Chapter 5: The Monkey God's Banana!
"Look, big brother!" Nana pointed at the site called FlashKeep. It was the biggest social media platform used by everyone, including politicians and celebrities. Normal people used it to post stuff between each other's groups and chat here.
For her whole life, Nana had been jealous of her peers holding phones and doing photos with each other.
She also wanted to chat with others and do many other things that the majority took as normal.
Michu glanced at the site, his eyes looking at the posts that were featured by the site.
Most, if not every, were related to The Four Leaf World and its experiences. A lot of branding could be seen here, but also thrilling and exciting battles were featured on the main page.
A cool player was standing atop its prey's body with a sword and a tired, but content smile.
There was also a woman in a bikini using the water magic to make some cool photos too, "Look at those melons!"
"Control your banana!" Nana slapped her brother's cheek, then went to register his account. A faint blush already appeared on her face, but her brother was not the only one who had made such remarks.
In her class, her classmates often commented like that too, but those were high schoolers right here.
Her brother was already eighteen years old, but this still took her by surprise.
"Michu, we should make an account with your nickname! What nickname did you choose for your character in the game?" Nana asked.
"Michu." Mich was Michu. What more did you need?
"Oh…" Nana scratched her cheek, then decided to create her brother's account with the 'Monkey God's Disciple' nickname.
She filled every box with proper information, then even thought of a nice password for her brother. It would be hard for any outsider to spot and also easy for her brother to remember it.
"You can use it in the game too. There should be a feature for that. Will you chat with me during your game, Michu?" Nana sweetly asked and her brother didn't disappoint!
"Yeah, I will!" He also told her about his first day in the new game.
Hearing about the bananas made Nana laugh so much, but mom's voice made her stop, "It's already past 10 p.m!"
"Sorry!" Nana slightly raised her voice, then turned her eyes to brother, "You can take pictures, so send me one with the moon! I won't look for it on the net! But look, Michu. You can find everything here."
"Little sister, what should I do in the game?" Michu asked as he could tell that his sister made some research.
She had always been right and her words often saved Michu's ass.
Not only Nana taught Michu how to mitigate scolding from teachers, but she also helped him to avoid bad people that would bring problems to their family!
Michu was always thankful for her and swore to protect his sister until she found a great man for herself!
"It's good that you asked, Michu! Since you got a unique class, you should exploit it as much as possible!" Nana told Michu how influential those unique classes were.
People would gladly pay millions for those and even kill others in the game to the point where the person would throw his class and game away.
"It means that this class can be stolen! In this case, the guild's assistance would be the best." Nana's face slightly changed. She lost her initial excitement.
"What's wrong, little sister?" Michu asked.
"It's because you would end up signing a contract… Those guilds are more like companies…" Nana hasn't read much, but she already paled when she learned of those contracts.
For a poor family, Michu's mother wouldn't take another bet and Nana was also scared of those contracts. If Michu somehow ended up losing his class, then they would use the contract clauses against him!
She was scared of such scenarios the most.
"Contracts? In the game?" Michu tilted his head, but Nana just nodded.
"This is another world. You shouldn't think of it as a game only." The siblings continued to talk about other ways.
The best way would be for Michu to play like a solo player and learn more about the world. He would know the value of his class later in the future and learn more about players by spending time with them.
It wasn't like solo players played just solo, they often teamed up for dungeons and other unique events.
Nana also added, "Unique classes have a lot of flexibility, so don't just follow the quests from the class. Try to force the system to fulfill your wishes!"
"Hmmm…" Michu closed his eyes tightly and crossed his arms.
He did his best to think about it, so Nana smiled and turned the laptop's camera at his thinking face. He looked cute, funny, but also charming. She giggled and took a photo, then put it on his avatar.
By then, Michu opened his eyes, "I got this class from doing work on a banana farm, so I should keep it up and make the system give me the unique bananas!"
"Yes! You will be able to sell those unique bananas for a hefty sum! Remember to not tell anyone how you do it or about your class!" Nana reminded.
And Michu nodded brightly, "Little sister, it's already late. Let's sleep. Today is mom's turn to sleep in a VR Capsule. You will be tomorrow!"
"Okay… Thank you, Michu." Nana smiled and the siblings soon wrapped themselves in a thin futon on the floor.
"Hello, old man Hao!" Michu entered the game after school.
For the first time in his life, Michu didn't struggle to keep himself awake in the classes. It made many laugh at him, but his teachers were amazed. They believed he finally decided to focus more on the studies, but Michu was just too excited inside.
His heart pounded so loudly he had been hearing it for the whole day.
"Welcome back, Michu. How was your day in another world?" The old man smiled and asked. Though some people played with the NPCs by telling them about phones, the internet, and stuff, NPCs just looked at them with amazement and yearned for more knowledge.
Some even were trying to create their versions of those technologies by using magic and other supernatural things exclusive to this world.
Michu just smiled brightly, "It's been great! But I was thinking too much about this world! Hehe!"
"Haha! This is what most new players feel. You aren't alone with this feeling, Michu. Are you going to help me today?" The old man asked, then soon gave the same quest as Michu just nodded with a wide smile.
Both of them worked on the banana farm like yesterday.
By the end of the work, Michu suddenly got a message from his system.
[The Monkey God's banana.]
"Oh… Ohhhh!" Michu raised his hands atop the herb, throwing them at the sky! "I did it! I really did it! This is a flexible class! I am flexible like a monkey!" Michu nearly fell from the tree with how loud and excited he was.
He opened the system window and read the content…
"Eh…" Michu rolled his eyes at this message, "Three zeros…"
"Michu, what's wrong? Did you fail your quest? This can't be, right?" The old man Hao worriedly probed.
But Michu's words froze him, "I need a thousand bananas… Can I get a quest for a thousand bananas?"
That was quite a lot...
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
Chapter 6: Monkey God's Bonk
"Thousand… Thousand is still too much…" Old man Hao responded.
It wasn't only because Michu wasn't particularly close to him, thousand bananas would give him a hefty sum. Every month, an old man saved some money for his granddaughter's future.
A magical academy's teachings weren't cheap and each student here needed money to keep learning new stuff.
In case his granddaughter suddenly would need some money, the old man Hao was ready to pull out his abundant pouch to help her.
"You also can fail…" Even if the player had a quest to support and guide him, the success rate was never 100% and it often was the opposite.
The old man's heart would hurt if he were to see all his fruits destroyed.
Michu smiled widely, "I understand!" He knew people would properly look over themselves and their close ones first.
He also knew that hard work would lead him somewhere, "I can just gather more bananas through quests. Do you know another banana farm? Even two or three more!"
There were things that one couldn't do, however. Michu, no matter how hard he worked, often failed in his studies. If he did his utmost best, then he would get a passable grade, though.
"But I am the best in P.E! I can do it!" A lot of quests to gather bananas were possible for Michu! He also got all those nice bonuses, so stamina wouldn't be the problem. And after learning about his cool stats and its names, Michu wanted to move a lot already.
All his excitement would burst soon with stamina, agility, and strength stats!
That was what he felt and he was eager to go for it even now.
The old man looked at him with big eyes, then faintly laughed, "You are so hopeless!" He exclaimed loudly then and Michu's quest was updated.
"I can just give you some more rewards! As for other farms, check your minimap." The old man updated the quest, but also recommended his friends' farms. Because of that, the minimap updated itself and Michu just clenched his fist and threw it up to the sky.
"Let's do it! Hehe! It will be the weekend tomorrow, so for the whole two days, I will complete every quest and get one thousand bananas for myself!"
"Ha.. hahaha! Ha…. Haa…." Michu's fatigued laughter rang out in the vicinity.
It was already the weekend and he was on old man Hao's friends' farm. It was another old man who already knew about Michu and his plans.
He also had enough time to learn about Michu's eagerness and hard work.
But no matter how much one would have, it amounted to nothing if one's body couldn't keep up.
Getting exhausted was just inevitable for Michu, especially as he was still a level one player.
In this game, the exhaustion was even more frightening. Each player was more closely with their bodies and they had something called 'Mana Pores' within their bodies.
Those mana pores, when exhausted, hurt so much more that players would wail on the ground for a long time, even if it was not their first time.
Michu had been using the new agility skill he got from the quest, so those were opened by him.
"It's… fine… Ha… Haha!" Michu belatedly and barely answered the old man.
The eyes from above just glanced at him for the first time, then returned to the work. Within those, one could see an understanding.
Yes, in this world, there were a small group of players that enjoyed this fatigue. Each of them had different thoughts about it, but they clearly had one thing in common; enjoyment.
Masochists? Not exactly.
Most of them just felt their hard work through this and Michu was one of those people. He also pushed himself to the limits knowing that it would result in something good.
[You have naturally raised your stamina by 50 points!]
[5 additional stamina points have been added!]
"I will… Ha… recover in no time!" Michu shouted as much as he could, then an hour passed before he could move on his legs.
Another day passed and by the end of Sunday, Michu managed to get a thousand bananas into his inventory.
A lot of farms gave him some bonuses from his hard work and pure smile.
"I have to take a photo first… Little sister scolded me before…" Since Michu had been so agitated for The Monkey God's banana, he did indeed forget about the moon's photo.
He even forgot to chat with his sister and tell her about his experience.
A new moon got sent to Nana, then Michu finally began the process.
Clicking on the banana icon in his inventory, Michu selected the quest's option and began the first creation process.
A huge amount of bananas fell out of his inventory, then began to shine in the golden color.
A few players from around noticed this development and exclaimed loudly, "What is this?! Are these stars?" The golden bananas seemed like stars fallen from the night's sky!
It was a beautiful sight, so many female players stopped in their tracks and looked at absentminded Michu with slight jealousy!
He soon disappeared in this golden light, then his head turned to the side, "What are you doing?" He shouted at the incoming player whose lips curled up into a cruel smile.
The player was level five, "What am I doing? Taking those stars for myself, of course!" He felt the advantage with the naked eye and so sounded arrogant.
He wasn't the only one to close up the distance.
Many players either wanted to get a piece for their female teammates or themselves, so they began to surround Michu in the blink of an eye!
[Malicious treatment has been spotted towards your persona!]
[Class Quest: Protect your bananas!]
[Reward: Monkey God's Bonk Skill.]
[Hint: You might learn the skill during battle if you use your staff properly. The criteria to learn this skill is to hit a critical strike consecutively ten times.]
[You can not reject this quest!]
[Enemy players: 0/15]
"The Monkey God doesn't lose his bananas!" His banana is the best. "I will take all of you down!"
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
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