Soon, the royal carriage reached the river. From inside of the carriage, Seren could see its beautiful clear waters as the carriage rode along the riverbank. The river water was sparkling under the sun, as if tiny jewels were scattered on the surface. She moved her hand to open the carriage window to get a clearer view, but the glass was stuck and she couldn't move it.
"Let me do it." Cian helped her open the window. The clean smell of the greenery around them seemed to have refreshed her spirits.
Seren had been to the river before but after she only sneaked out with Martha through the secret way connecting the back of the tower to a clearing just outside the palace walls. Since her tower was in the outermost area of the royal palace, the distance was short enough to cover it by walking. However, since they went out without permission, the two of them could never truly spend leisurely time outside and could only stay in one area by the river.
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