With the simultaneous passive attacks from Claire's assassin, the fighter of the Vultramite squad found no way to run!
He thought that the double boots were useless items, but now, he came in full understanding of the practical use of the item that Claire picked. No matter if he turned left or right, the assassin would quickly catch up!
The speed boost was troublesome to deal!
His struggle was not because the attack from Claire's assassin had tremendous damage to his character! No! In fact, the assassin lacked damage as she prioritized purchasing the boots.
Passive attacks have little damage on the enemies. However, under the expertise of Claire, she was still able to maximize the pressure that her enemy felt.
She was not relying on the damage she could deal towards the opponent, instead, it was on the speed! She could easily chase her target!
Thank you for all your support guys! Have a great day! Stay safe and awesome! ^_^