While walking across the vast land filled with greenery, I could not help but say, "My legs are blessed today as they can finally do justice to what they are made for."
"Make sure not to let them go overboard, or my lady won't be able to walk even a single step after getting sore legs," Martha commented.
"You can never let me feel happy, can you?" I frowned.
On most days, I could only walk inside the tower's premises, the farthest being my garden, which was just a pitifully short distance that didn't even make me feel like my leg muscles were stretched.
Times like now, where I could walk freely in the open, were much cherished moments for me.
After walking for a long time, Martha and I arrived at the market side of the capital. I enjoyed visiting this place as I could see so many different things in a single glance. It allowed me to wander around with other people without any restriction. Being here made me feel like an ordinary person, like I was truly one of them, and I liked it.
'I feel alive here. I wish I never have to go back to the palace,' I thought and looked at Martha, who was walking with me. If only this old lady is not with me...'
Even though the lives of common people were full of constant struggles, selling things and laboring to make a living, their lives looked far better than my prison life.
Happily, my eyes scanned the market to cherish every moment as I didn't know when I would come here next time. Many shops, small roadside stalls, and food carts were lined up on either side of the street.
People were buying things from the shops, bargaining with them for just a single penny. Some were eating food from the stalls, while kids were playing around and throwing tantrums to their mothers to get what they wanted. Merchants from different shops and stalls were calling out to inform what new things they have to let the curious customers buy them.
Young women around my age were buying things and laughing with each other, but what pulled my attention the most was the fact that their mothers were buying things for their daughters to make them look even prettier, and those daughters looked happy to be pampered. Little girls could be seen walking around holding the hands of their fathers, and their fathers were buying them whatever they wanted.
Their eyes showed how much these parents loved their daughters.
'I would never have this in my life.'
I felt envious.
Martha looked at me. "My lady, would you like to buy something?"
I shook my head. "I have everything, and what's the use of wasting the King's money when those things will only end up in the closet?" I sighed and thought, 'If only someone can buy for me too, just like those girls. How fortunate they are to get so much love.'
"Would my lady mind it if I buy something for her?" Martha asked as if she guessed what was in my mind.
"Why would you? It's not like you are my mother," I said and walked ahead as Martha continued to follow me.
One particular shop caught my eye. It was a shop showcasing beautiful dresses for ladies. Although it was a small shop, it looked packed with clothes as most of them hung at the entrance.
Something clicked in my mind, and I said, "I would like to try dresses from this shop."
Martha nodded, and we entered the shop, but there was just a little space left for us to move around. Martha had been forced to stand a little farther like a guard.
I looked at the dresses that the owner of the shop, an old lady, showed me.
"This will suit the young lady," said the owner, spreading an olive green dress in front of me.
"Can I try this?" I asked.
"The room is there." The old lady pointed towards one wooden door at the end of the shop. Even more clothes were hung in that area, and the door to the changing room was almost buried behind them. Looking at the space between each rack of clothes, only one person could pass at a time.
I looked at Martha. "Wait for me."
The owner went to entertain Martha as I left for the changing room. Before closing the door, I saw Martha leave the shop, but I didn't know why and where she was going.
"This is my chance."
I put down the olive green dress that I was holding, picked up one light blue-colored robe that hung close to me, and put it on. Most shops in this market area always had one exit on the backside for their staff, and I understood that general design after sneaking out to visit this market with Martha before.
I put on the light blue robe and exited the shop from its backside.
"This old lady will regret not answering my questions. How can she not tell me about my own mother?"
From the corner of the back alley of the shop, I checked on Martha. She was standing in front of an accessories shop and was holding something in her hand as she talked to the owner of that small stall.
This was the best opportunity for me to escape, and I used it. I ran while holding the floor-length skirt of my dress, smiling brightly at my success.
I didn't care what would happen next. I only knew that this freedom tasted good.
After running some more, I came to a reasonable distance from Martha and stopped at one intersection with so many paths attached leading out of here.
"Which way to go?"
I observed all the paths and chose to go to the one that didn't have so many people walking.
As I threaded my way, I looked here and there in worry. "Why are there no women here and only men?"
I heard the laughing sounds of men coming from the big houses, and curiously, I peeked at them from a window. Inside, men were drinking, and women with too much makeup on their faces were serving them.
"This doesn't look comfortable."
I didn't know what place that was but those men and women didn't feel right to my senses. Continuing my way, I noticed all those big houses were the same, and men continued to go in and out of them.
"Young lady, from which brothel are you from?" I heard a man's voice behind me.
'Brothel? What's this?'
I turned around to look at the speaker and check if he was talking to me. A middle-aged man, stinking badly enough to hurt my nose, gazed at me from head to toe. As my face had a hat and veil covering it, his sight was fixed at my chest and then traveled down to my waist.
I furrowed my brows, ready to leave, but stopped as the man said something revolting.
"Young and fresh," the man commented, though he couldn't see my face. The way he looked at me, the way he licked his own lips, was disgusting to me.
"What did this man even eat?"
I frowned and turned to leave, but he grabbed my hand and forced me to stop.
"Let me go." I gritted my teeth, trying to pull my hand back.
"You can go once I'm done with you," said the man, and he was about to pull me to him, but I slapped him.
His touch felt disgusting. Because of my slap, the drunk man moved back, almost losing his balance.
"You witch!" the man yelled, and it pulled everyone's attention to me.
'Did he recognize me?' I felt worried.
"How dare you slap me? Get her!" the drunk man said, and the next moment, a number of burly men stood around me.
These people looked scarier than the demons seen in books. It wasn't their looks, but their intentions scared me. I didn't know what kind of intentions they had exactly, but they felt threatening, and my guts told me I must never let them capture me.
'I need to run.'
I took a step back, ready to sprint, but two men held my arms tightly, making me unable to move.
'Martha, where are you?'
What a tragedy, that in the end, I could only pray for that old lady to save me.
My eyes searched for Martha, but there was no miracle, and she did not appear to bring me away from here. The drunk man signaled his men something, and they pulled the blue robe that I wore over my pink dress.
"Keep her hat. If she is ugly, it will spoil my mood," ordered the drunk man.
'How dare they?!' I frowned.
The man leered at my pink dress. His disgusting behavior started to anger me.
"A noble young lady," the man smirked, "Today, we can taste a noble lady instead of those whores."
Everyone laughed at me, making me feel as if I was nobody.
'Taste? Am I food to taste me? Are they planning to kill me and then eat me? Are they demons?!'
I searched for a way to escape, but those strong men stood in my way.
"Let me go before I hurt you," I warned, clenching my fists.
"Haha! Hurt us?" the man said, and everyone around laughed again. The few people passing by didn't concern themselves about what was happening and instead looked at me as if I'm some sort of entertainment.
"Take her dress off," the drunk man ordered, and the others stepped towards me, ready to rip off my clothes.
'Are they real?' My anger was brewing. 'How can they treat me like this? They touched me, took off my robe, and now want to take off my clothes."
Instead of fear, anger filled me inside; I glared at those men as if they were the most hated thing for me. I didn't know what happened, but I couldn't control my emotions.
Something hidden inside me was asking me to hurt them.
The next moment, their clothes caught fire, and the entire place was filled with their screams. The men that were set ablaze and the bystanders had started running away.
"Witch! There is a witch!" They all shouted their throats out, fear evident in their voices.
In that chaos, I ran as well, not thinking where I was going, and bumped into someone. My hat was misplaced, ready to fall, but one hand held it before it would fall down.
My nose was hurt when my face bumped into the hard chest of the man, and I looked up only to see a pair of red eyes staring at me. The owner of those eyes stood tall in front of me.
'Red eyes?'
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