After having the talk with Esther, Queen Theodora met her husband to confide with him about her thoughts on the matter of their son's marriage. Both agreed on letting their son marry Esther. They called Prince Theron to inform him of their decision on the condition that he should bring Esther to officially meet them for a meal as the Crown Prince's lover. Prince Theron could not be happier than this and wished to see Esther as soon as possible.
As soon as his palace duties were done for the day, Prince Theron instructed his knight, "Galien, get my horse ready."
"Should I send a messenger to tell the Baroness we're coming for a visit?"
"No need. I wish to surprise her."
Next will be the wedding and about Drayce's birth. Once it's over, we will be back to Seren and Dray.
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