Once Lucy returned to her office after having lunch with Tom, she shut the door behind her and walked over to her seat. She had tried to hold in her emotions for Tom's sake, but now that she was alone and could process all that Tom had told her, as well as Anita's recorded conversation, she couldn't stop herself from crying. She rested her forehead on her desk as she sobbed.
She stopped crying when a knock sounded on her door, and she cleared her throat, "Yes?"
"Can I come in?" Amy asked politely.
"Do you need something?" Lucy asked, reaching for her handkerchief to dry her tears.
"Yes, I want to see you," Amy said, and Lucy picked a piece of tissue from her table and blew her nose before giving her the go-ahead to enter.
Once Amy entered, she looked at Lucy closely while holding her phone to her, "You were crying?" She asked with a slight frown.