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36.62% Truth and Family: A God's Journey / Chapter 57: The Price of Divinity

Kapitel 57: The Price of Divinity

Marina was just as flabbergasted as the goblins. No one expected that reveal.

"Hold on, you're saying that white-haired boy, and girl… are gods?! N-No… that can't be right. They can't be the ones that controlled Gincad. That's… impossible—

The old goblin woman chuckled and patted the disbelieved Marina.

"Haha. Honey, you look so surprised. Of course, they are deities! Just LOOK at their appearances! Their bodies, faces, everything about them is perfect in all aspects. So perfect that it's unrealistic for humans to maintain it for so long."

Both Asahi and Aletha's faces turned red. Their bodies trembled, they shuffled their feet, and their palms sweat. They show a verbal denial of their own self-worthiness. Despite that, both of them knew that the old woman was speaking the truth.

Marina swiftly turned her head away from them and tried to hide her blush. Now that she realized it, it became apparent that they are somehow attracted to Asahi and Aletha. It's not all just because of their irresistible looks, but the prime fact that the two were gods.

While staring through Asahi's crystal gray eyes, Marina became speechless.

"H-Huh? He can't…. He can't be… no wonder why…."

Immediately, she bowed in front of the two and apologized with a quivering tone.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you. I'm sorry… please forgive me."

The goblins were just as surprised that their most powerful leader, The Elder Goblin Queen, was now suddenly praising someone's looks. It was said that she never grew an attraction to anyone throughout her life, but now… she's praising two beings with all her might.

Just like Marina, all of them bowed down in front of Asahi and Aletha and praised them. Both Asahi and Aletha got shrouded in praise. They haven't felt such a feeling for several millennia.

They even saw Drimi, Phthonus, and Sally bow to them. That made it clear that gods are a big deal in this area. While all of them tilted their heads down, they heard Drimi's voice.

"I never knew you two were gods. That explains all the praise Belial and the others gave you. I lend you our greatest respect…"

As the entire village fell silent, Asahi scratched his head and shouted.

"Come on, this is unnecessary. We're gods, I know… but we never asked for this."

Already, a goblin answered.

"Why not, God Asahi?"

Just the thought of being called 'God', gave an uneasy feeling to Asahi. Now he was tangled in deciding whether to tell the truth or remain silent. Then he realized, Aletha could blurt out the truth at any moment. Just like before, Asahi swiftly covered Aletha's mouth, leaned his head to her ear, then roughly whispered to her.

"Don't you dare say a word! I will handle this."

Aletha gave a thumbs up and nodded while her words were muffled from Asahi's hand.


Asahi turned his head back to the crowd and stepped forward. Though the direction of everyone's arms followed him, he still felt as if this was some sort of setup. Likewise, if it was, then the Elder Lady wouldn't have an S on her attire. So, Asahi entrusted them and chose to reveal.

"…people, I have an announcement!"

He gritted his teeth. His heart rapidly thumped, his palm sweated, and his breathing grew rough. Aletha started to question herself if whatever her brother was doing was a good idea; however, Asahi continued anyway.


The crowd eagerly awaited his answer.

"We don't have our powers anymore…."

Shortly after, the crowd and everyone else grew silent.

Not even the sounds of nature were heard.

A sea of thousands of eyeballs glared at him and Aletha with a look of disbelief. Both feel a horrible feeling of dread slither up their backs. Even Kali Leila didn't look pleased to hear that.

As the awkward silence continued, a boy screamed out from the crowd.

"We're doomed!"

Then, the crowd went chaotic. Objects were tossed into the air, the forest got disturbed by their aggravating screams, and people started to get hurt for no apparent reason. The rest of the group just stared at both of them with disbelief.

As the crowd continued its chaos, Kali walked up to Asahi and asked with a gentle voice.

"Is that… true?"

Instead of Asahi replying, it was no other than Aletha.


Asahi's eyes widened. He can't believe that Aletha blatantly blurted out the response without thinking. As the crowd slammed and tossed stuff, Asahi turned his head to Aletha and aggressively whispered.

"Are you kidding me, sis? This is why I want your mouth shut."

Aletha responded with a loud voice for everyone to hear.

"But… it's the truth!"

Asahi released a deep sigh and tilted his head down to the floor. For a moment, he can't believe that they were praised like how they used to. With their powers gone, they're nothing— or so, that's what Asahi thought.

As time elapsed, Drimi walked up to Asahi and whispered with her soothing voice.

"It's fine, Asahi. Sure, you don't have your powers… but you do have your wit. Isn't the thought of power about what it's used for; rather than just a measurement of strength? Power doesn't have to just be about strength. It can also take the form of wit, leadership, and determination…."

She patted Asahi's back and chuckled. Drimi knew that both could be potential leaders if they had the 'power' needed. She added as the crowd continued to riot.

"I guess now's not the time. I suppose that you're still powerless both mentally and physically. But that's okay, the other three knights and I will stand by your side. We all have faith that you will be the heroes we need for this world."

This flattered both Asahi and Aletha. They never would have thought those words would come from a woman like her. Deep inside their hearts, they really appreciated Drimi's encouragement. It pushed their hopes up.

However, they were still afraid of the crowd, especially, on what they did.

So, Drimi stepped in.

"Listen up! Stop what all of you are doing this instant! Or else, I will demolish this village with darkness!

Immediately, the crowd silenced and settled down. Drimi stepped on top of a box and then lifted her arm. She cleared her throat and raised her voice— pointing to the wanderers.

"If you ever want to leave this village, you must entrust your lives to Asahi and Aletha. Though they are powerless gods, I KNOW that they have more strength than all of you!"

The goblins slowly stepped forward and averted their full attention to Drimi. She stood up proudly and fixed her posture. Drimi then yelled at them with the voice of a true leader.

"Now, that doesn't mean you should give up. Sure, you may not be strong; but with the assistance of others and your support, EVERYONE will be strong! Everyone will have that smidge of power for themselves. That's what you people are not realizing! Strength is about the Will to continue on, and to never give up. Strength is the proof of your determination and hope. The stronger you are, the more proof you have. If we can all work on this together, we will eventually take down Abril and free everyone from this place!"

A heavy amount of adrenaline pumped through all the goblins' hearts. Drimi's words touched their hearts like their blood. Even Asahi and Aletha felt that feeling deep inside the,. They have never felt so hopeful in their lives. Even the stubborn children stand firm, like genuine individuals. She stomped her foot against the wooden crate and screamed.

"Now, what do you all say?! Do you want these two to save this nation or not?!...

The entire crowd hollered with pure determination. Hope surged through every part of their body.

"Now, all of you get your butts up and prepare your swords, feast on large meals, make allies, and train! This will be the last day you will be here! And I know that for a fact!"

The crowd cheered and raised their objects into the air. In their hands we're tools, clothing, attire, and even children. They all reply with one loud yell.


Drimi powerfully stomped her foot on the ground and raised her voice with all her breath.

"Go, all of you! Go and prepare! Get your weapons forged and build defenses. For the battle shall start tomorrow morning!"

The look of determination formed on all the goblins' faces. The group then parted from each other, then finally went to their workplaces. Drimi saw the villagers carving out spears, forging weapons, constructing armor, and training. She placed her fists on both sides of her hips and smiled with confidence. She whispered to herself as she heard metal clang.

"I never would have thought that such a hopeless village could turn into a powerful workforce. I guess they are easily motivated. I really don't understand how they could follow me so easily. Is there some secret hidden here that I don't know about?"

While Drimi questioned herself and watched everyone work, Aletha ran up to her.

"Wow, Drimi! When did you get so confident? I have never heard words like that before."

"Heh, it's okay, Buttons! I learned all of this from my father. HE was the true hero, not me."

Asahi rubbed his chin and asked.

"Hmmm, what was your father like?"

Just as Drimi was about to answer his question, the same old goblin woman approached them and asked.

"Hey, I have heard the speech you made. I believe that these two really have potential. If Asahi and Aletha are interested, would you like them to take a tour here? I think that these two gods need to know where they are."

Drimi's face blushed in a deep red. Luckily a mask was covering her nervous smile.

"Huh?! O-Oh, I don't own them. They're not my children. They are--

The elder woman gasped.

"You're not their mother? You act just like what a mother would be to these two. Standing up for them…."

"I-I'm not, I swear…."

The woman profoundly sighed and slowly shook her head. Even she knew that was a bold assumption to make. However, she doesn't mind making that mistake. As the villagers pass near them, both the wanderers examine their surroundings. They see brown straw huts, wood buildings, campfires, and abandoned stone structures everywhere in this area.

While Drimi and the elderly woman discussed, Aletha softly whispered to Asahi.

"Big brother, the kitsune almost defeated Phthonus and Drimi combined."

Asahi raised his eyebrow and replied with a shocked tone in his voice.


"Yes! We must prepare…."

As they stared at the treetops, suddenly they heard footsteps sound behind them. The wanderers turn their heads and see a beautiful woman with long glossy hair and azure eyes stand near them. She nervously rolle her thumbs and asked.

"Hey, do you mind if I can show you a tour of this village?"

Asahi didn't even resist replying. He was still furious at Marina.

"What? No—"

Aletha interrupted Asahi by covering his mouth. She pushed him to the side and kindly greeted Marina with her friendly voice.

"Why, of course, we will. I want to learn more about this place."

Marina lightly giggled and smiled. She clapped her hands with satisfaction, then waved to Drimi.

"Okay, then it's settled. Hey, Drimi! I'm going to take Asahi and Aletha on tour."

As Drimi was about to decide with the elder, she slowly nodded her head and gave Marina a thumbs up.

"Okay. Just make sure they're safe…."

Drimi covered her mouth again and sighed. She realized she was acting different than how she usually acts. As she saw the wanderers and Marina walk towards the three buildings, Drimi whispered to herself in her mind.

"I guess, the elder was right. I really do sound like a mother…"

* * * * * * * *

As Asahi and Aletha strolle around the village with Marina, a vision flashed in both their minds.

The Wanderers saw their younger selves dangling their legs over a cliff with Aiyana.

The waves crash near their feet, the sky is as blue as it was back then, and the trees are just as tall too. They couldn't believe it. When they glimpse at the vision, they realize that they DID have a younger form.

However, as a goblin passes, their image quickly flashes back to reality. As the trees swerve to the right, Marina asks.

"Hey, are you alright? You know, I apologize for being rude earlier. I never knew that you were a god."

Asahi rubbed his eyes and sighed. He clearly heard Marina. As he blatantly stared at her eyes, his consciousness whispered to him.

"You know, you can't keep this fury forever. Just accept her apology!"

Asahi then realized that his height towered Marina. Nevertheless, he didn't remember being this tall before. However, he greatly accepted it without question. In Marina's eyes, his abrupt growth made him a lot more handsome to her. It seems she really was lost in her own feelings.

(This height change may be linked with Dreamtoe Forest and its age dilation.)

As Marina eagerly awaited Asahi's answer, he finally responded.

"Okay, fine. Just don't degrade me like that again, or else there will be consequences."

Marina tried to hide her blush by turning her head away. Asahi squinte his eyes at her and asked.

"Why is your face warmer than before?"

She responded with complete anxiousness.

"O-Oh, of course! Don't take this as an ``I like you`` thing, though. I-I'm not implying that."

Asahi crossed his arms and replied with a rude tone.

"Good, because I'm not interested in relationships at the moment."

He backed away from Marina, then leaned his head to Aletha. As Marina turned toward the straw houses, Asahi whispered to Aletha.

"Have you gotten this sort of treatment before?"

She lightly giggled.

"Yes… MANY times. There is a lot you don't know in my relationship life, brother. I suggest that you don't try it. It won't get you anywhere; it will just lead you to pain. Soon as you know, the cycle will repeat. That's just the truth. No matter what, the pain of losing or absence of a relationship; will all lead to pain, eventually."

Asahi scratched his head, sighed, then mumbled.

"I guess you're right. After all, they never knew we were gods until we announced it. Perhaps, I should listen to your advice more?"

Aletha giggled again and shook her head.

"Haha, if you continue acting like that. You're going to be a magnet. Goodness, brother, you're so unaware of what you have."

As Marina turned her head back to Asahi and Aletha, another vision flashed in both their eyes.

They see their younger selves, playing on the same spot they are right now, with a few other children. Young Asahi and Aletha were seen playing with all sorts of friends while Aiyana sat behind a distant tree, isolated from everyone.

The vision swiftly vanished as Marina asks.

"Can you two hear me?!"

Both Asahi and Aletha replied with a faint mutter.


Marina crossed her arms then pushed her dark hair to the side.

"Good, then follow me. We're almost there."

While they approached the wooden building, Asahi and Aletha reacted with a semi-confused tone.


While they walked to the door, one last vision flashed in their eyes.

Just a black void.

And then it flashed back— leaving the wanderers curious and frightened about what these visions mean.

Perhaps it was their memories?

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