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75.58% Truth and Family: A God's Journey / Chapter 124: The Dark Side of Joy / Bloodless (Aletha: Part 5)

Kapitel 124: The Dark Side of Joy / Bloodless (Aletha: Part 5)

One moment the hills were there, wide open and safe, the next there were loud noises, acrid smells and pain that one may or may not recover from.

The train came barreling down the sky, only to come to a screeching halt as the colossal dragon swooped up back to the clouds, roaring, and warning them never to go that high up again.

Passengers flew in all directions; including Phthonus, Kali, Isa, Emine, and more.

. . .

A few moments of hustled chaos pass, and the dust clears.

As smoke began to ascend up into the air, the steady coughs of passengers trying to clear their airways began to echo through the crash site

Disheveled, Aletha struggled to pick herself up. A loud ringing in the back of her head caught her attention.

Her sight was blurred, yet she still proceeded to stumble forward. The more she ambled on the strangely untouched terrain, the more dizzier she felt.

Unable to take it anymore, Aletha rested on an overturned rock just outside of the wreckage, thinking to herself.

"What happened? Where am I? What was that dragon?" She took a deep breath to calm her senses down, then she looked over to her body, making sure that she was okay.

Luckily, she remained uninjured.

Because of the blood rushing down from her head, Aletha's mind fogged up from the crash. Eventually, the blur in her eyes cleared up.

Beyond the wreckage, a damp and humid mist enveloped her surroundings.

A forest of colossal pine trees encircled by stressed liquid robes hung vibrantly on the balance of tall and unnatural terrain. Brown healthy and broad Roots of The Sealed Beatific wind up and around the place, conquered by a large village infested with mutated foliage and lush terrain.

As she slid down the hill, resting her back against a brown canopy blocking the sunlight, Aletha began to question.

"Why did those people want me in the first place? That's so… weird."

A girl with thick dark hair, blue eyes, and light-bluish skin emerged from the debris and sprinted over to Aletha with two limping people behind her.

"Hey! A… Are you okay?!"

Aletha brushed her shoulders off and peeked over behind the girl, seeing both with varying shades of green hair on their heads. She scratched her head, took a deep sigh of relief, and wondered who the ghoul running after her was.

Luckily enough,

"I'm Emine, remember? I'm the one who saved both you and your brother's life."

Aletha shook her head slowly, struggling to recollect what happened in the past. She replied as her vision was tossed away to the train wreck on the hill behind them.

"Do you know where the others are?"

While loud bird chirps echoed over the thick, solid bark of the gigantic pine trees, Emine nodded her head and answered calmly.

"Yes. One was found inside making a campfire, while the others were wandering around. I don't exactly know the reason why they didn't come with us, but… oh well."

After a couple moments of silence, Emine came over to discuss Aletha about their whereabouts with Kali and Isa.

"It appears we have crash landed several kilometers away from our original destination. That means, with all the problems situated from us, it would approximately take several more hours to reach that destination and finish." Said Emine as she dragged a log over to make a seat. "Let's settle over there for now."

* * * * * * *

After the abrupt and unexpected crash landing, Aletha, Emine, Isa, and Kali all came to gather around a fairly scenic spot just a few meters away from the train-wreck.

After almost an hour of planning, and in favor to the high-level of intelligence all four of the girls had, the group already made their own campsite upon the moderately-sized cliff, with a campfire, five to seven logs serving as chairs, and a few left-over supplies scavenged by Isa.

As they gathered up in a circle, Emine informed.

"Okay, girls! Since we are all stranded, and made our own group, I'll give us all identifications. I will serve as the leader of the group, Isa you will be my back-up, Kali you will be the scavenger, and Aletha… you will serve as the watchers of this site. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'm!"

"Alright girls, let's do our jobs and get moving!"

* * * * * * *

Before they departed, Aletha was tasked with keeping the campsite safe and looking for other survivors of the trainwreck. But despite this extremely important task given to her, she still felt…

"Gosh, this is boring." Aletha grumbled as she fidgeted with a branch. "Why couldn't I be the scavenger?"

Stuffy and warm air pressed against her side.

Why was it that Aletha, the one who had fought her way to defend herself from those monsters lurking inside the train carriage, was suddenly tasked to just watch over the place?

Perhaps it could be because of that initial thought, the idea of a relaxing break?

"No, that can't be it." Aletha muttered to her thoughts quietly. "Why would I need a break? Is it because they know that I am weak? No, that's a dumb idea. Maybe it's because…"

She shrugged and sighed deeply, unable to think of any more ideas. "Umm..."

Instead of thinking about the reasoning of her abandonment, Aletha simultaneously recollected and hypothesized.

"Alright so first of all, why did we even have to go to the train? What was my destination?" Aletha scratched her head and looked over to the woodpeckers on the fairly-sized pine trees dotted about the unusually lush terrain.

She shook her head and dropped her stick, scratching her chin and processing all those jumbled thoughts into one coherent line.

"I remember that guy said a Queen of some sort was looking after me. Wasn't I supposed to be forgotten? Are those people just like those creeps I saw in that underground place before? Also speaking of forgetting, what happened to Drimi? Gah-- I'm so confused."

After looking up into the starry sky veiled by the treetops, Aletha sighed deeply and came to a conclusion.

"You know what? Screw all of this training stuff, I just want to save Drimi's soul and protect my brother. I never asked for all of this and I surely never asked to be in this wreck to begin with."

At a glance, Aletha rose up from the thick parched ground and clenched her fists, mumbling as memories flicker in her mind like a fil..

"Drimi is now a friend of mine. She has done so much good for us. I simply can NOT afford to lose someone else like that. Why have I never asked for help to begin with?! Maybe if I ask the girls for help, I could finally get some knowledge as to what the heck is going on."

And so, after all that worthless whining, Aletha got back up on her feet and searched for anyone else that could have been inside the train-wreck.

But then, as she approached the tip of the silver edges of the shattered carriages, Aletha's confidence and pride got the best of her. She stopped to think for a moment.

"Wait, why am I searching for help? Didn't I say to those people that I am a goddess?! I should be independent!"

"Goodness, stop talking to yourself!"

"What?! W-Who are you?!"

. . .

To avoid anymore danger, Aletha raced out of the ominous train-wreck and back to the campsite. She panted heavily and breathed, noticing that all of the girls did their part.

Kali was looking over the treetops while Emine was declaring to all people in the group.

"Good job, everyone! Because of how smart we are, us girls managed to make our own campsite!"

Kali's cyan eyes sparkled with awe. The erupting confidence that surged around her was contagious, spreading over to each and every girl, brushing the negativity of the crash aside.

She lifted her arm and shouted with a vibrant smile, dropping the wood onto the ground wiping sweat off her face.

"Yeah! Girl power!"

Isa smiled and chuckled, laying back with Aletha as they saw strange magenta particles floating around.

Although three of the girls were happy, Aletha detected an ominous aura from the strange tiny pink orbs flying over the pine rainforest.

A lethargic feeling of ecstasy ran through all of them them.

One so strong that it almost felt like a poison to them, as if it was forcing them to feel this way.

After the vibrant orange ball of light had set, and the cool yet humid evening approached, Emine clapped her hands in excitement, stepping over and dancing with the girls around the burning bonfire to the "rhythm" of the moon.

Despite not drinking a single drop of any poison or alcoholic beverage, all of them danced around the campfire like drunk monkeys. Aletha's silly poses and wacky movements of arms made the others smile, as if she was the youngest and goofing of the group.

Emine was still offering the others with a bubbly and drowsy face, burping despite not drinking a drop of an alcoholic beverage.

Something was clearly off.

"Come on! Relax and take a break, ladies! This night is in the house!"

"Are you sure, Emine? I mean… WE still have people to look after. I like this party and all, but… don't you think this is a little disrespectful?"

It wasn't as big as they turned out to be, but still… despite the eventful, and tragic moment they felt before, Aletha, Isa, Kali, and Emine celebrated as if it had never happened at all.

"Woo hoo!"

The strange pink particles accumulated in numbers, engulfing the air, entering into the girls' lungs without their notice.

Time elapsed, the girls were still dancing in the campfire, ignoring the swarm of hypnotic pink particles encircling the group. Isa crawled up and approached Aletha closely, so close to where her breath touched her face.

She tried to back away, but Isa lunged forward at Aletha, pressing her against the ground with both her arms. The white-haired girl shrieked.

"Hey, g-get off!"

The tone in Isa's voice sounded dizzying and un-matching of her normal, cold personality.

"Don't worry, Aletha… Come here and hug me! After all, if it wasn't for you and all that stuff you did in the train, we wouldn't have been in this situation.~"

Aletha gulped, her fingers trembling in shock and fear. Although she wanted to take part in the "party", she was the only one that felt suspicious about this situation.

She had a notion that the particles were to blame for this bizzare event, which then made her more suspicious as a result. Yet despite the suspicion, Aletha continued to dance as if nothing bad happened. As her arms flew around the bonfire like a hawk, she mumbled in her mind.

(I still feel uneasy about this. We've been dancing nonstop for the past two hours. S- Should we not be exhausted?)

Aletha's head hammered, seeing the environment around get engulfed by a swirling swarm of enigmatic bright pink particles

Without her realizing it, her eyesight along with her mind, abruptly went black.

* * * * * * *


The first thing Aletha felt when she had awakened was a smooth surface.

It wasn't the welcoming texture of grass, air, not even smooth stone.

The texture of it felt more fleshy and sweet, one that matched the feeling of…


Aletha was instantly rendered helpless as she felt the smoothness rubbing and pressing on her shoulder.

She prayed it was only a dream...


When she pushed her eyelids to open, she saw two brilliant, rounded ruby eyes fixedly staring at Aletha.

"What the?!--"

Aletha's dismayed visage was reflected in the pink and flaming glare that emanated from the stranger's pupils. To not let go, the mysterious girl held Aletha's shoulder still and connected a weird purple luminance toward her. As the strands of dust part away from the departing light, the strange girl whispered.

"Lovely, Powerful, and Beautiful. Your soul tastes so sweet."

Aletha shivered and coughed in astonishment, trying to force out the pink luminance out to the ground while pushing the girl in front of her away. Never would she thought she would awaken to something as bizarre as this. Her face was glowing red, stammering while she touched her lips.

"What? W… Why…? Huh?!"

The stranger licked her lips and chortled, fidgeting with her soft pink hair and smiling.

"You feel so soft, it's no wonder why my magic wanted you.~"

While she stared at Aletha with adoration and interest, her two fangs swiftly grew out.

"Not a drop of blood is inside of you. How cute.~" She whispered with a deep tone.

When Aletha saw the girl, her heart began to race.

She hastily moved back, but as she did so, she hit her head on a tree and lost her balance, freezing once again in shock.

The strange girl grinned and giggled, creeping over to Aletha, her fangs shimmering in the night.

She had dazzling crimson eyes, smooth and soft rosy skin, and long, dangly, curly, strawberry-blonde hair. The girl was dressed in a stunning pink dress that reached her feet, her head was adorned with a charming flower crown, and she was surrounded by the invigorating scent of blossoms and flowers, which permeated every inch of her radiant beauty.

Although she had a face as delicate and pointed as a flower, her actions were as icy, thick, and unsettling as a savage beast. The girl leaned forward and stuck her two fangs out toward Aletha's exposed shoulder, piercing through and digging for any blood. Her eyes were scrunched shut, pulling her fangs away, and smiling. She murmured to her as the rays of moonlight streamed behind the drifting clouds.

"What a plentiful taste.~ Although bloodless, your essence tastes heavenly and beautiful."

Aletha trembled in shock, hastily jumping up and screaming with a steamy, hot face.

"D… Did you... what did you do to me!?"

The girl slowly shook her head and giggled.

"Ho ho ho, oh, please! If you consider that a hug, then I guess you are clueless as to what us vampires do."

Aletha stopped for a moment. Then, she jumped up and shrieked.

"Huh? Who are you? What's your name?!"

The girl answered casually and smoothly.

"I'm Rinnea, The Princess of Obrus and Vampires. You may have seen me in that ceremony the other day. I can't believe you all fell for my fake attitude."

Aletha's eyes widened, remembering the ceremony. She quickly leaned over and asked.

"Wait, so you're saying that all of what you said was fake?"

Rinnea nodded.

"Mhmm. That ceremony served as a lure for the monsters, which worked really well to gather all the people from the world. They should have known better that it was a hoax, but oh so it turned out to be... that pleasure can blind intelligence." She sassily perked her hips and stared her crimson eyes at the S mark engraved on Aletha's face.

"When I awakened here and saw you four, I was curious as to what you have to offer. But then I realized… that you didn't have any blood. So I led you here."

A distraught look came from Aletha's face.

"S... So you're saying, that all of that was a hoax?"

Rinnea scratched her head and nodded.

"Indeed. The ceremony was all a lie, a hoax, just like the delusion of the happiness-ran economy in Linuxinia. Seriously, how could people of this world be so gullible? Say, I think you should run now."

Just before Aletha could go away, Rinnea quickly clutched her wrist and neared closer to her neck, whispering with a sick grin.

"Goodness, you're so gullible too. Who cares?" Her crimson eyes sparkled with awe as she saw the moonlight shine on Aletha. Quickly, Rinnea complimented.

"Wow, you look so infectiously gorgeous with your long white hair, and especially your clothes. I have never seen such attire so revealing before."

Without consent, Rinnea rubbed the girl's sides and examined the tight fabric of her clothes, seeing the star-pattern scattered about the blackish-brown top. Aletha froze still, hoping to not get hurt by Rinnea. Luckily, all she wanted to do was examine her attire. After twelve uncomfortable seconds, Rinnea backed up from Aletha and complimented her.

"Your body is perfect! Gee, I wish I had such a spectacular shape as yours! You got everything right. From the bottom to the top! Your parents must have GODLY genes."

Aletha scratched her head nervously, remembering the appearance of her parents. Although it was nothing but a blur, Aletha always remembered being complimented by the people of her beauty; from both her home world, and the other worlds she traveled to with her brother in the past. She looked down to the ground and responded with an anxious smile, answering.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. All I remember was that my mother and father were very beautiful. My mother, everything, including her voice was perfect; the ideal body for a Goddess. Her hair was the brightest of the family, her attire was so revealing and unique, that everyone wanted to match her. Her beauty was so radiant that it made the world go for her. And it seems... I got her genes."

Rinnea's heart thumped at the image she imagined of Aletha's mother, then imaging what Aletha would look like if she had grown more.

"Ho ho, you're gonna be one gorgeous woman when you grow up if that's the case. Wait, is your father attractive too?"

Aletha's face flushed, staring to grow uncomfortable about this discussion. But she still answered anyway...

"Ha, y-yeah, he was very attractive also. My father had long vibrant white hair, clear skin, and overall, great. Umm, wow... t-this is so weird saying stuff about this. Do you want to know more?"

Rinnea hastily nodded.

"Yes. Yes please."

Aletha rolled her thumbs and replied.

"O... Okay. My father's eyes were heterogenous, meaning they were different. That touch of the color of amethyst in his right eye was what made him stand out."

Rinnea's crimson eyes widened in both shock and disappointment.

"Wait, no.. Oh my goodness... are you still innocent?!"

Aletha raised her eyebrows.

"W-What do you mean?"

"N... Nothing." (Goodness, with such a appearance like that, I figured that she would know about it by now.)

After the extremely uncomfortable and meaningless discussion, Rinnea offered.

"Say, since you are bloodless and all, how about I offer you something?"

Aletha squinted in suspicion, still dispelled about the "kiss" she felt from Rinnea.

"Huh? L-Like what?"

"Hmm, what if you come with me and join my group? I know a lot about that dragon you saw and basically everything you need to know. I'll even escort you to the town of Clearstar, where all my friends and joy reside. That is... if you're willing to join the group that is."

Aletha's face rounded in embarrassment. She tilted her head away from the radiant girl and mumbled while her eyes jotted left and right.

"N… No. Please. I know you need it and all, but… I don't think I want another thing like that again."

Rinnea raised an eyebrow and gave a chuckle of doubt. She waved her hand in the air and patted Aletha's back, leaning closer and closer, whispering.

"Oh please, that wasn't even close to a "true" vampire's embrace. If you really want to know, it would have been a lot more aggressive and violent. But, that's for mutual-ships. For our victims, we just do embrace for like two seconds, then push them away as if it never happened."

Aletha backed away, looking over to the trees.

"So, this 'vampire' race hugs, so that they could secretly get their victim's blood?"

"Ho ho, now there girl, don't get too far. In order to be a vampire you have to sacrifice your entire soul and do this ritual. Erm, I think you're too much for the task. You won't handle it. Besides, I think you like the privilege of standing out in the sunlight. So, it isn't as pleasurable."

While they walked over the path, Rinnea scratched her chin and analyzed Aletha's appearance. An curious look came after the emotion projected on her face. She asked as they approached a wooden wall covered in thick foliage.

"So... now that I have you now, just how are you Bloodless? Out of all my years being alive, I have NEVER seen anyone in this world having no blood. Hmm, could it be that you are a vampire?"

Aletha shook her head, walking next to Rinnea as they passed through a canopy of trees and waterfalls.

"No, I'm not. It's hard to explain, but it's because of this thing called Dust coming from a race. Could we stop talking about that? I'm just looking for a certain necklace and my friends. Speaking of friends, have you seen them by the way?"

Rinnea turned over to the left in disinterest and snapped her fingers, keeping her grin as she stared at the moonlight. She responded in a cooler tone.

"Oh, if your friends mean two green-haired girls and a ghoul, then they're probably right there, in the village. Wait a minute, are you the one that came from that train wreck?!"

Aletha gulped, nodding her head.

"Y… Yeah."

Suddenly, Rinnea pushed her pink hair to the side and exclaimed.

"Goodness, you almost gave us a heart-attack. We thought it was some sort of shooting star, and then found this necklace shortly after."

At that moment, Aletha's eyes broadened in shock.


Rinnea nodded her head and pulled out a glowing necklace, waving it back and forth, replying.

"Yeah, this one. My, I can just feel a dark aura resonating within it."

Aletha hopped over and jumped in shock.

"Wait is that?!--

Fastly, Rinnea stepped back and yanked the necklace away from Aletha. She knew exactly what she was doing from that incisive and greedy stare, using her manipulation to the best of her advantage.

As they approached a village inside a pine tree, Rinnea informed while putting the sacred necklace back in her pocket.

"Nu uh uh! If you want this necklace, it comes with a cost."

Aletha bounced up, begged on her knees, and asked desperately.

"What can I do in order for me to get it?! I'll do anything! ANYTHING!"

A prideful and smug smile shone on Rinnea's glowing and deceptive face.

"Ooo, anything... you say? Ho ho ho, this new adventure of ours is going to be fun..."

Within that particular second of approval, Aletha knew the moment she agreed with this beautiful, manipulative vampire girl, that her fragile soul was going to be in for one, WILD ride.

(To be continued / Bloodless Part 2 Coming Soon.)

Sunny_Shad0w Sunny_Shad0w

Tell me if you want to change this chapter. I still feel uneasy and unsure if I should keep some of this or not. It's up to you.

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