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58.33% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 7: 6 REINFORCEMENTS


Noah, Alan, Ryan and Zach, four teens from Earth, entered the world of cartoons and comics' heroes. They made friends with some Nootrans though NSF tracked them down, taking them for intruders. Gohan, Trunks, Goten and Krilin rescued them from the hands of Superman and Captain Nootra, and the eight children travelled together to Secret Base L4. In the course of their journey, they had to cross the Frightful Forest, a place inhabited by villains and animals under the command of Freeza and Wrath-Amon. Windfang attacked them and falling in the heart of the forest, they were surrounded by foes. They fought bravely yet didn't prevail. But the Alliance was around. This branch of NSF, including Tarzan, Samba, Leuk, Conan and Rahan, helped them escape Wrath-Amon and his gang. They all took refuge in a cave somewhere in the forest and waited for daylight.

After Rahan finished his story, some heroes fell asleep while others kept watch. Long before dawn, Samba woke up and sat at the entrance to the cave. He took out his flute and started to play a melody, which carried a message of peace for every listener. That dark morning was calm, like the calmness that often preceded a battle. Alan was up by then and gazing at the starry sky. Samba's music came to his ears and aroused emotions in him. It went deep into his soul and enlightened him on his identity. Looking at the stars with that melody in his head, his mind was renewed and he was conscious of being a divine being in the world. He pondered on all that had happened so far and the wonder of their incredible adventure awestruck him. He could do nothing, except bless the One who made his dream reality.

Samba's flute soon awoke Noah, who got up and moved towards him. Leuk was standing not far from the flutist and Noah went to talk with the hare. Conan was also keeping watch and he joined them.

Noah: "What is that beautiful piece of music?"

Leuk: "This melody soothes troubled hearts in the forest. Many villains turned away from evil after spending time in this forest. Some have become renowned heroes like Vegeta, Trunks' father. But since Wrath-Amon and Freeza came here, they trouble everyone and harden their hearts. Villains now refuse to let their inner man be enlightened."

Conan: "There is yet another reason for the music. Samba is sending a signal. This particular melody gives our exact position. Heroes who hear the sound will come for backup."

Alan had been following the three and he exclaimed alarmingly.

Alan: "Oh, no! If that's the case, the enemy will know our position too."

Leuk: "No, Alan. The message is decoded only by the Alliance and their backers."

Noah: "More of my heroes are coming then. I wonder who I'm going to meet this time."

The song of Samba moved along the distant forest and came to the hearing of friends. These hurried to the secret location and before dawn, they were assembled.

Noah: "This is huge, Alan! Reed Richard also known as Mr. Fantastic, Susan Storm aka Invisible Woman, Ben Grimm aka The Thing, Johnny Storm or the Human Torch and Peter Parker aka Spider-Man."

Samba: "Welcome, citizens. I'm glad to see you again."

Human Torch: "Hello Samba and Leuk. How are you doing, Tarzan? Long time no see, Mr. Conan. Hail to you, son of Craô. Saiyans, Krilin and the strange company over there, you're welcome."

Spider-Man: "Why welcome them when it's you who just arrived?"

Human Torch: "This is my team, okay? They're the strangers here. Last time I asked to join them, Pikkoro slammed the door to my face. I'm even being polite here. I could have backed it to the sender."

Spider-Man: "It's to Pikkoro you had to say that, but I guess you were too scared to say a word to him."

Human Torch: "Spider, get off my shoes, will you? You haven't greeted anyone since we arrived. Who's being ill-mannered here; me or you?"

Spider-Man: "Hello everyone. Wait a minute; I don't know these guys. Don't tell me they're the extra-Nootrans that make NSF tremble?"

Thing: "Only children? What went wrong with the guys of Westside?"

Mr. Fantastic went about probing the Earthlings experientially.

Mr. Fantastic: "They're humans yet their race is unknown to me. They seem harmless, but are strange indeed. I think I should study them after this."

The Thing: "I thought I heard Doom speaking. You behave like a mad scientist already, Reed."

Spider-Man: "Ben is right, Mr. Fantastic. If you continue like this, you won't be any different from the people you're trying to stop."

Mr. Fantastic: "No chance that's happening. If I were to join the dark side, it would have happened long ago. The temptations were greater back then. And if it does happen, Susan will put me back on the right track."

Invisible Woman: "Like he ever listens to me! Welcome to Nootra, children. The Fantastic 4 and the Alliance will help you. What happened with security yesterday was a misunderstanding. What's your name, little girl?"

Invisible Woman and Noah got to know each other and so did the rest. Then they all came together to raise a plan against the villains. Reed Richard, Samba and Rahan were the brains while the rest put in their contribution.

Mr. Fantastic: "Alliance, what's the situation in the forest at present?"

Tarzan: "Wrath-Amon and Freeza lay down the rule. We haven't contained them yet."

Conan: "It's good we're all here. We'll disband that rebellious group those two set up. They distract the other villains from attaining illumination."

Rahan: "If you want them to attain illumination, Conan, stop calling them villains."

Conan: "Yes, Mister pro-villain. You know what, firehair; I don't want a monster like Wrath-Amon to attain whatsoever illumination. Why should he be at peace after plunging many in waves?"

Invisible Woman: "Lighten up, Conan. There must be some common ground between you two."

Conan: "No way, Susan. Wrath-Amon and I just can't mix; not after what he did to me."

The Thing: "Don't worry, hero; you'll take down your man."

Mr. Fantastic: "Let's review the whole thing. Freeza and Wrath-Amon have allies at large. Since you rescued the kids, they now know the Alliance will fight them. And I'm sure they invited their friends to the party."

Spider-Man: "They too called for backup? Man, you think they'll come in large numbers?"

Samba: "That's why we called you. We would have defeated them yesterday if the sun wasn't setting. Now they had enough time to assemble an army."

Invisible Woman: "Some villains have grown tired of playing the wicked; they won't answer Wrath-Amon's call. I think the fourteen of us will do. We'll definitely outnumber them."

Gohan: "Count Zach and Ryan among our fighters. I saw how well they fought when the villains attacked us yesterday."

Human Torch: "Tell me, dudes; what are your powers? Can you turn into fire like me, or fly to outer space like I do? My powers are fantastic. Yes, I'm the Human Torch."

Ryan: "We have no such powers, but we're agile in combat and skilled in martial arts. We know a lot of fighting techniques."

Human Torch: "There's nothing spectacular about what you just said. I guess I'd be bored fighting by your side."

Mr. Fantastic: "Good! We're sixteen combatants; the villains can't outdo us. Remember, we're heroes and we're good, as our citizens say."

As the final details were being settled, Noah approached Spider-Man with this request.

Noah: "Web head, will you swing with me when this is over?"

Johnny Storm left no time for Spider-Man to respond, but he complained.

Human Torch: "Why does the whole world want Spidey to give them a ride? I won't mind taking you to space, kid."

Invisible Woman: "Use your head for once, Johnny. You're fire and no one wants to be exposed to your flames; though your powers may be amazing."

Spider-Man: "Hey, that last word is reserved for me. You, stick with fantastic and don't encroach on my territory."

The Thing: "Torch, what do you say of testing our new formation on Doom?"

Human Torch: "You took the words out of my mouth, Thing. If the doc shows his face, he'll be doomed for good."

After instructing their comrades how they were going to confront the enemy, Mr. Fantastic, Rahan and Samba finally wrapped up the theoretical part of the operation.

Samba: "Are there more suggestions or any objections? Do you think we stand a chance against Freeza and his team?"

Conan: "Never talk defeat with me, flutist. It's certain we fighting together are stronger than the lots of Wrath-Amons."

Tarzan: "Samba, Reed, Rahan, you're the experts."

Spider-Man: "I have no objections, your honours."

Mr. Fantastic: "The plan is approved. Friends, let's move."

Human Torch: "Finally. I was already getting tired of waiting."

Once the first rays of the sun were visible, the Alliance, Saiyans, and Earthlings walked out of the cave to the place where the enemy had gathered. They took position to face the gang of villains led by the sinister Freeza and the malevolent Wrath-Amon with Windfang by his side. Their allies were equally present and these were no soft-hearted people: the diehard Saiyans Raditz and Turles, the metallic Dr. Doom, the cosmic Terrax and the many animals under Wrath-Amon's command. When the Alliance and their friends saw the army of villains that had rebelled in the forest, Mr. Fantastic gave these instructions to his comrades.

Mr. Fantastic: "Heroes, now that we know the faces of our adversaries, we separate into groups to confront them. I would dare to say we're lucky since we've fought them before. Gohan, Goten, position yourselves against Turles and Raditz. Trunks, you'll prevail against Freeza. Your future self did it and I know your present self will do it again. Spider-Man, you're strong enough to take down Terrax without assistance. Rahan, Krilin, Samba and Leuk, you stop the animals."

Conan: "Leave Wrath-Amon and Windfang to me. It's personal."

Spider-Man: "Take what he said seriously, everyone. Nobody comes between the big guy and the objects of his wrath."

Mr. Fantastic: "Okay, Conan; Wrath-Amon is yours alone. Who's left?"

Human Torch: "Have you forgotten us, elastic man? I can't believe you forgot your own team when someone is doomed to suffer this morning."

Mr. Fantastic: "Of course not, Johnny; the Fantastic 4 are thumping Dr. Doom. Tarzan, you protect the extra-Nootrans."

Gohan: "What about Ryan and Zach? They're resourceful. Don't leave them out, Mr. Fantastic."

Mr. Fantastic: "Ryan, Zach, you two, be watchful. If you see a hero in a bad situation, step in and rescue them. Have these gadgets. They're some of Batman's toys and can be very useful to those who don't exercise super powers in combat."

Ryan: "Thanks, Mr. Fantastic. We'll do as we're told."

Samba: "With everything set, Alliance, keep the forest safe."

The Thing: "Come on now, heroes; let's do this together."

With these words of Ben Grimm began the fighting in the forest. Each hero went to confront their traditional adversaries. Tarzan protected Noah and Alan. Ryan and Zach stood as the reserve team, ready to respond to emergencies. As the Fantastic Four clashed with Dr. Doom, Invisible Woman tried to dissuade this one from his plans.

Invisible Woman: "Surrender, Victor. We won't let you capture the children."

Dr. Doom: "Don't try to stop me, Susan. These extra-Nootrans are my fortune. My experiments will reach the utmost level once I get information of their world. Then I'll quench my thirst for more energy and conquer the universe."

Human Torch: "Or it might take you a thousand years back. That's not a bad idea, Reed. Maybe we should let him try his luck just this once."

The Thing: "There's some sense in what the kid is saying. How about letting the doc get lost in an age without technologies?"

Human Torch: "I'd love to see his face when he gets there. Imagine Doom trapped in the period prior to the Stone Age; the Ice Age probably. He won't even find a metal to cover himself."

Mr. Fantastic: "Whether the kids' world is advanced or not, this malicious mind mustn't venture there. He's only going to cause havoc."

Dr. Doom: "You must be out of your mind thinking you can stop me. You four put together can't even scratch me. I've beaten you before and I'll do it again."

Invisible Woman: "Beaten us before? You have problems recalling the past or what? It's we who have always beaten you."

The Thing: "And he isn't humble after all that. He goes as far as to tell lies to hide his many failures."

Human Torch: "It's about time someone gave him a lecture on honesty. And I volunteer for the task."

Johnny Storm ignited and fire covered his entire body. He became a torch, which was actually human. Flying high up to outer space, he came down at full speed with a punch for Dr. Doom. Doom dodged the fire punch, but Reed Richard wasn't far away and he got him. Reed stretched out his body all around Doom and tied him up. Once Mr. Fantastic had fastened Doom with his elastic body, Ben Grimm, the man whose skin turned into an orange craggy rock after being exposed to cosmic radiation, came right away to crush him.

Dr. Doom, however, freed himself a second before Ben's double-handed punch trounced him. Ben Grimm hit Reed instead. Seeing that her companions had lost control of the situation, Susan Storm turned invisible and trapped Doom in an invisible barrier she created from her psionic force field. That was when Human Torch finally thumped Dr. Doom with fire punches. So went the combat between the Fantastic 4 and their archenemy Victor Von Doom. Not far from there, another fight was about to begin.

Spider-Man: "Terrax, the Tamer, right? That scythe you carry, isn't it too heavy for you? There's also something I can't make head nor tail. What is a cosmic guy doing in the Frightful Forest? Last time I checked, forest and cosmic didn't rhyme. And don't tell me, Terrax, that you want to hunt game 'cause I'm so not going to believe you."

Terrax: "The Alliance sends a kid to fight Terrax who wields the Power Cosmic? Mr. Fantastic is underestimating my powers and it is you who will pay for that lack of respect."

Spider-Man: "So you wanted to be respected. I see… Is that why you made friends with Wrath-Amon? That was a mistake on your part 'cause Wrath-Amon and his kind aren't respected. They're rather objects of disrespect. And the rest, your cosmic friends, where are they? Don't they love being with the lot of their kind? Or if it is, they were scared of being thrashed by the Alliance?"

Terrax: "I have no time for your silly talk. Out of my way, spider."

Spider-Man: "Make time, Mr. Granite. Wherever you go, you'll find my spider web ready to stop you. Unless you surrender, you and your buddy, Wrath-Amon, are going to be crushed by me and my pals."

Terrax: "You've called for it, Spidey. I won't hold back."

Spider-Man: "Me neither. What are you waiting for? Come and be busted."

The words of Spider-Man put Terrax in a rage. It seemed he had no time for any play talk. He ran headlong towards the hero to smite him with his scythe. The latter, however, released his web. Spider-Man swung from tree to tree, passing his web through, around and over them. Terrax was too agitated in his attempt to catch him that he failed to see the hero raising a web prison around him. He woke up to find himself trapped within a space barricaded by spider web.

Even so, Terrax cut through the webs with his cosmic scythe and broke free. Then he manipulated sand with the Power Cosmic and spattered the dough at Spider-Man. That wasn't counting Spider-Man's spider-sense, which alerted him of danger an instant before. He jumped and narrowly escaped the sand avalanche. Then Spider-Man counterattacked by releasing a web fluid on which Terrax slipped and fell. Terrax's fury increased at this setback and he rose from the ground with an irate face. Yet before wielding his Power Cosmic any further, he received a call. He took off immediately and left. So Spider-Man won against Terrax the Tamer in the Frightful Forest. As Terrax and Spider-Man were clashing, Gohan and Goten were having an unfriendly family discussion with their uncle Raditz and their compatriot Turles.

Raditz: "My nephews, your father led you astray with feelings of pity and compassion. These won't get you anywhere. These things are for inferior beings; not us, Saiyans."

Turles: "A true Saiyan must be without affections; that's the only way to become stronger. These Nootrans find consolation in affection because they don't have the power we Saiyans have. We're called to rule supreme in the universe, making no room for basic things as love or mercy."

Goten: "I disagree, Turles. The good heart of our dad has made him the strongest hero to date. Even friends from another world can testify. It's time you admitted you had it all wrong."

Raditz: "It's also time you knew your origins, children. Our race had only one objective: conquer and dominate other planets and peoples. We have the ability to do so for we're the strongest race there is. Your treacherous father is the one who denies his very essence. Join us now, Gohan, Goten, so we can retrieve Saiyans' lost glory."

Gohan: "You're irretrievable, uncle. Why don't you understand that fighting for the cause of evil doesn't make anyone stronger? Look at our people, the Nootrans. Although many don't have super powers like us, they thrive on those values you refuse to acknowledge. These are the very things that enabled them to acquire great powers like the Saiyans."

Goten: "We're wasting our time explaining these things to you because you don't know what love and justice are all about. You've never experienced them so you continue in evil since it's the only thing you know. That's why you won't win."

Turles: "What do you mean when you talk of evil, little boy? Have you forgotten our destiny? Saiyans are here to rule supreme over all because of the logical fact that we're the strongest people in the world. These Nootrans and their super powers can't hold a candle to us. We're only fulfilling our destiny and I don't see why people should resist since they're here to be led by us. It would be wiser for them to submit to their fate, which is inevitable."

Gohan: "Listen carefully, uncle and Turles before we settle this the hard way. We call what you do 'evil' because you want to suppress peoples' freedoms and put men under your rule. You can't impose rulership on people against their will. You can't claim authority over them when they don't recognize you. There's no leadership without freedom, and so there's no destiny if it entails forcing others to do what you want."

Raditz: "Freedom, love, mercy blah, blah, blah. You Nootrans think you're doing it right to promote these things? You can't change a man's destiny, and we, Saiyans, are the people who know our destiny. It's justice that Saiyans rule this world."

Goten: "I bet your moms didn't hug you when you were kids, but that's no excuse for you to be this way. I know people who haven't received the affection of their parents; some were even despised by their own. That, however, didn't stop them from loving and caring for others. Some went so far as to help the people who once tried to harm them. You can as well learn something from their story. Uncle, Turles, you must find yourselves a reason in life other than trying to dominate people."

Turles: "It's pathetic to hear Saiyans talk this way. You're a disgrace to your people. Our proud race won't tolerate the likes of you. That's why you shall be eliminated."

Gohan: "Try if you can. My brother and I are Super Saiyans, but you two haven't attained that level yet and you think you can beat us? That's presumptuous of you. And one thing you mustn't forget: we're the sons of Goku."

Raditz: "When we're done with you, we'll go for that traitor you call father. He's at the root of all this humiliation."

Goten: "You must first pass through us and I doubt you can. You have only threats to make, but we're here to champion a just cause; that's why we'll defeat you. Niisan, we're holding them a party."

Turles: "Raditz, let's wipe these traitors off our world for good."

Gohan: "Be my guest, Turles."

Thus the confrontation between the two groups of Saiyans began. Turles targeted Gohan with an energy wave. Gohan countered with his own wave and pushed it back, thrusting Turles rearward. Gohan transformed into Super Saiyan. His hair turned gold, his eyes changed to green and his body and outfit were lighter. The moment Son Gohan transformed, his force intensified and his energy wave became more powerful than Turles', pushing the latter a thousand miles into the distant forest. Meanwhile, Goten and Raditz had engaged a close range combat. They were exchanging fists and leg strikes in quick succession. Goten was faster, but Raditz grew weary from the endless punches. When Goten realized that his opponent showed a sign of fatigue, he transformed into Super Saiyan and thumped him in the stomach. This mighty energy punch instantly knocked out Raditz.

As the sons of Goku were fighting the evil Saiyans, the Fantastic 4 were facing Dr. Doom and Spider-Man was duelling Terrax. At this same moment, Conan and Wrath-Amon were almost entering into battle. Rahan, Krilin, Samba and Leuk were driving off the beasts surrounding them. As for Tarzan, he was watching over Noah and Alan while Ryan and Zach were on the alert against any eventuality. Trunks, on his part, was about to have a rematch of a previous combat with Freeza, which he was completely unaware of.

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