After a couple of hours of rest in the forest, the sun had already brightened up the clear sky. The elite rescue squad had a quick meal before they readied themselves to leave and reach the Hatha-Thevailes border. By late noon, they quietly crossed the majority of Hatha through its dangerous forests until they arrived in Niaris, the northernmost province of Hatha.
Niaris was the territory of Marquis Godfrey Percy, who was also the general guarding the Barknor Fortress. Beyond its walls lay Thevailes.
The rescue squad was waiting for the information from the spies inside the fortress while they observed the situation from a distance, hiding behind the dense forest trees.
Barknor Fortress was not just a single castle but a small walled city with high and tough walls. As the frontier of Hatha, its terrain was elevated, allowing the soldiers stationed on the walls a good eye view of the land on either side of the wall. It had a single gigantic wooden gate to allow people to enter the fortress; as such, even on peaceful days with fewer soldiers guarding its entrance, it was a difficult place to sneak into.
However, today, it could be seen that an entire platoon of soldiers was patrolling the walls in turns. At the gate, more soldiers riding horses were coming in and out.
The armors of the soldiers belonged to both Hatha and Thevailes.
"When I came here in the past to visit Marquis Percy, it was not as heavily guarded," General Cavrois commented. "They obviously had long prepared to wage this war."
"General, this is not enough to confirm that the Crown Prince is here, only that they are expecting to be attacked," the commander of the knights, Sir Berolt, replied.
Beside them, Arlan and Drayce observed the scenario quietly, looking at the few horse carts entering the fortress once in a while.
"We can use them to sneak in." Arlan signaled to his friend.
"We need to seize one prior to reaching the main road," Drayce added.
From where they were observing, they could see the soldiers verifying the identities of each and every person in the carts and carriages entering the fortress.
"The way they are checking everything so strictly, it won't be easy," Arlan concluded.
"Who likes it easy?"
"True!" Arlan grinned.
Just then, Abetha's spy returned with news.
"Commander!" He bowed to the commander of Abetha's royal knights.
Sir Berolt nodded lightly, approving him to talk.
"The Crown Prince is indeed inside the fortress. He's being held inside the Marquis' estate. Although he is detained as a guest and not imprisoned, many soldiers are guarding the entire place, especially the room where the Crown Prince is. It will be extremely difficult to enter," the spy explained.
"Did you get the exact location?" Sir Berolt asked as everyone focused on it.
"Yes, Commander!" The spy pulled out one folded white cloth and opened it to show his commander. Spreading it on the rock nearby, the spy pointed at one location where he already drew a huge cross to show the concerned location. "Here. They are keeping the Crown Prince here."
Drayce observed the marked location and spoke, "We must enter tonight, or else they might move him elsewhere, and it will only be more difficult for us to get him." He then looked at the spy. He pointed at the gate. "Where are those carts coming from?"
The spy replied, "Abetha has declared war against Hatha. Although this is the north, the people from the small villages nearby are flooding in together with food and other necessary things for the large army stationed inside."
"What kind of other necessary things?" Drayce prodded.
"Well…" The spy cleared his throat awkwardly and spoke, "Since the Thevailes army is staying inside along with Marquis Percy's army, every night, women are brought to entertain the soldiers, especially for the higher-ranked officials."
"Women?" Drayce mumbled as he looked around, smiling slyly at Arlan. "But we have handsome man only."
"What?" Arlan exclaimed as he stepped back.
"Time to put your handsome face to use," Drayce replied.
Others couldn't believe what Drayce said. The knights from Megaris who knew how their King was like pitied Prince Arlan.
Arlan rapidly shook his head. "No. Whatever you're thinking, don't you even think about it. I prefer to use my war skills instead.".
Ignoring him, Drayce looked at the spy questioningly. The spy was smart, but he spoke hesitantly, seeing the reactions around him, "I heard...the main commander of Thevailes, Giles Seeiso, is fond of men…."
"We are good to go then," Drayce commented and looked at Arlan, "Get ready."
"Are you insane, Drayce?!" the prince shouted in panic.
"I'll make sure to protect you. Trust me!"
"My a…" Arlan stopped with a heavy frown and turned towards where they hid the horses. "I am leaving. I believe one devil is enough to take that entire fortress down."
Sir Berolt and General Cavrois looked at each other, not knowing what to do, while the spy stood quietly, scared to the bones that Prince Arlan might kill him.
Just then, one soldier came to them on a horse. He was among the scouts in charge of exchanging communication with the main army to update them regarding the state of war.
The scout climbed down the horse and approached the military general, who signaled him to talk.
He saluted. "General, we have successfully recaptured the Northern Fortress. The army will start marching towards Hatha's capital after a day's rest."
Drayce did not stay to listen to the rest of the report as he left to get his upset friend.
"Don't follow me," Arlan warned as he was ready to get on his horse.
"You are the only one we can use. If we use those old men or those tough-looking knights, will it work?"
Arlan turned to look at Drayce, giving him a mocking smile. "To me, you seem to be the best option."
"My red eyes are famous everywhere, and they all had seen me in previous battles. Don't forget, Thevailes lost to Megaris. That Giles Seeiso must still be cursing me even in sleep, as I personally gave him that long scar on his face."
It didn't calm down Arlan. "I am the Crown Prince of Griven. Do you think he doesn't know me?"
"We can make changes in your appearance. It's nighttime, so we can take advantage of it. My eyes glitter even more in the night, so I really am not an option."
Arlan refused to budge. "Instead, why don't you use your powers? It will be an easy win for our side."
"Let's fight the human way. I don't want them to cry over an unfair fight. Besides, we're here to save someone, not cause a massacre."
"So, your morals are more important than my dignity," Arlan countered.
"As a warrior, we should be ready to do anything. I am sure the future King of Abetha will thank the future King of Griven for this life-saving grace."
Arlan turned silent, and Drayce understood that he had successfully persuaded his soft-hearted friend.
"But if that general puts even a finger on me, I'll make sure to be on the throne next to you as your Queen."
"Fine," Drayce agreed as he smiled.
Finally, the two returned to where others were, talking about how to conduct their crazy plan.
Enjoy reading while you keep voting and commenting.
(Seren's POV)
Standing by the window, my bored self continued to look at the darkening sky as the sun slowly disappeared behind the mountains.
Until last night, my concern had been hunger, but now it changed to boredom. The latest batch of books had all been read during the day. I couldn't even go out now because Martha had warned me not to.
Just then, I saw a shadow flying in the sky towards me. Even though it was still far, I understood who it was.
"My dinner is here," I sighed, which was unlike how excited I was, seeing the food box for the first time.
That shadow was coming to the tower, holding a familiar wooden box wrapped in blue silk cloth.
The majestic eagle landed on the window sill and put the box there. He was about to fly back, but I was quick to stop him. "Wait!"
His wings were stretched midway, deep brown feathers shiny under the light of the setting sun, his sharp body tense as he warily looked at me. This time, I observed him closely, unlike how I used to step back upon the sight of this giant bird.
This majestic eagle had brought food for me three times today, and as I was absolutely fine after eating it, I was sure he was not sent by my enemies.
"You and your owner, do you plan to make me a sloth or bear? Too much food this is," I said with a pout.
The eagle looked at me—no, glared at me—as if his golden eyes were screaming out loud, calling me an ungrateful woman.
Seeing his reaction, my chest tightened in worry. What if this bird stopped bringing me food? There was no guarantee when Martha would return, and the fire had destroyed whatever food was stocked in the kitchen.
I put on a light smile. "Not that I mind...Umm... Wait here," I instructed, and only after it folded its wings back to its body did I go to one corner of my room.
I picked up the emptied wooden boxes that were kept on a stack and put them on the window sill. They were tied with a sturdy-looking rope I found from Martha's room; that way, the eagle would have no problem carrying them.
"I don't eat wooden boxes, so you can take these back."
The giant bird looked at the boxes, then turned to me.
I asked again, "Do you have a name? Ahh! You must have one. What is it?"
Those golden eyes glared at me again, but this time, it was as if they were saying, 'Lady, I can't talk.'
My eyes were smiling like crescent moons at this point. "You can't talk, so how about I give you a name?"
The eagle continued to look at me as if I'm crazy. I realized something. "Are you a female or male bird? I think you're male, though, since you look handsome, but I should make sure. You can't talk, but you look smart enough to understand human speech. Can you nod? Shake your head? If you're male, you won't like a feminine name, right?"
There was no response.
"Why don't we test it? Try nodding your head if you understand me." However, the eagle remained still as a statue. "You don't? Then, how will I be sure you're a male?"
The bird looked at me as if he sensed something and moved back a little.
My tone was gentle so as to not further alert it. "I don't know how to check, but let's see if I can find something to make sure your gender."
But the eagle was agile, and it was faster than me. Before my hands could reach him, he had fled away like I'd put his tail on fire.
Looking at the rapidly escaping shadow, I concluded, "Seems like he is very shy. Never mind, let's eat again. My tiny tummy has been starving since he only brought me lunch but didn't bring me afternoon snacks."
Night had fallen, and the rescue squad hiding in the forest outside Barknor Fortress was ready to execute their plan.
Drayce was disguised as an ordinary villager, but even ordinary clothes could not hide his physique, making him look like a strong young helper hired by a small merchant. The other younger knights were dressed like ordinary people too.
On the other hand, Arlan had to wear nice clothes and look extraordinarily good to make him the most handsome and attractive man around.
The spy made an arrangement for them to join a group of women, which was being sent inside the fortress to please the soldiers tonight. The women were sitting inside multiple horse carts with guards walking along with the carts.
These women were gathered from the towns and villages outside the fortress. Due to the number of soldiers both from Hatha and Thevailes inside, many merchants had been ordered by Marquis Percy to deliver women to them. Of course, most of these female commoners came willingly due to the promise of money and the possibility of getting the attention of someone high-ranked.
Arlan sat inside a separate cart which was in the middle of the long row of carts. Drayce accompanied him inside as his personal guard, and four knights walked outside along the cart. The other members of the squad were disguised as guards as well and mixed up with the bribed merchant's guards.
Abetha's General Cavrois and some of his men were left outside the fortress to act as support once the crown prince was found. General's scarred face would be too hard to pass off as an ordinary man. Sir Berolt, on the other hand, was going under a different disguise, as they had bribed another small merchant going inside to bring food rations.
Though Arlan agreed to Drayce's plan, he was not happy. The entire time, he had been glaring at his friend.
"You can use your pretty eyes to charm the general," Drayce commented, trying to hold back his smile as the horse cart continued to move towards the fortress. "Distract him until we get the Ilven boy out."
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