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Chapter 7: Caught on Camera

Now that Aliyah got the go ahead to live with us, the trick now was to act like a couple, without actually being one.

"Great. How do we do that?"

She couldn't respond, being nervous herself.

I unlocked the room door to see if the coast was clear. To the left?No one, and the right? only a few students, but I didn't know them.

I turned my head to give Aliyah a nod, signaling it was safe for us to walk out without anyone being suspicious.

I went out first, slowly so I didn't make noises, my stomach betrayed me complaining about forgetting him and his needs.

No one heard. I made my way to the cafeteria.

I walked down the left path when I realized that she was following me, like she had become companions with my shadow.

"What are you doing again?"I asked.

"We had a can't leave me alone ok?"She demanded.

I really wanted to know what was she so fearful of? and why abandon her family?

We walked down the steps to the second floor. That's when I saw three guys poached up in the hallway, as if they were waiting for someone. The arm that Aliyah started clinging on started to shiver. I swerved my head around, seeing the frightened girl behind me grow as timid as a mouse seeing the boys ahead of us.

That's when it hit me.

"Ally who's this new guy with you?" The one in the middle said,but with that of a tone as if he was wanting her to say what he wanted to hear. Not much taller than me, yet his blonde hair and navy blue eyes gave me a cold vibe. Dressed in a black t shirt with black jeans, he really looked like a punk, you know one of those guys who always get what they want from people.

The silence grew, and he got aggravated .

"Well?!" he started shouting.

Aliyah was too frightened to respond, but she tried her best," He's my um- he's my-"

"Boyfriend," I coughed out.

My response managed to startle the boys, as if they weren't expecting that word to be associated with Aliyah.

"Is there something you guys want from my lady?I'd be happy to assist if that's the case." The confidence in my voice was saying alot, I didn't sound scared, and to be honest i didn't have a reason to. I wasn't being attacked. Besides I think I can handle myself.

"Hey Markith, isn't that the guy everyone's been talking about?that cheating celebrity dude?" the guy to the left pointed out. Standing at my height with straight black hair, light skin tone and black shirt with royal blue Jeans.

"Hold on I think you're right," Markith said taking a good look at me. Afterward laughter filled the hall.

"You little bitch! You really got this guy of all people to be your boyfriend?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Listen here dude, Me and the guys are gonna leave you two lovebirds alone. You already made us your predators anyway. Just remember our faces will ya?" he said, walking down the right side of the hallway.

A few moments of silence passed until Aliyah fell to the floor, crying. I bent down patting her back. This wasn't time to ask her any questions, I'll save them for when we got home.


Lunch time ended, and I still didn't get to eat. I picked Aliyah up and started walking her down her classroom. I started heading up the stairs when low and behold. Queen of drama, Elli, graces me with her presence.

"Babyyy I missed you!"

"Back off Elii I'm not in the mood."

Something told me to turn the video on on the phone in my right arm. Sure the footage would be upside down, but I think if she slipped up I could kill one drama she started.

"Yeesh Jason you're not making this easy are you?"

"At the start I did."

She chuckled.

"We're gonna need more of your cum."

"I dont feel like getting raped today, although you giving me a blowjob reminded of the good old days, you know, before you started this whole drama?"

"It was the only way to get the thing that I needed. You haven't even realized that when I bagged you no one cared where you were going."

"Yup, i don't like making a negative scene, But you sure do don't ya El?"

"Oh Jason, there are so many things you are yet to discover. But for now toodles!"

She started walking by me, luckily she passed by my right side.

As soon as she made the corner I sprinted up the stairs to see if I caught everything. Indeed I did, and without hesitation I uploaded it to all social media platforms. I continued walking, feeling the satisfaction on my face.

Classes continued for the rest of the day and after it hit 2 in the afternoon I went to Aliayah's class.

I stood at the door while her classmates all poured out, each giving me a look. I've gotten use to it over the days. Surely enough, I was right. There she was waiting on me in the classroom, happy that I came to see her. As soon as she spotted me she ran and hugged me. In a way we are kind of playing the couple role.

"Thanks for coming" she said, with her face still in my shirt.

"No problem," I said confidently, letting her know she was safe with me.

I took her bag to show more affection and placed my arms around her shoulder. A few minutes of walking and I saw Markith. Luckily, he didn't pay us alot of attention and kept walking away from our direction.

My car was in the parking lot and I opened it up, so Aliyah could rest her feet and I put her bag in the backseat. I was about to get in when I heard my name being shouted from the schoolyard.


I knew who it was. My smile couldn't be wider. I almost burst out laughing at this reaction to my ingenious.

Elli stood there, upset and ready to fight, like a lioness that had her cub taken away.

She marched towards me and I leaned against my car. I didn't want her to know I had a girl I the car so I blocked her view.

"When the hell and how the hell did you record this??!" She demanded.

She turned her phone screen facing me, with a video of her exposing herself upside down posted 2 hours ago, with over 3.6 million views.

"Pretty good shot isn't it?You think I could be a film director one day?" I teased.

"Really Jason? This is what we do now?"

"You raped me remember?I could get you in jail."

She didn't clap back. She was blackmailed.

"Uggh, Just wait Jason. You're only making enemies out here don't forget that!" She remarked as she stormed off from the car.

I got in the car with a smile on my face. Just seeing the rage in her face made my day one hundred times better.

"Was that your ex?" Aliyah asked.

"Yup, you don't have to worry though," The confidence in my voice, oh how it revealed its ugly head.

I reversed out the lot and drove off the compound, guiding my way through the city with Aliyah's instructions on how to get to her house. She needed to get her things to come live with me. We made it in her neighborhood and it wasn't what I was expecting. Beautiful homes on both sides and lovely people everytime we passed. I parked in front of her house.

I was about to open my door when I heard Aliyab shout:


I froze. "what's wrong?"

"Just, stay in the car ok?itll only take a minute I already pre-packed."

"Before school?But you didn't get my response until midday."

"I was going to run away if you said no. all my other friends don't want to take me in."

She opened her door and ran in.

I sat in the car and waited. A few minutes go by and I hear something peculiar.

"Get outta here! I don't wanna see your face anymore! You slut!"

I turned my head, alarmed at what I heard coming from Aliyah's house. Next thing I knew she was opening her front door with 2 suitcases, dodging a beer bottle that came flying through the doorway, missing her face by what it seemed like only a foot away.

She dropped the suitcases in the trunk and ran back in the car.

"Drive," she instructed.

I was about to start the car when I saw a man step out the house. He seemed drunk and was evidently obese.

"So this is your new boyfriend you little skank?!"

He said running at the car in his stained white polo shirt and underpants.

I started the engine, floored it and sped off, leaving him in the middle of the road off in the distance.

"Your dad?" I asked after moments of silence.

"Stepdad. I never knew my father, after he died in a shootout 3 months after I was born, and my mother died recently."

She was doing her best to hold back her tears. I felt the pain she was going through. Losing your parents was a heavy weight on any child's shoulder. My parents only wanted to use me so I couldn't get that parental bond with them as Aliyah had.

"Hey," I said touching her shoulder.

She turned her head,holding back the eye water.

"We gonna have fun when we get home alright?"

I saw her smile returning. She wiped her face and cheered up.

"Okay. "

I went to Popeyes to grab her a meal and even got her some ice cream to help her feel better. We had fun and enjoyed ourselves. Aside from my sister and a few friends, I'd forgotten what going out felt. Just to relax and laugh and to hang out.

I pulled up in the driveway of the house, and parked in the garage. Taking out the suitcases I escorted Aliyah inside the house. After she went to take a shower, I took my phone from my pocket and opened it.

[17 new notifications]

I went through them and only 3 of them managed to catch my eye. The first being an interview with a Morning show about the recent drama with me and Elli. I didn't know how to feel about that but i thought I'd think on it. The other was Elli making a post on Instagram denying that it was her in the video, and that it edited and voiced over to get back at her. Really how stupid could she be.

The last one however, was a voice message....from Adam.

How did I forget?My best friend is dying on me. I clicked faster than you could say call.

It wasn't Adam, nor Stacy's voice that was played. It went like this:

"Jason Marquan, when you see this message we have taken both your friends to a destination that only we know. To get them back you have to follow our rules. Fuck up and we swear to kill them both, their blood on your hands. You have one week to fulfill our demands."

**Voice message ended**

From the background I heard trains passing by and both Adam and Stacy murmuring, sounding like they were tied up.

Just as I thought I was getting ahead of this ridiculous situation, reality comes torturing my soul.

I sent a message to let then know the time I hot their message. This sick game of theirs was beginning, and I was the centre piece of it all. Something about this didn't seem to add up to me. Why were they?How'd they know I was in contact with Adam and Stacy?How'd they locate them? And what demands did they want me to fill?

Daj_Romani Daj_Romani

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