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51.21% Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends / Chapter 20: Departure.

Kapitel 20: Departure.

After a tiring night, Karya was able to finally sleep and rest for a while.

Not only they went through a harsh battle, but also were hit a big explosion and a succession of events that drained her mental capacity.

After seeing Renzo dying and then resurrecting, she was forced to face her emotions regarding her fellow companion.

Before sleeping, she was wondering if she was willing to say it to him, and put their current relationship in a tight spot that could pretty well end up their friendship due to her feelings.

Unable to come up with an answer, she fell asleep and when the sun raise again amidst the cloudy sky, she make her daily praying, although this time with much more fervour than before.

After all, she saw her goddess resurrecting him from the death. And not only that, but also healing everyone around and creating a storm to cool down the effects created by the explosion.

Once she came out of the tent, she was welcomed by the sight of various members praying at Janna while Renzo just sat on the ground with a grin on his face.

After he saw her, he greeted her and signaled her to approach him.

When she sat on his side, he looked over her and took one of her hands. He then asked her "Would you be willing to leave The Brotherhood?"

When she heard his question, she froze on the spot and looked over him with a frown.

Her heart started beating faster as she asked him "Why are you asking that? What are you planning to do?"

Seeing her concerned look and feeling the tight grip on his hand, Renzo sighed deeply and asked said to her "I'm going to leave the Brotherhood. I've done enough to repay the favour and I want to focus on my objectives know." When he said that Karya felt a knot on her chest as she looked around.

"...Is that what you really want?.."She asked him in assurance for his words.

Renzo nodded and smiled at her "Yes, I don't wish to die without knowing how did I ended up here, or doing something meaningful with my life." Hearing his reason Karya couldn't help but agree with him.

In his position she would also do the same.

Still, her heart was put on a tight position. As for one side were the people she know considered her family, while on the other side, someone she got so close in just a few days that obtained an unique position in her heart.

"Why are you asking me this?" She couldn't help but ask while thinking further what to do.

"you're the closest person to me, while also the only person I can talk freely. With you at my side I can be assured that I wouldn't be lost nor would I have a hard time between the villages." He answered without hiding anything.

When she heard his words a pang of pain couldn't help but spread after her expectations weren't met. Stil, at least she was assured that he still saw her as someone close to him.

"Are you planning on taking others with you?" She asked.

Renzo smile grew wider as he said "Well, I'm glad you decided to come, and yes. If others are willing I want to take them with me. Although I can get more freedom if there's only the two of us, with more numbers our possibilities will grow up."

Renzo didn't voiced out he wished for Irelia and Master Yi to come up with him.

After all, both individuals were champions, and Master Yi was still teaching him his way with the sword.

Still, Renzo was willing to drop his training if Yi couldn't accompany him, he didn't wish to waste more time in this war, at least not under The Brotherhood of Navori lead.

Meanwhile Karya was a little bit more calm after hearing his response, if she could convince the others, she wouldn't need to choose between them.

They both keep talking and answering their questions after everyone finished. It was then that Karya followed Renzo's order and raised her voice.

"Guys hold on for a moment, Renzo wished to say something important for all of us!" As her words took the interest of the group, everyone started to get near while Hyuna rushed at his side and sat beside him.

Seeing everyone around, Renzo looked at Karya and nodded.

"After yesterday events I finally realize that I've done enough. I was granted a second opportunity by Janna and I do not wish to wasted it following the orders of the Brotherhood, is because of this that I want to announce my departure today from the Brotherhood as I will focus myself into both helping this land and going after my objectives." When Karya finished relaying his words, the people in the group remained silent while looking at Renzo with surprised expression.

Shun Ti just closed his eyes in defeat as he was somewhat expecting this sooner or later.

"If someone from the group is willing to follow me, they are more than welcome. After all, you're the only people I trust in these lands and the ones who opened their arms to me when I was at lost. If you choose to remain I would understand and wish you the best." As he said that he felt Hyuna tugging his hand and say to him in a low tone that he only heard "I'll go with you."

When the rest heard his words, some were having a troubled expression while others nodded at him.

Shun Ti clenched his fist tight, as he felt that Renzo's was disrespecting him and his leadership when saying those words.

Not wanting to create a problem, he turned around and left under Kirae conflicted expression, who after few seconds sighed and went behind him.

Meanwhile around Renzo, Karya and Hyuna only remained Kaaz, Tahru and Zan Zhei.

Kaaz who have Renzo as his idol figure, was fighting back the tears on his eyes while watching at Renzo.

The latter signaled the kid to come near him as he embraced him while ruffling his hair.

"I'll go with you." Said Tahru after a while.

Renzo nodded his head at him while calming the kid on his embrace. After a few moments Kaaz said to him "I want to also go with you bu-but I don't want to left behind brother Shun Ti" As he finishing saying that the kid broke in tears once again.

Shun Ti was the person that saved Kaaz after all, they both alongside Kirae formed the second squadron.

Thus it was hard for the kid to decided between the person who saved him and the person he idolize.

"It's okay, I would understand If you decide to stay with Shun Ti, he's special for you after all." Said Renzo while hugging the kid.

Kaaz didn't said anything and fell asleep on Renzo's arms.

An hour later Ymir appeared back with a bag on her back, and Kirae was behind her, although with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry Renzo, I wish to also travel alongside you and the others but my duty is here with Shun Ti and the Brotherhood, I hope you understand." Said Kirae while bowing at him.

Renzo just smiled at her and thanked her.

Ymir didn't said anything as she just throw her bag near Hyuna while sitting beside her.

Renzo raised his brow but didn't say anything while he chatted with Karya who finished preparing her stuff.

It was while Hyuna went to prepare her stuff that the rest of the squadron appeared.

Ye, Mao and the rest decided to stay behind under Shun Ti command.

It was here that Zan Zhei finally opened his mouth and said to Renzo "I owe you many things for both saving my life and helping me bury my family when you didn't have to. I'm glad that you found your place and now are ready to leave, however I fear that I cannot accompany you on your journey." Said Zan Zhei while bowing down, a few tears coming down from his eyes.

"After all this time I realized that I'm not made for such adventures, and between this group and the Brotherhood I could find the roof that I've been looking after losing my family and village. I wish you fare well in your endeavor and to meet again if we can." After he said that he quickly walked away without giving a chance to Renzo to say something at him.

Renzo sighed deeply and grasped tightly at Kaaz while he stand up, he then passed the boy towards Mao. The latter took him and nodded at him.

It was then that Renzo walked towards one cart and took his bag alongside some clothes.

"I'll be back in a while, make sure to be ready as we will be departing after I came." He said to Karya who nodded at his words.

Then Renzo walked forward the tree he was yesterday, there he put the clothes while he started to whistle a song.

Minutes later he saw Irelia figure heading towards the tree and he smiled. It seemed that they both thought the same.

Seeing the smiling expression on Irelia face, different from her down cast expression from yesterday, he greeted merrily at her "Hello Irelia."

Seeing the smiling guy, Irelia returned both the smile and greeting "Hi, what are you doing here?"

As he heard her question, he gave her a knowing look that she understood and blushed lightly.

"W-well I was also thinking of coming here to talk with you too." She answered honestly.

"Why?" Asked Renzo while sitting on the ground.

Irelia followed his action as she answered him "I decided to follow your advice and avenge my family." She said while taking a deep breath.

It was a heavy decision for her, after all it means doing something that went against most of her beliefs and what she was taught since kid.

However, the night of reflection alongside Renzo and his limited words gave her a brief time to consider things carefully.

She knew that the Brotherhood was hoping for her to take some leadership position in the resistance, something she didn't wanted for herself.

She did wanted to fight for her homeland, however this didn't meant to be a tool under the leaders command.

She wanted the head of the person responsible for her family murder, and to also bring peace over this land and the needing people.

But when Renzo told her with what little he could say, about his brief time under the Brotherhood, she understood that it wasn't what she was looking for.

"That good, well for you." Said Renzo with a smile as he patted her back. "What you do now?" He asked her while Irelia chuckled a bit.

"Ehm, I, uhm, asked my band for their support, but none wanted to leave the Brotherhood, so, Ehm I was thinking if you invitation of the previous day was still open." She asked him with her head down.

Renzo told her that he woukd leave the Brotherhood, that much she knew, alongside the chance of other teammates from his previous squadron to accompany him.

"Sure sure, we together!" Renzo answered her with a wide smile and laughing heartily. Irelia's shoulders stopped tensing as she sighed in relief.

She then smiled and hear him questioning "Your things?" He pointed towards her body and then his bag.

"Oh, Ehm no, I only have a little bit of clothes and my family shield. All my other belongings were left behind in the Placidium and my house." She answered at him while showing the blades that were accompanying her all the time.

Renzo nodded his head and said "Let's go." He went up and passed his hand towards Irelia, who looked briefly at him and took it while following behind him.

He tried to look after Master Yi, but to not avail after someone told him that he went out two hours ago.

Sighing deeply he could only shook his head and head towards the campment, where he saw Karya, Hyuna, Ymir and Tahru carrying their belongings and weapons.

Seeing that everyone was around, he said loudly to them while walking "Let's go!"

Irelia greeted everyone while the rest looked at her with surprise and then returned the greet.

They didn't expected that she would follow them.

As they were approaching the gate, they heard a voice roaring behind them "Hold on you bunch! Where the hell are you planning to go!?" It was Yenma who was having a raged expression on his face.

When the various guards and soldiers heard Yenma words, they couldn't help but tense and look warily at the group, while others started to gulp loudly in fear.

"Outside obviously, where else we would?" Couldn't help but said Ymir while rolling her eyes up.

"Master Yenma, Renzo has decided to leave the Brotherhood and we are accompanying him." Answered Karya, only to see Yenma expression further worsening while saying.

"Do you think you can do what you want!? Get your ass back on the squadron campment and I promise the punishment wouldn't be that bad." Roared Yenma.

Hearing the commotion Zed looked coldly at Renzo's group.

This time Renzo couldn't contain his anger and shouted back "Who the fuck do you think you are? You think we are in some kind of army? This is a resistance, there's no obligation for us to keep following your order if we don't want to." After saying that, with Karya having a hard time saying his words he said to everyone in Ionian "Let's go."

As he make his first step, Yenma appeared in front of him with his weapon unsheathed.

He looked coldly at Renzo as he said slowly "I said, get your ass back!" The various tattoos under his clothes started to shine while a heavy aura permeate around him.

Renzo frowning expression changed to a raging one as the quake energy engulfed his entire body, without thinking further he stepped with his left foot on for the floor to crack open and the earth start shaking.

"Move out!" He simply said in Ionian.

Seeing that Yenma was about to do something that would undoubtedly affect the entire city, Zed appeared behind him and said "Master Yenma, I think is wise to let them go."

While saying that Zed looked coldly at Renzo, remembering each faction of his face while gritting his teeth in anger.

Yenma, unwilling to submit could only gulp down this slap on his face as he disappeared from the scene.

Renzo continue walking followed behind by the rest of his groups as they walked away from the city under the heavy looks on many faces.

Many soldiers felt their spirit diminish after seeing two figures departing from the Brotherhood.

The Fist of Ionia and The Blade dancer.

Yenma started trashing around the command room in anger after seeing two of the strongest triumph cards under their hands walk away like that.

He couldn't understand why would they do such a thing in this moment!? The timing was terrible.

Meanwhile Zed marked them as traitors for turning their backs from the Brotherhood. He quickly asked for week of break as he also walked away from the city, this time with the remaining acolytes.

Thus, after the terrible battle on the city fields, Renzo finally departed away from The Brotherhood.


Renzo and the group were heading towards the Placidium, not only because of Irelia stuff there, but also because Renzo needed to get information regarding one person.


The reason behind this was simple. He needed Yasuo to complete his training under his master, not only because of the technique itself to be continue passed by. But also to gather another powerful ally against the void creatures.

Even if Renzo didn't wish to involve himself with this world affairs, he would have to ultimately face the void creatures when they finally make their move. And he knew that the more people strong on their sides, the better where the chances for them to survive.

At such, he decided to help all of those he knew and could. And to help them reach their prime if he can.

Obviously he wouldn't do such thing freely and uninterested, he wasn't a saint after all.

At such he decided to leave it up to fate. If he meet a champion, he would see what can he do, if not, he can only wish them for the best.

"Ok Karya, please tell them the next, we would head towards the Placidium for Irelia things and information. Then we would move towards the Dunpaeg Village, where I first appeared. On our path we would ask the villagers for any information regarding the Noxians troops so we can clean the area in the meantime, is that okay?" Said Renzo to Karya who nodded her head and conveyed his words to the rest.

Hyuna started to cheer at the prospect of killing more Noxians while Irelia looked surprised at Renzo.

"You appeared in a village?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Ooh right she doesn't know about him!" Exclaimed Hyuna while Karya started telling her his story.

"So that being was Janna..." Said Irelia after a hearing the story, a look of surprise and bewilderment on her face.

If she hadn't seen it before with her eyes, she wouldn't believe and suspect Renzo, however the proves where there, and everyone saw it.

No one doubted his backstory anymore. Although Karya doubted that he came from Piltover.

Still, the group walked merrily while trash talking about the Noxians.

"I haven't seen that many Vastayan, what happened to them?" Asked Irelia after a while and the group face went still.

Tahru gripped his hand tightly and asked for her "The majority was murdered while the rest casted aside for submitting the Noxians. W-we even have to execute some of them for t-t-tr-" Seeing him having a hard time saying that, Ymir patted his shoulder and say"You don't need to say it."

Tahru nodded while Irelia went silent. A heavy look on her young face.

"You don't need to see them as traitors, everyone do what they have to in order to survive, is not up to anyone to judge them unless they affect someone else life." Said Renzo while walking ahead of everyone. Katya conveying his words.

"But how we cannot? While we were fighting and seeing our kin dying they just submitted to them!" Roared back Hyuna with a few tears on her angered face.

"They didn't wish to see people dear to them dying, tell me, if you were in their position, would you chose for your family to still dying?" Asked Renzo without looking back.

Hyuna bit on her lips after hearing Karya, she herself knew she would.

"Focus your anger in the people that forced them to choose between those options, yes, some may have done it selfishly in order to survive, but at the end of the end, everyone will met their end, is up to them if they decide to die with regrets or with nothing to worry about." He finalized and sighed deeply.

The group remained silent after Karya said his words.

It wasn't until Irelia opened her mouth again that she asked a question that made the entire group look at her in disbelief.

"And how did you look at the death when you face it? Who was in front you?"


"Why are you asking such question!?"

Both Hyuna and Karya couldn't help but say to her. Still, they shut up when Renzo answered.

"I think I face them with fear, and unwillingness. I was regretting not doing more at that moment. I didn't expected to be granted a second chance so I was ready to sit and ask a few things before taking The Lamb arrow." He said, this time he turned briefly while smiling.

"So it was the Lamb and The wolf!" Said Irelia and Renzo nodded.

"That's why you decided to depart from the Brotherhood, right?" Asked Hyuna and Renzo nodded.

"I would have done the same." Added Tahru and the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

Thus, amidst various chats, laughs and jokes they reached the first village on their way towards the Placidium.

On their way towards here Renzo asked them to pick whatever herb was useful to be barter for food. Luckily for thr entire team Tahru knew some herbs while the rest watched ashamed him picking them.

"We need to search for a battalion and strip their weapons so we can use them as barter." Said Renzo while the rest agree.

After getting barely enough food for one day, they departed from the village towards the Placidium. At least two more village on their way.


Meanwhile somewhere near Ionia City.

Master Yi finished the remaining of a Noxus battalion as he decided to called it for a day. Thus, they returned back at the city.

On their way back he stumbled upon a familiar face and equipment.

It was another fellow apprentice from the Wuju village.

When the other party spotted him, he quickly made way towards him as they both greeted each other. Master Yi noticed that the apprentice didn't sounded hostile towards him and started asking the reason why he was here.

It was then that the apprentice told him that many other apprentices shared his view and decided to fight for Ionia.

Thus a few made their way out of Bahrl and were currently in Navori, he happened to be alongside his younger brother a group that headed towards the city after hearing news of Noxus sieging it.

Yi told him the news and explained that there wasn't any siege currently. He then offered him to accompany them towards the city.

After agreeing and reaching the city they were welcomed by other two individuals from the Wuju village, the younger brother and the other apprentice who grouped with them.

It was here that Yi offered a position into his group as he knew he could rely on them with smaller teams to face the enemy.

The apprentices agreed with him and as they were talking and exchanging information Shun Ti approached Yi and said to him.

"Master Yi, I'm sorry for disturbing you now, but I wish to inform you that Renzo quit from his duties with the Brotherhood and leave the city." As Yi heard Shun Ti words, a frow spread all over his face.

"Thank you for telling me this, can I know the reason behind his departure?" Yi asked while sighing deeply.

"Quoting his words more or less, he have done enough to repay the favour and he wished to follow his own wishes. He also offered us to accompany him and a few members followed him." Said Shun Ti with clear grievances on his face.

Yi noticed this and sighed deeply, he then thanked Shun Ti and returned with his fellow villagers.

He was in a hard spot, as the whole reason he first approached the Brotherhood was because of the rumours regarding Renzo.

At first he wished to support a strong faction, mostly because he saw more chances for it to succeed into their endeavor.

However, after meeting the fella, he grow attached to him as a friend. More so when taking into account that he was teaching him the way of the sword.

Noticing his heavy mood, the other apprentices couldn't help but ask him "Brother Yi, are you okay?"

Master Yi just shook his head and answered "it's nothing, I've just heard some information regarding a friend." As he said that he finally decided.

He was debating himself in wether follow behind Renzo or stay in the Brotherhood. But he understood the importance his figure have on the resistance and the power he could give them with his skills and his fellow brothers.

At such, he decided to remain under the Brotherhood and gather the rest of the Wuju users around Navori, alongside them they would defend this land.

Unbeknownst to Renzo, not only did he changed the fate of many champions, but also the fate of the whole Brotherhood of Navori.

With Yi as the head leader, now the organization would change forever the course of history in Ionia.

Xerstoren Xerstoren

4k words!

And with this marked the double chapter I was suppose to upload yesterday.

I'm sorry for taking my time but I don't wish tu burn out my motivation and force myself to write.

Still, thank you for reading my crap and I hope is from your liking!


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