The dungeon and the dark hallway were separated by iron bars. It was a place where light seldom stepped and silence seldom left. A thin layer of mana covered the iron bars, it allowed those outside to look inside but the opposite was not true.
Cassandra had brought Nesrin there and Nesrin was still confused.
Inside the dungeon, there was an average man. His clothes hinted towards a wealthy status, and he was scribbling something with boredom evident in his eyes. A few minutes passed since Cassandra asked Nesrin to observe him.
He would often let out a nasal sigh and pause while scribbling but there was nothing out of ordinary.
"It's a moroi," Cassandra finally said something.
Nesrin looked at the man doubtfully. He appeared so normal, how can he ever belong to those cursed creatures? It made no sense.
"Does he have the dark element?" she wondered.
New Book Out! A tale of forbidden love, and courtly intrigues~