"Are you fine, dear?" Queen Niobe asked.
"Yes, Mother. If I were in my room, I would have been hurt by now," Miera replied as she pointedly looked around the empty room, which had no glass or porcelain things around. "Mother, you knew this would happen; that's why you brought me here, right?"
Queen Niobe nodded.
"How?" Miera asked.
"You don't need to know, dear. Once your room is clean, you can go back. Make sure to put on some bandages here and there," the Queen instructed before standing up to go out.
"Where are you going, Mother?" Meira asked worriedly. "I am afraid, Mother. Can't we stay here until everything is alright?"
Queen Niobe smirked lightly. "The queen is the mother of the kingdom. She can't sit in hiding when her subjects are hurt."
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