The bride's carriage reached the Grand Palace in no time.
When Esther stepped out of the carriage, cheers erupted everywhere and she realized that a huge crowd of excited people were surrounding the entrance of the Grand Palace, most of them being royal knights, ordinary nobles and low-ranking palace officials who could not enter the wedding venue itself due to the number of guests. A
She could also see some of her lady friends from the Queen's palace waving at her, as well as her fellow custodians from the royal library. After her ladies-in-waiting helped her fix her wedding gown, Esther acknowledged these guests with a brilliant smile, causing the happy crowd to cheer even more.
Afterwards, she was guided towards the ceremonial hall by the knights. Beyond the large double doors of the ceremonial hall, she knew everyone was simply waiting for her arrival. Lady Tyra had already informed her of how the wedding ceremony would go.
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