Paul closed the folder and left it on his desk. She caught him at a bad time. If she were anyone else, they would have left as quickly as possible. Even Sam would left, understanding his rage better than most people.
Not getting the permission she entered his office as he noticed she wore a beautiful dress that he was sure Sam had picked out for her. It looked perfect on her, like she was born and raised in a wealth family. "Are you busy?"
But her dress was not enough to distract him. "I am always busy."
Her eyes showed her disappointment, expecting the same gentle man she saw the night before. He was not constant. "I was hoping we could talk. It can wait until later if that's more convenient for you."
"Or we could not talk at all. That's the most convenient option." Right now Paul hated himself for going soft on her. He hated himself for being anything but ruthless. He had revenge to plot, and he was getting lost already.