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100% The Shadow Soul System(DC) / Chapter 1: New Life(Edited.)
The Shadow Soul System(DC) The Shadow Soul System(DC) original

The Shadow Soul System(DC)

Autor: BlackSwordman1234

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: New Life(Edited.)

(I wrote this odd fanfic five years ago when I was first getting into the hobby of fanfic writing. It was written according to what is expected of a beginner who was learning to write. Now, let's see if I can't salvage this old gem of mine.)

Jason Moore was always an extremely weird individual. Some might say he was usually quiet and shady, and his peers called him the quiet kid in high school. This was a result of seeing his parents die. 

They had been driving on the highway, and while he was in the back, they had gotten into a car wreck. He had seen his mother and father die, and he survived by sheer luck. 

He was only 12 years old, and after his parents' death, his crazy uncle took him in. His uncle dressed in red spandex, and he liked to say weird things at times. He was also one of the greatest merc,enaries around and he trainedduringim a little in his free time. 

Deadpool as his uncle called himself, was crazy, but he was fun. Jason was 25 years old now, and he had moved out of his uncle's place since it often exploded when people came to kill him. 

The world was quite weird in itself, with Asguardians, Mutants, Aliens, and more, but he kept out of it at his uncle's orders. Uncle Wade kept his distance for his safety, but even then, Jason hoped his uncle the best. 

These days, Jason keeps to himself and plays video games when not on the run from his uncle's enemies. Recently, he has gotten into Souls-like games. The sheer difficulty is fun when he overcomes the challenges. 

He has played these games since Demon Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. As a long-term gamer of Souls Serious, he had gone through many builds, and he had taken to playing with two greatswords. 

He liked to wear heavy armor to go along with his swords, meaning he didn't parry at all. Just as Jason turned on his PS5 to load up Elden Ring, a red spear impaled him through the heart out of nowhere. 

It was so fast that he didn't even have time to scream as he was dead instantly. After his death, a man in full plate crashes into the room and lands on his dead body. When he picks himself up and notices the corpse, he goes pale. 

He looks worried, and soon, a woman rushes at him, but she stops when she sees the body.


The man looked up at his sister with a horrified expression. 

"Don't tell dad. He told us not to come to the human world, and look; we killed one of them."

The woman removed her helmet and revealed her blonde hair, blue eyes, and a shit-eating grin.

"No way, I'm telling Dad about this." 

He grinned back and pointed at the spear in Jason's chest.

"That's your spear, so you killed him. Dad is going to send you to the void."

Her face changed into an expression of pure terror before she 

how soon dropped to her knees. 

"NO! You know how bad it is there. How could you do this to your adorable sister?"

For a second, he considers telling their Father, but he would be sent along with his sister to be a part of this. As gods, they could do something about this. 

"Hey, help me with this. If we use both of our powers, we can grant this guy a few wishes as compensation and avoid Dad knowing about this. Because the moment his soul goes to the path of Samsara, Dad will know, and he will send us to the Void as punishment for an eon." 

Her face shows agreement, and together, they use their divine authority to grab his soul before it goes to the path of Samsara. This is all to prevent the cause of his death from being discovered. Together, using their divine authority, they give his soul temporary life once more. 

 His soul took his shape, and when he woke, he looked down at his dead body. He is horrified for a second, but that goes away pretty soon. He looks up at the two people using magic to keep him here.

The woman spoke in a hurried and slightly fearful tone.

"Hey, dude, sorry we killed you. As a sorry, we will grant you five wishes. So hurry and choose."

He is quite shocked and sees this is not the usual Iseaki but more like they are giving him hush money. He assumed these two wanted him to leave, so the real God doesn't know.

"Okay, I guess that makes up for it. For my first wish, I want to have a system based on Dark Souls, like games of all kinds. I want it to have the option to break past the 100-stat limit, upgrade armor, and have free reign in the world.

"For my second wish, I want a universal item store that sells everything."

They agree, but they place a limit.

"Fine, whatever." 

Next, he asked a good question. 

"The world and my appearance, are those be counted as wishes or not?"

They both shook their heads. 

"No, those are freebies."

Okay, for my appearance, I want to look like Sung Jin-Woo before he cut his hair. As for the world, I want to be reborn in the DC universe in Earth 16, Young Justice to start." 

They agree, and he still has three wishes.

"While talking about him, I also want the Shadow Sovereign powers." 

They granted his wish and waited for him to choose his remaining two wishes.

"For my fourth wish, I want the immortality and powers of Ban of the Seven Deadly Sins."

With that, they add it to his wishes; as for his last wish, he thinks closely about it. Then, he makes up his mind. 

"Can you give me a Soul-Bounded Pet Demon?"

They look at each other before nodding to him. 

"Sure, whatever." 

The siblings reached out, grabbed his soul, and held their palms out. A blue portal opened in front of them, and they threw him in. 

"Sorry about the killing you thing, we're sorry." 

He couldn't respond, and he was sucked into the portal. They even threw in his corpse, which sucked in his soul once again before being warped into the shape of Sung Jin Woo as he had requested. 

The process is instant, and by the time he finishes traveling through the portal, he lands on his feet in the middle of the street. He takes a deep breath of air after being without a body for a few moments. 

'That sucked.' 

Suddenly, he hears a ding as the screen appears in front of his face. 

<The Shadow Soul System activating.>

'Interesting name, I guess.'

<Welcome here to your Shadow Soul System Player. You can now access the worlds of games that classify under Souls-like. The difficulty can be increased by entering the New Game Plus option.>

<Do you want to enter your system space?>

He decided to hold off for the moment. 

'Not yet. Where even am I? System, can you scan the area?>

<Scanning, area. The Player is in the slums. Several entities have been detected. A point of interest is Wayne Enterprise. Does the Player wish to be directed to the point of interest?>

For a moment, Jason considered how he was no longer in his home dimension but in the Comic Book of DC. In a way, DC, to him, was like a darker mirror of his home, but still a bit similar.

'Yes. That seems like a good idea as a start.'

Jason started to leave the street as he began to walk in the direction of Wayne tower. He was not worried as he was effectively immortal with Ban's Power. However, his nice clothes did start to draw a bit of attention as he walked. 

He was tall, and he looked well off, so a few thugs started to follow him as he did not look like he belonged. 

<Player for 1,000 souls, you can purchase the Longsword.>

'I don't have souls for that, do I?'

<You can loan it with a 5 percent interest per month.>

'Do it.'

Instantly, in his right hand, the Dark Souls 1 longsword appeared on his hip. Their was no glow or flashy effects as the blade just appeared there. He was not nervous as his Uncle Deadpool had taught him what he needed to know. 

He had even helped his Uncle dispose of bodies in the past and he was well trained. Seeing how he stopped, one of the thugs walked up to him while smoking a cigarette. 

He walked up to Jason, acting like he was big and tough. He and his crew surround Jason and start to mock him and make racial slurs about him being Asian or Chinese. 

"Hey, buddy. China Town is not around here. Oh, wait, my bad. Should I speak Chinese instead?" 

Seeing how Jason didn't respond he snarled angrily

"You deaf and dumb now too? Hand over your wallet, clothes, and shoes."

Jason looked down at the guy as he was 6'3 while this thug looked to be barely barely 5'4. He couldn't help but chuckle at how ridiculous these guys are. Jason sighed as he looked around at the guys around him. 

"I will be polite and not ask much of you guys. Just cut off your arms, kneel to me, and cut off your tounges and I will let you go."

The thugs, for a moment, were confused, but when Jason spoke again, they just got pissed. 

"That was a joke because I am not Chinese. Instead, just fuck off and go." 

Suddenly, pissed off, the leader of these guys pulled 


Jason sighed as he shook his head. 

"Hunter Fest." 

The moment he activates it, the 12 guys feel drained. Their energy, strength, and stamina are stolen and drained. They begin to struggle to even walk as Jason leans back as a dark purple aura begins to surge into his body. 

It was like he was high, causing his eyes to glow the same color. He licked his lips as he pulled out the sword on his hip and rushed forward at extreme speeds. He appeared in front of the first short thug and, in a single swing, cleaved him in half. 

'Titanite swords are better than steel.' 

Jason was never afraid of killing, as he had helped his Uncle Wade since he was a kid. He leaped at the next guy, swung his sword at an angle, and cleaved him from shoulder to hip. 

He points his hand at the third guy with a massive grin on his face.

"Crazy Hunt." 

Activating another aspect of Ban's ability, Snatch, he steals the man's brain, causing the organ to appear in his hand. The victim of this action falls limp dead as he crushed the brain in his hand. 

'3 down, 9 to go.' 

With him draining them, they can barely fight back or even run. He rushed at the 4th and stabs the sword through his sternum like it wasn't even there. He kicked the stabbed man in the gut and pushed him off his sword. 


Using that same momentum, he lunged out with his hand, grabbed another guy by the neck, and lifted him. With just a bit of pressure, his neck snaped like a twig.


He spun around and grabbed the wrist of the 6th guy and broke it, causing him to drop his knife. He kicks the knife and causes it to pierce through his throat. 


Jason turns around and sees that the remaining six have started to pull out their guns. They all aim at him and pull the trigger. He wasn't going to dodge, but his Demon Familiar jumped from his shadow to protect him. 

The Demon, in appearance, has a reptilian head, standing on its back legs with a Godzilla body type. The Demon snarls as the bullets bounce off its scaled body. In terms of size, it is around 22 feet tall and covered in spikes. 


(Image Here)

His Demon takes a deep breath before swinging its bladed tail, killing the remaining 6 for him. When the thugs are dead, Jason looks up at the Demon Godzilla he was given. It walked over to him before lowering its head. 

"Glad to meet you, pal." 

With a snort, the Demon corrects him. 

"Oh, you're a girl? Cool, I guess." 

Feeling offended, the Demon snorts at him before entering his shadow. From the look of it, his shadow was like an ocean, and the demon swam in there. 

'I got to come up with a name for her. For now.' 

He turned to the 12 bodies around him. 


The 12 former thugs emerged as 12 Shadows of Basic rank from their corpses. They were quite weak, but they could be useful later on. 

'Collect your wallets, phones, guns, and anything else, and then get into the Shadow.' 

The 12 shadows rush to do his will, collecting their valuables before bringing them to Jason. Once they delivered them to him, they entered his shadow, where his Demon resided. With that trouble dealt with, he walked away into the night of Gotham. 


Eventually, when the bodies are discovered, several officers arrived when the bodies were discovered, several civilians. Among them is James Gordon, who observes the grizzly sight of 12 brutalized men. 

 They lay out the tape and keep people who show up anyway. Several started to take pictures since it was quite a gorry sight. James goes up to the forensic guys to see what they found.

"So what could have done this to 12 armed guys and walk away unscathed? Any clues."

"Well, the wounds on the bodies are blade-shaped. If you asked me, either they used a very sharp sword or they were exceptionally skilled. These guys have no bullet wounds, only blade wounds and broken bones. However, the bullets we did find were flattened as they hit something very hard.

We also have this guy here." 

He references the guy with red marks around his neck.

"His neck is snapped, and the marks show his neck was crushed. Whoever did it was strong enough to do this with a single hand. The blades could be League of Assasins, but for this kind of strength, someone like Killer Croc or Bane would be needed. 

As for it being Croc, look over there?" 

He points at the giant footprint left in the concrete. Gordon walked over to the giant print as they were taking a cast. 

"Looks like it, but Waylon is in Arkham." 

Gordon looked at the bodies; several were cut in half, one with a broken neck, and several crushed bullets. The bullets are also clean without any blood. 

"Take those bullets for forensics. They may have something." 


As for Jason, he was now far away, not bothered by his actions. After leaving the Crime Scene, he took a moment to check himself to see if he was bothered. He was not, which made him thank Uncle Wade for all his training. 

'I will miss the guy.'

Now, he needs to find a place to live and a place to start grinding. He reached into his pocket and took the pack of cigarettes from that short guy. He lit one of them up before taking a drag and exhaling.

As he walked through Gotham, he pulled out one of the phones, which he unlocked when his Shadow told him the passcode. He then began to search for locations in the City, which was quite large. 

When he did find a cheap hotel, he entered a terrible room. 

"Gross. Shadows, come out and clean this mess up." 

His 12 shadow soldiers left his shadow and, as he ordered them, began to clean the room thoroughly. With 12 of them, they managed to clean quite fast, but he still didn't like it. 

He looked at his system screen for now. 

<Shadow Soldiers 12/50>

He didn't plan to keep them long, but they worked just fine for this. Once the room was acceptable, he laid down in the bed. 

<Player can now choose their first world.>

<Demon Souls>

<Dark Souls 1> 

<Dark Souls 2>

<Dark Souls 3>


<Sekiro Shadows Die Twice>

<Code Vein.>

<Demon Souls>

<Elden Ring>

<After you choose until you clear the whole game, you can't switch. When you do, the enemies will scale with your strength. Please choose carefully.>

He thought about it but decided to start with the easy mode. 

"I pick Dark Souls 3."

<Affirmative Player."

He soon sees the loading screen for his beginner class and instantly chooses Knight. 

The stats he received were as follows.

Vigor: ∞


Endurance: ∞

Vitality: ∞

Strength: 50



Faith 15

Luck 20

'With Ban's powers, I guess that makes sense.' 

Once he chooses his class, he gets the knight Armor, a second longsword, and the shield. His starter gift is the Gold Coins. Once he made his selections, he was sucked inside the screen where he appeared in the start area of Dark Souls 3. 

He looked down at himself, already wearing the Knight Armor and two Longswords on his hip. His shield was on his back, and his Gold Coins were in his inventory. 


<Welcome to the world of Dark Souls. Your Immortality and Snatch will work here. Now, get a strong Player.>

Jason drew both Longswords and for the time being, he took this chance to get used to having two. He didn't think he would be rolling, which was quite inefficient. 

With his immortality, he has infinite stamina and is effectively unkilable. Meaning, he would never lose his Souls here. 


At his orders, his 12 Shadows and his Pet Demon rise from his shadow. When they appear here, he looks up at the Demon Kaiju. 

"If you will be my familiar, I will name you. Your name is Tiamat. I think it fits, or do you want to be called Godzilla?" 

She raised one claw with a snort, saying she preferred the first option. Once she was named, Jason put on his helmet, which fit him perfectly. It was annoying, but he didn't need to breathe or be comfortable. 

"Let's go." 

He remembered the first section of Dark Souls 3 perfectly. Around here were just a few weak hollows, a Ravenous Crystal Lizard, and a few dogs. For the Hollows, he sent his Shadows ahead of him. 

They were unarmed, but from the look of things, they were still stronger than the Hollows. He watched as they ganged up on the robbed undead, whom they beat to death, harvesting a few souls. 

"Pick up their daggers." 

At his words, they took the daggers from the Hollow's dead hands to arm themselves. 

"Tiamat, enter my shadow for now, some areas are just not going to be accessible for you." 

Rather than do that, Tiamat burst into a dark red mist before appearing in front of him like a Doug from the Monsterverse. She was also quite small, no larger than a bear black bear. 

"Very convenient."

This time, she did snort at him, which reminded him more of an angsty teenager than a proper Demon. 


He ignored her as he and his Shadows walked to the Ravenous Crystal Lizard. When he saw it in the corner he smiled to himself. 

"I got this. Physical Hunt." 

Once he activated Snatch, the Crystal Lizard, which spotted him, instantly felt weakened. Its strength drained away as he rushed at it with his two swords in hand. When he reached it, he leaped into the air and, using his increased strength, stabbed the blades into its skull through the lizard's skin. 

The lizard didn't even get a chance to struggle as it died with two swords in its brain. Jason sighed as he ripped out his swords. He looked at the corner of his System to see his soul count. 

<Souls Count" 4,246

By killing that lizard, he gained 4000 souls. The other souls were from killing the hollows. 

"That wasn't too tricky." 

His 12 Shadows began to clap, but Tiamat just walked off. 

'Damn, lizard.' 

He walked toward the dead Ravenous Lizard and held his hand at it. 


Instantly, he animated the Shadow of the Dead Lizard, who joined his Shadow Army. This one was of the Normal Grade, better than his normal human Shadows. He also placed the corpse in his inventory to use it later. 

Once he had that, he, Tiamat, and his Shadows continued toward Iudex Gundyr. Before they arrived at the boss's room, he turned on the Bonfire, which he didn't rest at. 

"You 12, start mob clearing." 

His 12 human shadows immediately rushed with their stolen daggers to kill the hollows and dogs around here. Jason chooses to raise 8 of the Hollows and four dogs, bringing the number of his shadows up to 25. 

His Souls didn't increase that much as his group advanced toward Iudex Gundyr. When they all entered the boss room, he glanced at Gundyr's impaled form. He smiled to himself as Timat returned to her proper form. 

Aside from the Ravenous Crystal Lizard, he sent the 24 shadows to surround Gundyr. 

"Pull out the sword." 

Two of the Hollows did as he ordered and pulled the sword out. The moment the sword was out, the rest of the Shadows rushed forward and stabbed Gundyr through the cracks of his armor. 

He grinned as he ran forward before jumping off the head of one of his Hollows. Gundyr barely had a chance before Jason's swords pierced his eye sockets, killing him before he even entered his second phase. 

When Gundyr folded down into the ground, his corpse was still there. Jason smiled as he picked up Gundyr's halberd—a better weapon than his longswords.


From Gundyr's corpse, his giant shadow emerged before he kneeled in front of him. Above his head, he had the rank of Elite, meaning Iudex Gundyr was a true Elite for this early game. 

From this boss battle, he gained an Elite Shadow, 3,000 souls, and the Coiled Sword, for a total of 7,567 souls. 

"This has been a worthwhile investment so far." 

He activated the Bonefire in front of him and sat down. He removed his helmet as his Shadows, and Timat gathered around. He could end it here, but he decided to keep pushing. 

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