulders lightly. I closed my eyes as she gently kissed me on my cheek, leaving her face close to mine for a few long moments, I could feel her warm breath on my cheek.. then she released me completely leaving me cold.. "I'm going to finish getting ready." she sounded defeated. I looked up only to see her in mid-turn to leave, instinctively I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me.. I pulled a little harder than I had meant to, she let out a huff of air when our chests collided together..

I just swung my other arm around her to stop her from falling backwards.. instantly her arms were around my waist holding onto me tightly.

"Sorry" I giggled. I really didn't mean to pull her that hard.. I just didn't want her to leave yet.. I want this moment to last as long as possible and that not be the last thing we spoke about. I closed my eyes leaning my head on hers..

"It's okay" she whispered, resting her head in the crook of my neck and squeezing me tighter. "It's going to be okay." she whispered again. After another ten seconds of this intense hug I finally began releseasing her. We eventually let go of one another but neither of us wanted to say anything, instead we stood gazing at each other for a few more seconds.. I bit my lip as I became increasingly nervous, I really just could not find any words. Florence began a little coughing fit breaking the silence..

"I really should go.. I'll see you outside when your ready.. okay?" She asked softly as though I would not let her leave again..

"Okay.." I smiled. She smiled back as she came closer, kissing my lips softly.. She smiled again flirtatiously and turned to leave.. this time I let her. I watched her still with a grin on her face as she closed the door.

I was not expecting this today.. but it was very welcome. One thing I know for sure is that I could never love anyone more than I love her. My need for her overpowers almost everything else.. everytime I think I couldn't possibly love her more, something happens that brings us closer.

My life has changed so drastically.. one minute I'm months away from inheriting the crown.. the next I'm thrown into the literal unknown.

I've probably said this a hundred times but meeting Mav that day was the best thing that could have possibly happened to me here. I gained two amazing friends and even found my mate.. some people search their entire lives and never find the mate that was meant for them. Though that's not to say they can't find happiness. The human part of them can still love.. it's the wolf that never will.


We left the cave while it was still dark. We took what we could carry and burned the rest.. all they will be able to smell here is smoke. Whilst me and Florence were.. occupied, Bea had made herself busy and began handing out scent masking bracelets to all of the men. It seems during my time away Bea has learned alot from Florence.

We'd been walking for over an hour.. half way through I had began to notice Bea giving me weird looks. When I look at her, she looks away.

At first I didn't mind.. but I cannot put up with it forever.


We've been walking for three hours.. somehow Bea didn't notice me slide into the back of the group so that I was walking next to her.. "What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously..

"Huh?.. nothing.. what do you mean?" She asked all at once surprised. I seemed to have put her on the spot.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked now laughing at her.

"Like what?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Don't play stupid.. I know your not.." I replied with a smile on my face. She looked at me about to say something when Florence interjected.. I didn't realise she was walking close to us. I was walking infront at first.

"What's going on?" she asked like we were sitting at the dinner table, now walking on the other side of Bea who looked like she was about to choke on something.

"Nothing." Bea shook her head as she looked forward again.

Florence then looked to me for answers.. "Nothing so far." I laughed nudging Beas arm so that she'd smile. She did.

"Okay.." Florence smiled back at us before speaking again. "I'm gonna go up ahead a little.. I won't be long."

"Are you sure?" Bea asked in a caring tone as she looked to Florence..

"Why don't you ask one of them to do it?" I asked her, gesturing ahead to the men.

"They aren't scouts.. they are soldiers.." she said simply, still smiling..

"But I don't care about soldiers.." I whispered so only the girls could hear me..

Florence rolled her eyes still with a grin on her face.. "I'll be alright"..

"Don't be long.." Bea said when I took to long to respond. Florence nodded and looked back to me once more before running up ahead and out of sight. "She will be alright Anna"..

"You were about to say something.." I replied, ignoring her words of comfort.

"I was?" She asked.. I gave her a death stare.. "Right.. I was" she chuckled nervously.. "I didn't mean to look at you like that.. honestly. I'm just trying to shake these images out of my head.."

"Images of what?" I asked clearly confused.

"Well Flo.. she's not exactly quiet.." She visibly cringed at her own words, clearly trying not to think about it too hard..

"Oh shit.." I raised my eyebrows in shock.. I'm not really that bothered about it.. I think Florence might be though.

"Yeah.." she said awkwardly. "I was coming to get you, I almost sent someone else.. aren't you glad I didn't." She laughed nervously causing me to laugh too..

"Yes I am glad you didn't send someone else.." I admitted still chuckling.

"Can I ask you something?" Bea asked glancing at me and away again..

"Anything" I smiled..

"What is it like?"..

"Ha.. well you should know how it works.." I answered awkwardly.

"Not that!" She almost shouted, slapping my arm.

"Ow" I whined sarcastically, rubbing the wrong arm..

"You're an imbecile." she spoke coldly before cracking into a chuckle herself.

"Then what did you mean?" I asked laughing.

"What is it like to, find your mate?" she replied hesitantly.

"It was confusing at first.." I answered as I thought about it more..


"Firstly, I didn't know that I could have a mate. Secondly when I first met Florence in wolf form I didn't know who she was or where to find her.."

"I still can't believe she just ran.." Bea shook her head chuckling in disbelief.

"You heard about that?" I asked slightly surprised.

"Yeah I did.. Florence doesn't talk much but when she does it's usually something about you.".. I smiled to myself. "What did it feel like when you recieved your mate mark?" she asked curiously. I never thought Bea even cared about these things.

"It was exhilarating, and painful but peaceful, all at the same time.. the prickly burning sensation starts in your chest and follows it's own path over your skin, when it's done a wave of euphoria washes over your whole body.. I can't even fully describe how it feels.." I really can't.. even if I was feeling it right now I still couldn't do it any justice.

"It sounds amazing.." Bea sighed still looking forward..

"It is.. why are you interested all of a sudden?" I asked..

"I've never really thought about it before.. but now my sister.. and you.. I was just curious that's all.." she seemed to not really want to talk about it so I decided to leave it alone..

"Well anyway.. I'm sorry you had to hear that.. I really wasn't expecting it either" I chuckled..

"Now could you stop looking at me like I'm an alien?"..

"An alien?" she asked, looking at me confused..

"From another world?"..even though I am.

"You're telling there's more than one?" she asked, eyebrows raised..

"You thought there was only one?.. I come from a different world Beatrix?" Mine has to be out there somewhere..

"Right yeah.. but I just thought that it was this one, in a different reality?" She questioned..

"I don't think so.. I think they are completely different places.. the life forms are simular.. but could be because the terrain is similar.. you know?" ..

"My Father, my grandfather, and even my great grandfather searched for hundreds of years.." she paused in thought.. "Well 'they' didn't really do anything.. they hired people to."

"And they never found anything?" I asked surprised.. After all that time they didn't find a single sign of life on any of them.. at this point I have to ask myself if the accuracy of their methods is on point or not.

"Desolate wastelands.. burning balls of fire.. planets made of ice.. but nothing that could possibly sustain life.." she replied.

"Well mine has to be somewhere out there.. my ancestors must have been from here originally.. but for some reason they ran, or maybe they were forced out... I wonder how many others ended up in my world.. and how many from mine ended up here.. it would explain why we speak the same language." I wondered aloud.

"Whatever the case may be you are right.. there has to have been more people that have crossed over.."..

"You know it's strange actually.. there are movies in my world that depict things much like this. Men that weild magic.. men that turn to beasts.." I sighed.. "Maybe the stories originated here.."

"You think of your wolf as being a 'beast?'"..

"No not anymore.. I mean at first you can't deny that it acted like one.."..

"But that wasn't you.. or your wolf.. it was someone that your wolf belonged to right?" she asked, having already said the answer.

"He was angry.. and probably afraid.. neither of us thought we'd be eachothers salvation.. and neither of us knew what we'd woken up too either.."

"I guess that's understandable.. so many years trapped in a dark box is enough to make anyone go abit crazy for awhile.."...

"Yeah.. you know he's actually a really nice guy.."..

"What does he even do all day?".. she asked looking at me, clearly intrigued..

"He has a place in my mind.. a sort of sanctuary.. he sits in the sun and enjoys what little freedom he has in there I guess.."

"Fair enough.. I suppose it's a far cry from imprisonment.." she wagered. Causing me to think about my own experience of imprisonment.

"What I would have given to feel the warmth of the sun.." I sighed to myself.. Bea grabbed my hand and held it in hers..

"It won't happen again.. you're stronger now, you could destroy them all on your own if you wanted too.." She laughed shaking my hand and squeezing it tighter..

"Beatrix.. you are talking about your own father.." Her smile soon faded as she turned to look back at me.. releasing my hand in the process.

"I always knew he was a monster, but I didn't know he was capable of.. that, or maybe I just looked away for so long I'd become blind to it.".. I could hear the sadness and regret in her voice.. she looked away from me.

"What we did before, it doesn't matter anymore.. we can only decide what we do next.."..

"How are you always right Annabelle?" she chuckled.. "You are definetly wise beyond your years.."..

"When your life is all about being better than everyone else.. you have no choice but to learn a thing or two.."

"If it was anything to do with being brought up as royalty I'd be like you.. or Mav would, but we aren't.. you're like this because you're you, because of everything 'you' have experienced.. not just because you were going to be a Queen, or for any one reason".. The amount of kindness inside this woman astounds me everytime we talk. I see how she normally converses with people.. usually in a cold or hostile manner. But with me.. everytime she is warm and welcoming.

"Why are you nice to me?" I asked.. She looked at me for a second slightly surprised, then away again.

"You're a good person.. you deserve better." she said looking back to me again..

"I don't feel like I'm a good person.. and that doesn't explain why 'you' are nice to me?.." I asked again.. I really want to know.

"I've told you this before.. no one else would have risked everything to save my sister. I knew you were a good person then.. and you've proved me right everyday since.."..

"But I hurt you?" I sighed furrowing my brows remembering what I did..

"You did.. but you did it because you were hurting.. not because you were trying to hurt me".. "I know you Annabelle" She grabbed my arm lightly so I'd look at her.. "I don't blame you for any of it.. you did what you had to.." ..

"I.. I don't know what to say.."... "Your like the bestfriend I never had." I smiled solemnly.

"Or like the bestfriend you do have.." She squeezed my arm lightly causing me to realise she hadn't let go of it yet, before she let it go completely.

"What do bestfriends even do?" I laughed..

"How should I know?, I haven't had a friend since I was a child.." Bea replied, rolling her eyes. I laughed even harder at this causing her to laugh too.

"With parents like ours it's hard to find real life connections.." I sighed..

"Yeah and when you do they do everything they can to take them away." her response matched the tone of her voice.

"Exactly.. but they can't control either of us anymore.." .. I paused.. "I need to ask you something. I would ask Florence but.." For one I couldn't put Florence through that, and two she probably wouldn't even have a chance..

"What is it?" Bea turned to me with a serious expression..

I looked around to make sure Florence hadn't come back yet before I began.. "If they get me.. if there is no other option.. I need you to kill me."

"What?.. No!, I could never.." She almost shouted causing some of the men infront of us to glance back for a second at the commotion.. I wrapped my arm around hers getting her to continue walking, acting like nothing is happening. I let go when she resumed walking.

"Please Bea, I wouldn't ask if I had a choice.. I.. I can't go back.. I won't.. This isn't just about me anymore. If the king gets his hands on this child.. no one will be safe.. you've seen only a glimpse of what a fae can do.. he'd turn this child into a weapon of mass destruction.. that can't happen.. no matter what.. even if it means I die too.. just think about it.. my life is not worth all of yours.."

"But I can't loose you too.".. she turned to look at me with watery eyes.. "I can't do it.." she pleaded.

"They think I'm their saviour, but what if I'm really the cause of their demise?.. You have to protect them above everything else.." She looked away "I'm asking you, as someone I trust to do the right thing.. the only thing."..

"Hey is everything okay?" Florence asked sounding slightly out of breath, it seems she only just arrived.. I must have been too engaged in this conversation to have noticed her footsteps.

"Yeah no.. everything is fine." Bea said, faking a smile as she wiped away a stray tear so that Florence wouldn't see..

"How's it looking?.." I asked nodding to the path ahead..

Florence looked between me and Bea before answering me... "I couldn't see anything but there were fresh snarler tracks all over.. " She spoke like I'd understand..

"How far ahead?" Bea asked before I could ask what the fuck is a snarler..

"About half an hour walk.. I think there might be a hive in the area.." ..

"What is a snarler?" I finally got the chance to ask..

"They are big.. scaly.. and always hungry" Florence said shaking her head..

"Should we be worried?" I asked..

"We should aways be worried." Bea chuckled.

"I'm going to walk infront.. we can't afford to loose anyone else right now.".. Bea and Florence both nodded to me.


I'd been walking infront for fifteen minutes before I felt a familiar presence by my side..

"I'll do it." she spoke sure of her words.. I looked to my side to see her sad expression.

"You promise?"...

"It won't come to that.." she shook her head looking away..

"But you know what could happen if it does.. promise me.."..

She looked into my eyes.. "Okay Anna.. I promise."..

I really hope it never goes that way but we still need to prepare for if it does.. and she might be the only person that can get close enough to do it. If it ever did come to that..



I guess not much happened in this chapter..

Sometimes I forget what I've already written but hopefully I didn't repeat myself.

If your enjoying it so far, or if your not enjoying it, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think. I'd honestly love to know your opinion.

I'm so greatful for all of your time spent reading. Take care of yourselves and always remember, tomorrow is a new day.

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