<<Wait...I just realized how messed up that sounded,>> Zhen Xun Tian said as she palmed her forehead and laughed. <<The branch clan isn't going to be the ones to kill me. They're going to be the ones seeing me off.>>
Evidently, this statement did nothing to assuage Nun Hua's fears in the slightest. If anything, it just made her more curious. That stated, she understood that she would never get a straight answer unless she was as blunt as Zhen Xun Tian.
Which is why she decided to ask the following question.
<<Okay...how...do you know you're going to be dying soon?>>
<<Oh, uh...remember that cult that old lizard sent me to go and eradicate? It was from like...thirty or so years ago?>>
<<The one being led by the Heaven's Lawbringer Fox bloodliner or the one led by the guy with the demonic clam shell treasure?>>
<<The latter.>>