Seren soon climbed the tower and reached her chamber. Much to her surprise, she found everything she had left behind was still kept the same.
'I thought they would throw everything out the moment I leave this place but…everything is still here.' She went to her bookshelf and each and every book was accounted for, not a speck of dust in place. She went to her wardrobe and her clothes were intact, the fabrics seemingly washed just a few days prior. On the corners, there were no cobwebs, and the other random items were still on her table. In fact, it looked like this place was being looked after nicely, kept well-maintained for a long time, and not just a place cleaned today.
"What happened, Seren?"
"I thought they would throw my things out," she admitted. "I even expected them to burn everything, thinking they're evil items belonging to a witch but…my chamber looks as if I never left."
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