The prophet said, "Xuan Wei is right. In the beginning, I found you because I wanted to use you as a vessel for the Divine Wood seed. In the future, when the Divine Wood grows up, you'll become a sacrifice."
Huanhuan: "…"
Bai Di's and Xue Ling's expressions turned ugly at the same time.
Xue Ling wanted to argue with the prophet several times, but Bai Di stopped him with a look.
Since Huanhuan said that she wanted to make things clear to the prophet, this matter should be handed over to Huanhuan to handle. It was best not to interfere.
They just had to quietly guard the side and only attack when Huanhuan needed them the most.
The prophet's eyes were blindfolded, but his gaze could accurately land on Huanhuan's face through the shark silk veil.
He seemed to be sizing up the change in Huanhuan's expression.
Huanhuan was both shocked and disappointed.
She did not expect a living person like her to become the vessel of a seed.
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