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25% A Blade & a Cherry Blossom / Chapter 7: Hanami

Kapitel 7: Hanami


The festival was now only a few suns away which caused the maids to run around frantically, pulling lanterns, candles, and decorations from forgotten storage within the palace.

The festival would be held in the forest lining town. During the late morning you were free to enjoy the blooming and good fortune of the day. So many wonderful dishes would be made, fan dancers would twirl around the square and when nighttime fell the lanterns would be lit and hung while Origami kites whizzed through the air on thin strings. Lastly, the fireworks would illuminate the night sky with their magic, filling the air with thick gun powder and light.

My excitement was close to boiling over and I bounced energetically in place because of it. This was my mother's favorite holiday. I would celebrate in her honor when the time came.


I was never granted back my Katana or the Wakazashi. I felt naked and too light in my steps as I swung the long-carved Bonsai bark shaped like an extended blade around my head, imagining my targets next movements. I knew that I would not only be fighting one man. I would be fighting many and therefore needed to quicken my transition from my Katana to martial arts close combat to take down my opponent. I thanked stars that I'd polished and sharpened both blades already. I spread my hands a bit further apart as I lunged forward with a slight of hand from my left to my right before kicking off hard with my left foot. The momentum sent my body into a flip that landed me behind my opponent faster than they could turn to block me. If done correctly, my tanto blade would smoothly transition from my left to my right before my feet even left the ground so that when I came up my blade lodged into your nasal cavity.

Sweat collected on my bare chest as I paused, the cotton bandaging wrapped snuggly around my torso pulled tight as heaved out air. My mind remained uneasy as I worked. Flashes of my father's head departing his body haunted me randomly as I worked at the movements, he had taught me himself. This could not happen while I was fighting. I took a knee, my hand to my pounding forehead.

"Sensei, please…"

I sank fully to the floor as the pain was slowly becoming intolerable. My breathing was rash as I crossed my legs beneath me and began taking centered gulps of air first in then out, closing my eyes as I did so.

The sound his flesh made as it split open..

I drew my brows together, fighting not lose my control. I would need to stay in tune with every part of myself if I was going to return successful. I sank deep into meditation in the quiet sanded columns of the palace's training room.


Breakfast could not have been more welcomed as I bounded into the great room, my father already sitting and fiddling with his chopsticks. I pecked him on the cheek before taking my usual seat. Rice balls, eggs, milk break, and honeyed pears sat before me, but my eyes remained fixated on my father.

"how could you never mention them to me Otosan?" I say casually.

He sighed deep and set down his sticks. "I have not seen Kunai since he'd gotten married many years ago. We lost touch over time. Kunai wanted a normal life for his son. He wanted to find peace. He served my father when I was a teenager and when your grandfather passed, he guarded me well into my marriage. He was even present when you were born into the world Misaki."

His eyes when he looked at me were seldom and cast down in silence. He always had been terrible at masking emotion but the look of raw pain on his face spoke volumes to me. This Kunai, Chi's father, meant much more to my father than many ever expected of a monarch.

"He has since passed on and his son has come, requesting to take up his father's position. I retired it long ago as I had wanted no one other than kunai guarding what I hold most dear, but I am curious, to see what the boy can do."

"Chichi," I pleaded. "He is not the man you were friends with. Can we trust him? Are you sure that we should allow him so close so easily? What if he has other reasons for appearing here? We've never met him before."

To my surprise, he laughed. Light and lilting was the sound that vibrated off the walls of the dining hall.

"He is not that person."

I placed my hands on the table, my eyes widening. "Yes, but how do you know? Going from a boy to man changes the person. No one remains as they were father."

He closed his eyes as the steam from the Chamomile tea filled teacup, he raised to his lip wafted in his face. "I have faith in Kunai. Even now that I know his soul has left this world, I trust him to guide his son properly."

I could protest no more and sat back down. My father was the greatest monarch this country had seen yet. Who was I to question his judgement in this?


She flowed down the hall in her long-embroidered white Kimono and magenta Obi, with pooling long sleeves and red ribbon woven through the gold clips pinned all throughout the intricate bun of her hair. Her eyes were rimmed in perfect coal lines once again and her lips were painted a deep rouge that made her fine milky skin seem even more flushed with blushing color. She flowed slowly down the hall, accompanied by a frail but lengthy servant dressed in plain cream robes. She kept her head cast down as she led the princess forward. Misaki's emerald eyes met mine and I quickly noticed how she knotted her fingers together when she was taken by surprise. She was fidgeting at this very moment. I bowed as I approached her.

"Ohayogozaimasu, ohimesama."

"Good morning," She replied.

I went and re-assumed my previous position intent on allowing her to pass but as she did, I found us walking in the same direction. She glanced first once, then twice, over her shoulder before turning swiftly back to me.

"Why are you following me?"

I could not hold back the smirk I wore as her eyes narrowed to slits. I raised my finger and pointed down the hall. "This is the way to the stables, Ojo."

Her face blushed a deep crimson. Was she embarrassed?

I got the notion that the princess did not trust me much. And why should she? She barely knew me. But I did quite enjoy the current color in her cheeks. My shoulder brushed hers as I moved to go around her.

"Are you leaving?"

There was a pitch in her voice as she glanced at me. I smirked inwardly. She was a curious Kitsune, I'd give her that. She would need to be careful with that curiosity though. It didn't fare too many well here. I stopped mid-step in the middle of the hall.

"No. I just would like to check on Okami."

Surprising me once again she yanked up the bottom of her Kimono, wrinkling the fabric, and took up stride beside me. The attendant whose face had gone pale followed closely behind. We spoke in hushed tones as we moved past door after door.

"I assume that that is the black gelding you rode in on?"

"A gift from the clan when I officially joined the Minimoto."

Her question yanked me through a slew of memories. My mother cooking large meals in our small kitchen for all fifty of our men. When father sharpened his sword in the yard, and he taught me all the shapes and sizes of a blade.

This pain went unmatched as I thought of Riku, Sora, Kaito, and Hinata, my father's closest men. They were sensei to me just as much as my father was. The hard resignation almost left me short of breath. I was never exactly sure how my father fell suddenly ill; he always refused to say. I first thought that it could have been a wound he had to have gotten from a random battle that occasionally broke out, and not dressing it properly. My mother would always scold him for hours when he came home with mud and dirt in the split skin. Or perhaps it was just the silent murderer of time. Regardless of the reason, I granted the fox no answer. I saw her mouth fix into a grim line with the lack of words.

"I am sorry for your loss, Chi Matasunei."

Nodding my thanks, I took the marble palace steps two at a time while Hime moved slowly along in her doddery sandals. I found myself waiting for her at the bottom, accepting her company. We continued across the egg rock courtyard and over to the long rectangular structure with glass-less windows and rich gold trim around the lining. Guardsmen stopped to watch us as we passed by, looks of concern being all that I detected. There were dappled greys, Appaloosa's decorated in eccentric patterns, Friesian stallions prancing eagerly in place, and chestnuts with high strung tails and wide nostrils sitting in stalls on both my left and my right. When I finally came close to the end of the stalls is when I came across Okami. He heartily snacked on strands of hay, his coat now dry and pristine, and looked content in his findings. Sliding back the heavy latch on the stall door and letting out a whistle made his ears prick up and his head snapped to attention. His whinny was greeting enough as I moved slowly inside to pat his neck and check his hooves.

"he almost fell as ill as you when the men had gotten him in here. We placed crushed herbs in the feed, and he felt better by morning. The attendant to all of the royal horses gave him a good bath and a heated blanket."

"Thank you," I nodded to her. "I truly do appreciate it, and I know that Okami does as well."

She moved forward, hay crunching beneath her feet and Okami strained his neck over my shoulder to nibble at her fingers. They seemed to be well acquainted.

"He'll need to be in good health to get you back home safely."

The muscles in my back strained at the words that just left her mouth; I had no choice but to meet her gaze. I searched the jewels in her eyes until I found my answer. "You do not think I will come out successful in this."

Again, her lack of words spoke volumes in the quiet stall. The only tangible sound was Okami's teeth grinding hay, she bit her painted lip and shifted from one foot to the other before crossing her arms.

"I just feel that we have an entire army here to protect us from harm every single day. What difference could a new guard possibly make?"

Her eyes widened as if she had not meant to say what she had. But she'd already said it, and I'd already walked away.



This bright morning was filled with excitement. Firstly, for the display of Chi Matasunei's abilities, and then the festival taking place within just a few hours. I had chosen my clothing the night before. It was a rose-pink Kimono that pooled at the floor with brown thick branches reaching every which way harboring Cherry Blossoms and cacophonies of monarch butterflies that flew through swirling wind and clouds. My hair was down and in deep waves thanks to Osa's diligence. She even thew in a blooming lily speckled hair comb that kept my long tresses out and away from my face.

I dressed quickly in order to be in the main courtyard even before my father. My curiosity was now piqued; after the other afternoon in the barn with the words that thoughtlessly fell from my lips and angered the samurai. I found myself quite anxious to see him. I had not meant to say them in that harsh of a manner, but they'd slipped out regardless. Perhaps it was best that I not become Empress. I was all too good at saying the words I should keep quiet.

When the boy had walked away those days ago, a part of me

felt a pang of anger within myself. I doused the flame just as quickly as it'd arisen. I knew nothing of this boy claiming to know the ways of Samurai.

I would not be fooled by old ties.

So many came, proclaiming ties to my father in the past. A friend he'd made in a tavern while passing through town, a promise of riches, fighting alongside one another in battles of previous years…the list ranged on and on. If we believed every man who came here with a claim, the kingdoms bank would be depleted faster than our country had ever obtained it. We would be in an economic downfall.

As guards, three on either side of me, escorted me out of the large mahogany palace doors I was met with crowds of towns people gathering in the same place I was headed, to view the display.

Fathers seat rested up high on elevated platforms, a plush red mat dipped in good luck rolled down over the edges. My seat was just beside his, down a level with a white mat of purity rolled out stopping just short of the red. Guards stood, hands on their weapons around the entire structure. A canopy was draped just over the entirety of it.

The day was bright; blinding white light from the sun and the whites of the egg-shaped rocks laid across the courtyard only whitened that light even more. If you knew no better the expanse of space looked hot as dried desert grounds. The towns people's energy was amplified, and a fire raged in the pit of my stomach. Children sat atop their father's shoulders as tired mothers held fast to their lover's arms. Most wore their best attire for the festival today.

The cheering grew louder as a mass of golden armored guards navigated my father through throngs of people and up to his seat. His robes were black and an ombre jade color. Bamboo stalk silhouettes decorated the bottom hem that faded into a brilliant night sky. The needle work was the best in the country. My mother personally employed the seamstress when I was still nestled inside her belly. Chichi insisted that she stayed on with us after mothers passing. He took hold of my fingers that rested on the curved arm and kissed them tenderly.

"You are the vision of spring my daughter."

I smiled prettily at him. "Papa, arigato."

Many people and children waved and cheered frantically for their Emperor as we waited for the demonstration to begin. The crowds hushed murmuring was the giveaway of the samurai making his way through the crowd. To everyone's surprise, along with mine, he did not wear the same armor and contorted mask he'd arrived at the palace in. He wore the same simple cream robes I had seen him in during the early morning. The only difference now was that his hair was skillfully placed in a bun at the back of his head; no thin wisps hung in his face anymore. His jaw was taut and his eyes hard like stone. He was concentrated.

The people moved aside nearest the center of the crowd, making way for him to pass. He slid into the bare space and turned, facing father and me. My stomach dropped when his eyes refused to meet mine. I was right. I had upset him with my words the last time we'd spoken. I cast my gaze down as my fathers' voice boomed through my ear canal. As always, his Japanese was clear, punctual, and without flaw.

"The people of Hiroshima, I have asked you all here today upon request made by one whose family…" his pause drew curiosity out of the crowd. "Whose family I respect greatly! But though I hold my friend's memory dear, I still remain your king."

The crowd fell deafeningly quiet, eager for his next words. "He has asked to protect my family, as his father once had."

The whispers if they could be considered that were louder than many intended. Chi kept his eyes to the ground.

"You see, this boy's father had once been a great Samurai within our lands. My father trusted him, respected him. In honor of both great lives being lost I will allow this trial. Today, we shall see in the student has surpassed the teacher."

Raising his hand, seven guards stepped out to form a circle around the boy. He glanced and turned, counting the men around him. There was no way he could beat all seven of these men! They were some of General Roh's best men! I was almost too afraid to watch this. Nausea set in a ball in the pit of my stomach and my hands began to grip the fabric beneath them.

"Grant him a weapon."

At my father's command a boy no older than twelve jogged into the tense ring, handing Chi a sword sheathed in black marble. I saw the faint smirk register on his face before the ring of metal sliding out rang loud and clear in the masses. The guards were next to release their weapons. My eyes took notice of how the extended long sharp metal gleamed in the sunlight. Chi's hand gripped the hilt of his sword as he lowered himself to a crouch, his blade like a tail stretched out behind him.


I was glad that I'd chosen to wear thin robes instead of the heavy layers of armor and plating still hanging up in my rooms. Of course, this left me susceptible to any wound; I would just have to be cautious in my movements. Misaki and the Emperor sat a few paces away, high up on chairs of gold. Misaki's eyes remained glued to me as I bowed first to her and then her father in respect. Her words swam around in my head like smoke. Specifically, the one's that blatantly expressed her thoughts on my request of her father. When did I ever care about what I high borne, noble, thought of me? I knew my power and would not fall because of a girls unsounded beliefs. I squeezed my eyes shut tight before opening them again and pushing all negative thought from my mind. I would need to remain clear headed if I had any intention of coming out of this victorious and with my head still intact. All seven of these men were broad and would not tire easily. I had my work cut out for me here.

"Sensei, give me strength..." I murmured before the first guard lunged for me, swinging his sword down, trying hard to split the soft skin from my stomach. His metal bounced off mine as I deflected the blow, and my foot caught my imbalance from the impact. heavy handed; noted.

I would have to move much faster if I planned on continuing to breathe. The second and third men came from my left and right sides. One's blade aimed for my head as I slid to my left, spinning and bringing the dull end of the blade close to my body. I felt my Katana lodge into armor. Once the blade stuck, I heard the fourth ones feet rattli8ng against the stones behind me. My blade was lodged toughly in the chest plate of the third so I huffed out air in a loud exhale as I used that to my advantage and swung the blade with the momentum from the guards body around and landed a kick at his chest, pushing him into the fourth guard. Moving swiftly as I knew I had to, brought my sword quickly around my head slicing the first guard in the arm, through the cotton of his sleeve. I heard the blood splatter the pristine white of the ground. The sixth guard was still in his beginning spot, watching. I ran at him and pivoted my foot launching my body into the air and bringing my blade down within mere inches of his neck. His hands went up in shock as he had no chance to counter my advance. Before the remaining standing guards could descend on me, I hurled the Katana through the air, slicing each of their cheeks as it whistled by, finding a home in the bare tree post behind them.

No one moved for a breath of a moment before the applause erupted like rolling thunder.


He had just…he had just moved so quickly I-

The fight was over in a matter of moments! His body had flowed like music and death. He approached one guard and then the other before becoming one with his blade in a way that I had never seen. For a weighted moment I had no idea where his weapon ended, and he began. He was as swift as shadow and as wild as a tiger ravenous for blood with no hesitancy to take it. His hunched shoulders and deep inward breathing left him undone but not in the least bit spent. His hair was wild, the only way I'd known it to be thus far. His top knot had come undone and his hair fell to his shoulders again. His blade harbored trickles of each of our guards' blood. What was more shocking was that to the watching eye, these men should be dead, but

Chi had used restraint and only minimally wounded them in the process. It was beyond impressive. My father's smile was his agreement. Slowly he got to his feet and clapped with the rest of the crowd.


Chi turned with the king's praises, the people falling silent to hear their ruler speak. His chest heaved hard and I noticed that his robe was torn open at the top and a thin red line marred the skin on his chest, when had he been wounded?

"You have a place within my home. There would be no greater honor than to have you watching over my family!"

Chi's face remained fixed as he knelt before our raised dais, holding out in both open palms.

"My sword and my life is yours, my king."

Father got to his feet abruptly and bent low for Chi to hear.

"Your father would have been proud."

"I humbly thank you your majesty."

The emotion in that thanking did not go unnoticed to me. What my father just said, meant everything to him.

"Please allow our new Samurai to get cleaned up and

bandaged. For in a few short hours, when the sun is at its highest, the Sakura's will bloom."

My heart still raced as Chi gathered his scabbard for his sword and slid it inside before turning and walking slowly back into the palace.

It was so hard to get away from my father and all of the towns people who had wanted to get a good look at the bad omen dressed in a royals robes, or smile serenely as my father discussed his views the farming and agriculture of the land. I saw no immediate reason for me to remain. Instead, I slid my feet out of my sandals before anyone could take notice and jogged back inside the palace and haphazardly down the long stretches of hallway until I reached the infirmary. I came up short when I only saw the guards he had wounded there. Where was he?

I walked up determinedly when I finally found a lone guard patrolling the narrow corridor. "Where is the Samurai?"

The guard's eyes narrowed slightly, unsure if he should tell me what information he knew. But my stoic expression had been one practiced for many years of perfection with these guards. I was able to make any of them fearful without the use of any weapon. It was MY weapon against being shut out of everything else within these large halls.

"Down the next hall Ojo. It will be the first door as you turn the corner."

Nodding my quick thanks, I did not wait for the returning bow accustomed to respected royalty. Once I reached the end of the hall, I found the haphazard Shoji wax paper door and tapped lightly on the lining wood. It slid open to Chi with one arm in a new robe and one arm still out. His eyes widened in surprise at my presence and he took an unexpected step back.

"Your highness! My apologies!"

He bowed low as I stood there gazing at him in amusement.

"why are you apologizing?"

"I-I was not expecting you…"

I chuckled as I entered further into his room. "So, these are your quarters…"

His eyes remained dark and hooded. And with his chest bare I was able to see the cut more clearly. It wasn't as deep as I'd expected but I could tell that it would need to be cleaned. I raised a finger to it. "Are you going to dress that?" I questioned.

His eyes cast down and he seemed to fumble with folding one side of his Kimono rightfully over the other. "It will be fine, it's just a scratch."

I shook my head disapprovingly and walked forward. I pulled his robe apart again, ignoring the agitated look on his face and took a closer look. "Even a scratch can become infected and kill the most vicious tiger…"

"Is that what I am? Tora?"

"Well it would be suiting. After all, you do not call me by my name, though you know it."

"this is simply because I see a fox when looking at you."

I stopped stretching the red puckered skin. "Kitsune."


I smirked before he cleared his throat and stepped away.

"Forgive me Hime, but is it not uncustomary for a princess to be alone in a room with a man that is not her husband? The guards could get the wrong impression."

I clicked my tongue between my teeth. "They will do no such thing!" it was my turn to clear my throat and lower my tone, aware of the fact that I was in his rooms. "My honor is unquestionable." I pointed quickly to his chest. "You'll need a salve and bandages for that. I will send Kai to aid you."

Our eyes held for seconds, hers testing mine for a retort before I turned to take my quick leave. I swung around quickly and nodded to him. "My apologies."

His eyebrows drew together as he tucked his robe quickly closed. "For what Kitsune?"

"I doubted you and did not know you. That was wrong of me."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Misaki will do just fine thank you."

Leaving him with those words I left his room in search of Kai.


I had never met a royal before now, but there was no way that this rude, untamed, no boundaries between two human beings knowing woman could be one! The woman just came barreling into the room speaking before the doors had a chance to fully open! Where was the human decency?!

Having no choice but to address her she completely ignored my questions and asked her own! Now I knew how to remain unfeeling and keep my expression as stoic as possible but then, the curious creature slipped and showed… concern. It piqued my curiosity as to her true character. She came off as a beauty to rival almost all others but was utterly unapproachable.

Aside from her standoffish demeanor she kept her word as the cook soon came rapping on my door after she left; fusing over how every injury needed to be thoroughly cleaned and dressed; I would need to be careful. I felt that if I so much as sliced my finger open peeling a pear, she and the intrusive Hime would lose all sense. She kept insisting on the royal physician. I refused each time.

When my mind finally grasped that I'd truly succeeded in defeating the king's best men and being granted my father's previous position in light of that, I appreciated everything about the rooms I now sat in; the same rooms he had apparently occupied in his service to the king. My first thought was to turn the room upside down until I found something, anything, he may have left behind but like in my fathers nature he left it completely bare.

I sat cross legged on the layered Tatami mats, cleaning the thin trails of blood off the Katana before placing the blade back in its scabbard and leaning it up against the wall. I as gazed at the long sword the Emperor's words rang like echoes in cave.

"Your father would be proud."

I wished he'd been able to see it. To hear those words himself.

What really caught me off guard today was her royal highness. She had truly walked in, all confidence and surety. Though if you paid close enough attention, I could see that in her eyes there was worry, and regret. She had really picked and prodded at my skin with her cool fingers as was her lack of personal space. She made a big deal out of the scraped across my chest like a curious child unafraid of blood. Which I knew well enough that would be fine. But to appease her and expose the caring nature she hid by seriousness. The level of concern on her face warmed me unexpectedly.

My armor was cleaned and brought to my room on pedestals. I glanced at it running my hands across the detailed craftsmanship on the breast plate and shoulder pads. I was informed by a servant that the white robes embroidered with black winding branches devoid of flowers given to me would be sufficient when inside the palace. I was to meet the Emperor in the dining hall.

When I entered the room, Misaki, dressed in a red almost form fitting Kimono with a wide orange Obi wrapped around the waist, and a tree glass hair pin resting neatly in her hair, jade earrings in her ears. She stood beside the king, his hands clasped in front of him, a pleasant smile on his face.


I was shocked as he addressed me fondly. I bowed before the current monarch and the future. "Hello your highness."

"Hello, young samurai. Congratulations on your phenomenal display! You truly are gifted with the Minimoto ability. Now, I have summoned you here because in the next few minutes the Sakura festival will begin. Unfortunately, I am getting a bit too old to be running around the towns square so I would like very much for you to accompany Misaki into town today."

Misaki's eyes glowed a bright amber as she looked to her father in surprise.

"yes sir."

He nodded and patted his daughter's hair. "Very good. Have fun my lily."

She lifted up on tip toe and pecked him softly on the cheek.

"But father, what will you do?"

"I have had the palace gardens decorated for the occasion. I will spend the night there. Go, go have fun."

Misaki headed quickly to the door of the dining hall, excitedly waiting for me. As I approached the door the king spoke again.


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Take care of my daughter."

His voice changed from light and lilting to deep and serious.

I nodded my understanding before being yanked through the door by the elated little fox.

The princess could not seem to get out of the palace doors fast enough. Something told me that her outlandishness and quick wit were not common amongst royalty. As we traveled across the now sparsely populated courtyard, I found some odd sense of humor in the fact. Just hours ago, this square space was filled with people either expecting me to live or die on the ground beneath our feet.

We were stopped short as the general of Emperor's army stepped out with two of his men flanking him. They all wore layers upon layers of their armor, and I was suddenly glad I had not had to wear mine. The sun was blazing and inside all the metal and clay plating of the armor it could feel like being stuck inside of a brick oven.

His scowl was ever permanent and his back impossibly straight. He smiled upon the princess as he looked at her.

"Bright morning Hime."

Misaki's grin did not meet her eyes but her voice was lilting and happy. "Good morning general. I hope that you get to enjoy the blooming at some point this afternoon."

"Sadly, princess I will be patrolling the palace grounds. I am sure it will be beautiful as always."

Misaki nodded her agreement before opening her paper

umbrella dipped in a cream orange dye, resting it against her shoulder. "Then I will be sure to enjoy springs beauty for us both, general."

He bowed. "you are too kind Hime."

She flowed past him and as I took up immediate stride behind her he stepped out blocking my way, his face inches from mine. He gazed directly ahead as he spoke with a low guttural warning.

"If any harm should befall her while under your watch, I WILL hold you accountable."

I was suddenly very aware of the blade I carried. It weighed on me more and more each second the hint of Saki still on his breath hit my face. I would have rolled my eyes in annoyance if Misaki had not been studying the entire reaction. His lips thinned and then it was her voice that halted any further assaults and threats from him.

"Chi-san! By the time we arrive we will be admiring all of the petals on the ground instead of the trees!"

As she closed out her sentence with the hint of a whine it was enough to make the general move aside and let me pass. A man beyond these walls with that same attitude would have gotten cut down without a moment's hesitation. I enjoyed his distaste as I returned to the princesses' side.


We traveled by carriage through town to the edge of a forest path a bit short of Mount Fuji. The towns people from wealthy to the poor were navigating the streets all headed in the same direction. The driver led the muscled horse around them all without issue. When we arrived, my attending lady exited the carriage first before giving me her hand for support. Chi-san swung his leg over Okami and knotted his reins to the side of the carriage before coming to stand a bit behind me. There were fewer houses and vendors this close to the edge of town, but it probably had never gotten as busy as it was now.

We neared the foliage decorated archway cut out of the tree line that took you deep into the Sakura forest. There were already a few small pink petals floating around on the air. Chi's hand rested comfortably on his long sword at his hip. His face was not quite blank but almost eerily serene.

Secretly, from what I noticed; Chi Matesunei was surprisingly beautiful. I would never admit that to him for fear of embarrassment or misunderstanding but his features were forming into that of a strong and dangerously handsome young man. His almond colored eyes and forever untidy top knot did wonders for his defined jawline.

"Was the general threatening you?" I suddenly found myself saying.

For exactly five steps he said absolutely nothing. I fought to keep my eyes cast down but, in the end, I could not help myself. Why was he not answering me?

Of course, when I set my eyes on his face, he was smirking down at me. I huffed out my frustration under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief. This…jerk, was doing it on purpose! His chuckle came before his answer.

"Yes princess, that Is precisely what he did."

Before I could retort he took my umbrella from me and closed it, tucking it beneath his arm. The low hanging Wisteria vines with long purple flowers were beckoning us in. he continued speaking lowly as he motioned with an open hand for me to enter first.

"His concern does not come without reason. You are the sole future of this kingdom." His gaze was steady as he took slow step after slow step.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure no harm does befall you."

I smiled faintly up at him with the sound of discipline in his voice. "You bodyguards are always are always so serious. Come."

I grabbed his sleeve and with a bit of strength I yanked him nearer to me and wrapped my hand around his arm for support. I kept safe distance, so no one was to assume any foul play between the samurai and I.

The moss ridden walkway made it difficult to walk in my elevated sandals. It stretched a long way back before wrapping around to the left bank and downhill. On either side of us the canopy of long hanging vines wound together, their flowers collecting in the center. The pastel flowers bathed the walkway in violet light. Anyone we passed turned their attention to me, bowing in quick unison with one another. Many other ladies and their escorts strolled leisurely ahead of us; they too were admiring natures work. The grass was the greenest I had yet to see it this early into the spring season. In its current state it rivaled the gardens at home. My heart pumped hard as excitement continued to build. As we plopped downward, the purple petal blanket covering the ground faded to a full bright pink. Everything turned a dazzling shade of bright pink. Loose petals flew up to just kiss my cheeks on the breeze and I began to see the start of the magnificent trees a few paces ahead.

"How is your wound fairing?"

"My scratch?" he corrected.

I huffed again in frustration.

"You and I have two very different conceptions of the word

'scratch, princess."

"But yes, I suppose that we do. I am in no pain if that is what you are asking your highness. The salve has helped."

I nodded, pleased. "Good. And again, please just call me Misaki okay?"

"I don't think that is appropriate Hime."

"Well then only call me princess. I get so tired of being called

'your highness' all of the time."

He seemed to take a second before nodding his understanding.

"Very well."

The ground quickly evened out and my breath caught. There were at least two dozen Sakura trees sitting atop small mounds, short clap moon bridges lifting only slightly above blue streams of water running over the light and dark shaded gray pebbles, and gazebo's hidden under a few of the still reaching wisteria. Small carts of treats were being wheeled around by merchants dressed in dark brown robes. Many of the towns people watched us as I gawked ahead. I thought I was alone in the awe of it all until I peeked up at Chi's face. His eyes were wide and unblinking, and his lips lay parted.


His eyes flew down to meet me. "Mm?"

"Is this your first blooming festival?"

The question took him by surprise, and he glanced around once again as if seeing for the first time.

"Sadly, I've never had the opportunity to attend."

His voice was light as the air itself as he took in all the different colors and sounds around us.

"In that case, I am honored to accompany you on your first Hanami." I smiled, holding my arms outstretched beside me.

* * *

I was supposed to be accompanying the samurai on his very first Hanami festival. I willingly and happily took on the responsibility. Instead, Chi stood observantly a few inches away as a plethora's of towns people and other noble families inquired upon my wellbeing, asked questions of the future, and wondered openly why they so rarely saw me. His eyes watched me closely as they also watched the mouths of the people speaking to me. I thanked him internally when I saw him finally come walking through and up to my side. He stood closely beside me facing the opposite direction, hand on the hilt of his short blade.

"Need a hand Hime?" he whispered.

His voice as he spoke low and clear in my ear was a comfort.

"Onegaishimasu," I begged.

His hand brushed the inside of my lower arm discretely as he addressed the masses, weaving a tale that I was feeling lightheaded and needed to rest quietly for a while. We turned abruptly away.

"rest your head on my shoulder Kitsune."

I did as he instructed, fainting dizziness. We found a bench, nestled up on higher ground, away from all the people, and right beneath a fully bloomed cherry tree. I took a seat on the wooden bench as Chi stood beside me.

"Thank you, Chi-san."

"Of course, princess."

"Only now there will be rumors that Japan's only princess is sickly and frail," I teased.

His chuckle was low. "People will speak ill of you no matter what you may say or do. However, you are neither of those things."

I smiled, my cheeks warming to my dismay. I dared not turn to him. "You do not know me, so how would you know if I was either sickly or frail?"

He was silent for a fraction of a second. "I see you. Is that not enough?"

I turned only slightly at his reply as I spoke again. "You can sit you know. It is much easier to carry a conversation that way."

"I am afraid I cannot, princess."

"Well why-"

I stopped my retort short as I realized what\ he meant. He was my guard, not my friend. If someone walked by and saw my guard sitting beside me there would no doubt be rumors of romanticism. Turning fully back around I looked out upon the round shingled rooftops and people strolling about the pathways.

"All of these people ask me questions about the palace, and what my father's plans are. I realize that I truly have no answers. Although, I would not answer those questions even if I could."

Pausing momentarily, I frowned inwardly. "Most of these people think that being royalty, their Hime, is a wonderful thing. But being shut out of everything that holds any value, because you are a woman and cannot rule your own people without marriage, is just something that makes me feel…"

"Confined," he finished.

I heard him sigh airily behind me.

"You feel confined. I would wager that you know you were meant for more Kitsune. Your soul is wild, any person, royalty or not can see that. Fox aren't meant to be caged princess. They tend to naw on the bars, stripping their teeth until their jaws lock from exhaustion."

I turned fully around now, my hands resting on the edges of the bench. "You are wiser than you appear Chi Matasunei."

I knew that his smirk would become familiar quickly as he wore it frequently. "I do my best, princess."

We stayed atop that hill for hours, him at my back and me on the bench, speaking casually. When the sky darkened and the fireworks began and the men in thin bamboo hats climbed atop the high rooftops of the buildings in the near distance igniting the large fireworks that lit up the night sky with broad colors, Chi-san and I stood side by side staring up at the manmade phenomenon.



"Thank you, for this."

I grinned as we gazed up at the sky. "Thank you for allowing me to share the moment with you."

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