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83.33% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 44: Ch 42 War! Huh! What is it good for!? Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!

Kapitel 44: Ch 42 War! Huh! What is it good for!? Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!

After reading the newspaper, Leo sat with his head in his hands and groaning.

Leo - 'How did that idiot even get caught? I warned him that he could get caught. I killed Blackbeard. I have kill so many people around the world, that I am practically known by everyone... And yet, this idiot still gets used as a martyr...'

Sighing, Leo took his hands off his head, interlocking his fingers and closing his eyes, as he thought over what he should do about the situation.

The world made this happen, so it probably won't be happy about him interfering with such an important event... But, at the same time, he didn't want to use a revive on Ace, when he could just save him.

So basically, his options were to sit around, leaving Ace to die and revive him later. Or, try to save him, piss the world off, and get hit with divine lightning again...

The upside to going to Marineford is that he can get a bunch of devil fruit abilities, plus a strength boost.

Considering the momentary punishment he would suffer, when compared to the rewards he would earn, Leo felt it was worth the pain and decided that he would go save Ace.

Breathing out slowly, Leo attempted to feel Ace's soul, so that he could go get him. Unfortunately, this was the moment that the world decided to interfere and a pressure was projected on Leo, disrupting his soul sensing ability to the point that he couldn't feel anything outside of Amazon Lily.

Clicking his tongue with displeasure, Leo opened his eyes and looked at the girls, who had been silent and waiting for him finish his thoughts.

As he was about to tell them his plan, Leo was stalled by a knock on the door. Everyone in the room looked towards the door, before looking at Leo, who gave a nod to Hancock.

Hancock - "Enter!"

With Hancocks permission to enter, the girl on the other side of the door entered and bowed.

Amazoness - "Your highness! There is a Vice Admiral of the Marines on some type of new ship here. He has come, saying that there is a mandatory gathering of the Warlords at Maineford, and has requested your presence. How should we respond?"

Hancock - "Ignore them. They can't order me around."

Even after getting her orders, the girl remained in place, appearing nervous.

Hancock - "What is it?"

Amazoness - "Uhm... They have also threatened to remove your Warlord status if you refuse..."

Hancock - "Hm. You may leave."

Not wanting to disobey a second time, the girl bowed and left, closing the door behind her.

Leo - "Don't worry about that Warlord thing, Hancock."

Hancock's sisters sighed and pointed out a slight issue.

Sonia(Sandersonia) - "The problem with that though, is that Sis being a Warlord, is the only reason they haven't attack our island till now..."

Mari(Marigold) - "If Big Sis doesn't stay keep her title, the Government will attack us..."

Seeing them worried, Leo stroked their heads to comfort them.

Leo - "I wouldn't let that happen. If anybody attacks your home, I'll deal with them."

Sonia and Mari smiled at him, while he continued stroking their heads. As he stroked their heads, he became curious about what this new ship was, so he spread his Haki out and took a quick look.

Leo - 'That's interesting. They made a steam powered battleship. That explains how they were going to get to Marineford in a short amount of time.'

When he was finished with his thought, he crushed the battleship with telekinesis, while he stopped stroking the girls heads.

Leo - "Anyways, back to the matter at hand."

Seeing him become serious, the girls all listened carefully.

Leo - "Ace is either in Impel Down or at Marineford..."

He looked at Nami and the other four girls from the crew, before creating a clone at 10% of his power.

Leo - "I need you five to go with him and inform the others..."

Gesturing to the clone, Leo and the others looked at it, only for it to suddenly feel strange with two of him in the same room. This gave Leo the idea to just change the clones appearance.

Mentally commanding the clone, it changed its appearance, taking the form of Noob Saibot. Leo decided this form was suitable, considering he had used a move from him yesterday.

Leo - "I'm gonna keep making my clones like this, but a different name would be suitable... Whatever, just calling them Shadow or Drone will be enough."

Looking back to the girls, he continued what he was saying before.

Leo - "Right. So, go tell the others. Meanwhile, I'm going to head to Impel Down. There's a good chance that I'll lose control though, so the Drone will be bringing you over to search the prison."

Reiju then asked the obvious question.

Reiju - "What if they've already taken him?"

Leo - "Then you'll need to go to Marineford."

Lifting her eyebrow and smiling, she asked him something that she already knew the answer to.

Reiju - "And what about you? What will you be doing."

Grinning at her, Leo's eyes shone slightly.

Leo - "You wanted to see me when I'm in a murderous rage, right? Seen as you're supposed to be dead, we can't have you showing up at Marineford right now, so you get to stay with me."

Having her curiosity aroused, Reiju smiled. Nami and Robin looked at her with a hint of pity.

Just because they don't stop him from killing people, doesn't mean their stomachs can handle the amount of gore he produces at times.

Clapping his hands, Leo spoke again and gave Naga to Robin.

Leo - "Now then, let's get things on their way."

The Drone opened a portal and waited for the girls.

Standing up, they all went over to Leo and gave him a kiss or a hug, before going through the portal. The Drone followed after them and closed the portal.

When the portal closed, Leo went to Hancock and her sisters, giving them a kiss on the cheek.

Leo - "I'll see you three later, bye."

Boa Sisters - "Bye, Leo/Darling."

Leo walked over to the wall and phased through it as he jumped up to the sky, flying over to Impel Down.

There was a slight problem, considering he didn't know the exact place he need to go, just the general are. But, where there's a will, there's a way, and Will, is something Leo doesn't lack.

Using his Observation Haki, he took this a test to see just how far it spread. As his Haki spread out, it washed over hundreds of islands, encompassing almost half of the whole world.

Because of this, Leo suffered from sensory overload and almost fell from the sky as he held his head from the headache

Quickly pulling his Haki back, he fixed his flying and shook his head a bit. The upside to the headache, was that he knows where Impel Down is, it was just too bad that he didn't find Ace anywhere.

Though, there is a big downside, because he now has an incessant nagging inside him, telling him to go kill everyone.

His body began radiating massive amounts of heat and he shot of towards the prison, though not at his full speed, as he was doing his best to hold himself together.

Leo didn't care much though, because it would give the girls time to get the others ready. So, he just gradually made his way to the prison.

Taking his time didn't help much, because every so often, his control slipped and he would shoot forward for miles.

It only took half an hour to get to Impel Down. When he arrived, Leo got a feeling similar to being unable to breath. He unsteadily went on top of the wall surrounding the prison entrance.

Holding his sides, Leo sent a message to the Drone to hurry. His face was red and Hellfire ran through his veins, but he kept himself together in the end.


Over at Sabaody, the girls had explained everything to the rest of the crew. Luffy instantly started shouting and causing a ruckus, wanting to go rescue Ace as soon as possible.

Nami had to give him a punch to settle him down and then explained that Leo was already on top of the situation, which relieved Luffy enough to wait patiently.

When the Drone got the message, he spoke with a deep, distorted voice.

Drone - "It's time."

After saying that, Drone opened a portal and waited. Everyone stood up, looking ready to fight the world, and then walked through the portal.

Drone walked through the portal and closed it behind him.

Now at Impel Down, the crew were looking around cautiously, but with some confusion over where Leo was. Nami looked to Drone for answers.

Nami - "Hey, where is Leo?"

Drone - "He is busy. He can restrain himself for awhile, but only because he isn't trying to stop it, just endure it for as long as needed. So, let's hurry."

With that said, he silenced the area and destroyed floor, making a hole for everyone to jump down.

Understanding that there was some urgency, the crew didn't wait, before jumping down the hole.

From there, it was pretty much rinse and repeat a few floors. There were wasn't really any obstacles, killing a few beasts, suffering blistering heat and freezing cold, all easily dealt with by Drone.

After passing through the fifth floor, they fell into the floor between the fifth and sixth.

The moment they fell in, they were surrounded by a bunch of people. After a moment, in which it appeared as though a fight was about to break out, a large man with an indigo afro, wearing a woman's leotard and make-up made a flamboyant entrance.

This man, Ivankov, began speaking to everyone and settle them down.

Drone had no reason to care about anything that was happening, so he began scanning the crowd, checking everyone's sins.

It was already a done deal that they were going to join the war, but not all of them should be allowed out of the massacre to come.

However, Drone was surprised to find that the majority of them had begun redeeming themselves thanks to Ivankov. Not to say that everyone was like that, so he began getting a grasp on their hearts in preparation for the departure.

After blah blah blah Canon-ish shit, it was determined that Ivankov and his merry band would join them in saving Ace.

Ivankov had eyes all around the prison and informed Luffy that Ace was no longer in the prison. Luffy wanted to immediately get going, but Ivankov told him about another inmate that would make good ally for the fight. This ally was Jinbe, another Warlord.

Rather than unnecessarily going through the prison when on a timer, Drone used Observation Haki throughout the prison, then ripped the ground apart and pulled Jinbe towards them, before opening a portal.

Drone - "We need to go!"

Luffy - "What's wrong?"

Drone - "Leonardo is at his break point."

When he used his Haki, Drone discovered that Leo was close to erupting. The moment the crew heard this, panic appeared in their eyes.

Crew - "Run! Into the portal, now!!"

Running through the portal, the crew didn't look back. Ivankov and his people didn't understand, but seeing the panic, they didn't want to wait around and ran through as well.

Drone killed the ones who's hearts he was grasping, before going through the portal. The last thing that was needed, was for an unredeemed sinner to get closer to Leo, let alone multiple.

On the other side of the portal, outside the prison, everyone was stood still as all hell had broke loose.

All the elements that Leo had amassed, were streaming through the air and wrecked ships joined them. The sky rumbled as skull clouds flew around and a psychotic laughter rang out.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and something flew through the air, smashing into the ground in front of the group. Everyone other than the crew was alert and ready to fight.

Out of the newly formed crater, another Drone jumped out and looked at the other one.

Drone 2 - "Leave, quickly!

Receiving a nod, the second drone jumped back to where Leo was.

The Drone that remained did three things. First, he made another drone to take care of Reiju. Second, he created a massive ship in the air. And third, he threw everyone on to the ship, before halling ass.

As they made some distance from the prison, a terrifying roar resounded.


Back with Leo, he had created dozens of clones, each at 80% and all of them doing their best to keep him restrained.

Leo had been twitching and writhing on the ground, and every time it happened, he would send a Drone flying. Which is what happened with the Drone that landed in front of the crew.

When the Drone with the crew had got some distance between them, it sent a message and gave Leo the okay.

That was when he stopped his endeavour and let the beast off its leash. All the Drones dispersed and Leo slowly got to his feet.

Roaring loudly, Leo erupted in Hellfire and turned into his Rider form.

GR Leo - "FINALLY!!!"

An explosion of Hellfire, along with a repulsion force, destroying the entire first level of the prison and the majority of the second.

His Conquerors Haki spread out in such an amount that it acted like a barrier, forcing the sea away. Everyone down to the fourth floor was knock unconscious by Leo's Haki, while the closest bunch were killed.

Leo floated in the air and relished in the death and destruction he caused, simply from no longer holding himself back. It was intoxicating absorbing thousands of sinners souls in an instant.

Dropping his gaze to the rest of the prison, his teeth chattered in excitement and he dived down, through the prison and into the fourth level.

The fourth level was an inferno, the prisoners were force to fuel the flames, which was used to boil their blood. Basically, the whole place was Leo's territory.

Laughing like a mad-man, he increased the temperature and started controlling the vast amount of blood, using it to torture all the prisoners from level four and up.

In the air, Reiju was accompanied by a Drone and watching a projection of Leo, as she thought out loud with a wry expression.

Reiju - "I think I understand what the others were referring to now... This sight can be a little much."

Drone - "Would you like to return to Amazon Lily?"

Reiju - "Yes, I think I would."

Nodding to her, Drone open a portal and moved them through it, leaving Leo to continue his 'fun'.

Leo continued his fun for quite awhile, before getting 'interrupted'...

While systematically taking a ràpist apart, making his muscle visible and keeping him alive at the same time, Leo heard footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he looked to his new arrivals and found all the upper management there, looking angry and/or afraid. They had escaped instant dead by rushing to level six when Jinbe was taken from his cell.

Producing a low humming noise, Leo looked over all the prison guards and their bosses, judging them. In the end, he found most of the guards were decent, so he decided let them live.

The higher ups however, only one of them was worthy of keeping their life.

GR Leo - "So? You didn't want to wait for your death, is that it?"

The Warden of the prison, a large man with sideburns, called Magellan, began shouting.

Magellan - "What is your goal, pirate scum!?"

As usual, Leo didn't take kindly to his lessers shouting at him and calling him unflattering names, so he sped at Magellan, grabbing his head and smashing him into the ground.


Roaring at Magellan, he smashed his face into the ground repeatedly.


Hitting Megellan's head a few too many times, Leo accidentally killed him. But, that was what made him stop and look at the rest, who lost all hope upon seeing their strongest be killed with ease.

Releasing the mangled head, he stood up and used his Penance Stare on the ones that he wanted dead, before talking to the ones remaining.

GR Leo - "You might be wondering why I haven't killed you. The answer, you are not sinful enough for me to do so. You have all done your jobs with the professional attitude expected of you, and I would like that to continue."

Giving them a moment to take in what was happening, Leo observed them carefully and to see if they would try anything stupid. Unfortunately, he was a bit busy, so he opened a portal to his dimension.

GR Leo - "I will give you all time to think it over."

He then threw them all into the portal and closed it, resuming his down time activity.

Though, as fantastic as it is torturing the evil bastards, it can get boring real quick. So, Leo killed everyone with Penance Stare, but in a unique way.

By fusing his Penance Stare with Conquerors Haki, he didn't even need to see the one he was killing for it work.

Killing everyone, down to the last prisoner, Leo got a ridiculous amount of strength and Devil Fruit abilities.

A myriad variety of of Paramecia and Zoan types, all spread throughout the different inmates.

The Devil Fruits that shone brightly among the rest were:

The More More fruit from Byrnndi World, which change the size, speed and strength of the things the user touches.

The Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune from Catarina Devon, which allow the user to turn into a nine-tailed fox. It also gives the user control over nature energy.

The Enhance Enhance fruit, the mysterious fruit from Sanjuan Wolf. It enhances the physical attributes of the user. In the case of a giant, it made him bigger and stronger. In Leo's case, it just made him stronger.

And finally, the Clank Clank fruit from one Douglas Bullet, former member of the Roger Pirates. This fruit allows the user to telekinetically disassemble and reassemble objects to their will. A side benefit to killing Douglas, is that Leo got the location of an Eternal Pose to Laugh Tale.

Another Devil Fruit he had, but less useful, was the Chop Chop fruit. Yeah... Buggy the clown is dead now. Boo-hoo, so sad, too bad.

Besides the abilities, he got their fighting experience. One of which, was the the former Head Jailer, Shiryu, who had one of the Meito grade weapons. Leo decided to take it for the hell of it, maybe give it to Zoro.

There was a numerous amount of stonge prisoners on level six, unfortunately even the beings of the One Piece world were susceptible to muscular atrophy. Unused muscles will go to waste after so long, and these prisoner had been in a state of being unable to move for years.

In other words, the strength increase from them individually, wasn't super high, but together, they made up for it..

< Mid Mortal - 37% >

Another thing that occurred from consuming a bunch of powerful souls, was that there was a number of them with powerful Haki's.

Because of all those Haki's, Leo's own Haki reached a new level.

Armament Haki maxed at a 10x multiplier, before it started to turn into quantity and allowing for more applications.

Observation Haki expanded its reach and gave future sight up to ten seconds.

As for Conquerors Haki, it increased in purity and quantity as it began pulsing out, before rushing into him. This repeated multiple times and each time it rushed into him, it fused into his very being. Every move he made, his very presence cause the space around him to tremble.

A fiery red and black aura formed around him, along with a similarly coloured lightning made of pure Haki.

Figuring that it would be a good idea to try and control his pulsating power, Leo detransformed and sat down with his legs crossed.

He began slowly getting control of his overflowing power, the forcefield around him shrinking and the sea filling in the freed space until he was completely submerged.


When Drone, the crew and the escaped prisoners left, it didn't take long for the flying ship they were on to arrive at Marineford.

The war to save Ace was already in full swing. There was multiple dead bodies and Whitebeard had been stabbed. In fact, Whitebeard had three stab wounds, making him struggle a bit more than Canon.

On the Marines side, they had raised their metal walls and trapped the pirates in the bay. Like Canon, Oars junior was preventing part of the wall from coming out.

Looking down on all the people fighting down there, Drone's attention was focused on one person in particular. A blonde man with a pink feather coat, aka Doflamingo.

Lifting his hand, Drone pointed at Doflamingo and shot a beam of light from his finger, piercing him through his stomach.

When he was shot, Doflamingo was shocked, but quickly stitched himself up. Unfortunately, it didn't help much, because several more beams of light were shot at him and went through his limbs.

Seeing one of the only two Warlords getting shot, everyone stopped and looked to the source of the attack. They looked to the sky and saw a big flying ship.

Doflamingo on the other hand decided to make a run for it, attaching strings to the clouds and running along them. Drone charged a big beam and shot it at him, but only managed to destroy one of his arms before he escaped.

Drone didn't bother chasing him though, considering he had already memorised his soul and can find him again. Lowering the ship to the surface, de-materialising it as it went and lowering the people on board.

When they got their feet on a solid surface again, they all got serious and looked to where the execution platform was. Luffy walked forwards a bit and threw his head back, while stretching his arms out and shouting.


Like that, the new arrivals shouted and began charging. This restarted the battle and the sound of metal clashing filled the battlefield.

Drone hung back for a moment and made a few more Drones, which turned invisible and went of to get the camera transponder snails.

He then started using Observation Haki to keep an eye of the crew. His job was to protect them from enemies stronger than them and assist them in saving Ace, but not by doing it himself.

Right now, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji would be able to give a Vice Admiral a fight for a little while, but they would lose in the end.

Going from fight to fight, he helped anyone from the crew and ignored the rest. This resulted in things going similar to Canon, even down to the point where Luffy prevented Ace's execution with Conquerors Haki. The main difference to Canon was that there was a couple dozen Pacifista's fighting.

When Whitebeard saw this, he ordered his crew to assist Luffy, helping him get closer to the platform. Ivankovs subordinate then help him get up to Ace, by cutting the ground and making a path up there.

Luffy ran up the path, eager to save Ace. However, the path was broke, when Garp jump onto it and blocked Luffy's way.

Garp shouted at Luffy, telling him that he wouldn't allow Luffy to pass and that to do so, he would have to kill him. But, in the end, Garp couldn't follow through on what he said, as he let Luffy punch him out of the way.

Luffy continued his way to the platform and when he got to Ace, he pulled out a key that Drone had given him on the way there.

Sengoku wasn't going to just let him save Ace, as he turned into a Gold Buddha and punched toward them. Before Sengoku made contact though, Drone had turned into lightning and shot towards him, using Haki to punch him in the face from above with a trifecta of vibration, darkness and repulsion force, knocking him down into the platform and destroying it.

This was just the start though, Sengoku was stronger than him, so he wouldn't be defeated by such an attack. Out of a dust cloud, he launched at Drone, while Luffy and Ace made their escape.

With his fist reared back, Sengoku punched towards Drone. Welcoming the attack, Drone took the punch while keeping himself steady.

Seeing that his attack did nothing to his opponent, Sengoku began throwing a series of punches and Drone continued to take them. With each punch that landed oh him, Drone's body started gaining a purple aura, that grew thicker.

The purple aura was that the result of the Venge Venge fruit ability taking effect. Every attack that landed on him was converted into power, equaling the playing field.

While being punched, Drone decided he had built up enough power and abruptly grabbed Sengoku's fists. Then, from his back, eight spider legs sprung out.

Using the spider legs, he delivered a series of piercing strikes, each one creating sounding like the hitting of a gong on Sengoku's golden body.

While continously striking, he used the power of darkness to cancel Sengoku's devil fruit, making him resort to using Haki to defend.

Seeing this, Drone decided to attack in another way. A feline tail formed at his lower back, the end of which was turned into a blade. Charging his tail/blade with lightning, he made it whip around, aiming for his opponents face.

Surprised by this, Sengoku moved his head away quickly and narrowly have his head cut in half, but not without injury. The blade slashed diagonally across his face, from the lower left to his right ear.

This, combined with the effect of the lightning, caused Sengoku's Haki to falter, letting Drone's eight legs pierce into his body. Drone then let go of his fists, raising his own hands above his head and locking his hands together, smashing them into his head, sending him down into the ground.

While Drone was preoccupied with his fight, Luffy and Ace were making their escape.

Akainu tried to trigger Ace by insulting Whitebeard, which almost worked, but by remembering Leo's words back in Alabaster, Ace managed to ignore him and continue running.

Seeing his plan fail, Akainu was angered and decided to directly attack. But, instead of going for Ace, he went for Luffy and punched towards him with his magma fist.

Ace saw this and shouted in warning to Luffy, making him turn around, allowing him to see his death approaching.

In a moment of panic, Ace used everything he had in him and shot towards Luffy, grabbing and shielding him with his own body.

Akainu punched through Ace and hit Luffy in his chest, giving him the same wound as Canon.

At this moment, Drone took notice and sped over, kicking Akainu in the face and sending him flying. He then quickly turned to Luffy and Ace, directing his hand towards them and shooting out Angel Flames to heal them.

They were both quickly healed, but were purposely left with scars and were unconscious.

However, a bolt of lightning suddenly came from the sky, aiming for Ace. Drone moved in the way of the lightning, which obliterated his chest.

A small amount of electricity, akin to static, made it's way to Ace and sunk into his body.

Drone, being nothing more than a clone, couldn't handle the Divine energy from the World's Will, and began disintegrating. As he was destroyed, his memories were sent to Leo.

Meanwhile, in rage from seeing one of his son's have a fist rammed through his chest, Whitebeard had went in the way of Akainu's trajectory from being kicked. With all his fury, he raised his hand with a quake bubble on it and punched Akainu into the ground.

Akainu jumped out of the ground and punched through part of Whitebeard's face, only to get punched with another quake bubble and sent into the fortress in the centre of the island.


When Drone was destroyed, Leo was awakened from his meditation. His eyes opened slowly, his red eyes glowing ominously as he grinned.

Straightening his body, he burst out of the sea. Discarding his upper body wear and slicking his hair back, he shot towards Marineford, arriving in a split second. Concealing his presence, he floated above the island and saw Whitebeard hit Akainu into the fortress.

Looking around, his eyes stopped on the fortress for a moment, before turning to the battlefield. Creating four clones, he sent them to the four different seas, where they spread their Observation Haki over their quarter of the world and projected the whole scene on Marinefors for everyone to see.

He smirked, deciding to make an entrance. Revealing his presence, his Haki naturally projecting itself on to all those present. Everyone looked to the air in shock and/or fear.

Leo - "Hello, mortals..."

The weaker ones below dropped to their knees, looking at Leo like he was a God.

He spread his arms out and consumed all the souls that were floating around, before sighing in satisfaction.

Leo - "Ahh~ Nothing like the souls of the dead to fill the hole in my chest..."

A shiver ran down everyone's spines from his chilling words.

Giving the crew a glance, he saw them grin. He moved Luffy and Ace over to them for the time being.

Looking towards Whitebeard, Leo saw a strong determination in his eyes.

Leo - "Hey, Old Man, you good?"

Whitebeard - "... Good? What does it matter to you?"

Leo - "Nothing really. I don't really care if you die, but you are one of the few people I respect in this world... I can heal you if you want?"

Whitebeard stared at him silently for a moment, before grinning a little.

Whitebeard - "No, I don't need it."

Hearing this, Whitebeard's crew all started shouting for him to accept or begged for Leo to do it anyways. They were all silenced however, when Leo glared at them.

Leo - "Silence! It's not up to you how he dies."

Whitebeard seemed to appreciate that Leo understood how he wanted his final moments to be.

Leo then looked towards Garp, who was lying in a stretcher.

Leo - "Garp, stop faking it, Luffy couldn't beat you even if the was four of him."

Hearing this, everyone looked towards Garp and saw him sit up perfectly fine.

Garp - "What are you doing here...? You only care about your friends, right brat?"

Leo - "That's right. I couldn't care less about saving Ace for myself, seen as were not friends or anything, but Luffy cares for him so I had to help someway or another."

Shrugging like it was nothing important, he then looked back to the crew for a moment.

Leo - "Why don't you go over and check on your Grandson's?"

Garp - "Why would I do that, huh? They're pirates and I'm a Marine, we're enemies, so why would I care about them?"

Staring at Garp blankly, Leo considered smacking him upside the head.

Leo - "We both know that doesn't matter to you and that you're spouting crap. If you weren't I would have just ripped your head of, Old Man."

Getting glared at slightly, Garp sighed and looked down.

Leo then waved his hand, bringing out all the guards from Impel Down and started speaking.

Leo - "Besides, after today, you won't be a Marine..."

With that statement, everyone looked at Leo in confusion, but that would soon turn into shock as Leo began shouting.

Leo - "Understand this! From today onwards, this world... BELONGS TO ME!!!"

His Conquerors Haki burst out, pushing even the strongest to their knees.

Leo - "Each of the four seas and all the land in them, will be under my authority. The Marines and the World Government are nothing, and all who oppose will be force into submission for a greater world order."

As he spoke, the whole world listened in disbelief. A sole man, claiming the whole world... If not for the fact that he had already, essentially taken over the East Blue and killed countless people the world over, he would be called a mad-man.

Leo looked at the Marines, causing them to be scared.

Leo - "For those that truly seek just, I will gladly accept you into a new organisation, who's purpose is to protect the peace I will create! In my world..."

His face suddenly became serious and somewhat deadly, as he spoke passionately.

Leo - "In my world! There will true justice! For every crime, there will be a swift and fair punishment!! For those who causing suffering and anguish unto the innocent, they shall die suffering the consequences of the sins!"

He then looked at his friends, specifically his lovers, who had been joined by Reiju, Hancock, Sonia and Mari.

Leo - "No longer, will children be orphaned by the greed and cruelty of others! Those simply seeking the truth, won't have to fear for the lives of themselves and everyone they care for! People will never again have to fear the wrath of false gods, who would enslave the ones they should protect! Never again, will someone undergo torment, forced upon them by depraved, power-hungry sociopaths!"

Each of the girls understood who he was referring to, and they all felt a warth spread through their chests.

Leo then seemed to calm down and speak more smoothly.

Leo - "Of course, I don't expect this to go without protest, so I figure... Why not show the true face of the Marines and World Government..."

Suddenly, from the fortress, two people burst out towards Leo. Leo calmly moved his eyes to his attackers, amusement clear.

Both of his attackers were elderly men that possessed devil fruits.. One was tall with long gray hair, mustache and beard. The other one had taken the form of a humanoid white tiger.

The tall man latched onto Leo and put him in a headlock, while activating his devil fruit, which seem to try and drain Leo's power.

As for the tiger man, he attempted to ram his claws through Leo's chest. Leo allowed the attack to hit him, while thrusting his hand through the man chest at incredible speed and ripping his heart out.

Despite having his heart taken, the tiger man didn't even realise until Leo raised it to his face and squished it. He then whipped his hand out and smacked the man's head off.

Leo then grabbed the arm's of the tall man and pulled them off, before spinning around and grabbing him by his throat.

It took mere moments and he had taken out two of the strongest people in the world. He then looked down at everyone again.

Leo - "I was expecting more from the five Elders, but what can I say, I'm just too strong."

Smiling viciously, his eyes honey in delight from the fear he felt.

Leo - "Anyways, I was about to show the world what the Government is really like, and I will do that by ripping it from the mind of a man straight at the top!"

As he said, he began tearing through the old man's mind, taking every memory he could find and projected it to the sky.

Everyone saw all the horrible things that had been done by the orders of the World Government.

For the last eight hundred years, the Five Elders had been using this man's power to steal the life force of others and extended their own miserable lives. The power wasn't perfect in the hands of the Old Man either, so to gain just a day, they stole dozens of lives.

Seeing this, outrage spread across the world, as the people began shouting in protest. Leo then made the projection disappear and brought focus back on to himself.

Leo - "And now you see... To them, you are just bodies of energy and they don't care about who you are or what you've done, while I care about the innocent and will kill the sinful... Like this!!"

Abruptly opening his mouth to unnatural proportions, Leo's teeth became extremely sharp and he savagely bit into the Old Man's throat, drinking his blood until he looked like a mummy.

He then threw the corpse away and consumed the two Elders souls. The White Tiger man's devil fruit was the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Byakko, which had claws and teeth like tungsten, and controls wind.

But, the best part came with the soul of the second Elder. His fruit was the Drain Drain fruit, which drains the energy of those the user is in contact with. It also allows the user to temporarily borrow the power of other devil fruits and transfer energy to others.

When getting the Drain Drain fruit, Leo paused, before grinning widely.

Leo - "Now, I feel I should clarify..."

Suddenly, he erupted with a stronger Conquerors Haki and Killing Intent, while using his new draining power and soul consumption, weakening everyone and tearing off a portion of all the Devil Fruits in the area.

From taking part of the devil fruits, the curses were taken away and destroyed, while the users lost a small amount of their power.

When he took power from the Zoan types, the soul's/Wills were taken as well, which lead to him hearing a myriad of voices thanking him for freeing them. Leo was reminded of the time he got the Angel fruit and he realised that he wasn't imagining it back then. Putting to the back of his mind for the moment, he stared at the clone observing everything and continued his speech.

Leo - "My take over of this world is non negotiable. Those that do not fall in line, will be removed from their position and replaced. So, to all the leaders of the world, you can be expecting a visit soon."

He then cut the projection and the clones dispersed, while he looked down to the Marines and pirates.

Leo - "Well, I have said what I wanted to, so I'll just deal with the filth... I'll leave it up to your own sins to decide you fates.

Using his Penance Stare through his Conquerors Haki and killed a bunch of sinners, regardless of which side they were on. Primarily though, he targeted ràpists and the likes. He also made sure to kill Sengoku, Akainu and Aokiji... the fucking assholes.

Leo quickly moved in front of Whitebeard and looked up at him.

Leo - "Last chance, do you want to be healed?"

Whitebeard shook his head silently and stopped resisting his death, dying while still on his feet. Leo shrugged and consumed all the souls floating around.

< Mid Mortal - 61% >

With all his business concluded, Leo moved and took a split second to appear infront of the crew, Boa Sisters and Garp, who had their mouths wide open, shock at how he had just claimed the whole world as his.

Seeing that they were in shock, he decided to just open a portal to Sabaody and floated them through it. Giving the people on the island a final look, he smirked and went through the portal himself.

(I had a few different ideas for what I could have done here, but this was what came to me in the moment.)

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