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54.06% Truth and Family: A God's Journey / Chapter 87: Dancing Flies

Kapitel 87: Dancing Flies

Black Wires extended on the floor like messy, tangled roots. At the center of the scattered, destroyed ruins of The Great Fountain; a mysterious glowing object was pulsating. Its shape was round and circular, with sharp corners and edges attached above and below the sides; nailed tightly on the back.

This... was The Device; A threatening tool of destruction that Akwan failed to deactivate. It stood dormant on the plate; waiting for the timer to end. It started from 1:00:00 and began to count down until it reached zero.




The Device's texture matched a strong iron material. Ancient runes were engraved on the surface of the mechanism; all glowing white. Time elapsed.



Ever-growing moss blanketed the polished black pedestal, presenting its threatening aura fully.


Suddenly, the epicenter illuminated once more. The ring sparked and spewed out leaks of like, then spurted out a warm pink luminance; projecting vividly over the walls of the ruined Fountain. A shockwave emerged from The Device and expelled all its energy, like a water drop falling on a surface.

A sizable purple pulse irritated the ground, with a loud thunderous clap shadowing over the explosion.

Parts of matter disintegrated, harmful rays pierced through the stone, and yet another burst of energy was released. The earth trembled.


Before nature thought it was over, The Device fumed, unshackled, and flared, releasing a powerful magical beam into the sky. Luminescent pink petals sprinkled on the ground like snowflakes; before finally melting into dust. It was as if the Device was counting down to its activation.



* * * * * * * *

Far within the edges of the great cliff facing toward the forest, as Aletha and the others tread along the steep slopes and patches of flowers, the beacon of light spurted out from the sky and propelled the darkness and clouds away.

Aletha's eyes widened.

"H-Huh? W… What's that?"

Drimi and Phthonus shrugged.

"I have no idea. We should keep moving."

Before others could catch their sights on the light, it swiftly vanished. Many shrugged and continued to haul their weapons over the hills, watching the distant ocean sparkle vividly over the timid shores. They were focused more on the insurgency than the threat that lurked in the Fountain's ruins.

Nevertheless, Aletha grew concerned. She knew that couldn't mean a good sign. So, grabbing her microphone, she hollered toward it and alerted the insurgency.

"Hurry up! We have no time to lose!"

The people nodded their heads and increased their pace. The carriages couldn't advance any further due to the steep decline in elevation, the catapult men were exhausted, and many of the children in the group fell to the ground.

But despite that…

"Here, I'll help…."

Many cared for the poor children and chose to carry them on their backs, even if they were complete strangers and if they were tired themselves.

"Just because it's late doesn't mean that the awakening of a rebellion is late." Said a man as he carried the child up to his back.

The blonde-haired child happily clapped and smiled. The dark-haired man whispered as they sprinted and caught up to the group.

"When we march for freedom, everyone in Pladtioa is family."

* * * * * * * *

Aletha stepped forward toward the sea of plants. She gasped in shock as she felt something touch her back. It was a warm yet cold touch. One that felt soft and gentle; instead of grainy and disturbing.

"Greetings, Aletha!"

She recognized that voice remarkably.

"Sally?" She mumbled faintly.

Unexpectedly, Aletha was embraced by a tall platinum-haired woman pressing deeply against her chest. She choked and suffocated from the constant pressure from Sally's body. Drimi forced Sally away and punished her by slapping her straight at the back of her head.

"Calm down, Sally!"

She grabbed Aletha's hand and asked politely.

"Buttons, are you alright?"

Gasping and panting for air, Aletha gave a silent thumbs-up.

Drimi facepalmed and made a deep sigh. She yanked on Sally's collar and dragged her away from Aletha, apologizing.

"I didn't know that I hurt you…."

Aletha nervously scratched her head and replied.

"I-It's fine. You're my friend, after all."

Sally lightly blushed a bright pink and nodded her head.


Aletha sprinted in front of the group and grabbed her microphone. Drimi and Phthonus carried the speakers, and soon, as people gathered in a large cluster around the cliff, Aletha announced with a loud vocal.

"People of Pladtioa. Just a few more moments until we approach the perimeter of the palace. Please, parents… keep your children safe, and catapult men… don't launch yourselves into the castle; it's dangerous."

As the vivid wind pushed her fluctuating shimmering white hair back, she unsheathed her sword from her hip and lifted it up into the air mightily. That robust and straight stance, those hopeful silver eyes, and the sleek metal shone vividly under the moonlit sky. Aletha continued.

"We stand here today to mark a rebellion against the ideals of The Queen. We stand here today, to free souls off from reflections, today's the day… that NEW RULES SHALL EMERGE FROM THE LAND!"

Others dropped in awe, seeing the sword scintillated brightly like a star. Her dark attire glowed with hundreds and thousands of luminescent white dots circumnavigating her curvy hips, shoulders, and arms.

She stood out like a true goddess, standing her ground and marching forth along the path, her silhouette beaming up into the air as all cheered and chanted for freedom.


As the potent blade shimmered across the nation, its shadow cast upon the thousands of individuals. They raised their weapons, too. Catapults were prepared, and horses galloped across the bumpy hills, eager to march with the group. Claps sounded everywhere as the army of people charged up the cliff with zero hesitation.

Aletha's white hair shimmered like a pulsating star, scattering bright white petals across the ground; the army followed her direction and chanted.


* * * * * * * * *

Quiet and Peaceful. Two words to describe the room.

The tables were refined and polished, with no smudge of dirt. The glass ceiling lights shone their vivid warm yellow luminance across the smooth tiled floors, and mirrors were scattered everywhere in the ballroom. One at each table, some on the walls, and many on even the windows.


The extravagant door slowly creaked open, with torches and candles flickering on. Their footsteps echoed over each hollow wall, almost as if a melody played from the echoes.

Benches, tables, stairs, and a large chandelier are suspended high above the circular room, with premium dark oak wooden patterns stretching vertically from one corner of the room to the next.

"Excuse us…"

The butlers and maids rushed into the ballroom and moved all chairs and tables aside. Having done so quickly, Asahi was shocked to see the ballroom so empty. Narcissa proudly chortled and tightened her grip on Asahi's warm hand.

As her elegant, formal gray dress sparkled and shimmered like the overhead of the clear night sky, Narcissa untied her long, silky toffee hair and leaned closer to Asahi's shoulder.

She bowed her head down and slowly pulled her high heels up. Her blemished, soft skin shone brightly like the moonlight, with Asahi's fair skin reflecting the same. With their mouths shut, Asahi and Narcissa formally approached the ballroom center and stared at the massive mirror dangling above their heads.

Asahi couldn't believe this was happening; he felt like he was in a dream.

As Narcissa prepared for the dance, asking the orchestra to be summoned, Asahi rested on a bench nearest to a glass door and assumed in his head.

(I guess… This will be the moment where we will dance. You know, I immensely enjoyed going on this date. It was enjoyable, but it also urged me closer to Narcissa than I ever was. But… I can't focus profoundly, knowing that Aletha and Devlin could be in danger.)

He took a deep breath and fixed his tie. He fiddled with his glistening earring and pushed himself up. Asahi remained to himself as he returned to Narcissa.

(Just focus on the dance…)

Their feet skidded across the sleek, polished, reflective transparent floor.

"Hold on, suitable interest. I will be right back!"

Narcissa rushed out the door, and after a few moments, she raced back in from the door, gasping for breath, with the taps of her high heels resounding over the floor.

Asahi gasped in shock, noticing what Narcissa had brought.

Grasped in her hands was a long, refined, sealed dark vase with a few ancient runes engraved on the bottom and the curvy handle. Narcissa nonchalantly walked toward a table plastered in white and placed it gently. Even the faintest tap from the vase echoed over the empty room.

(Tap… tap… tap…)

As the beautiful young woman amble stepped at the center of the densely pattern-covered floor, she offered her hand and gave an adorable wink with her fierce mocha eyes.

"May… I have this dance?"

Asahi nodded his head and chuckled, bowing elegantly to her presence. He bent down onto his knees and fixed his white silk hair, sleeves, and collar. The bells on his hip jingled and echoed over the ballroom, forming a little repetitive tune. Not too hard and not too soft. Just right.

Despite being asked by Narcissa, Asahi ignored it and offered her a clean, platinum-award smile.

"May… I have this dance?"

A warm blush shone over her cheerful face. She coughed nervously and hid her mouth, trying to calm her down and return to her mature act. She slowly grabbed Asahi's wrist and answered while their eyes met.

"Yes… y-you may…"

Asahi pulled Narcissa up and held her hands tightly.

* * * * * * * *

Silence erupted from the ballroom.

Each end was filled with slight anticipation, with only two beautiful figures standing at the center of the room. Asahi felt nervous holding Narcissa's hand. Though his height towered her because of his high heels, he couldn't help but feel slightly discomfort with each step he made.

But with all respect to the important dance, Asahi chose to keep the dark high heels on and endure the discomfort.

The atmosphere of the ballroom was slightly dim, with only a few candlelights shining brightly around the room. Asahi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Without informing Narcissa, he twirled the beautiful into his arms and stepped forward.

Her warmth pressed against his chest; Narcissa's hands tingled with delight.

As she felt Asahi's hand brush against her cheek, Narcissa wrapped her arms over him and tilted her head slowly. This was so sudden, but having known a little information about slow-dancing, Asahi followed suit.

. . .

Their soft footsteps echoed over the ballroom, with strings slowly singing their lovely tune. They clutched their hands tightly and pivoted slowly to the right, following the rhythm.

Their hearts raced, but that didn't ruin the taste.

One step, and then another-- from right to left, forward, and backward; they clutched their hands and danced to the instruments' slow rhythm, with Narcissa's dress dangling over the floor.

The mirrors served as their audience, watching each gentle step of their slow dance every second. Their hips swayed left and right, bowing down to each other, moving left and right.

As the dance continued, Narcissa bent down to Asahi's ear and whispered.

"You don't understand how much this means to me. I could never experience a moment like this; it was only a dream back then…."

A tear struck down her cold cheek. Asahi shook his head, gripped it tighter, smiled, and wiped her tear off with his soft finger. Their gazes locked on each other as they danced slowly to the rhythm. As they moved left and right, Asahi whispered to her.

"Well… now you can. Just… settle down and enjoy the moment…."

Narcissa replied nervously while bending her head to the floor.


. . .

Asahi pivoted his feet and turned his direction to the vase. It illuminated a bright yellow, shining and scintillating over the cloth. His gray eyes widened in shock, and he ignored the vase, focusing more on the dance.

While time elapsed, Narcissa closed her eyes and relaxed her head against Asahi's chest. The maids anticipated something more, drooling and cheering behind the walls. Of course, their voices were muted.

Asahi shook his head and followed similar movements. One baby step, two steps back, another to the left, one to the right… forward and back…

As the pattern continued, Narcissa closed her eyes and whispered faintly to Asahi, feeling the warmth of his chest resonate with her.

"I… think it's time…."

Asahi pretended that he understood and made eye contact with Narcissa. She continued as they raised their arms gently upward.



Narcissa squinted her eyes and clutched her grip tightly on him.

"The truth is… this current moment, what I always dreamed about when I was little."



Suddenly, a loud sound of a mirror shattering echoed over the room.

Asahi grew concerned but continued the dance, gradually accelerating the pattern of their movements. It felt like he lost control of his movements-- as if his body was moving on his own.

The rhythm of the music accelerated as their dancing became a lot more, faster.

Narcissa continued.

"I always dreamed of a tall, handsome young man dancing with me alone in the ballroom. I dreamt of dancing with someone like you. To be treated like royalty and get respected as if you were my actual lover…."


Another mirror shattered on its own, followed by more as they twirled and stretched their arms, losing grip and spinning in directions. Asahi maintained his grasp and stared deeply through Narcissa's eyes. He whispered to himself.

(She's… telling the truth…)

Their feet danced as if they were on air, swiftly moving and twirling, spinning and joining repeatedly.

Asahi shook his head and took deep breaths to understand what was happening. He heard the sound of even more mirrors shattering, from the tallest one on the walls, toward the distant ones in the rooms… all of them broken into pieces.

(Break) More mirrors shattered and vanished.

The pace, rhythm, tempo, and pitch of the music increased.

The slow dance transformed into an active, fast, and cheerful dance, with the shattering of mirrors following each beat.

(Break) The mirrors on the hallways shattered into pieces.

They stepped again.

(Break) The mirrors in the room cracked and vanished.

They twirled and pivoted their feet to the center.

(Break) The mirrors around the ballroom broke and exploded.

Narcissa felt rising emotions bursting into her as they spun in random directions, staring intensely through Asahi's eyes. She continued as they moved from one side of the ballroom toward the other.

"I'm… grateful… I love this so much… you don't understand! I know I'm not narcissistic! I'm so thankful for you!"

She gave a broad, cheerful smile and laughed as they spun in circles while holding hands. Her long brown hair flew to the right, brushing against Asahi's face and arm. As the dizzying lights shone over Asahi's nauseated face, he turned to the table and saw the vase spurt out sparkling yellow lights.

(The vase…)

He realized what he had to do next. He continued the dance, slowly parting his eyes away from Narcissa. Both jotted and skidded their feet across the ballroom floor, like skating on ice. Each movement was precise and accurate to the song.

As they danced and skipped all over the ballroom, Asahi bit his lip, pushed all negative thoughts aside, and whispered to Narcissa while moving to the right.

"I also want to reveal my secret… the man that you see in me isn't who I really am…"

(Break) Another mirror shattered. Narcissa focused on his eyes and continued the dance.

"I was rude to people. I was short-tempered and I sometimes abused other individuals in other worlds for my own benefit. "

Five to seven mirrors shattered, with Narcissa paying attention to each word he said.

"I didn't pay attention to anyone in other worlds because I simply never cared. Throughout the thousands of years of world traveling, I was desensitized, and inhumane. I was… a jerk; if you could put it that way."

The tempo of the dance increased even more, with flowing, colorful streaks of light bouncing from wall to wall. Narcissa's eyes broadened in awe. She noticed individuals appearing around them and shouted while feeling her brown hair, brush against her face.

"Asahi, the curse… I-IT'S--

Asahi turned over and could see glowing slender hands move his arms and legs in each direction. Asahi commented.

"Are those… spirits? Hmmm, maybe they were trapped in the mirror, and now that we danced; they're free.)"

The world spun in circles. The table, the lights, the walls smeared over Asahi's vision, with only Narcissa's beautiful face clear.

"But, now I have changed. As soon as I actually tried to pay attention to the beings who lived in those worlds, my humanity started to come back. My rudeness was repelled, my anger was resolved, and I was becoming a better person. So… the personality you see in me right now…"

Asahi gave ease to the dance and happily followed the spirits' movements.

"That's my changed self…"

(Break) More mirrors disappeared.

Their voices cheered. The audience faded back. More mirrors shattered as warm yellow light emerged from the center of the room. Asahi peered over Narcissa's shoulder and saw the vase shone like a star, unleashing a string of yellow luminance into the air.

The spirits clapped and cheered as Asahi and Narcissa jolted left and right, spinning in directions, losing control of their bodies.

"Go! Go! Go!"

The music increased to its highest, climactic volume; hundreds of mirrors shattered from room to room, hallway to hallway, reading the trapped souls from their cells.

They danced like professionals, moving from left to right. The maids and butlers' jaws dropped as they saw Narcissa and Asahi dance with pure joy.

Asahi chuckled as the wind blew through his white hair, the spirits surrounding their presence, and applause from ghosts.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The maids and butlers saw Narcissa genuinely tear up for the first time. But it wasn't tears of sadness; It was tears of joy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Narcissa laughed as they started to conclude their dance.

Before the dance ended, the massive mirror that hung over Asahi and Narcissa shattered into fragments and disintegrated into thin air, unleashing the reflections back into the world. The glass rained on them like snowflakes, but the vase's divine protection saved them from getting hurt. Instead of a dark purple that shredded the vase, it was…

Narcissa jumped with happiness.


Asahi jolted toward the table and saw a path of warm yellow light pierce through the walls and form a trail outside. He assumed.

"It's a trail!"

Narcissa jolted toward the table and mumbled.

"It is…?"

The dance concluded.

* * * * * * * *

As the strings, bells, and all the orchestra finally stopped playing, without thought, Narcissa turned back to Asahi and embraced him. She cheered.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I feel… alive. I feel… d-different!"

Asahi felt the dark aura of the palace dissipate. As Narcissa pranced happily around the ballroom, Asahi softly chuckled and replied.

"Haha. I thank you as well. Hey, come here…"

She raced across the ballroom and ecstatically moved left and right. As she began to calm down, Asahi took a deep breath and said.

"Narcissa, you awakened something I never thought I had…

He clutched her hands and bent down to her head.

"Respect for you. This date was wonderful, Narcissa. You shared a side I never thought you had. At some moments, I… started growing more attracted to you…"

Narcissa raised her eyebrow and her eyes sparkled. She replied with an unsure voice.


Asahi slowly nodded and smiled.

"Yes… your real side is brighter than I ever thought it could be. I could feel my heart race as I danced with you. I could feel my face heat up when we strolled around the palace and that beautiful garden. And… still.m.. I have one more thing to say…"

Narcissa leaned to him, paying close attention. Asahi closed his eyes and whispered to her.

"Please know this, Narcissa… I can't be with you… there's someone else I am focused on. I enjoyed hanging out with you a lot… but I think it's time we part ways. When the time finally comes, if you continue to act just the way you are…"

Asahi leaned over to her ear and whispered.

"Maybe you can get a REAL partner…besides me."

Narcissa's eyes widened. The moment she heard Asahi; she felt all the effects of her curse vanishing from her presence. After all those years of the relentless curse of forced narcissism; finally, Narcissa truly felt free from the shackles of the burden.

She took a deep breath, stepped forward one last time, and stared deep into Asahi's eye-lined eyes. As his eyes met with hers… Narcissa thought.

(I can't believe… that the one that was chosen to remove the curse, was this boy. What is so special about him that makes him different from everyone else? Was it because he was a God? Or could it just be fate?)

She shook her head and pushed all her thoughts away. As Asahi stood still, she slowly rubbed her fingers over his cheek and answered with a light smile.

"Someday.. Asahi… someday. I know that you can't be with me forever, regardless, I enjoyed spending time with you too."

Both smiled and stared at each other for one last time. Though their actions were just there to fulfill the date, both Asahi and Narcissa slightly gained bits of love. But as the date ended; pushing all thoughts aside; as the dangling ceiling lights moved back and forth… a butler shouted at them from across the room.

"Fantastic job, you two!"

The maid leaped up and congratulated her as well.

"Congratulations, Lady Narcissa and Asahi!"

As Narcissa stared into space, saw all her maids and butlers; she realized after all these years, finally… the curse that was burdened her… was finally… lifted.

In a rush, Asahi dragged Narcissa toward the doors and tried to go to Devlin.

"Follow me!"

* * * * * * *

Instead of saving Devlin, Asahi and Narcissa decide to change back to their normal attire.

But suddenly, as they grabbed their clothes… a loud explosion sounded out from below the palace.


The building trembled, objects slid to the ground, and furniture flew to the walls. Both Asahi and Narcissa sprinted down the hallways and mumbled as they brought their clothes with them.

"What was that?!"

Suddenly, a loud, demanding scream echoed over the palace.


Asahi's heart froze. Despite hearing it from such a distance, he still recognized that voice. A loud, determined, confident, and brave voice. One that matched his sibling.

He hurriedly rushed to an empty room, strip his suit off, dressed with his original attire, washed the eyeliner off, untied his hair, threw his high heels to the floor, and raced through the hallways.

As the palace continued to shake, Asahi jolted down the stairs, and toward the two massive wooden doors.


Asahi's gray eyes widened, his throat lurched, and his heart stopped. He saw who was in front of the door.

A girl with white hair, crystal gray eyes, and fair skin, followed by a young face and dark, sparkling attire stepped aggressively from the door; grasping a sword with a large group of people following behind.

Some leaked into the building and tried to ambush as fast as they could. But just before the others even entered the building, Aletha swiftly lifted her arm and commanded.


The group stopped immediately.

Silence. The atmosphere changed. Her footsteps echoed over the walls.



As Aletha approached Asahi and dragged her sword across the floor; she gasped and noticed Narcissa sprinting to Asahi from behind. She alerted him.

"Asahi, behind you!"

He stepped backward and fell silent; confused on why she looked so afraid. As Asahi stepped closer to Aletha, a warmth suddenly touched his hand.


Suddenly, Asahi has pulled away from Aletha, and a tall brown transparent glass-like barrier emerged from the ground; dividing the group from the rest of the palace.

In absolute shock, he jumped up and raced to the barrier. He placed his hand over the clear shield. The barrier pulsated a few times then shocked Asahi's fingers and knocked him back.


He rushingly turned behind and saw Narcissa in the distance. Aletha stared at him with confusion, questioning why he was ignoring her.

Asahi sighed deeply and hollered from across the halls.

"What are you doing?!"

Asahi turned back to his sister and saw a furious look shrouding her entire face. Her eyes twitched, her face glowed a mean red, and her fists trembled. He realized that Aletha didn't know that Narcissa changed and assumed that she noticed his bruise marks from Devlin.

Aletha thought those marks were from Narcissa, and so… in correspondence to this… Aletha gritted her teeth, clenched her sword, pointed it to the ceiling, and shouted.


Asahi tried to stop her.

"No! Aletha… please l-let me explain--

Before he even realized it, the group had already started to attack.

His feet automatically pivoted backward, his heart raced, and his breathing quickened

Asahi's eyes darted to the left. He saw ten to twenty people smacking their weapons at the barrier, some were children, and others were full-grown adults.

Arrows bounced off from the barrier, a dozen swords clashed against the yellow surface, and the palace started to quake.

Asahi held his breath, directed his sight to the right, and saw the front walls collapsing. Bricks flew into the air, crumbling and forming a gaping hole; revealing not just Aletha, but an entire army of people.

Lights flew down to the ground, mirrors shattered, and the moonlight shone through the cracks. Catapults rolled in and rocks were tossed to the barrier. As the shield endured the attacks, its surface slowly chipped and cracked.

Asahi gulped.

"W-What the…"

Narcissa pulled him away from the barrier, clenched her glowing fists, and closed her eyes. A luminescent brown strand encircled her head, she opened her eyes and peered directly at the crowd with a look of frustration. Some stepped back out of fear; few still persisted to break the barrier.

Narcissa alerted Asahi.

"Stand back…"

He shook his head and slowly backed up. The pace of the situation rose rapidly.

Blinding brown rays emerged from the center of her palm and peered through the cracks of the barrier. Her hair swooped back and fluctuated rapidly. Asahi saw many streaks of light fly across the hallway toward Narcissa's body.


Aletha's eyes widened. Magical lasers sprouted out from the floor, printing silhouettes of clones in front of the group. People gasped and recognized some of them.

"Is that… me?"

The clones of the people charged and clashed their swords against each other. Many bombarded and shoved their reflections to the ground, combating and throwing rocks at others. The entire palace was ambushed. Windows cracked left and right, furniture shredded, and more of the ceiling collapsed.

Asahi and Narcissa tried to evade the group, dodging attacks, sprinting all over the palace, and approaching the dungeon.

"Asahi, you actually returned? I can't believe it!"

Asahi nodded his head silently.

"Yeah. Okay Narcissa, unlock the door."

She nodded her head, grabbed the keys, shoved them through the lock, and swung the door open. Devlin charged at Asahi and gave a swift handshake; laughing loudly.

"Hahaha! I knew you'd come back for me. I thought you were a goner. Anyways, what got you so paranoid, my friend?"

Asahi leaned toward Devlin and informed him with a serious and quiet tone.

"Now's not the time, Devlin. The palace is getting ambushed, I relieved Narcissa of her curse, and I made that date. We were right!"

Devlin crossed his arms and impatiently uttered.

"Haha! We're right. So… you said what now? The palace is getting ambushed? What does that mean for me? What should I do?"

Asahi stared Devlin in the eye, Narcissa formed a barrier around the dungeon, and after a few moments; he clutched Devlin's hand and asked properly.

"If you want to escape, promise me that you will stop messing with me with your jokes."

After moments of thought, Devlin nodded his head and shook Asahi's hands in agreement.

"Alright fine… It's a deal!"

"Are you sure?"

Narcissa panicked and screamed.

"Stop goofing around! Asahi, Prisoner, follow me!"


As they raced out the entrance and followed Narcissa, Devlin questioned.

"Why do I have to follow her now?"

Asahi shook his head and facepalmed.

"Just listen to her. She's a lot different than what we assumed."

"Okay…" Devlin replied with a suspicious sneer.

* * * * * * * *

Running toward the front door, they were just in time to speak with Aletha. Narcissa casted another shield around them to stop the wild crowd from attacking them. As Aletha crossed her arms and pouted; Asahi stepped forward and explained in a speedy tone.

"Sis, just listen to me. Narcissa isn't what you think she is. She is bright and humane just like us. The only reason why she is this way, is because she has a curse and--

An earthquake trembled their toes. The people clashed their blades on the shield. Asahi still continued.

"Narcissa absorbed an Angel Factor. She's okay now and--

Devlin interrupted Asahi as he saw something emerge from the horizon.


After hearing Devlin, Asahi, Aletha, Narcissa, Devlin, and everyone else stopped fighting and turned outside.

The nation was never this silent.

. . .

Beyond the vast plains, meadows, lakes, and ponds, all the way toward the moonlit forest of Purefell; a massive rectangular purple beacon of light struck and extended high into the sky.

The clouds instantly propelled from its path, the sky lit up as if it was day, and a loud thunderous clap irritated the skies; crashing through the darkness.

A gargantuan purple shockwave flew and swept across the entire nation, pushing trees, buildings, mountains, and rocks. The entire nation quaked. A monster that had no face. All panicked…

"What's happening?"

"What are we going to do?"

"What… is that?!"

Asahi and Aletha clutched their hands tightly and closed their eyes, feeling the gust of the shockwave knock them back. As they heard the noise growing closer and closer, Asahi screamed at the top of his lungs.


Precariously, as the light engulfed the palace; as people embraced uncertainty...

... as the shockwave impacted; Asahi and Aletha's vision flashed to white.

* * * * * * * *

Moments later... the wanderers began to hear crickets chirp. They hastily lifted themselves up from the tender grass and found themselves surrounded by trees, rocks, and cliffs; with no one but them in sight. They called out to the forest.

"Drimi, Phthonus, Sally… ANYONE?!"

The only thing that answered was the wind.

. . .

They wandered Purefell forest, hopping over cliffs, traveling through trails, and scavenged each corner; hoping that everyone was alive. They grew to an assumption that after the shockwave impacted the palace, they were forced to be teleported to The Great Fountain.

"Where are we…? What happened?" Aletha said confusingly.

Stopping to get a breather, they tilted down to the ground and stopped to think. Asahi mumbled.

"After that shockwave took us, we either got transported to The Great Fountain. Come on, Aletha. Let's see if anyone else is here."


. . .

After scavenging and wandering through each part of the forest, Asahi and Aletha began to lose hope. They started to question; "Are we the only ones teleported?" or "did everyone in the palace vanish except us?"

* * * * * * * *

After roaming every corner of the forest, just as Asahi and Aletha were about to give up, they approached an area nearest to the fragments of the demolished Fountain; with trees lined up in a circle, stones scattered everywhere, and ash coating the grass; hearing the distant sound of the waves crashing on the cliffs.

As they progressed further along the cliff, the wanderers saw a circular disk-shaped structure beneath the cliff.

They heard owls hooting, crickets chirping, and the wind whistling. Despite what occurred previously, it seemed to the wanderers like nothing happened at all. However, just as they were about to give up searching for anyone; The wanderers found a beautiful brown-haired woman resting against a rock, nearest to the cliff.

But what caught their attention, even more, was a string of yellow lights pointing directly to the Fountain.

Nonetheless, despite all that they experienced; the wanderers never knew that residing within the disk-shaped structure... was a powerful device counting down to what could be… their world's demise.




Sunny_Shad0w Sunny_Shad0w

Prepare for the upcoming chaos... and the fight that starts IT all.

The Final Stretch: 8/9

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    Stapelfreischaltung von Kapiteln







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    • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
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    • Charakter-Design
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    Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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    Stimmen Sie mit Powerstein ab
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    Stone -- Power-Stein
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