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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionSo if you've read my Elementalist In A Dungeon, which is my previous story, then you know what to expect...but this time we start with actually good writing quality XD ---The story is probably gonna be longer than I expect. ---I try my best to keep everyone in character. ---Minimal OCs. ---No Harem. ---No character bashing(Unless it's in character within the story). I know MHA stories have a tendency to do this so just saying this now. ---MC will be causing canon to change so be prepared for that. ---Aside from his Quirk nothing else from the One Piece power systems is in this story. No 6 marine powers or Haki. This is a MHA story and I'm keeping it as such. ---I read and like almost every comment and reply to all that require a response, feel free to engage with me. And worry not I keep things polite :)
Well fleshed-out world, great grammar, a unique story not afraid to diverge from canon, updating stability is not the best though it has improved. MC is as realistic as a MC with a superiority complex can get, Mc is not a hypocrite. Author is working really hard to make a great story. All-in-all a great read. Take notes from this guy if you also want to write.
C'est la meilleure fanfic MHA que j'ai lue je recommande juste pas au âme sensible. Top 3 fanfic global.
The premise of the entire book is to dumb down nezu to make the mc do whatever he pleases nezu has overlooked his staff nearly dying, his staff being disrespected and treated like nothing all so the mc can maybe with a less than 5 percent chance become a true hero, how you might ask by surrounding him with highschool children.
just finished chapter 363, its good so far the story derailed from the canon which is well written and consistent this is definitely the best mha fanfic out there
World Building of the story adds to the original, It adds more dept to the world of my hero academia. The author added another classification of quirks, mystery class, which adds to the aura of strong quirks like new order. The story perfectly handles the cannon timeline and diverges well when the time comes. The Characters act consistent, they act like what the original would act like. The Character of principle Nezu was the most well written, his character was given the respect someone who had his quirk superintelligence would get. Another character written better than the original was Pantu, who oversees everything the heroes of japan. Her character shows what it takes to make the hard decisions. Shigaraki does not act like a child. He is the leader of the league of villains and he acts like it. The main characters is essentially what if Homelander had the powers of law's devil fruit and was in My hero academia but raised by loving criminal parents. He is dislikable by design.
Peak mha fanfic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
plotholes,nerfs,stupid and annoying mc what ever you say this novel has it. if you can look past all these check it out if you can't don't bother wasting your time.
Лутшее произведение по мга из прочитанных, без систем, поподанцев, предзнания и всеспасения, герой повысил ставки(убивает и калечит злодеев, является силой природы) и злодеи тоже их повысили в ответ, убивая и калеча его однокласников и др. Мир имеет свое развитие и причинно следственные связи а так же развешенные за 💯 глав "ружья чехова" намеки на переломный момент в произведении, автор лутший спасибо вам
Spoiler enthüllenBest fanfic I have ever read No cap love horizon, although some ppl have a problem with his god complex I don’t , I really think it is enjoyable and I love how human he feels , sometimes hypothetical and a man of his word he is very human and very God at the same time , his hard working overpowered nature is also amazing, but I’m really not a fan of the little nerfs they give him , it’s not a lot but it’s a little but I enjoy it 🙂↕️ thanks and I hope it continues, and yes I have read almost most of this book
muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendomuy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendomuy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo
Your cliffhanger is too much author, mc's personality feels fresh because he's committed to his ideology, putting his family above all else, people are afraid of the guy because he's not a permanent protector of their country, you also described amazingly well the collective of human thinking "follow the person infront of you", in the end no one knows who initiated the idea.
honestly speaking this fanfic is one of the few that I actually consider really really good and well written characters development and twists I don't think any other fanfic could compare
The best mha fic I’ve read, the character design is amazing. Personally I like the way the author has made his quirk, its really powerful but the author has made some ("nerfs" he’s still never lost a fight btw) even after getting nerfed the mc still trains EXTREMELY hard. After like 15 chapters he’s back to where he was or even stronger then before.
It started alright but man did the MC just completely destroy the story. His personality is just so annoying and is just a complete hypocrit at times at the extreme level.
Ik there is a bunch of reviews about this, but its too bad to ignore. 'Amputate' by definition it 'separates' the object while leaving it still connected. so a dude's blood is still flowing in between even when decapitated. The first major fight, and I mean FIRST, the Author nerfs it into the ground because he panics and realizes that he could one tap ANYBODY with it. it is by all intensive purposes "Air Slash" now. The SECOND MAJOR FIGHT, The Author nefs him even further into the ground by giving him back-lash whenever he uses his quirk. while this one isn't as bad... its profoundly annoying, even more so than the first because he brings it up EVERY CHAPTER. 'Op Protagonist' but the Author is TERRIFIED of him winning even one fight against a major villain. He always has to be exhausted/drained/struggling and the Author MAKES SURE he is.
This is my second time making a review I deleted my first one since I was being a bit bias with my emotions.Lets be real now.Also author please pin this ima bout to get real descriptive. writing quality:3/5.The story barely has any misspellings but it still does have them.The story also can't really figure out how to have any emotional moments and that's mainly because of the character design...which I'll get into. story development:3/5 the story is going well but it's also weird.His goal is to get his hero license so he can "save" people and now he's getting it at the beginning of his first year so basically...What even was the point of going to the school in the first place.Secondly he was put into the school so he can any emotional connections and I have to say as the author of this story you have failed to build up anything emotional just lewd attraction to the main character.This all just feels weird and un a bad way. character design....1/5. He has no emotions out of his family and he's also schizophrenic but only when he's about to do something bad cause God forbid it affects him negatively.Secondly he has a God complex but don't get it mistaken when I say God complex I don't mean something cool.This is the first story I've read that makes this awful.The maimcharavter is so ignorant and arrogant that the only reason he has friends is because the author made it that way.No one would ever approach or befriend this type of person.Thirdly he's a weirdo..I don't know else ro describe him.Hes like if you raised a baby watching Andrew tate shorts but not any of the actual advice just the sexist and girls belong in the kitchen and all that stuff, That's what he encompasses. he's litteraly the epitome of edgy.Fourthly he's a hypocrite.He talks a whole lot and he can back it up and he's the definition of a bully BUT he's a huge hypocrite.Fifthy The way the author has written this God awful character basically makes everything knull.Their are no connections to be made no emotional bonds their is nothing.He believes he's better than everyone and litteraly puts everyone down which u would think is good but the open disrespect to everyone is just insane.Sixthly he's not interested in any girls in the school except for sexualizing them.You know what he's like another version of that pervert small kid in mha if he got everything he wanted lol..This is litteraly what that character is.No concern for anyone's emotions.No concern for the way he speaks.No concern for nothing.This story is just hard to read and the character is the main reason why. He makes everything bad.I don't know why the author chose to make a maincharacter this awful but dude please don't pick up a pen if this is what's in ur head.The main character is basically the amalgamation of every h3ntai addicts dream, Money,sleep around with girls (none from the school),Bringing people down just cause,Hypocritical.This story is just weird.It would have been good if overtime he lost the ego or at least tried to be nice but this dude is as arrogant as they come. This is all just weird. Updating stability I gave it 2 stars...cause how bad do u have to stop dropping for me to see comments from 2 years ago and this story isn't finish still?.Dayum.You took 2 years to write a main character just as bad??. world background: I don't even know at this point the plot does change obviously,This story is all just weird. The author does agree with me that the main character is awful which kinda confuses me cause why would u make such a distasteful character if u know its bad.Maybe some dudes like reading it but I promise u the ones that do like this Mc are the ones who wish and aspire to be this type of person.I understand wishing to have money but to be the type of person he is, that's a whole other bs. in the end I personally would not recommend this story just off of that character.He almost killed todoroki because he tried to be there for him and mistakingky made some assumption about his family WHO were murderers and hero killers...so yeah.Edgy and corny.I honestly have no idea how this story is 300 chapters long and still going I'm kind of surprised u haven't written a second pov of his attitude being his downfall Or maybe u have after all this author did state he has does a lot of foreshadowing.I just can't stand the character and I would like a second pov of someone who is finally going to stand up to the dude and end him or something be it a random stranger, Deku himself, Todoroki, Everyone in Class 1A. Something just something.Im not about to read 220 more chapters of this arrogant and awful character.UNLESS u can promise me that we will get another pov or something of someone finally having enough of that bs and standing up for everyone.
I read up to chapter 76 and I can say that this work is not for everyone, I found it interesting and ignored his god complex, he is very strong and certain parts of his personality I even like, one example is that improving is simply something natural for him, and whoever doesn't really seek to improve he despises, but still in the end I can no longer ignore his god complex, it's simply frustrating for me to continue reading, I like the work and I really wanted to continue, I'm sad 😢, I thought that I could ignore but not I got it in the end.
I love this story and how author shapes the lore to his ideal form but i just detest this long periods of hiatus , besides that great fanfic
It was great novel, sad to see it get dropped. After months of wating its time to remove it from library, cant keep hoping for something that's never gonna happen.
honestamente, me arrepenti de la última reseña, está historia hasta el momento (150+) es una de las pocas que realmente me tienen entretenido, no es el típico caso de un tipo transmigrado, está historia es Top
As a reader I want to say that this is a story with good writing and decent world building that makes me want to read more. The main character doesn't like anyone, hates everyone, and behaves like a 12 year old going through puberty. Although I am aware that this is a strategy by the author. I am baffled by how many people defend such edgy behavior. Anyway, those aspects aside. It is a good read though not for everyone. Keep up the good spirits, author. [img=recommend]
Biased review from someone who read author's previous works. I especially recommend this author's works because he writes really interesting and compelling characters (not just the MC either).
So if you've read my Elementalist In A Dungeon, which is my previous story, then you know what to expect...but this time we start with actually good writing quality XD ---The story is probably gonna be longer than I expect. ---I try my best to keep everyone in character. ---Minimal OCs. ---No Harem. ---No character bashing(Unless it's in character within the story). I know MHA stories have a tendency to do this so just saying this now. ---MC will be causing canon to change so be prepared for that. ---Aside from his Quirk nothing else from the One Piece power systems is in this story. No 6 marine powers or Haki. This is a MHA story and I'm keeping it as such. ---I read and like almost every comment and reply to all that require a response, feel free to engage with me. And worry not I keep things polite :)
Well fleshed-out world, great grammar, a unique story not afraid to diverge from canon, updating stability is not the best though it has improved. MC is as realistic as a MC with a superiority complex can get, Mc is not a hypocrite. Author is working really hard to make a great story. All-in-all a great read. Take notes from this guy if you also want to write.
C'est la meilleure fanfic MHA que j'ai lue je recommande juste pas au âme sensible. Top 3 fanfic global.
The premise of the entire book is to dumb down nezu to make the mc do whatever he pleases nezu has overlooked his staff nearly dying, his staff being disrespected and treated like nothing all so the mc can maybe with a less than 5 percent chance become a true hero, how you might ask by surrounding him with highschool children.
just finished chapter 363, its good so far the story derailed from the canon which is well written and consistent this is definitely the best mha fanfic out there
World Building of the story adds to the original, It adds more dept to the world of my hero academia. The author added another classification of quirks, mystery class, which adds to the aura of strong quirks like new order. The story perfectly handles the cannon timeline and diverges well when the time comes. The Characters act consistent, they act like what the original would act like. The Character of principle Nezu was the most well written, his character was given the respect someone who had his quirk superintelligence would get. Another character written better than the original was Pantu, who oversees everything the heroes of japan. Her character shows what it takes to make the hard decisions. Shigaraki does not act like a child. He is the leader of the league of villains and he acts like it. The main characters is essentially what if Homelander had the powers of law's devil fruit and was in My hero academia but raised by loving criminal parents. He is dislikable by design.
Peak mha fanfic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
plotholes,nerfs,stupid and annoying mc what ever you say this novel has it. if you can look past all these check it out if you can't don't bother wasting your time.
Лутшее произведение по мга из прочитанных, без систем, поподанцев, предзнания и всеспасения, герой повысил ставки(убивает и калечит злодеев, является силой природы) и злодеи тоже их повысили в ответ, убивая и калеча его однокласников и др. Мир имеет свое развитие и причинно следственные связи а так же развешенные за 💯 глав "ружья чехова" намеки на переломный момент в произведении, автор лутший спасибо вам
Spoiler enthüllenBest fanfic I have ever read No cap love horizon, although some ppl have a problem with his god complex I don’t , I really think it is enjoyable and I love how human he feels , sometimes hypothetical and a man of his word he is very human and very God at the same time , his hard working overpowered nature is also amazing, but I’m really not a fan of the little nerfs they give him , it’s not a lot but it’s a little but I enjoy it 🙂↕️ thanks and I hope it continues, and yes I have read almost most of this book
muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendomuy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendomuy bueno, recomiendo muy bueno, recomiendo
Your cliffhanger is too much author, mc's personality feels fresh because he's committed to his ideology, putting his family above all else, people are afraid of the guy because he's not a permanent protector of their country, you also described amazingly well the collective of human thinking "follow the person infront of you", in the end no one knows who initiated the idea.
honestly speaking this fanfic is one of the few that I actually consider really really good and well written characters development and twists I don't think any other fanfic could compare
The best mha fic I’ve read, the character design is amazing. Personally I like the way the author has made his quirk, its really powerful but the author has made some ("nerfs" he’s still never lost a fight btw) even after getting nerfed the mc still trains EXTREMELY hard. After like 15 chapters he’s back to where he was or even stronger then before.
It started alright but man did the MC just completely destroy the story. His personality is just so annoying and is just a complete hypocrit at times at the extreme level.
Ik there is a bunch of reviews about this, but its too bad to ignore. 'Amputate' by definition it 'separates' the object while leaving it still connected. so a dude's blood is still flowing in between even when decapitated. The first major fight, and I mean FIRST, the Author nerfs it into the ground because he panics and realizes that he could one tap ANYBODY with it. it is by all intensive purposes "Air Slash" now. The SECOND MAJOR FIGHT, The Author nefs him even further into the ground by giving him back-lash whenever he uses his quirk. while this one isn't as bad... its profoundly annoying, even more so than the first because he brings it up EVERY CHAPTER. 'Op Protagonist' but the Author is TERRIFIED of him winning even one fight against a major villain. He always has to be exhausted/drained/struggling and the Author MAKES SURE he is.
This is my second time making a review I deleted my first one since I was being a bit bias with my emotions.Lets be real now.Also author please pin this ima bout to get real descriptive. writing quality:3/5.The story barely has any misspellings but it still does have them.The story also can't really figure out how to have any emotional moments and that's mainly because of the character design...which I'll get into. story development:3/5 the story is going well but it's also weird.His goal is to get his hero license so he can "save" people and now he's getting it at the beginning of his first year so basically...What even was the point of going to the school in the first place.Secondly he was put into the school so he can any emotional connections and I have to say as the author of this story you have failed to build up anything emotional just lewd attraction to the main character.This all just feels weird and un a bad way. character design....1/5. He has no emotions out of his family and he's also schizophrenic but only when he's about to do something bad cause God forbid it affects him negatively.Secondly he has a God complex but don't get it mistaken when I say God complex I don't mean something cool.This is the first story I've read that makes this awful.The maimcharavter is so ignorant and arrogant that the only reason he has friends is because the author made it that way.No one would ever approach or befriend this type of person.Thirdly he's a weirdo..I don't know else ro describe him.Hes like if you raised a baby watching Andrew tate shorts but not any of the actual advice just the sexist and girls belong in the kitchen and all that stuff, That's what he encompasses. he's litteraly the epitome of edgy.Fourthly he's a hypocrite.He talks a whole lot and he can back it up and he's the definition of a bully BUT he's a huge hypocrite.Fifthy The way the author has written this God awful character basically makes everything knull.Their are no connections to be made no emotional bonds their is nothing.He believes he's better than everyone and litteraly puts everyone down which u would think is good but the open disrespect to everyone is just insane.Sixthly he's not interested in any girls in the school except for sexualizing them.You know what he's like another version of that pervert small kid in mha if he got everything he wanted lol..This is litteraly what that character is.No concern for anyone's emotions.No concern for the way he speaks.No concern for nothing.This story is just hard to read and the character is the main reason why. He makes everything bad.I don't know why the author chose to make a maincharacter this awful but dude please don't pick up a pen if this is what's in ur head.The main character is basically the amalgamation of every h3ntai addicts dream, Money,sleep around with girls (none from the school),Bringing people down just cause,Hypocritical.This story is just weird.It would have been good if overtime he lost the ego or at least tried to be nice but this dude is as arrogant as they come. This is all just weird. Updating stability I gave it 2 stars...cause how bad do u have to stop dropping for me to see comments from 2 years ago and this story isn't finish still?.Dayum.You took 2 years to write a main character just as bad??. world background: I don't even know at this point the plot does change obviously,This story is all just weird. The author does agree with me that the main character is awful which kinda confuses me cause why would u make such a distasteful character if u know its bad.Maybe some dudes like reading it but I promise u the ones that do like this Mc are the ones who wish and aspire to be this type of person.I understand wishing to have money but to be the type of person he is, that's a whole other bs. in the end I personally would not recommend this story just off of that character.He almost killed todoroki because he tried to be there for him and mistakingky made some assumption about his family WHO were murderers and hero killers...so yeah.Edgy and corny.I honestly have no idea how this story is 300 chapters long and still going I'm kind of surprised u haven't written a second pov of his attitude being his downfall Or maybe u have after all this author did state he has does a lot of foreshadowing.I just can't stand the character and I would like a second pov of someone who is finally going to stand up to the dude and end him or something be it a random stranger, Deku himself, Todoroki, Everyone in Class 1A. Something just something.Im not about to read 220 more chapters of this arrogant and awful character.UNLESS u can promise me that we will get another pov or something of someone finally having enough of that bs and standing up for everyone.
I read up to chapter 76 and I can say that this work is not for everyone, I found it interesting and ignored his god complex, he is very strong and certain parts of his personality I even like, one example is that improving is simply something natural for him, and whoever doesn't really seek to improve he despises, but still in the end I can no longer ignore his god complex, it's simply frustrating for me to continue reading, I like the work and I really wanted to continue, I'm sad 😢, I thought that I could ignore but not I got it in the end.
I love this story and how author shapes the lore to his ideal form but i just detest this long periods of hiatus , besides that great fanfic
It was great novel, sad to see it get dropped. After months of wating its time to remove it from library, cant keep hoping for something that's never gonna happen.
honestamente, me arrepenti de la última reseña, está historia hasta el momento (150+) es una de las pocas que realmente me tienen entretenido, no es el típico caso de un tipo transmigrado, está historia es Top
As a reader I want to say that this is a story with good writing and decent world building that makes me want to read more. The main character doesn't like anyone, hates everyone, and behaves like a 12 year old going through puberty. Although I am aware that this is a strategy by the author. I am baffled by how many people defend such edgy behavior. Anyway, those aspects aside. It is a good read though not for everyone. Keep up the good spirits, author. [img=recommend]
Biased review from someone who read author's previous works. I especially recommend this author's works because he writes really interesting and compelling characters (not just the MC either).