'Why is she stretching like that? Why is no one else noticing her? How is Zhen Hai not noticing her movements? Why is she stretching like that? Why, why why?'
Before her very eyes, Telana's deceased mother didn't move from behind Zhen Hai's chair...she moved through it.
For reasons beyond her understanding, her ghostly mother had phased her head through the chair, her neck elongating all the while like a creeping viper, sneaking along a tree branch before lashing out against it's prey. Adding onto this effect, Telana's mother began to snake and wrap her limbs and neck around Zhen Hai's body, coiling around and around like a rope around a barrel.
Zhen Hai didn't notice at all, or rather...it looked as if the ghost was starting to move him around as she extended even closer and closer to Telana.
'How is he not noticing? Why is he not noticing?,' Telana repeated to herself.
So...I just realized I technically have an audience...might as well do some good!
I commed this artist to make a few more kaijin with unusual themes... can't exactly get those timely if she's homeless.