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27.08% Re: Infinite attempts‎‏‏‎ / Chapter 13: Inquisitor's POV

Kapitel 13: Inquisitor's POV

I gathered my men as best I could, and we finally made it out of that damn place.

I looked around, counting myself there were 6 of us, we used to be 21.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Dominic, my second in command grabbed my shoulder and spoke to me.

(Dominic) Inquisitor, sir, Brad and Miller breathed a lot of that thing, I don't know if we can save them.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Diana, the only woman, and healer of the group, she had run out of mana long ago, and despite being the worst tempered woman I know, she is now hugging her knees while shivering.

I looked back into the labyrinth... it was as if they had managed to bring a piece of hell into this world.

Dominic stood next to me.

(Dominic) It's unbelievable that a girl is responsible for all this.

(Inquisitor) that wasn't a girl; that was a monster.


I am Arthuruz Kalefh, inquisitor of holy church and commander of the eleventh order of the Silver Hand. And all my life I have dedicated to hunting monsters.

My hometown was destroyed by a horde of savage beasts, but before I met my own death, a man in shining armor saved me.

The man identified himself as Caesar Nortalis, he was my inspiration to join the church, as he told me that the job of an inquisitor was to hunt monsters to keep the people safe.

I always believed that Nortalis was such a good inquisitor, that he exterminated all the monsters. Since in my 10 years in the Silver Hand and 5 years as inquisitor, I never even found one.


With difficulty we made it back to the holy church, where after watching over our fallen comrades, I had to give the report of what had happened.

Cardinal Levian sat me down in his office, and listened to my story, when I finished he was silent, thinking.

(Cardinal) I must report what happened to the high command of the church, in 3 days your trial will take place Kalefh.

I could only lower my head at his words.

I left his office defeated, and went to the infirmary to see my men.

On the way I couldn't help but remember how idyllic everything was a week ago.


A group of manticores lay dead at our feet, Diana was in charge of treating the wounded while the youngest of us kept complaining.

(Rookie) I keep saying I didn't join the church for this, I can't believe they use the inquisitorial squad for such mundane tasks.

Diana got tired of him, and hit him on the head.

(Diana) If you want to leave so badly rookie, you are completely free.

Even after the blow, the rookie remained firm in his words.

(Rookie) I'm just saying that the plains of Gert has always been home to the manticores, and now their land has been invaded to build fields for cattle, it's definitely not their fault that they attack humans.

We all kept quiet, deep down we knew there was truth in his words, manticores don't attack as long as you don't enter their territory, and now a foolish Marquez had invaded their land, and we were called to exterminate them, no matter how you look at it, the manticores were the victims.

(Inquisitor) Rookie, we are the Silver Hand, our job is to obey the orders of the church.

The rookie looked away from me, and lowering his head a little, replied.

(Rookie) I know sir, it's just that.... I didn't think things were like this.

All the way back to the holy headquarters, the rookie didn't stop complaining, so Diana ended up gagging him.

On the way back I received a message that Cardinal Levian was calling me to his office.

I told my men that they could rest, and Diana to please untie the rookie.

I walked in silence until I reached the office doors, when I arrived the two priests guarding the doors let me pass, as the Cardinal was waiting for me.

As I entered, the Cardinal motioned for me to sit down.

(Cardinal) Nice to see you again Inquisitor, I hope your last mission was successful, Marquis Leblanc is one of our most faithful parishioners, and his donations are always the most generous.

I lowered my head, and answered, but in my mind, I kept thinking about the words of the rookie.

(Inquisitor) That's right sir, a successful mission.

The cardinal clasped his hands together, and his tone became more serious.

(Cardinal) Well, that's good to know, but I didn't call you just to receive a report, I called you because an emergency has arisen.

A little surprised and quite curious I answered.

(Inquisitor) What happened sir?

(Cardinal) We have confirmed that the witch has returned.

I swallowed saliva when I heard those words, the original witch was a woman of incomparable magical power, who threatened to destroy the world, until she was defeated by the heroes of the past, she was the reason for the foundation of the silver hand, a special order of the church to fight against all the threats of this world, but her descendants or rather the poor women who were born with the misfortune of bearing her mark, were another story.

(Inquisitor) Are you absolutely sure sir?

(Cardinal) Yes, she was born in the house of the dukes of Croiss, the complicity of the dukes is still in doubt, but the simple fact of hiding her is a crime in itself.

(Inquisitor) Then what are your orders?

the cardinal readjusted his glasses, and answered me, like the one who answers an obvious question to a child.

(Cardinal) the church wants you to go to the Croiss duchy, find her, and execute her on the spot.


Arriving at the infirmary I got confirmation of Brad's death, there wasn't much to do, it was already a miracle just to live long enough to make it to the saint see.

With my head down I went to Diana's bed, when I arrived I found her sitting on her bed with a lost look, although her wounds were already healed, her spirit was destroyed, she was the healer of the group, and in the 10 years of knowing her she never lost anyone, until that night.

(inquisitor) Diana, are you ok?

(Diana) No, I'm not.

It was a stupid question, and I regretted it as soon as I asked it.

She looked at me and asked.

(Diana) How are the others? nobody wants to tell me anything.

(Inquisitor) They are fine, I think that soon....

Diana took my arm and looked me straight in the eyes.

(Diana) Don't lie to me Arthuruz, how many of us came back?

Resigned, I couldn't do anything else but answer her.

(Inquisitor) Brad died this morning, Miller is still alive, but they doubt he will wake up, Darry is fine, but they couldn't save his arm, and counting you, me and Dominic, that's all of us.

Hearing this, she lowered her head, I noticed how a couple of tears fell on the sheets.

(Inquisitor) It wasn't your fault Diana, don't do this to yourself.

(Diana) It was my responsibility Arthuruz, my job was to get everyone back alive.

(Inquisitor) If there is a culprit, it is me, you were only following my orders.

(Diana) Go Arthuruz, I need to be alone.

I left the infirmary, and went back over everything, looking for where it had all gone to hell.


I went into the ravines, and was glad to see everyone there.

(Inquisitor) don't get comfortable, we have another mission.

Everyone complained, but no one was really against it, after all it's our job.

(Brad) So sir, what is the mission now?

(Inquisitor) finally the identity of the witch has been confirmed.

Everyone was silent, until the rookie spoke.

(Rookie) Sir, let me confirm something, is it true that the blue moon marks the birth of the witch?

(Inquisitor) Yes, that's right.

(Rookie) And if I remember correctly, the last blue moon was a little over 5 years ago, right?

I knew exactly what he was getting at, but I still answered.

(Inquisitor) Yes, that's right.

(Novice) So sir, now we kill children?

(Inquisitor) rookie, we are the silver hand our job is....

He interrupted me and didn't let me finish.

(Rookie) I know sir, it's just that I didn't join the church for this.

For the first time during the whole journey, the rookie didn't say a word.

In the public opinion, the witch's descendants are entities that only bring misfortune in their path, but the reality was different.

Those women used to be born with a miserable amount of mana, and usually they were just poor women who only wanted to live quiet lives, but in the fear of the church and the people, every time a new witch was born, we were forced to kill her.

Finally we arrived at the duchy, and made our way to the mansion.

An Alcon reached us, landed on Dominic's arm, he took the note tied to his paw, and readed it.

(Inquisitor) What news do you bring us?

(Dominic) It has been confirmed that the dukes are in the capital, but none of their children match the age and description of the witch.

(Inquisitor) they must have left her at home, according to reports, they have done a lot to keep their daughter hidden from the people.

The silence was awkward, and the rookie remained silent, but sending me occasional hateful glances, this time, it was a concerned Diana who broke the silence.

(Diana) Sir, what shall we do when we reach the mansion?

(Inquisitor) As you know, the dukes will be arrested for hiding the witch, and their mansion must be purged with fire.

I looked at the rookie waiting for his reply, but he just remained silent, in general no one was very happy with the mission.

(Dominic) Sir, when are we going to carry out the mission?

I looked at the sky, and finally answered.

(Inquisitor) it will be this very night.


I went to the ravines, and upon entering they had never seemed so empty as now, my trial will be held in 3 days, until then I intend to visit the families of all the fallen, and pay my respects.

As I was about to leave, Dominic cut me off.

(Dominic) I will accompany you Arthuruz.

(Inquisitor) It's something I have to do alone.

(Dominic) No, I am the vice commander, and I do not contravene your orders, I also share the blame.

We visited them one by one, the houses of my subordinates, the responses were similar.

Tears, screams, forced smiles, anger, insults and guilt.

Finally we arrived at the rookie's house, I wanted to leave this one last.

After knocking on the door, an older woman opened it for us, upon seeing us her first reaction was to smile at the thought that her son must have come home.

When she saw Dominic and me, her smile disappeared.

(Inquisitor) Madam, I have bad news.

Only with those words, the woman collapsed, and Dominic ran to help her.

I looked around, and thought about the rookie, you had a lot of future kid, you shouldn't have died and much less like this.


It was a closed night with no moon, and only the stars illuminated the night.

Arriving at the gates of the mansion, I gave the order.

(Inquisitor) sound the alarm, let the people wake up and then set fire, let there be as few victims as possible.

Everyone dispersed, and began to beat their swords against their shields, the sign that the inquisition has arrived.

Soon after I could hear chaos in the mansion, and silent as a whisper, a woman passed by us, I tried to stop her but when I realized she had already disappeared into the night, it was obvious that she didn't want to know anything of what was going to happen.

People began to flee the mansion, and I gave the order to set fire.

As the fire grew, the rookie approached me, I could see the fury in his eyes.

(Rookie) It's done sir, what's your next order?

(Inquisitor) Mortis, I don't want to do this either, but we have to follow orders and you know it.

The rookie was about to reply, but Diana beat him to it.

(Diana) Arthuruz, are you sure about this? Do you think Mr. Nortalis would approve it? Even him was against the witch hunt.

I looked at the rest trying to find support, but no one was on my side, the rookie was right, we didn't enlist for this.

(Inquisitor) Bullshit, find the girl and bring her in, I'll see what lie I tell the cardinal.

The rookie's face lit up, and he ran to the mansion, but Diana stopped him.

(Diana) You idiot, do you even know where you are going?

We called one of the servants who was kneeling, and interrogated him, apparently the girl's name is Leonora, and her room is on the second floor in the most secluded part of the mansion.

The rookie, Brad and Lucretius ran towards the interior of the mansion, while the rest of us tried to slow down the fire, in spite of everything, the mansion must burn to keep up appearances.

Finally we saw them leave, but we were surprised to see them return empty-handed.

(Inquisitor) What happened?

(Brad) the window was open, and under it was a sculpture of a bear made with hedges and a quilt, I think the girl must have jumped out.

(Diana) Poor thing, she knows we came for her.

We couldn't have anyone else as an accomplice, so we threatened the servants to find out where she might be hiding.

We discovered that the little girl usually plays in the hedge maze in the gardens of the mansion.

As we approached we saw a small shadow enter the labyrinth, we tried to call out to her, but she ignored us, and I don't blame her, she was just a scared little girl looking for a place to hide.

We stood at the entrance and contemplated it.

(Lucretius) We are going in there? Sir, in the middle of the night?

(Inquisitor) The sooner we finish this the better.

(Miller) I don't like these things, when I was young my sister got lost in a maze at a fair, and we had to pull her out crying.

(Lucretius) how strange Miller, your sister tells that it was you who got lost, and cried when found.

Laughter erupted, and cleared the tension from the atmosphere.

(Inquisitor) Separate and look for her, try not to frighten her, the little one must have had a long night.

Little by little we became more separated, as we went deeper into the labyrinth.

I was walking alone until a scream stopped me.

(Lucretius) Damn it, something bit my backside!

Soon after I heard Dominic's voice shouting.

(Dominic) hey Diana, Lucretius has been bitten in the ass, come treat him!!!!!

(Diana) ah sure like it's my job!!

Laughter erupted all around.

(Marcus) if you suck on the wound you can get the poison out!!!!

(Lucretius) hey rookie, come quick, I've got a job for you!!!!!

(Rookie) I'll pass!!!

The guys were still joking and laughing until I heard a strange noise.

(Dominic) Quiet, do you hear that?

They all went quiet, and slowly a sound of something approaching reached me.

At that moment, I'm not sure who shouted, but then I didn't care.


I started to run to where I heard the scream, but a chimera cut me off.

All around me everyone began to scream, and only the roar of beasts and the clashing of swords could be heard.

I pierced the heart of the chimera that cut me off, on the other side I could hear someone fighting, I had no time for nonsense, and I set out to cut through the labyrinth, but my back collided with something.

In the darkness I could see that something on the wall of the labyrinth was moving, so I lit a flame to see better. I saw the image of a large vine with flowers growing on it.

(Inquisitor) beware!!!, there are widow kisses on the walls, cover yourselves from the poison!!!!

I was about to burn the flowers with a flame, but another shout stopped me.

(Brad) DO NOT USE FIRE, fire disturbs the emerald dreams!!!!

I looked at my feet, and on the ground I was covered with snakes trying to climb up my legs. What the fuck was going on, I didn't know and I could only run trying to find the others.

All around me there were only screams of panic, separating us was a bad idea, and I was paying the consequences.

I saw two Wargs that seemed to be attacking someone, I ran towards there, and with one slash I decapitated the beasts.

Before me was the lifeless body of the Rookie, and I could only recognize him by the distinctive armor, as his face was disfigured.

I knelt before him and asked the sky what the fuck is going on here.

Behind me I could feel it, something was watching me, I turned around I saw it.

At the end of the corridor there was a girl, despite the chaos around, she seemed completely oblivious to everything, she looked at me with cold eyes that froze my blood.

We stared at each other until she turned away, and left almost as if to say that it wasn't worth it to finish me off.

I was petrified until Dominic's screams brought me back to my senses.

On the way we had to drag a crazy Diana, who refused to leave her companions behind.

And finally, we managed to escape the nightmare.


I was at the gates of the council chamber, it was time to take my punishment.

Next to me was Dominic, who was willing to share my same fate.

A priest indicated that we could enter.

In the room was Cardinal Levian, the other cardinals, and other high officials of the church, I was surprised not to see the Archbishop, but his age is advanced and his health is delicate.

(Grand Cardinal) Inquisitor Arthuruz Kalefh, for your bad decisions, not only you failed in your assigned mission, but you're also accused of the death of more than half of your squadron.

(High Priest) have you anything to say in your defense?

I clenched my fists, and remembered the faces of all my companions.

(Inquisitor) I will pursue...

(Grand Cardenal) Excuse me?

(Inquisitor) I will pursue her, please let me go after her, I joined the silver hand with the idea of hunting monsters, and I have finally found one to hunt, so please let me go after her.

Everyone in the room was silent until Cardinal Levian spoke.

(Cardinal) if that's your resolution inquisitor, then you may go, the holy church wishes you a good hunting.







‏‏‎~~Don't forget that after all, Leonora is the villainess.~~

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