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17.18% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 65: CHAPTER 061(State Of Oppression)

Kapitel 65: CHAPTER 061(State Of Oppression)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene


'Why did I make this meeting so fucking early...' Horizon thinks as he struggles to stay awake, sitting in a comfortable leather chair, wearing his full Hero Costume, minus the sword of course.

Currently, he is in Tokyo, Detnerat headquarters. He is sitting on his chair with a small coffee table between him and the other chair, looking out over Tokyo through the wall of massive windows on the top floor of this forty-story building.

Behind him wash a large desk and a more formal setup, the entire far wall consumed by a well-stocked bookshelf.

The 9 AM sun was finally getting comfortable in the sky, keeping Horizon awake as he stretches and yawns.

'Where does Gild even find those girls...fucking animals,' he thinks with a small and tired smile on his lips, completely hidden beneath the visor.

Hearing a click behind him he stands up and turns around to see the massive double doors open, and in walks Rikiya Yosubashi, the CEO and founder of Detnerat.

Or as the members of his Meta Liberation Army know him, Re-Destro. A villain plotting the downfall of the oppressive Quirk society that most people are content with.

"Mister Yotsubashi," Horizon greets the man, giving him a firm handshake.

The man was of a muscular build beneath his black suit, white stripes running vertically along it. Standing at 6ft -182cm- tall, wearing a green tie and light green undershirt. His hair was orange and receeding with a prominent widow's peak, exposing two small moles on the left side of his forehead.

The support item genius who founded Detnerat, for the Meta Liberation Army to take a more prominent role in society and equip themselves. Under the guise of making Lifestyle Support Items to accommodate the variety of needs caused by certain Quirks, all while quietly making weapons for villains and their members alike.

"Horizon, it's a pleasure to meet you," Yotsubashi says, quickly breaking the handshake. "And please, call me Rikiya, I am hoping for this to be the start of a long and prosperous friendship."

"Well, I certainly hope so as well Rikiya."

Rikiya directs Horizon back to his seat and both men get comfortable looking out over the city. "Are you sure I can't have my assistant get you anything, maybe some tea?"

"No I'm quite fine, but I am very curious about why you asked for a meeting rather than simply making the delivery," Horizon says.

"Ahh, just as I assumed, you wouldn't want to waste time, we're both quite busy from what I understand," Rikiya leans back and reaches into his jacket, taking out what appears to be a candy bar.

A sleek white wrapper with Horizon's blue logo in the middle of it, nothing else on the package.

Horizon takes it and feels the weight of the bar in his hand, as large as a chocolate bar that only had four blocks, but almost as heavy as a small bottle of water.

"It's even smaller than I expected," Horizon says, fiddling with it in his hand.

"We managed to get the formula you requested down to half the expected size, but, legally I must advise against consuming an entire one of these bars within 48 hours, and the deal you signed also specified that these are not for resale, only personal use....if a child ate one of these it could literally kill them."

"I'll keep them on high shelves," Horizon chuckles.

"You never specified exactly what these are for," Rikiya mentions. "Does your Quirk need a fuel to trigger it perhaps?"

"No, I just got really sick of having to eat eight meals a day to bulk up, it made me start to hate food, this will solve that problem."

"Oh...that's not what I expected, either way, the first three shipments have been sent to UA," Rikiya just relaxes in his chair as Horizon puts away the bar. "Well I'm sure you can afford it, but does UA not provide these services through their legendary Support Department?"

"Not to these specifications," Horizon says. "If you want something simple like sugar pills they can handle that, but they don't cook or process food, any Quirk that needs to eat a lot is generally left to figure it out themselves."

"That makes sense since it's students working on the gear of other students," Rikiya says. "But you are quite far ahead of the others, your website went online and is already causing a bit of a stir."

Horizon chuckles at that, "people really got so surprised that I opened a website to sell merchandise, they act like you need a Hero License to do that. Once you aren't falsely advertising yourself as a hero it's fine, just trademark yourself and build a brand."

"People are also upset that you're undercutting their prices," Rikiya points out.

"Well, I've got the money to afford it. I don't care about profits, just building the Horizon brand."

A short and oddly comfortable silence befalls the room as Rikiya leans forward, nodding quietly as he finds his words, knowing the next few moments could either guarantee absolute victory for his movement, or completely destroy it. A once-in-a-lifetime chance to sway a Mystery Class to their side.

"May I ask a more personal question?" Rikiya asks politely.

"I assume that's why you wanted to meet in person, I hope you aren't going to offer me a Support Item sponsorship, I'm not really allowed to use outside stuff while studying at UA," Horizon taps the side of his visor.

"Nonono, the last this I need is Nezu destroying my company. But...I will admit now that your public file is no longer hidden, very sparse but still public to companies like mine. I do have some people very excited to make a better version of your visor, maybe one that's a bit smaller while still keeping you alive," Rikiya suggests.

"I prefer this style, but thanks for the offer," Horizon says, playing along with the info on his public file that his visor was a Lifestyle Support item, making it illegal for any authority in any country to force him to remove it.

"Well if you change your mind, you have my number, but now I'd like to ask a more serious question."

"I'm listening."

Rikiya pauses for a moment, feeling his heart rate steadily increase before he takes a deep breath and calms down a bit, "how do you feel about people not being able to use their Quirks freely? I have a theory that you're becoming a hero partly so that you may legally warp about, otherwise Quirk use is illegal without a Hero License. Do you have any opinion on that legal system?"

"Hmmm, well, that's a bit complicated..."

"How so?" Rikiya asks, leaning forward to listen carefully.

"Well, on one hand, yeah I think people should be able to use their Quirks. It's kinda like a few hundred years ago when people weren't allowed to be openly gay, right? Quirks are part of you that you can't deny and should be free to express."

"Right, exactly."

"But..." Horizon gestures to the city. "If someone is gay they don't develop possibly city-destroying abilities, they're still just a regular person. So on one hand, sure it'd be great if people could just be themselves in regards to Quirks...but on the other hand, anyone who thinks there shouldn't be any Quirk regulations clearly underestimates how stupid the average person really is.

People can't be trusted to use power responsibly, they need a rigid rule structure or else everything will quickly devolve into chaos. And in the cases of Quirks, everyone has to be held down the same way unless they have a license, because if we say something like 'harmless Quirks can be used freely but offensive Quirks can't be,' then that's a whole other discrimination problem, and that's how current society makes villains. By putting stupid Hero-Villain labels on everything.

For every person that gets to freely fly around the sky, you've got to consider some idiot with a fire Quirk accidentally burning down a house, it's best for everyone if nobody but the Pros can use Quirks."

Rikiya sits back and taps his chin, considering Horizon's words very carefully. Atleast on the outside he was, internally he was absolutely outraged that Horizon would agree with the government, now knowing that this future Pro would likely be the greatest threat to their revolution.

"And how do you treat unauthorized Quirk use?" Rikiya asks.

"Just between us, generally if you aren't causing a commotion or bothering people, I don't really care, but---" Horizon raises his hand to halt Rikiya's response. "But, I'm only one person, if I take that stance it's one thing, but if the government takes that stance it will cause chaos. Plus honestly since I'm gonna be a hero I should be more strict with the laws, give people an inch and they'll take a mile and all that," he shrugs.

Rikiya considers how to best use this information to push the agenda of his movement, and the gears finally click into place.

Horizon is building a brand.

He's not afraid to speak his mind.

Legally he's essentially untouchable.

And he has strong beliefs that he will gladly tell people about...all he needs is a few cameras on him.

"I see, and would you be willing to speak openly about the points you just made, regaining Quirk use, and the statement you made about society creating villains?"


"Well... have you heard of Chitose Kizuki?" Rikiya asks.

"President of Shoowaysha, obsessive journalist, impossible hot blue lady, yeah," Horizon sees Rikiya's brow twitch slightly at that last descriptor. "Oh...and the secret girlfriend of Rikiya Yotsubashi?"

"I can get you an interview with her," Rikiya says, completely ignoring the last insinuation. "She'd love to have you on her talk show and it would help to build your brand, I can't imagine it will be easy to build any Hero reputation before you get your Provisional License next year."

"Hmm," Horizon considers it for a moment, knowing an interview with her would put more eyes on him, good or bad he just needed people watching him. "Can the interview be at the start of summer?"

"I'm sure she won't mind, although I don't---" Rikiya pauses, then sighs, feeling like an idiot. "Because you'll have your Provisional License after June..." he mutters.

"I'm already better than most pros, why waste time when I could be helping people," Horizon shrugs, chuckling quietly as Rikiya shakes his head.

"I'll have her call you, assuming it's alright if I give her your number?"

"Pretty ladies are always welcomed," Horizon sees Rikiya give him an annoyed look. "I'm kidding, I won't flirt with your girl, not like I could do anything even if I wanted to," Horizon raises his gloved hand to tap the side of his visor.

"Oh, right," Rikiya gives him a sympathetic look, unable to imagine what it must be like to always wear that visor and body glove. According to Horizon's file they were both needed for him to properly function.


Rikiya's phone immediately goes off before the conversation can get started again. Taking it out he gives Horizon an apologetic look. "I'm sorry but something has come up at the lab, I'll have to cut our meeting short."

Both men rise and Horizon gives him a polite handshake, "it was a pleasure meeting you."

"Well if you ever want to set up another meeting you have my number," Rikiya says, "and please just call if you need a different flavor for the meal bars."

"Will do."


Horizon disappears from the office, and swaps for one of his metal cards before that too disappears.

Rikiya grits his teeth at that and begins walking out of his office toward his research lab, taking out his phone and calling Chitose, or as the Meta Liberation Army know her, the villain and head of their public relations and propaganda department, Curious, the queen of their army.

Before the first ring can finish she answers.

"Rikiya?" Her cheerful and excited voice flows through the phone, "what's going on?"

"I just got you an interview with mister miracle himself," Rikiya immediately pulls the phone away from his ear before her excited screech can start.

"When?!" She asks after settling down.

"July, he wants to get his Provisional License first, of course this is all to be kept quiet."

"I know that, obviously," he can just feel her eyeroll through the phone at this point. "Did you get a number?"

"Yes, but you won't be getting it, I can't trust you not to get excited and badger him with questions."

"Will you give it to Skeptic to track it, maybe bug his phone?" she asks.

"Absolutely not," Rikiya says. "I had Skeptic do a very light check on the number, it flows through Swiss Vault."

"Oh, Nezu's security program..." Curious mutters. "Well anyway, what's he like, did he agree with us?"

"Mmm, not exactly. He doesn't particularly care about abiding by the laws of this oppressive society, he even uses his Quirk to warp about, but he also doesn't care about the people who, unlike him, aren't above the law. The people like us who live without being able to fully express what makes us special."

"So he's a selfish jerk," Curious says.

"Essentially, yes. But he does have some opinions about this society and hero-centric culture that we can certainly use to stir up the people."

"Ohh, that's good, what about his Quirk, did you get anything about that?"

"I decided to not push my luck and ask," Rikiya sighs. "Being what is technically a villain sitting across from one of the most powerful people on that planet that is clearly itching for a chance to make a name for himself as a hero...that was stressful enough. The last thing I need is him being suspicious of me poking around at his Quirk."

"But you could have just taken him out there right, if you were that stressed out, yes?"

Rikiya stops walking, considers it, shakes his head, then keeps walking. "My Quirk converts stress into power, but there isn't enough stress in the world to beat him, but I do believe with the right incentive he can be swayed to our side."

"But what can we offer someone like that?"

"That's what we need to figure out, but he certainly doesn't seem like one of those golden-hearted heroic types, he clearly wants to be famous and influential, he has some hidden motive."

"Hmm, but is it worth the risk, he is super dangerous after all," Curious mutters quietly, not liking the idea of having to fight Horizon.

"Yeah, it's worth it, because it's Horizon, he's invincible..."


Kapitel 66: CHAPTER 062(Legacy and Grief)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene


"These things are a lifesaver," Horizon says, standing in his Musutafu apartment watching the rain beat down on the city, including UA off in the distance.

In his hands are three of his custom meal bars, which he carefully places into his jacket pocket. The thousands he bought were already scanned for anything suspicious before he brought them into this property for storage.



He suddenly appears in his seat, only a few classmates quietly chattering about, not even batting an eye as he warps his card back into his hand and puts it away. He immediately shrinks his room down from a 5km radius to 20 meters, just enough to know when Eraser was close.

Behind him, Momo was reading a book, quietly enjoying her morning and waiting for class to start. At the very back of the room stood Sero and Tokoyami with a few other classmates, he could hear them excitedly talking about people recognizing them from the sports festival three days ago. And in her seat closer to the front Jiro was listening to music, her Earphone Jack plugged into her phone.

But all the chatter suddenly stopped the moment Iida entered the room, Deku one step behind him. Horizon spared him a glance before leaning back and ignoring him, but most of the students got up from what they were doing to give their condolences.

Over the past two days, Ingenium had been on every news channel, it would be impossible not to know about his death by now.

Their first taste of what they truly risk by becoming a hero.

Listening in on the conversation Horizon hears Iida's cheerful responses, telling his classmates that he'll be alright no matter how many times they asked, and he doesn't think anything of Iida's responses.

"Eraser is coming," Horizon announces, and everyone scatters back to their seats immediately, sitting quietly and waiting for their teacher.


He shuts off his Quirk and leans back, expecting to fall asleep during math class this morning. Thus far he's slept through almost every single class that wasn't geared toward heroics.

He even sleeps through Midnight's 'History of heroics' classes, and since UA doesn't grade the Hero Course students on class work, he doesn't bother with in-class work.

To compensate for the life of their Hero Course students UA doesn't give any kind of project or group projects to them, or grades on classwork, only exams. This is entirely because students will likely be getting Provisional Licenses and have to take days out of their school week to do hero work, missing classwork would be unavoidable, so everything is staked on the exams instead.

Because of this everything you need to pass the mid and end-of-semester exams is in the textbooks, and since those exams are all that matters, and Horizon has already read the books...he can sleep all he wants in class.

Only the afternoon classes would even need his attention, so until lunchtime he can just relax.

Thus far only Mic keeps waking him up, and that's almost entirely because of how loud the man can be when he's teaching.

"Good morning class," Eraser says in a tired voice, hearing a chorus of polite responses from most of the students. Unlike his usual walk to the front podium, this time he turns to glance at Iida, seeing the boy as studious as even he just gives him a short sympathetic look before continuing on.

"So by now I'm sure most of you have had to deal with the public," Eraser says. "UA gives many advantages, this is one of them. Every department is about either training heroes, supporting heroes, or teaching people to manage heroes, but this has caused the effect of us having all eyes on our Hero Course students.

Because of this students tend to get famous before going pro if they really stand out, and since your class is already more famous than most hero students, some more than others," he glances at Horizon and Todoroki. "I'm sure you've had to deal with people wanting to talk to you or get pictures."

He sees most of the class nod, either having people they know call them or dealing with fans while traveling to school this morning.

"Well, how you deal with this is important, having your identity out there can be good to build a legacy or fanbase, but privacy is also valuable. In a society of celebrity heroes most people just lean into the fame side of things, whatever you choose, just think very carefully before you commit. You can't be officially listed until you get a Provisional License and completely the three-year probation period with it, at that point you could completely reinvent yourself, but remember, some things you just won't be able to hide or bury, so your careers have already begun..."

Many students nod along nervously, genuinely never having considered these things before, still committed to being celebrity heroes...because that's just how most pros do it. And most of the top 10 Pros -with the exception of Hawks, All Might, and Yoroi Musha- have public identities. Not to mention that only Yoroi Musha has a proper mask, the other two have their face exposed and are in their hero person 24/7 -before All Might got injured-.

But Yoroi Musha is literally known as 'the senior citizen hero,' so of course most people think he's old-fashioned for separating hero and personal life.

After a few more minutes of talking from Eraser, Ectoplasm politely knocks on the door and opens it, ready to begin their day with an intense math class...or in Horizon's case, nap time.

---9:15 AM...

Hearing the bell Horizon wakes up and stretches, sitting up in his chair just in time to see Ectoplasm leave the room and everyone getting up, ready to do whatever it is they do during recess.

"Hey Horizon," Sero gets his attention. "Since it's still raining, are you coming to the cafeteria with us? Can't imagine you'd wanna go up on the roof in this weather..."

"Sure," he says, normally he'd have to go force down an entire meal shake at this time, but thankfully that isn't the case anymore.

"Actually I was hoping to speak to you about something," Iida interrupts them, leaving Deku and Uraraka to approach Horizon. "Privately if possible."

Horizon just sighs and nods, turning in his chair to face the walkway. Sero smiles awkwardly and quickly moves to catch up to Tokoyami, Momo, Jiro, and Shoji, who were waiting at the door for him and Horizon.

A few seconds later and only Iida and Horizon were in the room. Iida carefully takes a seat on Tokoyami's chair and swivels to look at Horizon, hands in his lap and a complicated expression on his face.

"Ok, what do you want?" Horizon asks.

"I assume you heard the news about my brother..."

"Yeah, Stain got him," Horizon says casually. "I'm a doctor, but not the therapy kind, if that's what you're looking for."

"Well, actually, I'd like to know how you do it."

"Do what?"

Iida takes a deep breath and slouches slightly, for the first time Horizon sees him not being stiff as a board. "At the sports festival, you spoke freely about how you lost your parents, that you're alone in the world...but you're still moving forward. My brother was the most important person to me, I'm not like you, I still have my parents, but it still feels all hollow without him, how did you fix that? How did you keep going when it felt like part of you is missing?"

"That's actually easy," Horizon says, causing Iida to look at him in surprise. "You don't fix it."


"You don't fix it, because you can't." Horizon's voice becomes surprisingly gentle as he continues, "every day it will hurt, and it'll never stop, no matter how many people tell you it will get better, it doesn't. But you grow, and the more you grow the smaller that hole in your chest seems in comparison. It doesn't stop hurting, you just get bigger and stronger so the pain seems like less, but it will always be there, at least that's my experience with it."

Iida looks down at the floor between them, letting his words sink in, realizing that maybe he wasn't crazy for thinking that he'd never be able to move on from this as he'd read about.

"But what if Stain is still out there?" Iida asks, looking up at Horizon.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what if I can't let that fact go, that the monster that killed my brother, that killed a true hero, is still out there and will kill more people," Iida grits his teeth, a look of fury on his face. "What if I need to know that he will never do this again, not to anyone?"

Horizon sighs and shakes his head. "Look, I don't really believe in revenge for things like this, I mean your brother was a Pro Hero, this is the risk of the business. You can't get mad when someone trains and signs up to fight killers every day, then one killer gets lucky."

"You expect me to just let it go?!"

"No, but I expect you to understand the risks and consequences of actions, you can't act surprised when a soldier gets shot just because he was your brother. Heroes die every day, that's the job, that's literally what all the government propaganda convinces people to do, why should it be any different just because it's someone you love?"

"But my brother was a good person," Iida argues.

Horizon rolls his eyes beneath the visor, "the world doesn't really care about that, but I can see you're too invested to think about this logically so how about this, what's your plan?"

Iida looks confused, not sure where this is going, "my plan?"

"Yeah, you seem like you have one, probably a stupid one."

"I...I don't think I should tell you."

"If you tell me, I promise I'll keep it between us, no matter what," Horizon says. "It's a contract between us, and I never break a contract."

Iida looks at him skeptically, but decides to trust Horizon, he's never once seen him be dishonest, and he does value his opinion very highly.

"I'm going to kill Stain," Iida says, a look of rage flashing across his face at the thought.

"I figured...since I promised I would keep this between us then I won't report it, not that I would either way. What you want to do with your life isn't my problem, once I'm not there it can't bite me in the ass," Horizon shrugs.

Iida looks taken aback at this, he was expecting a lecture on how wrong killing was, that's what any other Hero Course student would do at the very least, but Horizon barely bats an eye at his plan.

"Thank you for understanding," Iida says.

"Ok but let's play the scenario out," Horizon says. "Are you gonna wait until you get a Provisional License?"

"I can't wait for that," Iida says.

"Ok, so illegal Quirk use, that's grounds to get you expelled if it's done to intentionally harm or kill someone. Basically anything but an absolute emergency, or if a Pro Hero gives you permission to engage while you're working under them, that's technically not legal but once you don't get hurt nobody would cause a fuss. But they'll never let you actually fight a villain before you get your license, so you'd have to go solo. And the cops will immediately know you went after Stain because of the obvious motive. So bye-bye hero career.

But all of this is assuming you get caught or someone interrupts the fight, which is super likely since Stain only hunts in the abandoned edges of big populated cities.

If you don't get caught it's all fine...well, if you live, which you won't."


"No," Horizon interrupts him. "No way around it, he will kill you. He's killed dozens of Pro Heroes, including your brother who has the same Quirk as you, but with an extra what, fifteen years of experience and probably more power, do you really think you can kill someone that your brother couldn't?"

Iida just deflates, falling into silence for a tense moment as he quickly comes to the same conclusions as Horizon, but then he gets an insane idea.

"What if you help me?" Iida asks.

"No, not worth the risk of getting expelled."

"But he's killed dozens of people, including my brother, think of all the people we'd be saving," Iida pleads.

"Not my people, not my problem," Horizon says. "All that matters is my contract with Nezu, and I'm not fucking it up for anything, especially for some revenge crap, leave me out of it."

Iida just sits there for a moment, then eventually agrees. "You're right, this is my fight, not yours. I'm the one who inherited his Ingenium name, I should be the one to avenge him, to prove that I'm worthy, for Tensei."

"Whatever, just leave me out of it, and if anyone asks I didn't know anything," Horizon says in a serious tone. "Because I promise if you tell anyone about this conversation, they'll never find any of your pieces..."

A single bead of sweat rolls down Iida's face as he nods stiffly. And a moment later the bell rings as everyone begins flooding back into class...


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